Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Scheduled Events

Event Title : Research with a purpose: how youth can create a healthier Bangladesh
Date & Time : 27-06-2018
Venue : AUDI 801 (3:00 PM to 4:15 PM)
Organizer : The event is co-organized by USAID and NSU
Event Details


Here's the agenda for today's event -
  • 2:55 pm - Guests take seats
  • 3:00 pm - MC welcomes everyone and requests USAID to give the opening remarks
  • 3:05 pm - Opening remarks (USAID)
  • 3:10 pm - Moderator Rushdi Ashique (USAID) introduces the topic, introduces the panelists and requests panelists to address the topic briefly
  • 3:15 pm - Dr. Iftekhar Rashid, Health Systems Strengthening Team Lead, USAID
  • 3:20 pm - Dr. Khadija Leena, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, NSU
  • 3:25 pm - Dr. Shams Arifeen, icddr,b
  • 3:30 pm - Yasmin Siddiqua, MEL Advisor, USAID's Ujjiban SBCC Activity 
  • 3:35 pm - Toufiq Maruf, Deputy Chief Reporter, Kaler Kontho; President, Bangladesh Health Journalists' Forum
  • 3:40 pm - Moderator thanks the panelists, summarizes the discussion points and opens the floor for Q&A
  • 4:00 pm - Q&A ends; MC welcomes NSU to give vote of thanks
  • 4:05 pm - Vote of thanks (NSU)
  • 4:15 pm - Program ends