School Research Mission
Research Mission Statement : School of Business & Economics

School Research Mission Statement

Academic research is the key to our mission. Creative and high-impact research promotes the concept of life-long learning by granting our faculty members greater expertise in their chosen field. This helps produce competent graduates by expanding the study options open to our students and makes our degrees more valuable. The general objectives of this research agenda are:

  • To conduct research that will contribute to the body of knowledge pertinent to business education and practice.
  • To share research findings through written publications and presentations at conferences and workshops.
  • To inaugurate the NSU Business Case Research Center and seek affiliation with SAGE Publication to consolidate efforts of the different departments of SBE in integrating instruction and research, through the development of business cases in Bangladeshi and South East Asian contexts that are timely, informative and diverse.
  • To establish the North South Business Review (ISSN: 1991-4938) website with an online directory that provides access to all publications of this journal. The first issue (Vol.1, Issue No.1) of the journal was published in July 2006. Currently, the journal is Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) enlisted as a C-ranked journal.
  • To catalogue the prestigious academic journal of SBE, North South Business Review (ISSN: 1991-4938), in the largest database of peer-reviewed literature SCOPUS and the leading academic publisher SAGE Publications, India within the next 5 years.
  • To promote our SBE research strategy by advising all faculties, especially lecturers, to publish at least one article each year in journals with a SCOPUS ranking.
  • To establish a partnership with SAGE Business Cases as a potential content partner through their website, with an online directory that provides access to all published cases of this digital collection. Current leading academic institutions that are also a content partner of SAGE Business Cases include: Mendoza College of Business (University of Notre Dame), Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, Judge Business School (University of Cambridge), Evans School of Public Policy & Governance (University of Washington), University of Zurich, Wits Business School, Yale School of Management, Graziadio School of Business and Management, Rotterdam School of Management(Erasmus University), and Haas School of Business (University of California, Berkeley) ( Our objective is to connect with them through published cases. Our SBE case studies are published in global reputed journals, such as Vision - The Journal of Business Perspective (SAGE Publications), South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases (SAGE Publications), Decision(Springer), Business Perspectives and Research (SAGE Publications), SAGE Business Cases, Ivy Cases(Richard Ivey School of Business) and Asian Case Research Journal (World Scientific) (as shown in Table 3). SAGE Business Cases is the first discipline-wide digital collection tailored to academic needs, providing IP-wide access to cases and making discovery and research easier outside of the traditional percase purchase model. SAGE Business Cases are integrated with SAGE's book, video, and reference content, allowing for a rich research environment. SAGE Business Cases brings business to life—inspiring students, researchers, and practitioners to develop their own best practices and reach for professional success. In 2018, this truly global collection included 2,500 case studies and with 3 more publication we aim to be one of the content partners of SAGE Business Case by 2019!
Research Mission Statement : School of Engineering & Physical Sciences

School Research Mission Statement

The School of Engineering and Physical Sciences (SEPS) at North South University aims to be the center of excellence in innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship through cutting-edge research in the field of engineering, computing, architecture and physical sciences. The school aims at working in line with Bangladesh’s national research strategy and fostering the achievement of national, regional, and global sustainable development goals. In order to achieve these goals, the school will pursue interdisciplinary research to find out practical, economical, and sustainable solutions of the society’s critical and unique challenges. SEPS will also foster inter-institutional and international cooperative and collaborative research opportunities, spur local science and technology innovation through international research collaboration, and promote and disseminate research outcomes benefitting the national, regional, and global community. The school will continue working on enhancing capacity building in research by developing field-specific research groups and centers, as well as university-wide research institutes.

Research Mission Statement : School of Humanities & Social Sciences

School Research Mission Statement

Our Research Mission is to be recognized nationally, regionally and globally as a reputed school of interdisciplinary research in humanities and social sciences.

While the general mission of the School is to lay broad based foundation in liberal arts and social sciences and produce academic excellence in selected areas of these diverse disciplines, our research mission to equip our students and faculty with skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their academic and professional disciplines.

The following are the specific Research Strategies of the School

  1. Top priority for the School is expansion and capacity building. Two of the departments of the School are yet to introduce degree programs and one of the urgent task of SHSS in next three years is to introduce at least one degree program each in the two departments – PSS and DHP and one each more in the next five years. Side by side, the School will hire competent faculty members in develop its research capacity
  2. In order to bring about natural growth of research in academia, the School will strive to introduce, when permitted by the Government, Ph.D. program, in SIPG to begin with and then in DEML, DHP and PSS
  3. To encourage multidisciplinary research among faculty members of different departments and encourage the practice of internal collaboration young faculty members under the mentorship of senior faculty members. This will increase research capacity in the School and no less important, decrease research shyness in humanities and social sciences by increasing the number of quality research outputs.
  4. Each faculty member in each department will have to publish at least one article in SCOPUS indexed journals each year during next three years. Faculty members should be able to comply with this target in respective research from the beginning.
  5. In order to ensure quality and sustained research, partial release from teaching load may be granted to faculty member who can show tangible evidence of progress in research completion of which requires release time. Such applications for release time will be evaluated by the School Scientific Review Committee formed by the Office of Research, NSU
  6. Similar release time in line with buying teaching time, as available in reputed universities abroad, may be granted to faculty members if they can bring research fund from funding agencies.
  7. The School will encourage and undertake measures to promote international collaborative research with reputed scholars and institutions in relevant fields.
  8. To encourage and supplement research of the faculty members, regular seminar/colloquium series will be organized. Major national, regional and international seminars conferences will be organized.

The School Scientific Review Committee will maintain strict vigilance over plagiarism, ethical and other research protocols in consistency with the policy developed by OR-NSU.

Research Mission Statement : School of Health & Life Sciences

School Research Mission Statement

The mission of the SHLS is:

  • to create and disseminate knowledge through basic and applied research having national impacts and global recognition in the fields of environmental, medical and life sciences
  • to engage faculty members, students, and scientists in high quality research, and
  • to strengthen and expand research collaborations with globally renowned academic institutions and industries.