Club Superstar : Maisha Maliha

Juggling academics and extra-curricular activities:
It seems surreal that only four years ago, I roamed the very halls of this University trying to find my way to my classes. One of the most beautiful chapters of my life has come to an end and I can truly say NSU has given me tons of memories to cherish. I was always very keen on extra-curricular activities be it playing sports, dancing, painting, writing or even participating in competitions but I always feared that it would somehow hamper my academics. However, that never stopped me from trying out new things and exploring my potential for the full four years that I have been at NSU. I always believed that one should have a balance of everything. I started working as an active member of the NSU Pharmaceutical Club from the very beginning. I loved participating in all the programs that my club hosted but never had the courage to actually run it. I did not realize I had the leadership skills in me up until I became the President of the club. Maintaining my CGPA and clubbing has been quite a handful for me but I would not have it any other way. NSUPC has taught me how to be patient, how to cope with stress and meet deadlines together with an opportunity to hone my skills outside the classroom. I believe that is why I was chosen to be the Valedictorian for the 22nd Convocation as I broke all the norms and proved that you can be the best of both worlds!