“Revisiting the Consumer Rights Protection Act, 2009”, Dhaka University Law Journal Vol 27 No. 2 December 2016.
- “The TRIPS Agreement and Farmers’ Right to Produce Food: Impact on the Right to Food and Food Security”, Chittagong University Journal of Law, Vol.No. XXI (2016).
- “Trans-border Movement of Natural Persons under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the Right to Work”, Rajshahi University Law Journal 2015.
- “Trade v. Human Rights: GATT Article XX in context”, Journal of BILIA (November 2015)
- ‘Privatization of Public Services and Its Impacts on Human Rights’, Chittagong University Journal of Law, Vol.xix,2014
- ‘Embracing Human Rights in the WTO: Reality or Rhetoric?’, ELCOP Yearbook on ‘Human Rights and Religion’, 2014, ELCOP, Dhaka.
- ‘Linking Human Rights in the WTO: Realities and Challenges’, Dhaka University Law Journal Vol.24, N0. 1, June 2013.
- ‘Climate Justice, Transfer of Technology and Sustainable Development: Reality or Rhetoric?’, ELCOP Yearbook on ‘Climate Justice and Human Rights, 2013, ELCCOP, Dhaka.
- Child Labour in Bangladesh: Facts and Laws, Chittagong University Journal of Law, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh 2007. Co-author: Gobinda Chandra Mandal.
- Co-author of the book Training Manual on Human Rights and Governance (Chapter 14; Labour Rights in Bangladesh). ManusherJonno Foundation (MJF), Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2006
- Co-author of the book Training Manual on Human Rights and Governance (Chapter 7; Courts in Bangladesh and Their Jurisdiction), ManusherJonno Foundation (MJF), Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2006.
- WTO Dispute Settlement Procedure: A New Era in the Dispute Settlement System, Dhaka University Studies Part-F’ (Journal of The Faculty of Law), University of Dhaka in 2006. Co-author : Gobinda Chandra Mandal
- Research Work: Existing ADR Framework in Bangladesh, published in the book `Human Rights: 60 Years after UDHR’, ELCOP, Dhaka, 2008. Co-author:Gobinda Chandra Mandal.
- Traditional Knowledge: Scope and Important of Protection, Human Rights Summer School Manual Titled `Human Rights and Non State Actors’. Published by ELCOP, 2005, pp 157-166.
- Land Ownership and Law on Ceiling: An agenda for Land Reform in Bangladesh. The Chittagong University Journal of Law, Vol-3, 1998 pp (22-40). Co-author :Morshed Mahmud Khan.
- WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Process: A New Regime of International Dispute Settlement: The Chittagong University Journal of Law, Vol-3, 1998, pp 139-159.
- .`Reform of Rape Related Laws of Bangladesh’, The Chittagong University Journal of Law, Vol-2, 1997 pp. Co-author: Morshed Mahmud Khan.
Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship (MQRES) to pursue PhD in the Macquarie University during 2008-2012. Received PhD on “Making International Trade Human Rights Friendly: Mainstreaming and Integrating Human Right in the WTO” from Law School of Macquarie University.
Cambridge-Commonwealth Trust Scholarship in the year 1999 for one (01) year LL.M course.
WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) award in the year 1999 for one (01) year LLM course on Intellectual Property Law in U.S.A.
- PhD fromLaw School, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia in 2012.
- LLM in Patent & Intellectual Property Law in 1998, George Washington University, Washington D.C, U.S.A
- LLM (General) in 1991 (held in 1994), University of Dhaka, Dhaka. (1st Class 2ndPosition)
- LLB (Hons.) in 1990 (held in 1992), University of Dhaka, Dhaka. (1st Class 1st Position)
- HSC in 1986, Holy Cross College, Dhaka.(1stClass)
- SSC in 1984, Faijunnessa Govt. Girl’s School, Comilla. (1st Class)
- Administrative Experience: Coordinator, Research and Documentation, Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP) from 2013 – 2015.
- House Tutor, Begum FazilatunnessaMujib Hall, University of Dhaka. From 22July 2001 to 17August 2008.
- Coordinator, Street Law Program, Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP) from 2003 to 2008.
- Legal Officer, Association for Land Reform and Development (ALRD), From March 1994 to October 1995.