Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Dr. Norman Kenneth Swazo

Full Time Faculty
Director, Office of Research-NSU, and Professor of Philosophy

Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) in Philosophy, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA, 1988

Graduate Certificate in  Global Policy Studies, The University of Georgia, Center for Global Policy Studies, Athens, GA, USA, 1987

M.H.S.A, (Master of Health Services Administration), The University of Michigan, School of Public Health, Department of Health Planning and Administration,  Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 1978

A.B., magna cum laude, Independent Concentration in Science and Human Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, USA, 1976, including Certificate of Completion of Program in Science in Human Affairs

Telephone: +880-2-55668200 Ext- 1070



OFFICE: Room: Admin 625


Dr. Norman K. Swazo is Director, Office of Research-NSU in the Office of the Vice Chancellor, and Professor of Philosophy, Department of History and Philosophy, in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.  Professor Swazo joined NSU in September 2014 and served as Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for the period January 2015 through August 2016.  He was appointed Director, Office of Research-NSU in November 2018.

He has taught previously in the USA (University of Alaska, Fairbanks; tenured Professor of Philosophy and Department Chair, Department of Philosophy and Humanities) and in Saudi Arabia (Alfaisal University, Riyadh; as Professor of Philosophy and Biomedical Ethics, and Interim/Acting Dean, College of Science and General Studies).  He specializes in ethics in international affairs, recent European philosophy, and biomedical ethics.  He also publishes in religious studies, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Following completion of a professional degree from the University of Michigan School of Public Health and prior to his academic work, Professor Swazo served as a Consultant with the Regional Office of the Americas of the World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), with assignments at the regional office's Division of Health Services in Washington D.C. and at country level in Honduras in Central America and in the Caribbean islands of Grenada and Dominica.


Swazo, N.K. Levinas, Ethics, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Routledge, 2024/2025, in press)

Swazo, N.K., Haque, Sk. T., Haque, M., Nower, T., The Rohingya Crisis: A Moral, Ethnographic, and Policy Assessment (Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2020)

Swazo, N.K., Heidegger's Entscheidung: "Decision" between "Fate" and "Destiny" (New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2020)

Swazo, N.K., Destroying Idols: Revisioning the Meaning of 'God' (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2019)

Swazo, N.K. ed., Topics in Moral Philosophy and Applied Ethics: An Anthology (Dhaka: Century Publications, 2018) 

Swazo, N.K., Crisis Theory and World Order: Heideggerian Reflections (Albany: SUNY Press, 2002)


“‘Phenomenology’ in the service of  ‘Artificial Intelligence’: A Heideggerian Critique,” ResearchGate preprint, March 2024,

“Duties to Future Generations and Nuclear Weapons Disarmament: A Function of Time Consciousness,” ResearchGate preprint, March 2024,

“Pandemic Vaccines and ‘the Global Public Good’: A Call for Distributive Justice,” ResearchGate preprint, November 2023,

“The Prescience of D.F. Jones’s Colossus: Anticipating the AI Threat for Nuclear Weapons Command and Control, ResearchGate preprint 20 June 2023,

“‘For the Sake of Justice Due’: Debating Law and Morality in Justice Radhabinod Pal’s Dissent in the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal”, ResearchGate preprint 11 June 2023 available at:'s_Dissent_in_the_Tokyo_War_Crimes_Tribunal  

“The World has an Achilles Heel: A Moral Argument that NATO Should be Dismantled,” Working Paper Series 11, 2022, Center for Peace Studies, South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance, North South University,

“Commentary: Time for a Global Pandemic Treaty,” posted on ResearchGate:

“The Cryptic Origin of SARS-COV-2: Research Integrity amidst Competing Scientific Hypotheses” (revised version after peer review; preprint uploaded on 05 April 2022,

“Authenticity and Dogma: An Inextricable Connection in Heidegger’s Thought?” PhilArchive, 27 May 2021,

“The ‘Unguarding’ (Vehrwahrlosung) of Human Life in Biotechnology: Thinking Essentially with Heidegger,” PhilArchive, 27 May 2021,

“Trump’s Inducement of America’s Banality of Evil,” PhilArchive, 27 May 2021,

“Between ‘Research’ and ‘Innovative Therapy’: An Unsettled Moral Dilemma in the Muizelaar Case,” PhilArchive:  Swazo, Norman, Between “Research” and “Innovative Therapy”: An Unsettled Moral Dilemma in the Muizelaar Case. PhilSciArchive, 25 October 2017, copy v1:

“To Remake Man and the World…(comme si?): Camus’s “Ethics” contra Nihilism,” PhilArchive, 12 March 2020,

Journal Articles

“The Prescience of D.F. Jones’s Colossus: Anticipating the AI Threat for Nuclear Weapons Command and Control,” Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies (forthcoming) **

“Heracles, Hyllus, and the Moral Dilemma of Voluntary Assisted Dying in Sophocles’s Trachinae,Literature and Medicine, (forthcoming) **

"Werner Marx and Martin Heidegger: What 'Measure' for a Post-Metaphysical Ethics," Conatus--Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2024, 249-281, 

Norman K. Swazo and Md. Rizwanul Islam, “The Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in the Light of the Prohibition of Genocide and Jus Cogens Norms,” Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2024, 

“Prolegomenon to an ‘Originary’ Politics: Heidegger’s Hermeneutic Signposts,” Res Philosophica, Vol. 101, No. 1, 2024, 23-53,   

“‘The andro+gyne that therefore I am’: A Derridean Commentary,” International Journal of the Asian Philosophical Association, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2023, pp.  179-206, 

“Bangladesh and the Challenge of Positive Peace,” Progress: A Civil Society Magazine, 24 October 2022, 

“Ethics, Cultural Metaphysics, and Ideology in ‘South Asia’: To contest or decontest, that is the question…” Journal of Ethnophilosophical Questions and Global Ethics, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2022, pp. 1-62,   [preprint of an earlier version of this paper uploaded on ResearchGate, 12 January 2022,  

“Between Hospitality and Hostility: A Derridean Reflection on ‘the Refugee’”, Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy/Revue de la philosophie française et de langue française, Vol. XXX, No. 1, 2022, pp. 17-38, 

"To Live the Piety of Reason: Spinoza's Authentic Choice," Res Cogitans--Journal of Philosophy, 1-30, 

"To Remake Man and the World...comme si?: Camus's "Ethics" contra Nihilism," Philosophical Readings, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2022, pp. 44-53, DOI:10.5281.6192562 

“The Challenge of Peace Research in the 21st Century,” Working Paper Series 2, Center for Peace Studies, South Asian Institute for Policy and Governance, November 2021, 

“‘Death’ in the Literary Imagination: Milton Steinberg’s As a Driven Leaf,” Zeramim: Online Journal of Applied Jewish Thought , Vol. VI, No. 1, pp. 1-37, Fall 2021, 

“Heidegger on Poets for a Destitute Time,” Panini: NSU Studies in Language & LIterature, Vol. 9, 2020-2021 (published November 2022), pp. 1-22

"Heidegger, Aristotle, and Dasein's Possibility of Being," Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy, Online First: 17 August 2021, 

"The Poetic Task of 'Becoming Homely': Heidegger reading Hölderlin reading Sophocles," Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2021, 

"He Jiankui, Gene Research, and Gene Therapy," International Journal of the Asian Philosophical Association, Vol. 13, No. 2, July 2020, pp. 7-23

“‘Un-Promethean’ Science and the Future of Humanity: Heidegger’s Warning,” History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 43(33), 2021, DOI: 

"A Duty to Treat?  A Right to Refrain?  Bangladeshi Physicians in Moral Dilemma during COVID-19" (co-athors: Md. Munir Talukder, Mohammad Kamrul Ahsan), Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine,15:7, 2020,

"Doing Wrong to 'Lulu' and 'Nana'?  Applying Parfit to the He Jankui Experiment," International Journal of Applied Philosophy, Online 19 January 2021, 

“Heidegger and the ‘Situation’ of Ethics,” Zeitschrift für Ethik und Moralphilosophie (Published online 11 August 2020, 

"'Shevek' in Ursula K. LeGuin's The Dispossessed: A Profile in Heideggerian Authentic Selfhood," Janus Head: An Interdisciplinary Journal in Continental Philosophy, Literature, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2020, pp. 42-52

"Global Justice v. US Global Hegemony: Rejecting Bolton's Opposition to the ICC," International Comparative Policy, Ethics, and Law Review, Volume 3, Number 1, 2020, 123-166

“‘For the Sake of Repairing the World’ (mipnei tikkun ha’olam),” Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Vol. 54, No. 1, Winter 2019, pp. 119-147

"Against State Censorship of Thought and Speech: The 'Mandate of Philosophy' contra Islamist Ideology," International Journal of Political Theory, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-23.

“Heidegger’s Destruktion of Theology: ‘Primordial Faith’ and ‘Recognition’ of Messiah,” Modern Theology, September 2018, Online DOI: 10.1111/moth.12447; print version, Modern Theology, Vol. 35, No. 1, January 2019, pp. 138-162,

“Jihadists ‘Wrong Themselves’ Morally: An Islamic Aristotelian Interpretation,” Ilahiyat Studies: A Journal on Islamic and Religious Studies, Vol. 9, No. 1, Winter/Spring 2018, pp.1-36.

"Questioning Islamic Belief in Post-Genocide Bangladesh: Mu'tazilites and Ash'arites, Sohail and Maya," Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, Fall 2018, pp. 272-290.

"Appropriating Islamic Law for International Law?" Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, Vol. 54, 2018, pp. 101-106; DOI: 10.5840/wcp233018541170.

"Socrates and the Courage of Veridiction, according to Foucault," International Journal of the Asian Philosophical Association, Vol. 10, No. 2, July 2017, pp. 125-158.

"'Moral Enigma' in Shakespeare's Othello? An Exercise in Philosophical Hermeneutics," Janus Head: An Interdisciplinary Journal in Continental Philosophy, Literature, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts, Vol 16, No. 2, 2018, 128-155.

"A Request for Non-voluntary Euthanasia in Bangladesh: A Moral Assessment," Bioethics in Faith and Practice, Vol. 3, No. 1, Article 6, 2017, pp. 23-35; DOI: 10.15385/jbfp.2017.3.1.6; 

"'Unnatural' Thoughts?  On Moral Enhancement of the Human Animal," Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, online DOI 10.1007s/11019-017-9758-1, 15 February 2017, pp. 1-12 

"Applying Dworkin's Legal Philosophy contra Islamist Ideology: Shari'ah as a Matter of Interpretation (ijtihad) and Ethics (ilm al-akhlaq)," UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2017, pp. 90-113; DOI: 10.14324/111.2052-1871.080

"SCNT Method, Cloned Animals, and Patent Eligibility," Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics, Vol. 7, No 2, July 2016, pp. 14-24; 

"Engaging the Hermeneutics of Suspicion about Islamic Faith and Practice," International Journal on World Peace, Vol. 33, No. 2, June 2016, pp. 9-41

"'No Contagion' (la 'adwa) in Islam: Between the Imperatives of Hadith and Medical Practice," Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine, Vols. 14-15, Nos. 27-30, April/October 2015-2016, pp. 168-172

"Santhara between Law and Morality: India's Dilemma about a Jain Practice," Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, Vol. 25, No. 4, July 2015, pp. 100-104

“CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Editing of Human β-globin Gene in Human Cells: A Commentary on the Research Ethics,” Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2015

“A Critical Engagement of Bostrom’s Computer Simulation Hypothesis” (posted as “preprint” version on PhilSci-Archives [Archive for Preprints in Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh]), 15 July 2015, (

"Jahi McMath and the Ethics of the Brain Death Standard," Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics, 2014, 5(3):18-22. 

“Prolegomenon to a Phenomenology of ‘the Qur’an’,” Sophia: International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions, online first, 20 December 2014, DOI 10.1007/s11841-014-0451-z 

“Gene Therapy and Bioethics,” Invited Contribution for the Encyclopedia on Global Bioethics, ed. Henk ten Have, M.D., Ph.D., Springer (accepted; in production stage; publication issue 2016/2017)

“A Physician’s Duty to Treat MERS-CoV Patients?  An Ethical Assessment,” Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, May 2014, 24(3), 81-87

“The Case of Hamza Kashgari: Examining Apostasy, Heresy, and Blasphemy under Shari'a,” Review of Faith and International Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2014, pp. 16-26

“Beautiful Memories; Fabulous Memories: A Meta-narrative on the Conflicted Identity of ‘Hani’ Abu Zubaydah,” International Journal on World Peace, Vol. 31, No. 3, September 2014

“A Grave Problem of Conscience: Kantian Morality in the Face of Psychopathy,” International Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 28, No. 1, Spring 2014, pp. 89-107

“Rabbi Elisha ben Abuyah ‘at the Mind’s Limit:’ Between Theodicy and Fate, “ Philosophy and Literature, Volume 38, No. 1, April 2014, pp. 153-168;

“‘The Animal’ after Derrida: Interrogating the Bioethics of ‘Geno-cide’”, Les Ateliers de l'éthique/Ethics Forum, Vol. 8, No. 1, September 2013, pp. 91-123

“Engaging the Normative Question in the H5N1 Mutation Experiment,” Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine, 8:12, 05 September 2013;

“Defeasible Logic in Contemporary Bioethics: On the Relevance of both Casuistry and Islamic Ijtihad,” in H. Bashir, Phillip W. Gray, Eyad Masad, eds., Co-Existing in a Globalized World: Key Themes in Inter-professional Ethics, (Lexington Books, 2013), pp. 1-28

“A Meditation on Heresy and Rational Ignorance,” Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions, Vol. 7, 2011, pp. 195-209 [issued in 2012]

“Islamic Intellectualism: Rahman, Gadamer, and the Hermeneutics of the Qur’an,” American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Vol. 28, No. 4, October/December 2011, pp. 1-30

“Negotiating the Climate Change Regime: The Case of Saudi Arabia,” Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 2010, pp. 11-25.

"‘Just one animal among many?’ Existential Phenomenology, Ethics, and Stem Cell Research," Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2010, pp. 197-224,

“‘Games of Truth?’ A Foucauldian Commentary on the Objectivation of Caster Semenya,” The Ethical Spectacle, Vol. XV, No. 12, December 2009,

Book Review: Abdulaziz Sachedina, Islamic Biomedical Ethics: Principles and Application (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009), published in American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Vol. 26, No. 4, Fall 2009, pp. 111-113

“Rehabilitating Islamic Ethics: A ‘Postmodern’ Opportunity for Contemporary Islam”, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Vol. 26, No. 2, May 2009, pp. 1-22

“From Crisis to Renovation: HwaYol Jung’s Contribution to Political Theory.”  In Jin Y. Park, ed., Comparative Political Theory and Cross-Cultural Philosophy: Essays in Honor of HwaYol Jung (Lexington Books: 2009), pp. 83-101

“‘My brother is my king’: Evaluating the Moral Duty of Global Jihad, International Journal on World Peace, Vol. 25, No. 4, December 2008, pp. 7-47

“‘A Chance to Do the Science Right’: Evaluating the Ethics of the Genographic Project,” in Viktor T. Koven, ed., Population Genetics Research Progress (New York: Nova Science Publishers/NOVA Biomedical Books, 2008)

“Is There an Ethical Doctor in the House? Avoiding ‘the Dream of [Having] an Ethical Algorithm,” The Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine, (29 August 2008; available online at

“Human Version 2.0: Between the ‘Banality’ and ‘Ressentiment’ of Neuroengineers,” NeuroQuantology: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Neuroscience and Quantum Physics, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2008, pp. 32-42

“’Forgotten’ Humanitarian Obligations: The Case of the Saharawi,” African Studies Monographs, Serial No. VIII (Lagos Nigeria: OnosomegbowhoOgbinaka Publishers, Ltd., in collaboration with Society of Research on African Cultures, USA, 2007)

“The Right to Health, International Law, and Economic Justice,” The Internet Journal of Law, Healthcare, and Ethics, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2007; available online at:

“Hegel’s Haunt of Hispanic American Philosophy: The Case of Augusto Salazar Bondy,” A Parte Rei: Revista de Filosofía, Vol. 52, July 2007, pp. 1-12; online at;

“Hegel’s Haunt of Hispanic American Philosophy: The Case of Augusto Salazar Bondy,” in Chinese translation, published in Latest Studies of Social Sciences of Foreign Countries: 2007 (Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, 2007)

“Whose Culture? Which Rights? The West’s ‘Collocution’ with the Margin,” in Proceedings of the Twenty-first World Congress of Philosophy, Volume 3: Human Rights, Zeynep Divran and Stephen Voss, editors, (Ankara: Philosophical Society of Turkey, 2007)

“Exemption from the Torture Ban? A Moral Critique of the Bush Administration Policy”, Public Affairs Quarterly: Philosophical Studies of Public Policy Issues, Vol. 21, No. 1, January 2007, pp. 61-87;

“Preserving the Ethos: Heidegger and Sophocles’ Antigone,” Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, Vol. 10, No. 2, Fall 2006, pp. 441-471 /symposium_2006_0010_0002_0441_0471

“Renouncing the Territorial Impulse of Zionism: An “Unorthodox” Commentary,” Concerned Philosophers for Peace Newsletter (Fall 2006);

“Calculating Risk/Benefit in X-Linked Severe Combined Immune Deficiency Disorder (X-linked SCID) Gene Therapy Trials: The Task of Ethical Evaluation,” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol. 31, October 2006, pp. 533-564;

Bereshith and Ainulindalë: Exegesis and Allegoresis in Tension,” Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, Vol. 16, No. 4, Fall 2006, pp. 302-319

“Bioethics and Research Ethics in the Far North,” with Lawrence Duffy, Sven Ebbesson, Michael Harris, Marvin Schulte, 13th International Congress on Circumpolar Health Gateway to the International Polar Year, Novosibirsk, Russia, June 12 -16, 2006; 

“’Star Chamber’ Law: A Citizen’s Dissent on Padilla v. Hanft,” The Ethical Spectacle, October 2005,

Review of Irvine H. Anderson, Biblical Interpretation and Middle East Policy: The Promised Land, America, and Israel, 1917-2002 (2005) and Eric H. Cline, Jerusalem Besieged: From Ancient Canaan to Modern Israel (2004), International Journal on World Peace, Vol. XXII, No. 3, September 2005, pp. 92-94

“Research Integrity and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Appropriating Foucault’s Critique of Knowledge/Power,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Vol. 36, No. 3, September 2005, pp. 568-584

“Whose Culture? Which Rights?  The West’s ‘Collocution’ with the Margin?”, translated into Turkish by Professor Zeynep Direk of the Department of Philosophy, Galatasaray University (Istanbul), published as “KiminKültürü? HangiHaklar? Batı’nınMarjiniyle “KonuÅŸması,” Cogito, Vol. 43, 2005, pp. 41-46

“The Duty of Congress to Check the President’s Prerogative in National Security Policy,” International Journal on World Peace, Vol. XXI, No. 4, December 2004, pp. 21-62

Review of Gordon Anderson, Philosophy of the United States: Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness, Paragon House, Issues in Philosophy Series, 2004; in International Journal on World Peace, Vol. XXI, No. 3, September 2004 [invited review]

“Primacy or World Order?  The New Pax Americana, International Journal on World Peace, Vol. XXI, No. 1, March 2004, pp. 17-40

“Philosophical Identity and the Quest for Planetary Thinking”, Comparative Civilizations Review, No. 50, Spring 2004, pp. 47-81

“The Neturei Karta’s Ethical Challenge to ‘the Metaphysics of False Redemption’ in the State of Israel,” Disputatio Philosophica: International Journal on Philosophy and Religion, No. 1, 2003, pp. 103-145;

“Questioning the Bush Administration’s Concept of a Global ‘War’ on Terror,” The Ethical Spectacle, April 2004;

“Anticipating the U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Al Odah v. United States,” The Ethical Spectacle, Vol. IX, No. 5, December 2003;

“‘Rules of Law’ in the U.S. Global War on Terrorism?” The Ethical Spectacle, Vol. IX, No. 4, April 2003;

“Just War Against Iraq in 2003?  Accounting for Walzer’s Instruction on Anticipation”, The Ethical Spectacle, Vol. IX, No. 2, February 2003;

“For ‘Just Results’: Questioning National Missile Defense Research in Alaska”, Journal of Philosophy, Science, and Law, Vol. 2, July 2002,

“Crimes Against the Peace and Security of Humanity”, Concerned Philosophers for Peace Newsletter, Vol. 21, No. 1, Spring 2002, pp. 1-7

“Crisis Theory as a Challenge to Peace Research”, Concerned Philosophers for Peace Newsletter, Vol. 20, No. 1 & 2, Spring & Fall 2000, pp. 27-34

"Philosophical Identity and the Quest for Planetary Thinking", in Chinese translation, in Latest Studies of Social Sciences of Foreign Countries, translated into Chinese by Professor Yu Xuanmeng of the Institute of Philosophy, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (People’s Republic of China, Fall 2001; ISBN: 7-80618-953-X/C.125)

“Dissenting from Rabbi Neusner: A Critical Interaction with A Rabbi Speaks with Jesus”, Kesher: A Journal of Messianic Judaism, Issue 13, Summer 2001, pp. 108-122

“Know Thyself, Therapist?  A Philosopher’s Metatheoretical Query”, Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, Vol. 20, No. 1, Spring 2000, pp. 36-51;

“The Contemporary Chinese Conception of World Order”, Ambassador Programs Delegation Journal, 2001; paper prepared for presentation while a member of a Philosophy Delegation to the People’s Republic of China, organized by People to People Ambassador Programs, October 2000.

"A Preface to Silence: On the Duty of Vigilant Critique", Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts, Vol. II, No. 2, Fall 1999, pp. 189-215;

"Philosophical Pluralism in the Service of Humane Governance", Comparative Philosophy Section, PAIDEIA: Project Online, Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of Philosophy, June1999

“Waiting for God: A Hasidic View”, Comparative Civilizations Review, No. 38, Spring 1998, pp. 15-50

polypragmon or apragmon or autarchos? Questioning Dauenhauer on Citizenship”, International Studies in Philosophy, 30:4, 1998, pp. 79-95

“A Preface to Silence: On the Duty of Vigilant Critique”, The Precipice: Socratic Society Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1997, pp. 41-59

“Planetary Politics and the Essence of Technology: A Heideggerian Analysis”, Dialogos; Vol. 70, July 1997, pp. 147-179

Gnothi sauton: Heidegger’s Problem Ours", Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 25:3, October 1994, pp. 262-286

L’Affaire Heidegger”, Human Studies: A Journal for Philosophy and the Social Sciences, 16:3, October 1993, pp. 359-380;

“The Authentic Tele of Politics: A Reading of Aristotle”, History of Political Thought, 12:3, Autumn 1991, pp. 403-420;

“Whence comes this uncanniest of all guests?”,The Mountain Journal (University of the South), 7:1, Fall 1989, pp. 32-36

“Heidegger on Being with Others”, Dialogue, 30:1, October1987, pp. 1-10                         

“Contemporary Politics: Crisis of Infirmity”, Man and World: An International Review, 19, 1986, pp. 203-223

“The ‘Ontological’ Meaning of the World Order Movement”, Alternatives: A Journal of World Policy, 10:2, 1984, pp. 267-294

“World Government and Global Anarchy: A Theological Projection of the Future”, Alternatives: A Journal of World Policy, 7:3, Winter 1981-1982, pp. 291-316

“The Anarchical Stream in World Order Thinking”, Alternatives: A Journal of World Policy, 3:4, May 1978, pp. 515-525;

Certificate of Appreciation, for Chief Guest Presentation, Deep Ecology Forum, Jahangirnahar University, 26 July 2021

First Professor 2013 (All-University Excellence in Teaching Award), Alfaisal University, June 2013

Certificate of Recognition, Alfaisal University, June 2011

 Certificate of Appreciation (for service as Member, Advisory Council), Office of Multicultural Affairs & Diversity, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks AK, May 2008

 Certificate of Appreciation (for service as Chair, Faculty Appeals & Oversight Committee), UAF Faculty Senate, University of Alaska Fairbanks, May 2007

 Faculty Recognition Award, Office of Research Development, College of Liberal Arts, University of Alaska Fairbanks, April 2007

 Certificate of Appreciation, UAF Office of Multicultural Affairs & Diversity, for service as Faculty Advisor to the UAF Club Latino/HOLA (Hispanic Latino Awareness) and service on Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration Planning Committee, 07 October 2006

 Faculty Recognition Award/Certificate of Special Recognition, UAF Club Latino/HOLA (Hispanic Latino Awareness), 07 October 2006

 Academic Freedom Award, ACCFT-Alaska Community Colleges Federation of Teachers, 05 May 2004 (awarded for my activities as President of the UAF Faculty Senate--facilitating campus debate   and promoting an institutional policy of faculty oversight of classified (military) research at the University of Alaska Fairbanks; award presentation on 08 October 2004)

 Nominee, Usibelli Distinguished Service Award, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Spring Semester, 2002

 Nominee, Humanities Educator, 2002 Governor’s Humanities Awards, Alaska Humanities Forum, Fall 2002

 Nominee, Honors Program Robert Piacenza Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Spring Semester 2000

 Outstanding Advisor Award for AY1999-2000, Undergraduate Academic Advising, Carol Feist Awards Program, UAF Academic Advising Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks

 Election to the National Interdisciplinary Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, FKF, by the Phi Kappa Phi Chapter at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, April 19, 1998;

 American Philosophical Association, Certificate in recognition of teaching excellence in philosophy, awarded by the APA Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy, April 1997

University of Alaska Fairbanks, College of Liberal Arts, Excellence in Teaching Award for 1996, awarded by the Dean’s Undergraduate Student Advisory Committee

Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)The University of Georgia, Department of Philosophy; Athens, GA, 15 August 1988

     Areas of Specialization: Ethics in International Affairs; Biomedical Ethics/Research Ethics; Recent European Philosophy (emphasis on Heidegger);

     Areas of Competence: Political Philosophy; Philosophy of Religion; History of Philosophy

Graduate Certificate in Global Policy StudiesThe University of Georgia, Center for Global Policy Studies, Athens GA; 20 August 1987

M.H.S.A. (Master of Health Services Administration), The University of MichiganSchool of Public Health, Department of Health Planning & Administration; Ann Arbor MI; Health Planning and International Health emphasis; April 1978

A.B., (Bachelor of Arts) magna cum laudePrinceton University, Princeton NJ, Independent Concentration in Science and Human Affairs, with Certificate of Completion, Program in Science in Human Affairs; June 1976

Director, Office of Research-NSU, Office of the Vice Chancellor, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, effective 19 November 2018 and continuing

Director, Office of Undergraduate Studies, Office of the Vice Chancellor, North South University, Dhaka Bangladesh, effective January 2015 through August 2016 

Professor of Philosophy, Department of History and Philosophy, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, North South University, Dhaka Bangladesh, September 2014 and continuing affiliation while Director, Office of Research-NSU

Professor of Philosophy and Biomedical Ethics
, College of Science and General Studies, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 01 August 2008 – 31 May 2014

Interim/Acting Dean, College of Science and General Studies, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; May 2010 – 05 January 2013

Assistant to the Dean, College of Science and General Studies, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2009-2010 (responsible for curriculum review & semester scheduling)

Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor of Philosophy & Department Chair, Department of Philosophy & Humanities, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK/USA, 1994-2008; Department Chair July 1997-2002 and 2004-2005; resigned tenured appointment effective 30 June 2008 to take up appointment at Alfaisal University.                              

Visiting Assistant Professor, Kansas State University, Department of Philosophy, Manhattan KS/USA; AY1992-1993

Assistant Professor, Springfield College, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Springfield MA/USA; AY1990-1991

Minority Scholar-in-Residence  (rank: Assistant Professor), The University of the South, Department of Philosophy, Sewanee TN/USA; AY1989-1990

Instructor/Graduate Teaching Assistant, The University of Georgia, Department of Philosophy, Athens GA/USA; Fall Quarter 1984-Spring Quarter 1988

Consultant, Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (United Nations), 1978-1981; provided technical support and consultation in health service planning to: Ministry of Health of Honduras; Ministry of Health of Grenada; Ministry of Health of Dominica (PAHO Caribbean Office, Barbados); and the Program in Appropriate Technology for Health, PAHO/WHO Regional Office, Division of Health Services, Washington D.C.)

Social Science Analyst, Office of International Health, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Public Health Service, Rockville MD; Summer, 1978; researched and wrote a background health survey document on Thailand, for the Asia Bureau of the U.S. Agency for International Development


Courses taught at NSU include:

PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 103 Scientific Reasoning
PHI 104 Ethics
PHI 401 Business Ethics

At other institutions, courses taught include:

Introduction to Philosophy; Ethics; Contemporary Moral Problems; Epistemology; Metaphysics; Ancient Greek Philosophy; History of Modern Philosophy; Twentieth Century Philosophy; Philosophy and Literature; Informal Logic; Ethics and Public Policy; Ethics in International Affairs; Business Ethics; Biomedical Ethics; Introduction to Political Philosophy

Ethics in International Affairs; Bioethics; Recent European Philosophy (Heidegger); Philosophy of Religion 

Current Work in Progress or Under Review 

"The 'Unguarding' (Vehrwahrlosung) of Human Life in Biotechnology: Thinking Essentially With Heidegger," submitted to Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, review decision pending

“The Dispossessed Sahrawi of Occupied Western Sahara: A Long Neglected ‘Nakba’ Crime,” Rutgers International Law & Human Rights Journal (offer accepted for publication in the Spring 2025 print version of the journal)

Heilige Grausamkeit” (“Holy Cruelty”): A “Perspective” on Nietzsche and Infanticide,” submitted to PAEDEIA: NSU Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Law, review decision pending 

"Genocide, Suffering, and Gratitude: Interrogating Jewish and Islamic Responses of Martyrdom,"  submitted to Journal of Ethnophilosophical Questions and Global Ethics, review decision pending 

“Contested Identity and Historical Truth: The Rohingya as an ‘Indigenous’ yet ‘Stateless’ People,” (completed, a contributed chapter to a book proposal submitted to Routledge; book editors include Dr. Abdur Rob Khan, Dr. Mahbubur Rahman, and Dr. Rizwanul Islam, all of North South University)

“Debating the Biosafety of Golden Rice: A Utilitarian-Ethical Evaluation,” in progress