Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Mr. Saleheen S. Ahmed

Full Time Faculty

M.A. in Literary Studies, University of Exeter, UK,
B.A. (Hons) in Literature and Linguistics, University of Pune, India

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext-

Curriculum Vitae




MA in English Literary Studies: University of Exeter, UK

BA (Hons) in English Literature & Linguistics: University of Pune, India

ISC (12th): St. Paul's School, Darjeeling

ICSE (10th): St. Paul's School, Darjeeling

Adjunct Lecturer (April- December 2016)

Worked as part time faculty of Department of English and Modern Languages at NSU, teaching four courses in total (English- 102, 103 and Certificate of English Proficiency-CEP - North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh                        

Adjunct Lecturer (May – December 2016)  

Worked as part time faculty of the School of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts at IUB, teaching one course (English- 105 Business Communication) - Independent University of Bangladesh, Dhaka            

NGO Fund Raiser (Jan- Jun 2015)


Worked to raise funds and spread awareness about Ebola (Oxfam) and Leukemia (Anthony Nolan) in and around the city of Exeter. I strived to sensitize people towards these issues mostly through door to door or street campaigns usually along with a group of 4-6 other fundraisers. - Home Fundraising, Exeter, UK                                                     



Instructor for English- 102. 103, 105, 111, 115 & 216

ENG 111: Public Speaking Coordinator

DEML Colloquium Series Coordinator

Master's Thesis: Submitted an academic thesis with a postcolonial outlook that focused on studying the socio-economic and political standing of Bangladeshi community in the UK. The inquiry extensively deals with the first and second generation immigrants. The research highlights and elaborately addresses an intergenerational conflict between the first and second generation migrants. Titled- ‘Monica Ali’s Brick Lane (2003) and the British-Bangladeshi Community'


Other Areas of Research:

Criticism and Theory: Current Debates

Criticism and Theory: Critical and Literary Theory in a Global Context

Bodies Politics: Cultural and Sexual Politics in England, 1603-1679 (Transition from Renaissance to the Restoration period)

Undergraduate Core Thesis: Submitted an inquiry that deals with the satire of Victorian society in England and the style in which the dramatist (Wilde) uses tools of humour and sarcasm in the play Immortance of Being Earnest

Titled- 'Humour, Satire and Sarcasm with reference to Oscar Wilde's 'Immortance of Being Earnest ' (1898).