Full Time Faculty MA in Literary Studies, University of York, UK Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext- 6129 |
Article Title: The Line in the Sand: A feminist and new-historicist exploration of the treatment of the female characters in Ernest Hemingway’s novels The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms and short stories “Soldier’s Home” and “Hills Like White Elephants”
ISSN: 2156-6992
Journal (Double Blinded Peer Reviewed) Title: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought (IJMT) Volume 7, No. 3.
Indexed in WorldCat, Google Scholar, and the Consortium of American Refereed Publications.
URL: http://universitypublications.net/ijmt/0703/index.html
ï‚· Poem titled “Piece Together, Not Let You” in the seventh issue of the peer reviewed journal Six Seasons Review, on November 2017
MA in English Literary Studies, University of York, United Kingdom
MA in English Literature, North South University, Bangladesh
BA in English (Major in Literature, Minor in Linguistics), North South University, Bangladesh
Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext. 6129
Email: atanu.bhuiyan@northsouth.edu
Office: NAC 1027