Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Junayet Hossain Khan

Full Time Faculty

Nanotechnology, University of Wollongong, Australia

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext:

Curriculum Vitae


1. Khan, J.H, Marpaung, F., Young, C., Lin, J., Islam, T.M., Alsheri, S.M., . . . Kim, J. (2019). Jute-derived microporous/Mesoporous carbon with ultra-high surface area using a chemical activation process. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 274, 251-256

2. Marpaung,F., Kim,M., Khan,J.H., Konstantinov,K.,Yamauchi,Y.,Hossain,S.A.,…Kim,J. (2019). Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)-Derived Nanoporous Carbon Materials. Chemistry An Asian Journal, DOI:10.1002/asia.201900026


1.  Khan, J.H., Lin, J., Young, C., Matsagar, B.M., Wu, K.C.W., Dhepe, P.L., . . . Hossain, S.A. (2018) High  surface  area  nanoporous  carbon  derived  from  high  quality  jute  from Bangladesh. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 216, 491-495

2. Young, C., Lin, J., Wang, J., Ding, B., Zhang, X., Alshehri, S. M., Ahamad, T., Salunkhe, R. R., Hossain, S. A., Khan, J. H., Ide, Y., Kim, J., Henzie, J., Wu, K. C.-W., Kobayashi, N., & Yamauchi, Y. (2018). Significant Effect of Pore Sizes on Energy Storage in Nanoporous Carbon Supercapacitors. Chemistry - A European Journal  24(23), 6127–6132.

3. Khan, J.H (2018)  Biomass derived Nanoporous carbon with high surface area for practical Applications. 



University of Wollongong, Australia - Nanotechnology, AIIMS. 

 Nov 2018

Thesis: Biomass derived Nanoporous carbon with high surface area for practical Applications



 North South University, Pharmaceutical Sciences.

May 2015