Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Director, Center for Infrastructure Research and Services (CIRS)
Ph. D., The University of Tokyo, Japan
M. Sc. Engg. (Civil), National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
B. Sc. Engg. (Civil), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Editor, Journal of Water Management Modeling (JWMM), Computational Hydraulics International (CHI), Guelph, Canada (A SCOPUS Indexed International Journal)
Member of the Board, Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE), The Instituion of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)
Fellow, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (FIEB); Lifetime Fellow, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), UNFCCC Secretariat, Bonn, Germany; 2010 Postdoctoral Fellow, IIS, The University of Tokyo, Japan; 2003-2005 IPCC Expert Reviewer (SREX, SRREN, 1.5 degree and AR6)
Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 2053
Office: SAC734
Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam joined NSU in 2005. Presently, he is serving as Professor, CEE and Director of CIRS. Previously, he held several important positions in NSU as Dean, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences (SEPS), 2015~2017; Founder Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), 2013~2015; Chair, Department of Environmental Science & Management (ESM), 2011~2013 and Faculty Adviser of Earth Club, 2008~2011. Dr. Islam is having extensive experiences in the field of water resources and environment engineering with further concentration in climate change and disaster management. His other fields of interest include urban environmental management, industrial compliance and green building. He got training on ISO 14000, industrial environmental management and fire safety. As an academic administrator, he got training on Outcome Based Education (OBE) and attended ABET symposium in USA. He served as a a Task Force Member of the BAETE, IEB on introducing OBE in the engineering education of Bangladesh.
Dr. Islam started his career as a researcher at the Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM), BUET in 1995. He then joined in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shajalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet in 1997 as a Lecturer. He completed Masters from NUS Singapore and PhD from The University of Tokyo, Japan. During PhD study, he was involved with the Alliance for Global Sustainability (AGS), an initiative among four leading universities of the world as MIT, USA; The University of Tokyo, Japan; Chalmers University, Sweden and ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He attended the Summer School of AGS flagship program Youth Encounter on Sustainability (YES) in 2001. He also served as Regional Working Group Leader (RWGL), WYF-ASIA (World YES Forum-ASIA) Sub-region 1 (South Asia).
After his PhD, he conducted JST Postdoctoral Fellowship at Oki Laboratory, IIS, The University of Tokyo. He also served for some international organizations as UNFCCC, IPCC, UNCRD, UNDP, ADB, GIZ and World Bank for consultancy, research or short term assignment. In 2010, he served as a Research Fellow in the Secretariat of the UNFCCC in Bonn, Germany. He served IPCC as an Expert Reviewer of a number of reports as SREX, SRREN, AR6, 'Global warming of 1.5°C'. In 2017-18 he served as a 'National Consultant' of ADB. Recently, he completed several assignments as 'Team leader' of the monitoring & evaluation team to investigate government projects under IMED of the Ministry of Planning.
Dr. Sirajul published widely in different international peer reviewed journals, conference proceedings; wrote book chapters and popular articles regularly in newspapers. He is presently serving as Editor, Journal of Water Management Modeling (JWMM), Computational Hydraulics International (CHI), Guelph, Canada (A SCOPUS Indexed International Journal). He visited a large number of countries while attending conferences, meetings and workshops as USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, UAE, KSA, Qatar, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and India. Some of which to mention are attending conference at Oxford University, UK; American Geophysical Union (AGU) Joint Assembly, USA; ABET Symposium, USA; Elsevier Water Security conference, Toronto, Canada; HEQEP visit to UK, Engineers for Sustainable World (ESW) meeting at UNESCO HQ in Paris, France; ICWRER, Dresden, Germany; Young Scientists Summit in Bern and YES Summit, Zurich, Switzerland; ICFEE, Malaysia; IWMI, SriLanka; and Conferences at DIT University and IGNOU, India, etc.
Book: Book Chapter / Contributor
Islam, M. Sirajul., Islam, Manjurul (2024) Analyzing the Role of Goranchatbari Pump Station and Its Performance in Reducing Water Logging Problem of Dhaka City; Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2024, 512 LNCE, pp. 351–358, Springer. (Scopus Listed)
Al Moneim, A., Ahmed, T.U., Islam, M. Sirajul., Ahmed, K.S. (2024). Simplified Solution for Thin Plates Responses Using Beams Theory with Repetitive Boundary Conditions; Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2024, 511 LNCE, pp. 211–220, Springer. (Scopus Listed)
Md. Sirajul Islam, Nurun Nahar, Golam Sarwar (2023) Development of a Disaster and Climate Risk Atlas in Bangladesh: Methodology for Quantification of Risk, Chapter 3 of the book Multi-hazard Vulnerability and Resilience Building: Cross Cutting Issues, Edited by Indrajit Pal and Rajib Shaw, pp 27-44, Elsevier. (Scopus Listed)
Md. Sirajul Islam, Arfaa Feezanul Islam, Salemun Bahar, Nahid Hasan Sharif, S.M. Akibur Rahman, Tahmina Hadi (2023) Re-evaluation of cyclone shelters along the coastal region of Bangladesh through a risk analysis approach, in the book, Lecture Notes Series in Civil Engineering, Volume 283, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development, Edited by Indrajit Pal, Sreevalsa Kolathayar, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Iftekhar Ahmed, pp 105-132. Springer. (Scopus Listed)
Islam, M Sirajul and Khan, Mizan R. (2022) Success in Natural Disaster Management and Effort to Combat Climate Change, Book Chapter in the book 50 years of Bangladesh: A Tale of A Miracle. North South University, pp 412-423, Prothoma Prokashona, 2022.
AASSA (2021) Served as contributing author of the report THE IMPERATIVE OF CLIMATE ACTION TO PROMOTE HEALTH IN ASIA, in collaboration with Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA), 2021.
অধ্যাপক ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২০) প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগ মোকাবেলাঃ বাংলাদেশ প্রেক্ষাপটে প্রায়োগিক গবেষণার প্রয়োজনীয়তা, আন্তর্জাতিক দুর্যোগ প্রশমন দিবস ২০২০, উপলক্ষ্যে ‘দুর্যোগ ব্যবস্থাপনা ও ত্রাণ মন্ত্রণালয়, গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার’ কর্তৃক প্রকাশিত স্মারকগ্রন্থে প্রকাশিত, ১৩ অক্টোবর, ২০২০ ।
Assessment Report 6 (AR6), Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2019; Expert Reviewer.
Special report 'Global warming of 1.5°C', Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2019; Expert Reviewer.
Islam, Md. Sirajul and Khan, Mizan R (2017) The Challenges of Climate Change to SDG: The case of Bangladesh, in the book Towards Sustainable Development: Lessons From MDGs & Pathway for SDGs, edited by Munir Khasru, IPAG, pp 219-236, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Md. Sirajul Islam (2014) Water, Population and Development: Bangladesh Perspective, Publication in process in the book on Population, Development and Environment, edited by Prof. M A Mabud, South Asian Institute of Advanced Studies (SAIAS).
Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX), Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2011; Expert Reviewer.
Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN), Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2011, Expert Reviewer.
Md. Sirajul Islam, Taikan Oki, Shinjiro Kanae, Naota Hanasaki, Yasushi Agata and Kei Yoshimura (2007) A grid-based assessment of global water scarcity including virtual water trading, in Integrated Assessment of Water Resources and Global Change A North-South Analysis, Craswell, E.; Bonnell, M.; Bossio, D.; Demuth, S.; van de Giesen, N. (Eds.), 2007, 374 p., Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4020-5590-4, Springer.
জীবনের জন্য নদী (Jiboner Jonnya Nodi) (The Bengali Version of the book Rivers of Life by Kelly Haggart, Saleemul Huq and Atiq Rahman) published by Panos Publicatios, UK in co-operation with Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), Bangladesh, 1996. The book provides a critical view on the structural measures proposed in Flood Action Plan (FAP) to alleviate recurring flood events in Bangladesh. Served as one of the five contributing authors/translators (Chapter three and Chapter eight), edited by Dr. Abdullah Al-Muti Sharfuddin and Sayed Nazmuddin Hashem.
Peer Reviewed International Journal
Islam, M Sirajul, Dev, B, Alam, S R and Nishat A (2023) Technology for adaptation: a case study of developing a detailed inventory of drinking water supply technologies along the salinity-affected coastal region of Bangladesh, AQUA - Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society (2023) 72 (5): 673–689. IWA Publishing. (IWA/Scopus listed/Q2 Journal).
Tahmina Hadi, Md. Sirajul Islam, Denise Richter, Bapon Fakhruddin (2021) Seeking Shelter: The factors that influence refuge since Cyclone Gorky in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh, Progress in Disaster Science, Volume 11, October 2021, 100179, (Elsevier/Scopus listed/Q1 Journal).
Nova Ahmed, Md. Sirajul Islam*, Sifat Kalam, Farzana Islam, Nabila Chowdhury, Raquebul Salman Hafiz, Nazmus Sa-dat, Rozana Tabassum, Nazmun Nahar, Maisha Mamtaz and Shoaib Ahmed (2021) Development and testing of a low cost water level sensor and a mobile based real time flood warning system for the flash flood prone North Eastern part of Bangladesh, International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, Volume 11 , Issue 4 , 2021, pp 413 - 427. (Bemtham Science/Scopus listed/Q2 Journal).
A. T. M. Abir,MD Mostafizur Rahman,Farjana Islam,Raisa Bashar,Sirajul Islam (2018) User Response – based Sustainable Solutions to Traffic Congestion Problem Using Public Transport: The Case of Uttara, Dhaka, International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 7(2): 32-41
Islam, Md. Sirajul (2016) Commentary article on the paper 'Lesson learned from the School Earthquake Safety Initiative (SESI) and the Housing Earthquake safety Initiative (HESI) projects', Regional development Dialogue (RDD), Vol 36, pp 14-16, United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD), Nagoya, Japan. (UNCRD/Scopus Listed)
Islam. K. Ziaul; Islam. Md. Sirajul and Lacoursière J. O.(2014) Low Cost Rainwater Harvesting: An Alternate Solution to Salinity Affected Coastal Region of Bangladesh, American Journal of Water Resources, 2014, 2(6), 141-148
Alam, J. B.; M. Uddin; J. U. Ahmed; M. H. Rahman; B. K. Banik; N. Yesmin; Islam, Md. Sirajul (2009) Study of the Morphological Change of the River Old Brahmaputra and its Impact, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, vol 6, no 1, pp 11-19. (IOS Press/Scopus listed/Q4 Journal)
Islam, Md.Sirajul, Oki, T, Kanae, S., Hanasaki, N., Agata, Y. and Yoshimura, K. (2007) A Grid based Assessment of Global Water Scarcity including Virtual Water Trading, Water Resources Management, 21(1), 19-33. (Springer / Scopus listed/Q1 Journal)
Md. J. B. Alam, Molla, R. Islam, Z. Muyen ; M. Mamun; Islam, Md. Sirajul (2007) A Study on the Water Quality Parameters along Surma River, International journal for Environmental Science & Technology (IJEST), 4 (1), 159-167. (Springer/Scopus listed/Q1 Journal)
Islam, Md.Sirajul, Aramaki, T. and Hanaki, K. (2007) GCM based Analysis of Climate Change Scenarios along the Tone River and its Effects on Tokyo Metropolitan Area Water Availability Scenario,Regional Environmental Changes, 7(1), 15-26.(Springer/Scopus listed/Q1 Journal)
Islam, Md. Sirajul, Hasan, G.M. Zahid, Chowdhury, M. A. I. (2006) Destroying Hills along the North Eastern part of Bangladesh : A qualitative Assessment of extent of the Problem and its Probable Impact, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2(4), 301-308. (Springer/Scopus listed/Q1 Journal)
Islam, Md.Sirajul, Aramaki, T. and Hanaki, K.(2005) Development and Application of an Integrated Water Balance Model to Study the Sensitivity of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Water Availability Scenario to Climatic Changes,Water Resources Management, 19(4), 423-445.(Springer/Scopus listed/Q1 Journal)
Islam, Md. Sirajul (2004) Continued Debate on Flood Policy in Bangladesh: Toward a Sustainable Solution, Vision: A bi-monthly E-Journal published by the World Student Community for Sustainable Development (WSC-SD), November 2004.
Paper Under process
Md. Sirajul Islam, Nurun Nahar, Farida Perveen, Golam Sarwar (2023) Screening Government Development Projects for Climate Risk and Natural Disaster: A Case Study of Developing a Tool for Bangladesh, International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses (A SCOPUS Indexed journal), Under Review.
Md. Abdulla Hel Kafi, Md. Sirajul Islam, Fahmida Noor, Sarwat Jahan, Md.Tohidul Islam (2023) An Investigation of the Acute River Erosion along Naria and a Model Study of the Effectiveness of the Proposed Protection Measures, Journal of Water Management Modeling (JWMM), CHI, under Review. A SCOPUS Indexed journal.
Conference proceedings
Presented paper in conferences, as well as served as 'Session Chair' and member of the 'Steering Committee' and 'Technical Committe' of a number of national and international conferences.
Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam, Monirul Qader Mirza and Dr. Mizan R Khan (2024) 50 years of Bangladesh: A long journey to disaster management and resilience, oral presentation in the 8th Bangladesh Study Network Conference, Asian Studies Centre, St. Antony's College, University of Oxford, UK, 13-14 June 2024.
Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam, Dr. Nurun Nahar, Dr. Mst. Farida Perveen, Dr. Md. Golam Mahabub Sarwar, Dr. Shameem Hassan Bhuiyan (2023) Screening Government Development Projects for Climate Risk and Natural Disaster: A Case Study of Developing Screening Tools and Methodology for Bangladesh, Fifteenth International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 20-21 April, 2023; University of British Columbia (UBC), Robson Square, Vancouver, Canada.
Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam (2023) Challenges in Managing Water Resources in Bangladesh, BAS-AASSA Symposium on NATURE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, Bangladesh Academy of Science (BAS), October 7-8, 2023, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam and Monjurul Islam (2023) Analyzing the Role of Goranchatbari Pump Station and Its Performance in Reducing Water Logging Problem of Dhaka City, CICM 2023, MIST, 26-28 July, 2023. (Scopus Listed)
Al Moneim, A., Ahmed, T.U., Islam, M. Sirajul., Ahmed, K.S. (2024). Simplified Solution for Thin Plates Responses Using Beams Theory with Repetitive Boundary Conditions; CICM 2023, MIST, 26-28 July, 2023. (Scopus Listed)
Rokhsana Titlee, Md. Sirajul Islam, and Nova Ahmed (2023) Remote Sensing and GIS based approach to Understand the Padma River Erosion: A Case study of Naria erosion downstream of Padma bridge, 7th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE), SUST, Sylhet. (Scopus Listed)
Md. Sirajul Islam, Arfaa Feezanul Islam, Salemun Bahar, Nahid Hasan Sharif, S.M. Akibur Rahman, Tahmina Hadi (2021) Re-evaluation of cyclone shelters along the coastal region of Bangladesh through a risk analysis approach, paper accepted in the conference 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development" 24- 25 June 2021 at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. (Scopus Listed)
Md. Sirajul Islam, Nurun Nahar, Golam Sarwar (2021) Development of a Disaster and Climate Risk Atlas in Bangladesh: Methodology for Quantification of Risk, paper accepted in the conference 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development" 24- 25 June 2021 at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. Paper Selected for Bangabandhu Chair Dialogue Panel. (Scopus Listed)
Islam, Md. Sirajul (2021) Climate Change, Displacement and Migration: The dilemma of ‘to or not to’ move – toward a sustainable solution, Session: Climate Change, Displacement, and Humanitarian Actions, Certificate Course on Humanitarianism, Policy, and Diplomacy, February-March, 2021; North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Titlee, R; Islam, M S and Ahmed, N (2020) Analysis of the Morphological Changes of the River Padma Along Naria Upazila through Supervised Classification of Satellite Images, oral presentation, proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICAICT 2020), 28-29 November, 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh. BEST PAPER AWARD. (Scopus Listed)
M. S. Islam and B. K. Deb (2019) Climate change and water resources: Adaptation options along the coastal belt of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Academy of Science (BAS) - The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Central and South Asia Regional Partner (CASREP) YOUNG SCIENTISTS MEETING, Theme: Impact of Climate Change - A Way Forward, 29 September, 2019, BCSIR, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
K. Deb and M. S. Islam (2018) Technology for adaptation to climate change: development of an inventory and evaluation of drinking watersupply technologies along the salinity affected south west coastal region of Bangladesh. Elsevier 1st International Conference on Water Security 2018, 17-20 June, 2018, Toronto, Canada.
Islam, Md. Sirajul and Ahmed, Sohel (2017) Factors Affecting Electricity Consumption in Dhaka City: A Case Study, 7th International Conference on Future Environment and Energy (ICFEE 2017), Penang, Malaysia, January 8-10, 2017.
Islam, Md. Sirajul and Nishat, Ainun (2015) Technology for Adaptation to Climate Change: Water Resources Sector, Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Change and Water Security (ICCWS 2015), 27 December, 2015 at Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh (Oral presenttation).
Islam, E and Islam, Md. Sirajul (2015) Assessing the Environmental Risk Management Practices in the Banking sector of Bangladesh, Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Change and Water Security (ICCWS 2015), 27 December, 2015 at Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh (Poster presenttation).
Islam, Md. Sirajul (2014) Technology for Adaptation to Climate Change, Ist Regional Seminar on Climate Change, Water Security and Prospects of Rainwater in Bangladesh, 27 August 2014, MIST, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Oral presenttation).
Islam, Md. Sirajul and Hossain, Iqbal (2014) Implementing Green Project Management: perspective of building construction by real estate sector of Bangladesh, First International Conference on Infrastructure Management, Assessment and Rehabilitation Techniques (ICIMART'14), American University of Sharjah, UAE, March 4-6, 2014
Islam, Md. Sirajul and Hossain, Iqbal (2013) Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC): Current Practices and Relevance to Future Climate Change Aspect, CCTC 2013 Paper Number #1569697747, Proceedings of The 3rd Climate Change Technology Conference (CCTC 2013), Montreal, Canada, 27-29 May, 2013.
Islam. K. Ziaul; Islam. Md. Sirajul and Lacoursière J. O.(2013) Low Cost Rainwater Harvesting: An Alternate Solution to Salinity Affected Coastal Region of Bangladesh, CCTC 2013 Paper Number #1569705485, Proceedings of The 3rd Climate Change Technology Conference (CCTC 2013), Montreal, Canada, 27-29 May, 2013.
Islam, Md. Sirajul and Md., Niaz (2013) Technologies for Adaptation: An Inventory and SWOT Analysis of Water Supply Options Along The South Western Coastal Region of Bangladesh Suffering From Acute Salinity Problem, CCTC 2013 Paper Number #1569697101, Proceedings of The 3rd Climate Change Technology Conference (CCTC 2013), Montreal, Canada, 27-29 May, 2013.
Islam, Md. Sirajul (2009) Climate Change and the Construction Sector, proceedings of the IFAWPCA Convention, march 4-7, 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Islam, Md. Sirajul, Khan, M R, (2009) Weather Insurance for farmers: A proposed methodology for insurance against crop damage in the context of Bangladesh, Proceedings ofthe 2nd International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), pp 651-660, March 15-17, Dhaka, Bangladesh (oral presentation).
Khan, M R, Islam, Md. Sirajul (2009) Crop Insurance as an Instrument of Adaptation to Climate Risks: LDC Context, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Community based Adaptation to Climate Change, pp 21 (Abstract), February 18-24, Dhaka, Bangladesh (oral presentation).
Islam, Md. Sirajul (2009) Climate Change and the Construction Sector, 37th Convention of the International Federal of Asian & Western Pacific Contractor’s Associations (IFAWPCA), March 4-7, 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Islam, Md. Sirajul (2009) CDM Prospect in the Building and Construction sector, presentation in the Training Workshop on Capacity Development for Clean Development Mechanism (CD4CDM) Project, Organized Jointly by Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) and Waste Concern Consultants (WCC) and Supported by UNEP Riso Centre and the Netherlands Government, 3-4 March, 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Khan, M R, Islam, Md. Sirajul (2008) Crop Insurance as a Risk Management Strategy under Future Climate Change: Bangladesh Context, Proceedings of the International Conference on Issues in Public Policy and Sustainable Development, pp 67 (Abstract), March 26–28, IGNOU, Delhi, India (Oral Presentation).
Islam, Md. Sirajul (2005) Sea level Rise Impact along the Coastal Region of Bangladesh, presented in the Young Scientists Summit on ‘Climate Change and its Impact on the Cities’, Bern, Switzerland, November 22-25, 2005.
Islam, Md. Sirajul, Oki, T., Hanasaki, N, Agata, Y, Kanae, S. (2005) Global Water Resources Assessment under future Changes: Toward a better estimation, Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2005 Joint Assembly, 23-27 May, 2005, New Orleans, LA, USA (Oral presentation).
Islam, Md. Sirajul, Aramaki, T. and Hanaki, K. (2004) Risk based Assessment of Water Availability along the Tone River and Tokyo Metropolitan Area under Climatic Changes,Proceedings of the2ndInternational Conference of the Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW ), 5-9 July 2004, Singapore. (Oral presentation).
Islam, Md. Sirajul, Hasan, G.M. Zahid, Chowdhury, M. A. I. (2004) Destroying Hills in Northeastern Bangladesh : Extent of the problem and its probable impact, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Management, ISEM 2004, organized by BUET and WEDC,7-8 January 2004, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Oral presentation).
Islam, Md. Sirajul, Aramaki, T. and Hanaki, K.(2002) An Assessment of Historical Trend and Sensitivity of Tone River Flow to Climatic Changes. Proceedings of theThird International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research ICWRER), 22nd - 25th of July 2002, Dresden, Germany (Oral presentation).
Koe, L. C.C. and Islam, Md. Sirajul (2002) Conceptual Basis for Design of Odor Control Facilities along a Deep Tunnel Sewerage System, Proceedings of theIWA (International Water Association) World Water Congress 2002, 7 - 12 April 2002; Melbourne, Australia (Oral presentation).
Islam, Md. Sirajul, Hanaki, K. and Aramaki, T. (2001) Probable Impact of Climate Change along the Tone River Basin and Its Effect on the Water Supply Scenario of Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Proceedings of theThird International Summer Symposium,2001, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE),August 8, 2001, Tokyo, Japan (Oral presentation).
Islam, Md. Sirajul, Eusuf, M.A., Chowdhury, M. A. I, and Sarkar, S.K.(2000) Global Climate Change: Impact on the Water Availability Scenario in Bangladesh, Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the Institute of Engineers of Bangladesh (IEB), 1-4 April, Sylhet, Bangladesh (Oral presentation).
Islam, M.Sirajul, Eusuf, M.A. and Jaigirdar, M.A (1998) Destroying Natural Morphology: Impact on the Environment, Presented in a national symposium on Natural Disaster Management, jointly organized by Sylhet Disaster Forum and the Department of Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control (EEPC)/ presently CEE, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Islam, Md. Sirajul and Chowdhury, J. U. (1996) Drinking Water Supply for Dhaka City: An Assessment of Water Availability from Surrounding Small Rivers, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Institute of Engineers of Bangladesh (IEB), 20-22 February, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Oral presentation).
Research/Project Report
AASSA (2020) Served as contributor of the report THE IMPERATIVE OF CLIMATE ACTION TO PROMOTE HEALTH IN ASIA, in collaboration with Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA), 2020. (In Preparation).
IMED (2021) As Team Leader, in-depth Monitoring and evaluation of the government project Development of Women Sports at BKSP, implemented by IMED, Planning Commission (January 2021 to April 2021). Major task: Monitoring and evaluation of civil construction, environment, health and safety aspect and overall project performance. (In process)
IMED (2021) As Team Leader, in-depth Monitoring and evaluation of the government project Construction of 398 apartment for housing of government officers in Gulshan, Banana and Dhanmondi areas of Dhaka, implemented by IMED, Ministry of Planning (January 2019 to April 2019). Project cost: around BDT 3.6 billion. Major task: Monitoring and evaluation of civil construction, environment, health and safety aspect and overall project performance.
IMED (2021) As Team Leader, in-depth Monitoring and evaluation of the government project Development of the Bangladesh Economic Zone (1st phase), Prime Minister’s Office, implemented by IMED, Planning Commission (January 2019 to April 2019). Project cost: Around BDT 10 billion. Major task: Monitoring and evaluation of civil construction, environment, health and safety aspect and overall project performance.
MST Farida Perveen, Md. Golam Mahabub Sarwar, Md. Sirajul Islam, Md. Shameem Bhuiyan, and Abu Hena Md. Mostafa (2018) Full report of TA8572 (REG): Action on Climate Change in South Asia, Project Number: 46470-001, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank, November 2018.
MST Farida Perveen, Md. Golam Mahabub Sarwar, Md. Sirajul Islam, Md. Shameem Bhuiyan, and Abu Hena Md. Mostafa (2018) CRVA report of TA8572 (REG): Action on Climate Change in South Asia, Project Number: 46470-001, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank, November 2018.
MST Farida Perveen, Md. Golam Mahabub Sarwar, Md. Sirajul Islam, Md. Shameem Bhuiyan, and Abu Hena Md. Mostafa (2018) Report on Hazard, Exposure, Vulnerability and Risk (HEVR) Spatial Data, TA8572 (REG): Action on Climate Change in South Asia, Project Number: 46470-001, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank, January 2018.
MST Farida Perveen, Md. Golam Mahabub Sarwar, Md. Sirajul Islam, Md. Shameem Bhuiyan, and Abu Hena Md. Mostafa (2017) Inception report of TA8572 (REG): Action on Climate Change in South Asia, Project Number: 46470-001, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank, August 2017.
Jakaria, M et al. (2016) Watershed Management and Biodiversity of Pablakhali Protected Area, Strengthening Regional Co- operation for Wildlife Protection Project (SRCWP) as Engineering and Water Management Specialist, World Bank, 2014-2017
Islam, Md. Sirajul (2010) Development of an Inventory for Adaptation Technologies, UNFCCC, Bonn, Germany.
Khan, M R, and Islam M Sirajul (2009) Crop Insurance as a Risk Management Strategy for Climate Change impact in the agriculture sector of Bangladesh. A project by the Climate Change Cell of the Department of Environment (DOE), Government of Bangladesh supported by UNDP, DFID and EU.
Islam, Md. Sirajul (1996) Living Environment Problems and its Solution: Estimation of Available River Water and Drought Risk for Dhaka City Water Supply, UNCRD-BUET Joint Research Report, UNCRD, Nagoya, Japan.
PhD : Integrated Assessment of Water Availability under Climatic hanges along the Tone River and Tokyo Metropolitan Area (TMA), Department of Urban Engineering, Environmental Engineering Division, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
M. Engg.: A Model Study of Hydrogen Sulfide Emission from Municipal Sewer System, Department of Civil Engineering, Hydraulics & Environmental Engineering Division, The National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
B Sc Engg.: Studyof the Tidal Characteristics of BangladeshCoast,
Departmentof Water Resources Engineering, Facultyof Civil Engineering, BangladeshUniversityofEngineering& Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Newspaper op-eds / magazine article: (Partial / selected ones out of a large number)
Writes Popular Articles and interviewed by a number of national newspapers and weeklies on Tipaimukh Dam, Climate change and Dhaka city Drainage condition at Prothom Alo, Ittefaq, kaler Kontho, Daily Star, Mot o Poth and TERM, etc.
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৪) ঢাকার যানজট নিরসনে স্বল্প সময়ে বাস্তবায়নযোগ্য পরিকল্পনা নেয়া দরকার, সম্পাদকীয়,বনিক বার্তা, ৬ নভেম্বর ২০২৪।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৪) আন্তর্জাতিক পানি চুক্তি স্বাক্ষর করতে বাংলাদেশের বাধা কোথায়,
মতামত, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ২৪ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৪) ভারতের সঙ্গে চুক্তিতে কেন সমাধান সম্ভব নয়, নিজেরা বাঁধ দিলে কী হবে?
মতামত, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ৩১ আগস্ট ২০২৪।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৪) রাষ্ট্রের সব স্তরে স্বচ্ছতা ও জবাবদিহিতা নিশ্চিতে বিচার বিভাগের সংস্কার
জরুরি, সম্পাদকীয়,বনিক বার্তা, ২৪ আগস্ট, ২০২৪।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৪) রাজার নতুন পোশাক ও কোমলমতি ছাত্রদের আন্দোলন, সম্পাদকীয়,
বনিক বার্তা, ৫ আগস্ট, ২০২৪।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৪) এইসব ‘ডক্টর’ লইয়া আমরা কী করিব, মতামত, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক,
২৮শে জুন ২০২৪।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৪) উত্তাপ কমাতে পরিবেশবান্ধব স্থাপনা নির্মাণ করতে হবে, সম্পাদকীয়, নিক বার্তা, ৩০ এপ্রিল, ২০২৪।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৪) যে কারণে ঢাকায় গরম এত বাড়ছে, অভিমত, পৃঃ৫, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ২৯ এপ্রিল, ২০২৪।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৪) শিক্ষায় পরিবর্তন জরুরী, তবে এগুতে হবে ধীরে, অভিমত, পৃঃ৫, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ১৩ জানুয়ারী, ২০২৪।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৩) উন্নত বিশ্ব থেকে উন্নয়নশীলদের ক্ষতিপূরণ আদায় কতদূর?, সম্পাদকীয়, বনিক বার্তা, ডিসেম্বর ০৪, ২০২৩।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৩) শুধু অবকাঠামো নয়, মানবসম্পদ উন্নয়নও জরুরি, সম্পাদকীয়, বনিক বার্তা, নভেম্বর ০১, ২০২৩।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৩) জলাবদ্ধতা নিরসনে কি ‘স্পঞ্জ সিটি’র ধারণা গ্রহণ করবে ঢাকা, অভিমত, পৃঃ৫, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ০২ অক্টোবর, ২০২৩।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৩) জলাবদ্ধতা: বর্জ্য ও পানি ব্যবস্থাপনাকে গুরুত্বের সঙ্গে নেয়া হচ্ছে না, সম্পাদকীয়, বনিক বার্তা, সেপ্টেম্বর ২৭, ২০২৩।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৩) বিসিএস, ভারতের চন্দ্রযান ও আমাদের স্পারসো, সম্পাদকীয়, বনিক বার্তা, সেপ্টেম্বর ১০, ২০২৩।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২৩) শুধু ওষুধ ছিটিয়ে কি ডেঙ্গুর টেকসই সমাধান হবে, অভিমত, পৃঃ৫, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ১৪ আগস্ট, ২০২৩।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২২) মেট্রোরেলঃ আরেকটি বাংলাদেশ রেলওয়ে যেন না হয় ! উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ১৪ জানুয়ারি ২০২৩।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২২) মেট্রোরেলঃ নগর যোগাযোগে নতুন দিগন্ত, উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ২৭ ডিসেম্বর ২০২২।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২২) বৈশ্বিক র্যাঙ্কিংয়ে বাংলাদেশ: সরকারি বনাম বেসরকারি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ১২ নভেম্বর ২০২২।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২২) বিশ্ব পরিবেশ দিবসঃ শুধু একটাই পৃথিবী , উপ-সম্পাদকীয়, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ৫ই জুন, ২০২২।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২২) সড়কে মৃত্যুঃ বিচার কি সম্ভব নয় ? মতামত,, 6th April, ২০২২।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২১) শিক্ষাকে পাশে ফেলে রাখার সুযোগ নেই, উপ-সম্পাদকীয়, কালের কন্ঠ, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ২৯শে জুন, ২০২১।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২০) নগর উন্নয়নভাবনা, উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, ইত্তেফাক, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ১২ই দিসেম্বর, ২০২০।
Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam and Dr. M Rezaul Bari (2020) Digital Bangladesh: Running the economy during Covid-19 pandemic, Sub-editorial/column, The Financial Express, a reputed National Daily, Bangladesh, 1 September, 2020.
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২০) করোনায় তথ্য প্রযুক্তির ব্যাপক প্রসার প্রয়োজন, উপ-সম্পাদকীয়, কালের কন্ঠ, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ২৮শে জুন, ২০২০।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২০) করোনা কি ৪র্থ শিল্প বিপ্লবকে ত্বরান্বিত করবে? উপ-সম্পাদকীয়, মত ও পথ, অনলাইন ভিক্তিক জাতীয় দৈনিক, ২৫শে জুন, ২০২০।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২০) ৪র্থ শিল্প বিপ্লব এগিয়ে আনবে করোনা ? উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ২৪শে জুন, ২০২০।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২০) প্রতিক্রিয়া: ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়ার না জানা কথা ! উপ-সম্পাদকীয়, মত ও পথ, অনলাইন ভিক্তিক জাতীয় দৈনিক, ১০ই মে, ২০২০।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২০) আংশিক লকডাউন প্রত্যাহার ও খাদ্য সরবরাহ ব্যবস্থাটি নিশ্চিত করুন, উপ-সম্পাদকীয়, মত ও পথ, অনলাইন ভিক্তিক জাতীয় দৈনিক, ২৬শে এপ্রিল, ২০২০।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০২০) পি ই সি ও জে এস সি নয়, খেলার মাঠ চাই, উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ৯ই জানুয়ারী, ২০২০।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০১৭) টেকসই উন্নয়ন লক্ষ্যমাত্রা ও জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন, উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, ইত্তেফাক, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ১২ই নভেম্বর, ২০১৭।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০১৭) নির্মাণ কাজঃ সতর্কতা যেখানে উপেক্ষিত, উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ৪ এপ্রিল, ২০১৭।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০১৭) জ্ঞানভিক্তিক অর্থনীতি ও প্রযুক্তি শিক্ষা, উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ২৩শে ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০১৬) প্রাইভেট-পাবলিক নয়, ভাল ও খারাপ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ২৮শে আগষ্ট, ২০১৬।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০১৬) প্রাইভেট বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় গুলিও দেশের সম্পদ, উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, ইত্তেফাক, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ১৪ই আগষ্ট, ২০১৬।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০১৪) ঢাকার পানি ব্যবস্থাপনা ও জলাবদ্ধতা, উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, ইত্তেফাক, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ১৭ই আগষ্ট, ২০১৪।
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০১২) আন্তর্জাতিক পানি আইন-বাংলাদেশ নীতিগত অনুমোদন দিচ্ছে না কেন?, উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ৩০শে এপ্রিল, ২০১২।
Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam (2010), Technology and Environment, Sub-editorial/column, The Daily Star, a reputed National Daily, Bangladesh, 10 April, 2010. ( php?nid = 148770 ).
ডঃ মোঃ সিরাজুল ইসলাম (২০০৯) টিপাইমুখ বাঁধ, কিছু শর্ত মানলে কম ক্ষতিকর হতে পারে, উপ-সম্পাদকীয় / মতামত, প্রথম আলো, জাতীয় দৈনিক, ১৬ই জুলাই, ২০০৯।
Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam (2010), Destroying hills: Disasters yet to follow, Environment page, The Daily Star, A leading national English daily in Bangladesh, 29 June, 2007. ( newDesign/ news-details.php?nid=148770 ).
Md. Sirajul Islam (2001) Global Warming and Water Resources in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Observer, A leading national English daily in Bangladesh, 31 March, 2001.
Md. Sirajul Islam (1995) গ্রিনহাউজ এফেক্টঃ এখনও অনিশ্চিত ! (Greenhouse Effect: Still Uncertain!), in Bengali, Prokaushal Potra, A monthly Engineering Magazine published by professional Engineers in Bangladesh, August 1995, pp 2-4.
Md. Sirajul Islam (1994) বিশ্ব পানি দিবস পালিতঃ সবার জন্য পানি হোক নিশ্চিত (World Water Day Observed: Water for all should be ensured), in Bengali, Engineering News, Monthly Engineering Magazine published by the Institution of Engineers of Bangladesh (IEB), April 1994, pp 23-24.
Md. Sirajul Islam (1994) ১৯৯৩ সালে মিসিসিপি নদীতে বন্যা প্রসংগে (A Brief Note on 1993 Flood in the Mississippi), in Bengali, Engineering News, Monthly Engineering Magazine published by the Institution of Engineers of Bangladesh (IEB), 38th Annual Convention edition, 1994, pp 41-43.
Md. Sirajul Islam (1993) ভূমন্ডলীয় উষ্ণতা বৃদ্ধিঃ বাংলাদেশে প্রভাব (Global warming and the probable impact on Bangladesh), in Bengali, published in the engineering magazine ‘Jalshiri’ on the occasion of Civil Engineering Day, observed by the Civil Engineering Students Association (CESA), Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).
Bangabandhu Chair Dialogue Panel award, 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development" 24- 25 June 2021 at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
BEST PAPER AWARD, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICAICT 2020), 28-29 November, 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Awarded UNFCC Fellowship, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat in Bonn, Germany, March – September 2010
Awarded in the List of Marquis Who’s Who in the World 2009-2010
JST Post-Doctoral Fellowship, with Prof. Taikan Oki, The University of Tokyo, Japan; 2003-2004
Ph.D : Monbu-gakusho Scholarship, The University of Tokyo, Japan; 2000-2003
Masters level: Research Scholarship, The National University of Singapore, Singapore; 1998-2000
UNCRD-BUET Joint Research Fellowship, at the Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM), BUET; 1995-96
Bachelor level : University Technical Scholarship, BUET, 1989-1995
Secondary School Certificate: Board Talent Pool Scholarship (79% Marks), Comilla Education Board, 1986
Higher Secondary Certificate: Board Scholarship (87% marks), Dhaka College, Dhaka Board, 1988
Served as 'Session Chair' and member of the steering committee and technical committe of a number of national and international conferences.
Reviewer of a large number of Peer Reviewed International Journal Papers; reviewed around 100 papers at different journals.
PhD The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Department of Urban
(2003) Engineering, Environmental Engineering Division.
Masters National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore;
(2001) M. Engg. (Civil), Hydraulics & Environmental Engineering Division.
Bachelor Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET),
(1995) Dhaka, Bangladesh; B.Sc. Engg. (Civil), Specializing in
Water Resources and Structural Engineering.
HSC Dhaka Board (Dhaka College Dhaka/Science/ Star marks/ 86.1%/ Board Scholarship) (1988)
HSC Comilla Board (Sultanpur M L High School, B Baria/ Science/ Star marks/ 78.2%/ Board Talentpool Scholarship) (1986)
Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Oki Laboratory, IIS, The University of Tokyo, Japan; 2003-2004
Summer School of the Alliance for Global Sustainability (AGS) flagship program 'Youth Encounter on Sustainability (YES)' in 2001.
Completed an online certificate course on Backyard Meteorology: The Science of Weather, Harvard University, Boston, USA and obtained certificate accordingly. 2020
Language Proficiency: Bengali (native), English (IELTS Score: 7.5, 2021), Japanese (Good in understanding, moderate in writing and reading), Hindi(fair) and Arabic (little).
July 2019 till to date : Director, Center for Infrastructure Research and services (CIRS), North South University
March 2015 to June 2017 : Dean, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences (SEPS), North South University
May 2013 to February 2015: Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEED), North South University
May 2011 to April 2013: Chair, Department of Environmental Science & Management (DESM), North South University
2008 ~ 2011 : Faculty Advisor, EARTH CLUB, North South University, a student's club dedicated to conservation of environment and nature
Served as committee member of a number of committees as Academic council, Curriculum committee, Faculty search committee, Faculty selection committee, Staff recruitment committee, Disciplinary committee, Undergraduate and graduate admission committee, Library committee, etc
March 2015 till to date : Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEED), North South University
October 2010 to February 2015: Associate Professor, CEED and DESM, North South University
September 2005 to September 2010: Assistant Professor, DESM, North South University
Apr’10 to Sep’10: UNFCCC Fellowship at UNFCCC Secretariat, Bonn, Germany as a Fellow.
Oct’03 to Sep’05: Postdoctoral Fellow at Oki & Kanae Laboratory, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering Division, Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo, Japan
Sep’97 to Dec’98: Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engg., Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet, Bangladesh
Jul'96 to Dec’96 : Teaching Assistant (as an M. Sc. Engg. Student), Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Jun’95 to May’96: Research Fellow, UNCRD-BUET Joint Research Program, funded by United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), Nagoya, Japan at the Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh
From 2018 onward, served as TEAM LEADER of a number of IMED In-depth Monitoring or Impact evaluation studies. Few of the are mentioned;
- Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Hydrology
- Open Channel Flow
- Coastal Engineering and Management
- Water Resources and Environmental Modeling
- Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
- Climate Change
- Disaster management
- Environmental management
- Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management
- Pollution Control
- Water Supply Engineering
- Environmental Science
Trained in Outcome Based Education (OBE) System and attended ABET symposium, USA. Member of a five-member committee on introducing OBE in the engineering education in Bangladesh by BAETE, Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB) Chaired by Prof. Dr. Jamilur Reza Chowdhury.
IPCC: Expert Reviewer, IPCC (SREX, SRREN, 'Global warming of 1.5°C', AR6)
Journal of Water and Climate Change, IWA publishing; Water International, by International Water Resources Association (IWRA); UCL Open: Environment Preprint, African Journal of Environmental Science & Technology (AJEST), International Journal of Ecology and Development (IJED), Journal of Flood Engineering, JWARP, JECE and few more journals of Elsevier and Tailor & Francis as well.
Others membership: AWRA, APHWA, BES; BSES: Secretary, Bangladesh Society and Environmental Scientist (BSES); A national level professional society; Joint Secretary, OPPA (Organization for population and Poverty Alleviation), an NGO, Executive Member, South Asian Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS).
As Trainer:
Attended the lecture (with certificate) jointly arranged by SuperMap and CIRS, NSU on the topic "Visualizing Building Information Modelling (BIM) through SuperMap GIS Technologies", Feb 26, 2021.
Operating System : Windows, Unix/Linux Language : Fortran, C/C++
Software and Model: ArcView/ArcMap: GIS (Geographic Information System) software, GrADS (Grid Analysis and Display System), GMT (Generic Mapping Tools): Extensively applied in Post-Doc level, TRIP (Total Runoff Integrating Pathways): global scale runoff model developed by Prof. Taikan Oki. Got familiar with few Land Surface Models like : SiB2 and Bucket Model. Used GCM output and after Statistical downscaling input the climatic parameter into a catchment scale hydrological model and observe changes under future conditions. Get used with several water balance, river flow simulation and water quality models applicable in Water Resources, Climate Change, Land-use Change Assessment and Environmental Engineering.
Research Interest:
Climate change impact and adaptation study, Disaster management, Water resources, Urban environment, Modeling water and climate system, Development of technology to adapt climate change, Weasther Index Based Insurance (WIBI), Green building, Occupational health and safety, Construction and industrial environment, Fire safety in building.
Research grant award:
2022: NSU-University of Hawaii, Manoa Joint collaboration program, Capstone research exchange program between two professrs Dr. Ashok Das and Prof. Dr. Md. Sirajul Islam. Joint research project, exchange of students and faculty, joint htesis program, etc.
2021: Co-investigator, NSU CTGRC research fund on the topic 'Remote Sensing and GIS based approach to Understand the Padma River Erosion: A Case study of Naria erosion downstream of Padma bridge'. PI: Dr. Nova Ahmed.
2021: UIU - NSU research award, funded by Institute for Advance Research (IAR), United International University (UIU) on the topic 'Application of IoT and Remote Sensing Method to Monitor Water Quality of Dhaleshwari River Surrounding Dhaka City', September, 2021.
2017: Principal Investigator (PI), North South Universiy CTGRC research grant award for the academic session 2017-2018, on the topic 'Improvement of the Flash Flood Warning Devices Sonabondhu through coupling with Hydrological Models'.