Full Time Faculty

Javed Bari, PhD (USA), FIEB, M.ASCE, PE (USA)

PhD (Civil Engineering), Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, Arizona, USA

MS (Civil Engineering), Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, Arizona, USA

BSc (Civil Engineering), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Phone: +880-2-55668200, Ext. 1981 (W).


Office: SAC 735.

Faculty Code: JBr

ORCiD ID: 0000-0002-4561-559X

Curriculum Vitae :


Dr. Javed Bari is a distinguished professor and researcher at North South University (NSU), specializing in Civil and Transportation Engineering. Since joining NSU in 2013, he has held pivotal leadership roles, including Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Dean of the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences (SEPS). During his tenure as SEPS Dean from 2019 to 2024, NSU achieved its highest recognition yet in the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2023, being ranked as the #1 university in Bangladesh for Engineering, with a global ranking in the 301-400 range.

Dr. Bari's academic credentials include a PhD and MS in Civil/Transportation Engineering from Arizona State University, USA, and a BSc in Civil/Structural Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). He is also among the very few professionals in Bangladesh to hold an active Professional Engineer (PE) license from the USA.

With over 30 years of combined experience in academia, administration, and industry, Dr. Javed Bari is an authority in road safety, pavement design and analysis, materials characterization and recycling, traffic studies, and infrastructure project evaluation. His research has been widely published and presented in high-impact journals and conferences, including ASCE, TRB, AAPT, IRF, and ASC. Dr. Bari has over 25 years of experience teaching at the university level, with senior leadership roles spanning more than nine years. He also spent over eight years teaching and conducting research at Arizona State University. His research interests include road safety, traffic and crash data analysis, recycling of roadway materials, pavement design, traffic surveys, and large-scale infrastructure project evaluations. Earlier in his career, he worked with key government agencies in Bangladesh, including LGED (PSC), PWD (BCS), and RHD (BCS).

Dr. Javed Bari is formally trained in strategic planning, budgeting, performance measures, project management, and road safety, and has undergone accreditation training for engineering programs under the Washington Accord’s Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Accreditation protocol. His leadership skills and interpersonal abilities have played a vital role in driving institutional vision and strategic initiatives.

Additionally, Dr. Bari served as Director of the South Asian Disaster Management Center at IUBAT-International University of Business Agriculture and Technology from 2011 to 2013. His training in both Bangladesh and the USA covers a wide range of specialized areas, including mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (MEPDG), performance-based maintenance contracts (PBMC), pavement and sidewalk preservation, incident command systems (ICS), environmental impact assessment (EIA), road safety audits, environmental audits, and environmental law.


-   2025. “Comprehensive Evaluation of Common AC Binders for Integrating PG and MEPDG Standards in Bangladesh”. Accepted for publication in the Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and presentation at the ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2025 (ICTD 2025), Glendale, Arizona, USA. June 8–11, 2025.

-   2025. “Evaluating Bus Management Challenges on Route A-314 (Gabtoli to Staff Quarter) in Dhaka, Bangladesh”. Accepted for publication in the Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and presentation at the ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2025 (ICTD 2025), Glendale, Arizona, USA. June 8–11, 2025.

-   2025. “Effectiveness Evaluation of Moghbazar-Mouchak Flyover at Malibagh-Shantinagar Intersection in Dhaka”. Accepted for publication in the Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and presentation at the ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2025 (ICTD 2025), Glendale, Arizona, USA. June 8–11, 2025.

-   2025. “Post-Construction Evaluation of the Joypurhat-Hili Regional Highway and Bypass in Bangladesh”. Accepted for publication in the Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and presentation at the ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2025 (ICTD 2025), Glendale, Arizona, USA. June 8–11, 2025.

-   2025. “Comprehensive Post-Construction Evaluation of Kishoreganj-Karimganj-Chamraghat Highway in Bangladesh”. Accepted for publication in the Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and presentation at the ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2025 (ICTD 2025), Glendale, Arizona, USA. June 8–11, 2025.

-   2025. “Assessing Sidewalk Conditions in Dhaka: A Comprehensive Condition Index Analysis for Key Roads”. Accepted for publication in the Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and presentation at the ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2025 (ICTD 2025), Glendale, Arizona, USA. June 8–11, 2025.

- 2024. “Identification and Traffic Condition Evaluation of the Most Hazardous Intersections of Dhaka City”. Journal of International Road Federation (IRF). Paper presented by Dr. Bari at the IRF Global R2T Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 10-13, 2024.

-  2024. “Advanced Characterization of Asphalt Binders Used in Bangladesh”. Journal of International Road Federation (IRF). Paper presented by Dr. Bari at the IRF Global R2T Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 10-13, 2024.

-  2024. “Characterization of the Most Commonly Used 60/70 Penetration Grade Asphalt Binders of Bangladesh”. Journal of International Road Federation (IRF). Paper presented by Dr. Bari at the IRF Global R2T Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 10-13, 2024.

-  2024. “In-depth Analysis of Bus Management System from Gabtoli to Staff Quarter via Badda (Route #A-314) in Dhaka City”. Journal of International Road Federation (IRF). Paper presented by Dr. Bari at the IRF Global R2T Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 10-13, 2024.

-  2024. “Before-After Analysis of Highway Crashes on the Dhaka-Chattogram National Highway of Bangladesh”. Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Presented at the ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2024 (ICTD 2024), Atlanta, Georgia, USA. June 15–18, 2024, pp. 372-379. DOI: 10.1061/9780784485514.033. June 2024.

-  2024. “Reusing Waste Plastics in Asphalt Binders for Road Construction”. Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Presented at the ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2024 (ICTD 2024), Atlanta, Georgia, USA. June 15–18, 2024, pp. 338-348. DOI: 10.1061/9780784485538.030. June 2024.

- 2024. “Development of a Practical Methodology for Evaluating the Conditions of Sidewalks of Dhaka City”. Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Presented at the ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2024 (ICTD 2024), Atlanta, Georgia, USA. June 15–18, 2024, pp. 338-349. DOI: 10.1061/9780784485521.031. June 2024.

- 2023. “Evaluation of the Bus Management System of Route A-317 (Diabari to Saydabad via Badda) of Dhaka City”. Journal of International Road Federation (IRF). Paper presented by Dr. Javed Bari and Faria Tabassum at the IRF Global R2T Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 14-17, 2023.

- 2023. “A comprehensive evaluation of road safety status of the major intersections of Azimpur to Gabtoli corridor on Mirpur Road using the iRAP road infrastructure analysis protocol”. Journal of International Road Federation (IRF). Paper presented by Dr. Javed Bari and Faria Tabassum at the IRF Global R2T Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 14-17, 2023.

- 2023. “An evaluation of traffic sign perception among different types of road drivers in Bangladesh”. Journal of International Road Federation (IRF). Paper presented by Dr. Javed Bari and Faria Tabassum at the IRF Global R2T Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 14-17, 2023.

- 2023. “Analysis of Roadway Infrastructure Management Using iRAP Protocols to Ensure Road Safety of Critical Intersections between Kuril Bishwa Road and Mouchak Bus Stoppages of Dhaka City”. Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) Paper. Presented by Dr. Javed Bari at the ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2023, June 14 – 17, 2023. Austin, Texas, USA. DOI: 10.1061/9780784484876.015. pp. 161–170. USA. June 2023.

- 2023. “Identification and Evaluation of Past and Present Black Spots on the Dhaka-Sylhet National Highway of Bangladesh”. Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) Paper. Presented by Dr. Javed Bari at the ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2023, June 14 – 17, 2023. Austin, Texas, USA.  DOI: 10.1061/9780784484876.014. pp. 148–160. USA. June 2023.

- 2023. “Reusing Waste Plastic in Aggregates for Road Construction”. Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) Paper. Presented by Dr. Javed Bari at the ASCE International Conference on Airfield and Highway Pavements 2023, June 14 – 17, 2023. Austin, Texas, USA. DOI: 10.1061/9780784484906.012. pp. 125–134. USA. June 2023.

- 2020. “A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Hatirjheel Water Taxi Service of Dhaka City – the Capital of Bangladesh”. International Journal of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Engineering Science (IJAMES), January 2020, 3(1): 1-7, USA. January 2020. DOI: 10.5923/j.james.20200301.01.

- 2019. “Development of a School Zone Road Safety Risk Rating System for Dhaka - the Capital City of Bangladesh”. International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (IJTTE), 2019, 8(3): 72-79. USA. December 2019. DOI: 10.5923/j.ijtte.20190803.03.

- 2019. “Identification of Black Spots on the first 100 kilometers of the Dhaka-Sylhet Highway (National Highway #2, i.e. N2) of Bangladesh”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE 2019). Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, January 2019.

-  2018. “Development of Sidewalk Condition Index (SCI) of Dhanmondi R/A, Gulshan & Bashundhara R/A of Dhaka City”. International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering. (IJTTE), 2018, 7(3): 53-62. USA, July 2018. DOI: 10.5923/j.ijtte.20180703.02.

- 2011. “Characterizing Temperature Susceptibility of Asphalt Binders Using Activation Energy for Flow”. Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) Paper No. 10.1061/41167(398)48, USA, March 2011.

- 2011. “Effect of Test Methods on Viscosity Temperature Susceptibility Characterization of Asphalt Binders for the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide”. Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) Paper No. 10.1061/41167(398)47, USA, March 2011.

- 2009. “Inputs and Models for Asphalt Rubber Mixes and Binders in MEPDG”.  South-West MEPDG (Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide) User Group Conference (comprised of ten U.S. State DOTs and AASHTO), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. March 23-24, 2009.

- 2009. “ADOT’s Mechanistic‐Empirical Pavement Design Guide Implementation”.  Arizona Pavement, Materials & Transportation Conference, Tempe, Arizona, USA.  February 3, 2009.

-  2007. “New Predictive Models for the Viscosity and Complex Shear Modulus of Asphalt Binders for Use with the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide”. Transportation Research Record No. 2001, pp. 9-19. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC, USA, 2007.

- 2006. “Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Rubber Mixtures in Arizona – Two Guns and Jackrabbit Projects”. Arizona Department of Transportation Research Report. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, March 2006.

- 2006. “Development of a New Revised Version of the Witczak E* Predictive Model for Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures.” Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT), Savannah, Vol. No. 75, pp. 381-423. Presented by Dr. Javed Bari at the Annual Conference of AAPT, White Bear Lake, MN, USA, 2006.

- 2005. “Development of a New Revised Version of the Witczak E* Predictive Model for Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures”. Arizona State University. Ph.D. Dissertation. Tempe, Arizona, USA, December, 2005.

-  2005. “Evaluation of the Effect of Lime Modification on the Dynamic Modulus Stiffness of Hot-Mix Asphalt: Use with the New Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide.” Transportation Research Record No. 1929, pp. 10-19. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC, USA, 2005.

- 2004. “Flow Number (Fn) and Flow Time (Ft) Test Database”. Research Report. Task C (Field Validation of the Simple Performance Test), NCHRP 9-19 Project (Superpave Support and Performance Models Management), National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, December 2004.

- 2004. “Development of a Master Curve (E*) Database for Lime Modified Asphaltic Mixtures”. National Lime Association (NLA) Research Report. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, July 2004. 

- 2004. “Dynamic Modulus (E*) Test and Master Curve Database of HMA Mixtures”. Research Report. Task C (Field Validation of the Simple Performance Test), NCHRP 9-19 Project (Superpave Support and Performance Models Management), National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, June 2004.

- 2004. “Dynamic Modulus (E*) Test and Master Curve Database of Arizona HMA Mixtures”. Research Report. Project 3 (ADOT AC Mix Stiffness Characterization Database), Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Project No. SPR-402 (Development of Performance Related Specifications for Asphalt Pavements in the State of Arizona). Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, June 2004.

- 2004. “Performance evaluation of asphalt rubber mixtures in Alberta”.  Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA. 2004.

- 2004. “An Evaluation of the Probable Aging Effects of Plant Mixtures Used in the NCHRP 9-19 Project”. Research Report. NCHRP 9-19 Project (Superpave Support and Performance Models Management), National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, February 2004.

- 2003. “Application of Performance Based System in the Pavement Contracting”. Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference, pp 303-314, Clemson, South Carolina, April 8-12, 2003. Nominated as ASC 2003 best paper. 

- 2002. “Standard Procedure for Achieving Target Air Void Content of Gyratory HMA Specimens (Provisional Protocol)”. Research Report. Subtasks C4 through C6 (Field Validation of the Simple Performance Test), NCHRP 9-19 Project (Superpave Support and Performance Models Management), National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, September 2002.

- 2002. “Validation Analysis: MnRoad Plant Mixtures Dynamic Modulus (E*) Test Data”. Subtask C5 Report, NCHRP 9-19 Project (Superpave Support and Performance Models Management), National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, May 2002.

- 2002. “Comparison of APADS versus MnPave Mechanistic-Empirical Design Procedures”. Independent Research Report. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, April 2002.

- 2001. “Sensitivity of Simple Performance Test: Dynamic Modulus (E*)”. Subtask C4b Report, NCHRP 9-19 Project (Superpave Support and Performance Models Management), National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, December 2001.

-  2001. “Utilization of Full Gyratory Samples: Dynamic Modulus (E*)”. Subtask C4c Report, NCHRP 9-19 Project (Superpave Support and Performance Models Management), National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, December 2001.

-  2001. “Comparison of Dynamic Complex Modulus Tests in Repeated Load Beam Flexure and Uniaxial Compression Modes”. Subtask C4e Report, NCHRP 9-19 Project (Superpave Support and Performance Models Management), National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, October 2001.

-  2001. “Investigation of the rheological properties of typical asphalt binders used in Arizona”.  Arizona State University. M.S. Thesis. Tempe, Arizona, USA, May 2001.

-  2001. “ADOT Asphalt Cement Binder Characterization Database - Volume II”. Supplementary to Task 2 Report, Arizona Department of Transportation Project No. SPR-402 (Development of Performance Related Specifications for Asphalt Pavements in the State of Arizona). Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, March 2001.

- 2000. “ADOT Asphalt Cement Binder Characterization Database”. Task 2 Report, Arizona Department of Transportation Project No. SPR-402 (Development of Performance Related Specifications for Asphalt Pavements in the State of Arizona). Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, December 2000.


Awards & Honors


Awarded merit scholarships in all levels of study ranging from primary through Ph.D. education, including the Chancellor's award. 



- “Effect of Lime Modification on Dynamic Modulus Stiffness of HMA for Use with the New NCHRP 1-37A M-E Pavement Design Guide Procedures”. Won the “AZITE Graduate Transportation Paper” Award in 2005 given by the Arizona Institute of Transportation Engineers (AZITE), March 2005.

- “Application of Performance Based System in the Pavement Contracting”. Nominated as “ASC 2003 Best Paper” by Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) in its 39th Annual Conference, Clemson, South Carolina, April 8-12, 2003.


Educational Qualifications


Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Specialization in Transportation Engg.), Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, Arizona, USA.

M.S. in Civil Engineering (Specialization in Transportation Engg.), Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, Arizona, USA.

M.Engg. (Environmental Engg.), Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, all course works and fieldwork of project complete. 

B.S. in Civil Engineering (Major in Structural Engg.), Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh.



Professional Engineer (P.E.) registered in USA with an active license.

Life Fellow of Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB).

Senior Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

Academic Experiences


September 2013 to Present: Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engg., NSU

March 2019 to March 2024 : Dean, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, and Member of NSU Syndicate, North South University

March 2015 to June 2017 : Chair and Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engg., and Member of NSU Syndicate, North South University

January 2011 to August 2013: Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg., IUBAT-International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

January 2012 to August 2013 : Director, South Asian Disaster Management Center, IUBAT

January 2006 to Dec 2010 : Adjunct Faculty, Arizona State University, USA

January 2000 to May 2005 : Senior Teaching Associate, Arizona State University, USA



January 2014 - Present: Personally conducted and directed all lab tests included in the “Engineering Materials” and “Pavement Design and Analysis” courses of North South University. Tests include compressive, tensile and flexural strength of concrete, steel, aluminum and wood, mix design of PCC and AC, aggregate gradation, Marshall and SuperPave test, conventional and Superpave asphalt binder testing etc.

August 2003 - April 2005: Personally conducted and directed all lab tests included in the “Civil Engineering Materials”, “Bituminous Materials” and “Pavement Design and Analysis” courses of Arizona State University. Tests include compressive, tensile and flexural strength of concrete, steel, aluminim and wood, mix design of PCC and AC, aggregate gradation, Marshall and SuperPave test, conventional and Superpave asphalt binder testing etc.

January 2001 - April 2005: Personally conducted all asphalt concrete Dynamic Modulus (E*) testing and many Repeated Load Permanent Deformation (Flow Number and Flow Time) testing, analyzed the test data and wrote technical papers for the following research projects: (i) Projects C4b, C4c, C4e and C5 of NCHRP 9-19 Research Program, (ii) ADOT-ASU Research Program, (iii) NLA-ASU Research Program, etc.

January 2000 - December 2004: Personally conducted all asphalt cement binder testing, analyzed data and wrote technical paper for “ADOT AC Binder Characterization Project” and “ADOT Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Cements Characterization Project”.

January 2000 - December 2004: Calibrated and maintained numerous advanced testing machines including various universal testing machines (UTM) used for E*, IDT, Fn and Ft testing, Bending Beam Rheometer, Rotational Viscometer, etc.

Professional Experiences in University Leadership, Industry, Research, Consultancy and Trainings


March 2019 - March 2024: Dean, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences

March 2014 -June 2017: Chair of the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering

March 2014 - June 2017 and March 2019 - March 2024: Member of the NSU Syndicate

January 2014 - March 2024: SEPS Strategic Planning Committee - Member Secretary

January 2014 - March 2024: SEPS Curriculum Committee - Member Secretary

January 2014 - Present: Coordinator of CEED Transportation and CEED Materials Lab 

December 2014 - Present: CEED Departmental Promotion Committee - Member

June 2012 - August 31, 2013: Director, South Asian Disaster Management Center (SADMC), IUBAT-International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Dhaka

June 2012 - August 31, 2013: Convenor, Committee to Improve the English Language Competency of Civil Engineering Students, IUBAT, Dhaka

January 2012 - August 31, 2013: Convenor, Task Force on Establishing a Graduate Program (MS and Ph.D.) in Engineering (Civil, Mechanical, CSE, and EEE), IUBAT, Dhaka

January 2012 - August 31, 2013: Convenor, Annual Faculty Activity Report (AFAR) Committee, IUBAT, Dhaka

December 2011 - August 31, 2013: Chair, Publication Reward System Committee (PRSC), IUBAT, Dhaka

August 2011 - December 2011: Chair, Convocation Publication Committee, IUBAT, Dhaka

January 2011 - August 31, 2013: Member (IUBAT representative) of Bangladesh Government’s Disaster Management Training and Awareness Task Force (DMTATF) formed by the Department of Disaster Management.



May 2005 to December 2010 : Senior Pavement Design and Development Engineer (Team Leader), Arizona Dept. of Transportation (ADOT), USA

January 1999 to December 1999 : Assistant Engineer (BCS Cadre),Roads & Highways Department (RHD)

February 1998 to December 1998 : Assistant Engineer (BCS Cadre),Public Works Department (PWD)

January 1994 to January 1998 : Assistant Engineer (PSC),Local Govt. Engineering Department (LGED)



2025: Team Leader for the in-depth evaluation of the “Improvement of Keranigonj-Hichmi-Puran Aipaul-Panchbibi-Hilli (with City Link) Highway” Project of the Roads and Highways Department on behalf of the Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Division, Ministry of Planning, Bangladesh Government. Budget = BDT 4,487 million.

2024: Team Leader for the Feasibility Study of the Construction of 66 Upazila/Thana, District and Regional Server Station for Election Database and Election Offices for the Election Commission of Bangladesh. Budget = BDT 4,753.05 million.

2024: Team Leader for the in-depth evaluation of the “Improvement of Joypurhat-Hichmi-Puran Aipaul-Panchbibi-Hilli (with City Link) Highway” Project of the Roads and Highways Department on behalf of the Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Division, Ministry of Planning, Bangladesh Government. Budget = BDT 2,263 million.

2022-2023: Team Leader on behalf of the World Bank, for the Final Performance Audit of the World Bank-funded “RTIP-II: Additional Financing” project of LGED (implemented in 18 districts of Bangladesh). Project budget = USD 170 million.

2023: Team Leader for the in-depth evaluation of the “Kishoreganj-Karimganj-Chamraghat District Highway Construction with Proper Levelling of Choyna-Jashadal-Chowddashata Bazar Link Road” Project of the Roads and Highways Department on behalf of the Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Division, Ministry of Planning, Bangladesh Government. Budget = BDT 7,313 million.

2020-2023: Principal Investigator of the NSU research grant project titled: “Characterization of Recycled Plastic-Modified Asphalt Binders for Using in Flexible Pavements of Bangladesh”. Budget = BDT 250,000.

2020-2023: Principal Investigator of the NSU research grant project titled: “Characterization of Common Asphalt Binders Used by the Roads and Highways Department of Bangladesh Government to Develop a Strategy to Implement the Performance Grade (PG) Specifications in Bangladesh”. Budget = BDT 250,000.

2019: Lead Civil Engineer for the final evaluation of the BAIDP (Bangladesh Agricultural Infrastructure Development Program) of USAID. Budget = USD 50 million.

2018: Team Leader for assessing the Socio-Economic-Environmental Impact Evaluation of the Ishwardi Export Processing Zone, Bangladesh. Budget = BDT 830 million.

2014 - 2017: A lead consultant of the World Bank to monitor the World Bank-funded “Second Rural Transport Improvement Project (RTIP-II)” of LGED (implemented in 26 districts of Bangladesh). Project budget = USD 417 million.

2011 - 2013: Advised/Mentored Civil Engineering students at IUBAT to accomplish their Practicum and researches. I also conducted some independent researches.

2009 - 2011: Technical Advisor of ADOT Research Project #SPR-674 “Engineering Properties of Recycled ARFC overlays”. Budget = USD 50,000.

2008 - 2011: Champion and Researcher of ADOT Research Project #SPR-610 “Development of AASHTO DARWin-ME Software for the MEPDG”. Budget = USD 50,000.

2008 - 2010: Technical Advisor of ADOT Research Project #SPR-631 “Evaluation of Warm Mix Technology for Use in Asphalt Rubber Asphalt Concrete Friction Courses”. Budget = USD 150,000.

2008 - 2010: Champion and Researcher of ADOT Research Project #SPR-672 “Traffic Data Input System for ADOT”. Budget = USD 100,000.

2007 - 2010: Champion and Technical Advisor of ADOT Research Project #SPR-606 “Calibration and Validation of MEPDG for the State of Arizona”. Budget = USD 300,000.

2007 - 2010: Technical Advisor of ADOT Research Project #SPR-628 “Maintenance Strategies for the State of Arizona”. Budget = USD 100,000.

2008 - 2011: Co-Principal Investigator of the project titled “Implementation of Superpave Binder and Asphalt Mix Specifications to Improve Pavement performance in Pakistan” under the Joint Pakistan-USA Science and Technology Cooperative Program being conducted jointly by the Michigan State University, USA and the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. Budget = USD 600,000.

2003 - 2004: Sole researcher of the ASU-NLA joint venture research project “Development of a Master Curve (E*) Database for Lime Modified Asphaltic Mixtures”. This project was funded by National Lime Association (NLA), USA. Budget = USD 50,000.

2002 - 2006: Main researcher of the ASU-ADOT joint venture research project “Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Rubber Mixtures in Arizona”. ADOT, USA funded the project. Budget = USD 50,000.

2002: Sole researcher of the research titled “Application of Performance Based System in the Pavement Contracting”. This independent study was conducted at ASU in association with its School of Construction.

2002: Sole researcher of the research titled “Developed a standard procedure for achieving target air void content of gyratory HMA specimens (provisional protocol)”. This independent study was conducted at ASU in conjunction with the NCHRP 9-19 Project.

2001 - 2005: Key researcher of Subtasks C4b, C4c, C4e and C5 included in Task C (Field Validation of the Simple Performance Test) of NCHRP 9-19 Project (Superpave Support and Performance Models Management). This multi-year U.S. National project funded by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program, USA. Budget = USD 250,000.

2001 - 2003: Key researcher of developing the AASHTO test protocol TP 62-03, titled “Determining Dynamic Modulus of Hot-Mix Asphalt Concrete Mixtures”. The research was conducted at ASU with the NCHRP 9-19 Project. Budget = USD 50,000.

2000 - 2006: Key researcher of projects #2, #3, #5, and #7 of ADOT’s large long-term research program #SPR-402 (Development of Performance Related Specifications for Asphalt Pavements in the State of Arizona). Budget = USD 200,000.

2000 - 2004: Sole researcher of the ASU-ADOT joint venture research titled “ADOT Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Cements Characterization Project”. ADOT, USA funded this multi-year research. Budget = USD 50,000.



- Before and after road safety status of the National Highways of Bangladesh.

- Evaluation of pedestrian Safety in Dhaka city.

- Analysis of roadway infrastructure management Using iRAP protocols to ensure road safety of critical intersections in Dhaka City.

- Railway level crossing safety status in Dhaka.

- Analysis of the bus management system of Dhaka City.

- Characterization of recycled plastic-modified asphalt for use in Bangladesh's flexible pavements in the flexible pavements of Bangladesh.

- Develop a strategy to implement Performance Grade Specifications of asphalt in Bangladesh.

- In-depth evaluation of various development projects of Bangladesh Government. 

- Impact evaluation of various development projects of Bangladesh Government. 

- Feasibility study of various development projects of Bangladesh Government. 



2005-2010: Co-Founder, Director, and Teacher of “Shikor Bangla Language and Culture School”, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA

2000-2010: Co-Founder, two-term President and Executive Member of “Bangladesh Theatre of Arizona” (BTA), Arizona, USA

1987-Present: Executive Committee Member of “Forum-86” of BUET’s H.S.C. Batch of 1986.

1988-1990: Member of “Young Writers’ Forum”, Dhaka

1985-1990: Vice-President and Executive Member of Onirban Youth Forum, Dhaka

1985-1987: President of “Dhaka Science Club”, Dhaka.


Courses Teaching

CE 6000: Graduate Thesis

CE 6502: Advanced Transportation Engineering

CE 6503: Transportation Systems Engineering, Planning and Management

CE 6505: Geometric Analysis and Design of Roads

CE 6507: Pavement Analysis, Design, and Construction

CE 6508: Advanced Highway Materials

CE 6510: Pavement Performance, Maintenance, and Management

CE 6511: Road and Traffic Safety Engineering

CEE 214: Engineering Materials

CEE 250: Introduction to Transportation Engineering

CEE 350: Traffic Analysis and Design

CEE 415: Socio-economic Aspects of Development Projects

CEE 450: Road and Traffic Safety Engineering

CEE 492: Undergraduate Thesis

Professional Membership and Training


- Licensed Professional Civil Engineer (P.E.) registered in USA with active license.

- Life Fellow of Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB).  



- Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

- Member of Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), USA.

- Reviewer of technical papers of ASCE publications.

- Member of and contributor to several U.S. National and Arizona State committees on Transportation Engineering.



Formally trained in the USA for Strategic planning, Budgeting process, Performance measures, Operational management, Management of project development process, Incident Command System, Pavement Preservation for High-Traffic-Volume Roadways, Asphalt Emulsions, and Project Reference.

Formally trained in Bangladesh as Program Evaluator for IEB/ BAETES’s Accreditation of Engineering Programs following the Washington Accord’s Outcome-based Education (OBE) Accreditation protocol, World Banks’s Road Safety training, Performance-based Maintenance Contract (PBMC), Infrastructure maintenance, Practitioner’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Law and Environmental Audit, Foundation Training of Public Employees, etc.

Research Interests

-  Road safety;

-  Traffic and crash data analysis;

-  Recycling of roadway materials;

-  Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), environmental audit environmental safeguards;

-  Pavement design and analysis;

-  Traffic surveys and analysis;

-  Highway materials characterization;

-  In-depth socio-economic-environmental and engineering evaluation and feasibility studies of large infrastructure projects.