Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Ar. Mujtaba Ahsan

Full Time Faculty
Associate Professor

Arch.D (Hawaii, USA), B.Arch (BUET) taught at University of Hawaii, Asia Pacific University

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 1854
Office: SAC 910

Curriculum Vitae




(2015) AHSAN, Mujtaba, RAJ, Shahriar Iqbal & RAHMAN, Nafizur. ECO-HOUSING: PROTOTYPICAL EXAMPLES FOR RURAL BANGLADESH in Cucinella, Mario, Pentalla, Giulia, Fagnani Alba and D’Ambrosio, Luca (ed), PLEA2015 Architecture in (R)Evolution – Book of Abstracts, 31st International PLEA Conference, Bologna, 9-11 September 2015.

(2013) AHSAN, Mujtaba, HOQUE, Mozammel & RAJ, Shahriar. BANGLADESH BANK HEAD OFFICE – A CASE FOR ENERGY BASED DESIGN IN BANGLADESH in Osman, Showkat, et.a. (ed), Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation, 14-16 November 2013, I3CIA-2013. Center for Climate Change and Sustainability Research (3CSR), Department of Civil Engineering, DUET. pp. 799-810.

(2012) AHSAN, Mujtaba, IQBAL, Shahriar Raj, HOSSAIN, Maruf & KUNDU, Amity. ARCHITECTURE PROGRAM STRUCTURE IN BANGLADESH: A CRITICAL STUDY. International Seminar on Architecture: Education Practice and Research, Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.

(2011) AHSAN, Mujtaba & RAHMAN, Nafizur. ECO‐HOUSING: MATERIAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR A SUSTAINABLE BUILT ENVIRONMENT. International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education: CERIE 2011, 11-13 January, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh

(2010) AHSAN, Mujtaba, RAHMAN Nafizur & SALAM, Abdus. INDIGENOUS HOUSING FOR DISASTER PRONE AREAS: CURRENT AND FUTURE TREND. Seminar on Risk Resilience Infrastructures: Role Of Education And Training, BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention & Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS) and CDMP, November 13-14, 2010.

(2009) RAHMAN, Mahbubur & AHSAN, Mujtaba. THE NAWABS AND THE AHSAN MANJIL: THE SOCIETY, POLITICS, ARCHITECTURE AND CONSERVATION in Old but New: New but Old. Architectural Heritage Conservation. UNESCO. (Book Chapter)


(2009) AHSAN, Mujtaba & RAHMAN, Nafizur. ECO-HOUSING in Research & Development Program, Annual Report 2007: the Year in Review. Dhaka: Housing & Building Research Institute, 2009. Pp. 9-16.

(2007) AHSAN, Mujtaba & RAHMAN, Mahbubur. ARCHITECTURE ADDRESSING POVERTY: EMERGING ISSUES IN BANGLADESH in Architecture for the Economically Disadvantaged. International Seminar. Dhaka: Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, 23-24 March, 2007. pp-36-42

(2007) AHSAN, Mujtaba & RAHMAN, Mahbubur. EMERGING ISSUES IN ARCHITECTURE in Society Architects and Emerging Issues in Architecture. 18th CAA Conference, Dhaka 2006. Dhaka: Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA) and Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB), 2007. pp.153-160

(2001) AHSAN, Mujtaba. INTEGRATING TERRACOTTA WITH THE BUILDING INDUSTRY: AN EFFORT TO REVIVE THE DYING TRADE & ECONOMIC UPLIFT OF THE VILLAGE POTTER, in Ahmed, K. Iftekhar (ed.) Low-Income Housing: Multi Dimensional Research Perspectives. Dhaka: Grameen Trust, 2001. pp-74-82 (BOOK CHAPTER)

(2013) AHSAN, Mujtaba & RAHMAN, Nafizur. ECO HOUSING IN BANGLADESH: THE HOUSING & BUILDING RESEARCH INSTITUTE EXPERIENCE. CAA Conference, Dhaka: Architecture Response and Responsibility. Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA), 2013. (Abstract, CD). 

(2013-14) Research Grant (NSU) – Principal Researcher, Energy Auditing and Green Campus Building of North South University

(2011-2012) UGC/HEQEP/NSU Project Grant (CP-449) Building Technology & Material Research Lab as Sub-Project Manager

(2000) Research Grant, Principal Researcher, the Grameen Trust, Program for Research on Poverty Alleviation (PRPA), Topic: Integrating Terra Cotta with the Building Industry – an Effort to Revive the Dying Trade & Economic Uplift of the Village Potter.

(2006) Tau, Sigma, Delta
National Honor Society for Architecture and Allied Arts, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA

(2006) Student Marshall
95th Annual Commencement, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA

(2005) Distinguished Service Award
East West Center, USA

(2003) Degree Fellowship
East West Center, USA/ ADB-JSP Program

Sharfuddin Scholarship
BUET, for highest performance in class till the Fourth Year

Merit Scholarships
From BUET for top three/five academic performers in class

(2006) Doctorate in Architecture, USA, University of Hawaii at Manoa, School of Architecture
Doctorate Topic: A Regional Application of Sustainable Architecture: Principles & Practices for an Urban Neighborhood Design in Bangladesh

Bachelor in Architecture (B.Arch)
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Distinction: First Class 2nd Position in Class

(February 2016 - to date) Associate Professor, North South University, Department of Architecture

(2008-February, 2016) Assistant Professor, North South University, Department of Architecture
Plot-15, Block-B, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh 

(2006-2007) Senior Lecturer, North South University, Department of Architecture
Plot-15, Block-B, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh

(Spring 2006) Design Studio Teacher, Bachelor of Architecture Program/ Graduate Assistance, University of Hawaii at Manoa, School of Architecture, USA

(Fall 2005) Teaching Assistant, University of Hawaii at Manoa, School of Architecture, USA

(2000-3) Lecturer, Department of Architecture, the University of Asia Pacific, Block E, House 51, Road 4A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka 1209, Dhaka

(2012) Green Building Advisor
United States Green Building Council administered Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum Certificate Pursuing first commercial green building project in Bangladesh, Cityscape International Ltd.

(2007-8) Research Project Consultant
Eco-Housing Research Project, Housing & Building Research Institute (HBRI) Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh (July 2007 – December 2008)

(2004) Internship, GENSLER
2 Harrison St. San Francisco, California, American Institute of Architects Professional Internship/training 

(2004) Internship, Kober, Hanssen, Mitchel (KHMA) Architects
Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, American Institute of Architects Professional Internship/training 

(2000) M.A. Saud & Partners, Dhaka – Design Architect

Architecture Design Studios:

ARC 111: Foundation Design Studio - Artistic Development
ARC 213: Allied Design Studio - Dimension and Product
ARC 316: Professional Studies Studio - Form & Function 
ARC 318: Professional Studies Studio III - Complex Function
ARC 418: Design & Allied Studies Studio I
ARC 419: Design & Allied Studies Studio II
ARC 510: Advanced Studies Studio I
ARC 596: Thesis Documentation - Research Development
ARC 519: Advanced Studies Studio II - Thesis Project

Architecture Graphics Studio:

ARC 122: Graphics II - Rendering

Lecture Courses:

ARC 133: Parameters in Design I - Aesthetics & Design
ARC 200: Crafts & Design - Observation & Documentation
ARC 242: Architectural Heritage II - World II
ARC 271: Construction I - Materials
ARC 272: Construction II - Technology
ARC 273: Construction III - Workshop
ARC 334: Parameters in Design II - Theory & Methods
ARC 343: Architectural Heritage III - India
ARC 346: Architectural Heritage IV - Contemporary South & Southeast Asia
ARC 466: Ecology & Bioclimatic Design
ARC 492: Independent Study

(Since 2000) Full Member, Institute of Architects, Bangladesh (A 215)

(Since 2014) Member, Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), Atlanta, USA

(Since 2006) Member Japan-ADB Scholarship Alumni Association (JASAA)

  1. Sustainable Architecture
  2. Green Building
  3. Energy Efficiency in Architecture