Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Dr. Sharif Shams Imon

Full Time Faculty

PhD (Architectural & Urban Conservation), The University of Hong Kong
MSC (Urban Planning) The University of Hong Kong
MBA, IBA, University of Dhaka
B.Arch, BUET

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 

Curriculum Vitae

Prof Dr Sharif Shams Imon is an architectural and urban heritage management and heritage tourism expert with 27 years of combined professional and academic experience. His diverse educational background encompasses architecture, urban planning, and business administration degrees, culminating in a PhD in Urban Conservation from the University of Hong Kong. Furthering his expertise, he underwent advanced Integrated Territorial and Urban Conservation training from ICCROM.

With a research focus on architectural and urban heritage management, heritage impact assessment, heritage interpretation, and sustainable tourism, Prof Imon has taught Architectural and Urban Heritage Management at universities in Bangladesh, Macau, Hong Kong and Thailand. Internationally recognized as an expert in historic cities, he assumes the role of president of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) in Bangladesh. He is also an expert member of the International Committee of Historic Towns and Villages (CIVVIH) and the ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee (ICTC). Prof Imon's significant contributions extend to UNESCO, where he has conducted World Heritage advisory, technical evaluation, reactive monitoring, and impact assessment missions since 2005. He has also played a pivotal role as a consultant in projects for ICCROM, ICOMOS, UNESCO, UNESCAP, and various governments, especially in capacity-building initiatives, impacting professionals, senior officials, and trainers across more than 17 countries.

Prof Imon significantly contributed to the field by drafting the Core Competences chapter in UNESCO's "Competence Framework for Cultural Heritage Management," now an essential resource for heritage practitioners worldwide. This work is a testament to Prof Imon's commitment to advancing the field and shaping the competencies of heritage practitioners globally.

Journal Articles (15)

Zhang, H., Chan, W. & Imon, S. S. (Accepted). Obstructive Factors Encountered When Using Immersive Technology in Tourism Heritage: The Moderating Effect of the Personal Capability via SEM-PLS Process. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. ISSN: 1757-9880. (SCOPUS, Q1)

Xinyi, J., Imon, S. S. & Chen, Z. (2023). Professional Competence Development of Heritage Guides. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 18(5), 676-690. (SCOPUS, Q1)

Niyati, J. & Imon, S. S. (2022). Authenticity and Integrity as Qualifiers in Managing Living Historic Cities. Urban Research & Practice. ISSN: 1753-5077. (SCOPUS, Q2)

Choi, S-H, Couto, U. & Imon, S. S. (2020). Resident Attendees of Macao's Drunken Dragon Festival: A Cluster Analysis. International Journal of Event and Festival Management. ISSN 1758-2954. (SCOPUS, Q2)

Choi, S-H, Imon, S. S. & Couto, U. (2020). Negotiating with Authenticity to Ensure Sustainability of Traditional Cultural Festivals: Residents' Perspectives about Macao's Drunken Dragon Festival. Sustainability, 12(3), 885. ISSN 2071-1050. (SCOPUS, Q1)

Wong, U. I. & Imon, S. S. (2018). Reflecting Public Needs in Regeneration Projects in Historic Urban Areas. Modern Conservation, 6, 227-239. ISSN: 2334-9239.

Imon, S. S. (2017). Cultural Heritage Management under Tourism Pressure. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 9(3), 335-348. ISSN: 1755-4217. (SCOPUS, Q2)

Choi, S-H, Imon, S. S. & Couto, U. (2016), Sustainable development of Macao’s Feast of the Drunken Dragon: Profiling resident festival participants. Journal of Sustainability Research, 7(2), 1-9. ISSN: 2233-4785. (SCOPUS, Q2)

Rahman, M. M., & Imon, S. S. (2016). How Can Historic Waterfront Conservation Help to Improve the Quality of Life in Old Dhaka. American Scientific Research Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 26(2), 200-218. ISSN: (Print) 2313-4410, (Online) 2313-4402.

Imon, S. S. (2016). Public Participation and Sustainable Urban Conservation. Context: Built, Living and Natural, 12(2), 21-30. ISSN: 0973-502X.

Imon, S. S., DiStefano, L. D., & Lee, H.-y. (2011). UNESCO-ICCROM Asian Academy for Heritage Management initiative to establish interpretation and presentation standards at World Heritage Sites in Asia. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 6(3), 245-254. (SCOPUS, Q1)

Imon, S. S. (2008). Managing Change in the Historic City of Macao. Historic Environment, 21(3), 16-21. ISSN: 0726-6715.

Imon, S. S., DiStefano, L. D., & Lee, H.-y. (2008). Deals, Wheels, and Keels: Economic Considerations in the Rapid Reshaping of Cultural Traditions in Macao. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review, 20(1), 26-27. ISSN: 1050-2092.

DiStefano, L. D., Imon S. S., Lee H. Y. and DiStefano, J. J. (2005). Bridging Differences: A Model for Effective Communication between Different Disciplines through Training Programmes for Professionals. City and Time, 1(2), 1-15. ISSN: 1807-7544. 

Imon, S. S. (2005). Review of “Principles for the Conservation of Heritage Sites in China: English Language Translation edited by Neville Agnew and Martha Demas. The Getty Conservation Institute/ICOMOS China. (2002)”. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 7(1), 72-74. ISSN: 1350-5033.

Books (3)

Imon, S. S. (Ed.) (manuscript under final review). Documentation of Terracotta Plaques at Paharpur World Heritage site. Dhaka: UNESCO.

Bienstman, H., Chapagain, N. K., Imon, S. S., Kim, I., Leitao, L. & Unakul, M. (2021), Competence Framework for Cultural Heritage Management: A Guide to the Essential Skills and Knowledge for Heritage Practitioners. Bangkok: UNESCO.

Engelhardt, R. A., Imon, S. S., & Rogers, A. P. (2020), Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) Guidebook for Bangladesh. Dhaka: UNESCO.

Book Chapters and Case Studies in Books (8)

Imon, S. S. (expected in December 2024). “Intangible Cultural Heritage in Historic Cities”. In Niyati Jigyasu and Anjali Krishan Sharma (eds.), Intangible Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Management of Historic Towns in Asia. Springer.

Imon, S. S. (in press). “Nizamuddin Urban Renewal Initiative: Socio-economic Sustainability through Conservation”. In Lynne DiStefano and Lavina Ahuja (eds.), Asian Revitalization Volume II: Adaptive Reuse in Macao, Mumbai and Penang. Hong Kong University Press.

Imon, S. S. (2019). “Tourism risk preparedness, Kaesong, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Case Study”. In Walter Jamieson and Richard Engelhardt, The Planning and Management of Responsible Urban Heritage Destinations in Asia: Dealing with Asian urbanism and tourism forces. Goodfellow Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-911396-58-1

Samayeen, N., & Imon, S. S. (2016). “The cultural landscape of Pohela Boishakh festival and the making of a national identity in Bangladesh”. In A. Sinha & K. D. Silva (Eds.), Cultural Landscapes of South Asia: Studies in Heritage Conservation and Management. New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-94757-3

Imon, S. S. (2014) “Urban Design and Quality of Life in Dhaka.” In Dhaka: An Urban Reader, ed. Mahbubur Rahman. Dhaka: University Press Limited. ISBN: 978-984-506-149-0

Imon, S. S. (2013) “Issues of Sustainable Tourism at Heritage Sites in Asia.” In Asian Heritage Management: Contexts, Concerns & Prospects, eds. Kapila D. Silva and Neel Kamal Chapagain. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-52054-6

Imon, S. S. (2009) “Current Thinking and Approaches – facing the conservation challenges in Asia Pacific.” In Old but New: : New but Old – Architectural Heritage Conservation, ed. Mahbubur Rahman. Dhaka: UNESCO. ISBN: 978-984-33-0894-8

Imon, S. S., L. D. DiStefano & H. Y. Lee (2005). “The Meaning of Integrated Conservation in a Historic Urban Area: A Case Study from Old Dhaka.”  In Urban Revitalization and Social Sustainability, ed. George E. Lasker and Greg Andonian, Vol. 1, pp.7-10. Windsor, Ontario, Canada: IIAS. ISBN: 1-897233-22-1

Research Grants and Commissioned Research Projects

“Socio-economic and Anthropological Survey on the Potter Communities in the Surrounding Villages of Paharpur”. UNESCO, 2017.

“The effect of tourism development on the cultural spaces of traditional festivals in Macao: The study of the Drunken Dragon Festival”. Macao Institute for Tourism Studies, 2014.

“Research on Macau Population Carrying: Scenarios and challenges facing Macao's future population carrying capacity: Planning and consideration”. Macao SAR Government, 2013.

Conference Papers (26)

Zhang, H., Chan, W. & Imon, S. S. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of Technology Acceptance Models in Tourism-Culture-Museum and Mainstream Service Contexts. Travel and Tourism Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research Globally, 8.

Choi, S. H., Imon, S. S., Couto, U., Paek, I., & Cho, Y. H. (2022). Drunken Dragon Festival in Macao: Government’s Involvement and Residents’ Reaction. Paper presented at the 15th Korea-China-Japan Joint Conference on Geography: Livable Cities, Resilient Future. Seoul, Korea. 20-23 October.

Imon, S. S. (2020). A New Life or Life Support: Rationale for Extending the Life of a Building. Paper presented at 5th DOCOMOMO Macau Seminar. Macao, China. 24 November.

Wo, K. K. C., & Imon, S. S. (2019). Festivalgoers' Attitudes toward Safeguarding the Feast of the Drunken Dragon and Lion Dance Gala of Macao. Paper presented at the 2019 Korean Geographical Society Geography Conference. South Korea. 22-23 November.

Choi, S. H., Couto, U., & Imon, S. S. (2019). Festival-specific Dimensionality of the Perceptions about Regional Traditional Festivals: An Exploratory Study and Longitudinal Replication in a Chinese Context. Paper presented at the CAUTHE 2019: Sustainability of Tourism, Hospitality & Events in a Disruptive Digital Age. Queensland, Australia. 11-14 February.

Choi, S., Couto, U. & Imon, S. S. (2017). Participating and non-participating residents’ perceptions and attitudes towards Macao’s Drunken Dragon Festival. 4th International Conference on Events (ICE) 2017: Beyond the Waves. University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA. 12-14 December.

Imon, S. S. & Wong, U. I. (2017). Conflict resolution between host communities and heritage authorities: The application of Selfish Gene Theory in Heritage. Paper presented at the 19th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Delhi, India. 11-15 December.

Imon, S. S. (2016). Teaching Heritage Interpretation to Non-events Students. Paper presented at the Global Events Congress VII, IUPUI. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. 5-8 July.

Imon, S. S., Couto, U., & Choi, S. H. (2015). Making More Sense of Cultural Spaces within a Changing Urban Landscape: The Case of the Drunken Dragon Festival in Macao. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Events, Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao. 7-9 September.

Imon, S. S. (2015). “The Value of Islamic Heritage on the World Heritage List”. International Conference on Religious Heritage: Toward Understanding the Outstanding Universal Value of Religious Heritage. Gongju City, Korea. 22-25 April.

Imon, S. S. (2014). “Tourism, a missing link in authenticity discourse”. ICCROM-Korea CHA Forum on Authenticity in Asian Context. Habarana, Sri Lanka. 08-12 December.

Imon, S. S. (2014). “Making sense of ‘cultural spaces’ within a changing cultural landscape”. 18th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium: Heritage and Landscape as Human Values. Florence, Italy. 09-14 November. Refereed.

Imon, S. S. (2013). “Relationship between cultural spaces and the continuity of a tradition: The case of the Drunken Dragon Festival in Macao”. Revisiting Kathmandu: Safeguarding Living Urban Heritage. Kathmandu, Nepal. 25-29 November. Refereed.

Imon, S. S. (2013). “Critical Issues of Interpretation and Presentation of 20th Century Heritage: A Study of Chandigarh”. International Conference: Filling the Gaps: World Heritage and the 20th Century. Chandigarh, India. 3-4 October.

Huids, Nadine, E. van de Riet, I. Beltrão, Imon, S. S., A. P. Roders (2013). “Towards the heritage impact assessment of tourism: the historical route of Macao as case study”. Tourism and the Shifting Values of Heritage: Visiting Pasts, Developing Futures, Taipei, Taiwan. 5-9 April. Refereed.

Imon, S. S. (2011). “Commercialization of festivals and cultural identity”. 42nd Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA): Make No Little Plans, Chicago, USA. 25-28 May. Refereed.

Imon, S. S. (2011). “On issues of identity in Macao”. Why does the past matter? Changing Visions, Media, and Rationales in the 21st Century, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA. 4-7 May. Refereed.

Wong Un In and Imon, S. S. (2009). “’What I wanted is Not What I Got’: Reflecting Public Needs in Urban Regeneration Projects in Macao”. Urban Heritage and Tourism: Challenges and Opportunities. 2nd Asian Academy for Heritage Management Conference, Macao, China. 1 – 3 December. Refereed.

Ana Tarrafa, Imon, S.S. and Roders, A. P. (2009) “Tackling Tourism-driven Development in World Heritage Cites: A Comparison between Macao, China and Évora, Portugal”. Urban Heritage and Tourism: Challenges and Opportunities. 2nd Asian Academy for Heritage Management Conference, Macao, China. 1-3 December. Refereed.

Ong, C. E., Dioko, L. A. and Imon, S. S. (2008) “The V-Print: A New Tool in Visitor Education and Impact Management”. European Council on Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Education (EUROCHRIE) 2008, The Emirates Academy, Dubai, UAE. 11-14 October. Refereed.

Imon, S. S., L. D. DiStefano and H. Y. Lee (2008) “Preserving the Spirit of the Historic City of Macao: Complexity and Contradiction(s”). 16th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS, Quebec, Canada. 29 September – 04 October. Refereed.

Imon, S. S., L. D. DiStefano and H. Y. Lee (2008) “Cultural Heritage Specialist Guide Training and Certification Programme: A UNESCO-ICCROM Academy for Heritage Management Initiative to Establish Interpretation and Presentation Standards at World Heritage Sites”. Sixth World Archaeological Congress (WAC-6), Dublin, Ireland. 29 June – 4 July 2008. Refereed.

Imon, S. S. (2008) “Managing Change in a World Heritage City: case Studies from Macao”, in Amoêda, Rogério et. al. (eds.), World Heritage and Sustainable Development: Heritage 2008 Conference, Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Portugal. 7-9 May 2008. Refereed.

Imon, S. S. (2007) Towards a New Development Agenda for Historic Areas: Case Studies from Old Dhaka and Other Asian Cities, in Rahman, M. (ed.), Society, Architects, and Emerging Issues: 18th CAA Conference, Commonwealth Association of Architects and Institute of Architects Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2007. ISBN: 984-300-000498-9. Refereed.

Imon, S. S., L. D. DiStefano and H. Y. Lee (2006) “Can public participation fill the gap of inadequate measures for protection and management of heritage places and their setting in developing countries?: Case studies from Old Dhaka,” in Asian Approaches to Conservation: Research Conference of the UNESCO-ICCROM Asian Academy for Heritage Management, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-5 October 2006.

DiStefano, L. D., Imon, S. S., H. Y. Lee and J. J. DiStefano (2004) “Bridging Differences: A Model for Effective Communication Between Different Disciplines Through Training Programmes for Professionals,” in Zancheti, S. (ed.), Interfaces in Integrated Urban Conservation: Bridging between Disciplines and Cooperative Action, CECI: Recife, Brazil, 2004. Refereed.

Professional Publications/Training Manuals

Hiske Bienstman, Neel Kamal Chapagain, Sharif Shams Imon, Injee Kim, Leticia Leitao, and Montira Unakul. Competence Framework for Cultural Heritage Management: A User Guide to Essential Skills and Knowledge for Heritage Practitioners. Paris: UNESCO. 2021

Richard A Engelhardt, Sharif Shams Imon, and Ayesha Pamela Rogers. Heritage Impact Assessment Guidebook for Bangladesh. Dhaka: UNESCO. 2020

Imon, Sharif Shams, Suntikul, Wantanee, Ong C. E. and Zhou Max. Tourism Management Plan for the Historic Centre of Macao World Heritage Site. Government of Macao. 2012

Imon, Sharif Shams and Ong, C. E. Cultural Tourism Sites Management: A Training Manual for Trainers in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP). 2008

Ong, C. E., Imon, Sharif Shams and Lam, F. I. Training Manual for Macao Heritage Tour Guide – Cultural Heritage Specialist Guides Training and Certification Program for UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Site Module), Institute for Tourism Studies: Macao. 2007

Imon, Sharif Shams, Dioko, L.A.N., & Ong, C.E. Cultural Heritage Specialist Guides Training and Certification Program for UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Training Handbook (4th ed.). Institute for Tourism Studies: Macao. 2006 [Translated into seven languages]

Non-academic Publications

Choi, S. H., Couto, U. and Imon, S. S. (2021). Taking the Drunken Dragon Festival to tourists. Macau Business. June 2021.

Imon, S. S. and Couto, U. Eds. (2018). Memories of Mandarin’s House. Macao Films & Television Productions and Culture Association: Macao.

Imon, S. S. (2018). Nurturing the Soul of Macau’s Heritage Sites. Macau Business. February 2018.


Editorial Board Member

  • Journal of Heritage Management, SAGE
  • Ayana: Tourism Research Journal, Tourism Research Institute, University of La Plata, Argentina
  • Guest Editor: ATLAS Tourism and Leisure Review, Volume 2020-3, Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research (ATLAS)
  • Co-editor of Conservation: South Asia, a quarterly newsletter of the South Asian Network of Young Conservation Professionals, 2004-2006

Peer Review of Academic Journal Papers

  • Economic Anthropology, published by Wiley
  • Facilities, published by Emerald
  • Heritage, published by MDPI
  • Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, published by Emerald
  • Journal of Heritage Management, published by SAGE
  • Preservation Education & Research published by the National Council for Preservation Education
  • Protibesh, published by Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology/SAGE
  • Sustainability, published by MDPI
  • Tourism Management, published by Elsevier
  • Tourism, Culture & Communication, published by Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Tourist Studies, 
  • Urban Studies, published by The University of Glasgow

Keynote and Invited Speaker

Invited Speaker. “ICOMOS Charters for Cultural Heritage Professionals”. We Are Site Managers International Symposium. George Town Incorporated, Malaysia. 1-5 March 2024. Penang, Malaysia.

Keynote Speaker. “Managing Water in Historic Cities”. Symposium on Water Heritage for City’s Sustainable Development. Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government, China, and UNESCO Multi-Sectoral Regional Office for East Asia. 9 June 2023. Hangzhou, China.

Invited Speaker. “Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Urban Development”. Public Lecture at the Research Laboratory for Cultural Sustainability, University of Saint Joseph. 26 April 2023. Macao.

Invited Speaker. “Old Dhaka, Bangladesh”. Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the UNESCO Recommendation on Historic Urban Landscape (2011) Webinar: Future of Historic Towns - Relevance of HUL approach. UNESCO India. 16 November 2021. Online.

Panel Speaker. “Competence-based learning and curriculum development and the way forward for Hong Kong”. Talk 3 – UNESCO Heritage Awards – Towards New Competences in Heritage Conservation. 12 April 2021. Hong Kong Institute of Architectural Conservationists. Hong Kong, China. Online.

Invited Speaker. “A new life or life support: Rationales for extending the life of a building”. 5th DOCOMOMO Macau Seminar on How to Extend the Life of Buildings? 24 November 2020. Macau, China.

Invited Speaker. “Heritage Management Under COVID-19 in Bangladesh”. 2020 HeritAP Online symposium on Impacts of COVID-19 on World Heritage Sites and Moving forward. 19-20 November 2020. Shanghai, China.

Invited Speaker. “Tourism Issues at World Heritage Sites in the Asia-Pacific”. HeritAP-WHITRAP International Symposium on World Heritage Properties, Programmes and People in the Asia-Pacific Region. 7-10 December 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Invited Speaker. “World Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development: Way Forward for the Historic Centre of Macao”, Seminar on World Cultural Heritage Protection and Sustainable Development. Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage. 27 November 2019, Beijing, China.

Invited Speaker. UNESCO Sub-Regional Conference on World Heritage Global Strategy in the Context of South Asia. 21-22 February 2019, Kolkata, India.

Invited Speaker. UNESCO Sub-Regional Conference on World Heritage Global Strategy in the Context of South Asia. 21-22 February 2019, Kolkata, India.

Invited Speaker. World Heritage Leadership Programme: Impact Assessment Workshop. ICCROM-IUCN. 10-12 September 2018, Gland, Switzerland.

Keynote Speaker. “The role and responsibility of governments in cultural and natural conservation for sustainable tourism”. Ecotourism Capacity Building Workshop. ASEAN-Korea Centre. 21-23 September 2016. Courtyard Marriot Namdaemun, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Invited Speaker. “International perspectives on Good Tourism”. UNESCO Workshop on Good Tourism: Definition and Framework. 6 September 2013. Beijing, China.

Invited Speaker. “World Heritage Nomination Process” in Macau Cultural and World Heritage Seminar, organised by the Hong Kong Education Bureau and Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO). 4 May 2012. Mira Hotel, Hong Kong.

Invited Speaker, “Integrating tourism with management planning for cultural heritage properties”. A School of Canadian Studies Heritage Conservation Symposium, (Carleton University), the National Historic Sites Directorate, Parks Canada Agency, and the City of Ottawa. 6 October 2008. City Hall, Ottawa, Canada.

Panel Speaker, Regional Seminar on Training-of Trainers on Cultural Tourism Sites Management and Guiding”, UNESCAP, UNESCO & The Mekong Institute. 26-27 May 2008. Khon Kaen, Thailand.

Keynote Speaker. “Facing Conservation Challenges in Asia: Current Thinking and Approaches” in Old but New::New but Old: Seminar on Urban Conservation/Regeneration, North South University and British Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 15-17 March 2007.

Panel Speaker, Macao Public Forum on the Challenges of Becoming a World Heritage Site: Lessons from Other Countries in the Asia Pacific Region, jointly organised by UNESCO Office of the Regional Advisor for Culture in Asia and the Pacific, ICCROM, AAHM and IFT, held at IFT, Macao. 25 October 2004.

Conference Organisation

Moderator. World Heritage Young Professionals Forum: “World Heritage and Sustainable Livelihoods”. 5-9 July 2021. Fuzhou, China.

Conference Co-chair. ATLAS SIG Meeting and Conference: Heritage Tourism and Education. 21-22 November 2019, Macao, China.

Scientific Committee Member. 2nd International Conference on Heritage Management Education & Practice: Developing Integrated Approaches, & an Expo of Best Practices in Integrated Heritage Management. 14-16 December 2018, Ahmedabad, India.

Scientific Committee Member, ATLAS Annual Conference 2018. 26-29 September 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Scientific Committee Member, ICOMOS General Assembly and Symposium. 12-15 December 2017, Delhi, India.

Scientific Committee Member, International Conference on Heritage Management Education & Practice: Exploring Connections across Disciplines and Stakeholders. 29-31 July 2017, Ahmedabad, India.

Moderator. 1st DOCOMOMO-Macao and IFT Seminar: Transporting Modernity - A Discourse on Architectural Heritage of the Modern Movement. 11 September 2014. Macao Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao, China.

Moderator. International Conference on Heritage Conservation 2011: Conservation and Development - Partners or Rivals? Organised by the Development Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government. 12-13 December 2011. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Hong Kong.

Conference Co-chair and Chair of Scientific Committee, Urban Heritage and Tourism: Challenges and Opportunities, 2nd Asian Academy for Heritage Management Conference. 1-3 December 2009. Macao, China.


Guest Speaker

National University of Singapore, School of Design and Environment, Department of Architecture. 2021. “Conservation Policy and Methodology for Sustainable Development”.

University of the West of Scotland, UK. School of Business and Enterprise. 2021. 

Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Hotel and Tourism Management, Hong Kong. 2019. 

North-South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Department of Architecture. 2018.

Beijing Normal University, Real Estate College, China. 2016. 

Chitkara University. School of Planning and Architecture, Punjab, India. 2015.

Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Department of Architecture. 2010.

BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Department of Architecture. 2007.

Hong Kong University Postgraduate Studentship for PhD study at the University of Hong Kong. 2002-2006

Ford Foundation Scholarship to attend a two-month Integrated Territorial and Urban Conservation course at ICCROM, Rome, Italy. 2003.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) Scholarship to study MSc. in Urban Planning at the University of Hong Kong. 1999-2001

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Urban Conservation) 

Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 2006

MBA (Finance) 

Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2002

Master of Science in Urban Planning

Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 2001

Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) (First Class)

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh. 1995

Macao Institute for Tourism Studies
[QS World University Rankings by subject 2023 for Hospitality and Leisure Management: 1st in Macao, 1st in Asia, and 10th in the world]



Assistant Professor (November 2006-June 2023)

Council Member (elected) (September 2021-June 2023) [the highest body of the institution]

Member, Technical and Scientific Council (September 2009-2016 & September 2018-2019)

Academic Council Member (elected Research Staff Representative) (October 2019- June 2023)

Coordinator, Cultural and Heritage Management programme (September 2021-December 2022)

Coordinator, Heritage Management and Tourism Business Management programmes (September 2007-August 2011 and September 2014-December 2021) 

Member, Pedagogic Council (September 2007-January 2012 and September 2014 – December 2022)



Institutional Accreditation – International Quality Review (IQR-Europe) by UK Quality Assurance Agency (UKQAA) 2022

Programme Accreditation – BSc in Cultural and Heritage Management Programme by UK’s Quality Assurance Agency (UK-QAA) 2021

Programme Accreditation – BSc in Heritage Management and BSc in Tourism Business Management for UNWTO’s TedQual Certification (2013, 2016, 2020)

Curriculum Development

BSc in Cultural and Heritage Management programme: July 2017-June 2020

BSc in Heritage Management and BSc Tourism Business Management programmes - June-October 2010

Silpakorn University, Thailand 

Visiting Faculty, International Program in Architectural Heritage Management and Tourism, Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University (October 2022-September 2024)

The University of Hong Kong
[QS World University Rankings 2024: 2nd in Asia, 17th in the world]

Visiting Assistant Professor, Architectural Conservation Programme, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) (February 2016-2022)

Part-time Lecturer, Architectural Conservation Programme, HKU (2007-to 2016)

Guest Lecturer, Master of Architecture programme, Department of Architecture, HKU (2003-2005)

Curriculum Development Consultant. Develop a curriculum for the Post-graduate Diploma in Cultural Heritage Management programme for HKU-SPACE, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) (2005-2007)

Part-time Lecturer, HKU SPACE Cultural Heritage Management Programme, HKU SPACE (2005-to 2016)

Institute of European Studies of Macau (IEEM)

Invited Lecturer for Advanced Diploma in Cultural Heritage Studies and Tourism programme (2006-2009)

Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Assistant Professor (November 2001 – August 2002 [Study leave – September 1999-August 2001 & September 2012 – August 2006]

Lecturer (September 1998 – October 2001)

PhD Supervisor/Adviser/examiner

PhD Supervisor, Macao Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao

External PhD Examiner, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macao

External PhD Examiner, National College of Arts, Pakistan

PhD Advisor, Manipal University, India


Panel Member. ICOMOS World Heritage Panel. 2023-2024

ICOMOS Expert. UNESCO -ICOMOS Joint Reactive Monitoring Mission to Rangiri Dambulla Cave Temple World Heritage Site, Sri Lanka. 7 – 13 January 2023

Consultant. Heritage Management Competency Development of Department of Archaeology Staff Members, Bangladesh. UNESCO. April 2022-February 2023

Panel Member. ICOMOS World Heritage Panel. 2020-2021

Consultant. Updating World Heritage Tentative List of Bangladesh. UNESCO. February 2020-June 2021

Consultant. Developing Professional Competency Framework for World Heritage Management. UNESCO. 1 July-30 November 2018

ICOMOS Expert. Technical Evaluation of the World Heritage nomination of The Walled City of Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. 21-26 September 2018

World Heritage Advisor. Seoul Metropolitan Government, Republic of Korea. World Heritage nomination of the Seoul City Wall. 16-20 July 2018

World Heritage Advisor. Cultural Heritage Administration, Republic of Korea. World Heritage nomination of the Buddhist Mountain Monasteries of Korea. 18-24 June 2017

ICOMOS Expert. Technical Evaluation of the World Heritage nomination of Hanyangdoseong-The Seoul City Wall, Republic of Korea. 25-30 September 2016

Chief Technical Advisor for UNESCO-ROK Funds-in-Trust Project on Local Community Involvement in the Sustainable Development of the Ruins of the Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur World Heritage Site, Bangladesh. Apr-Dec 2016

Chief Technical Advisor for UNESCO for developing a Tourism Management Plan for the Historic Monuments and Sites of Kaesong World Heritage Site, DPRK. Jan-Dec 2015

ICOMOS Expert. Technical Evaluation of the World Heritage nomination of the Imperial Cities of Delhi, India. 08-10 September 2014

Lead Consultant to develop a chapter on “Tourism Management and Cultural Promotion” for the Management Plan for the Historic Centre of Macao World Heritage Site for Macao SAR Government. November 2011 – November 2012

ICOMOS Expert. UNESCO -ICOMOS Joint Reactive Monitoring Mission to The Fort and Shalamar Gardens World Heritage Sites in Lahore, Pakistan. 27 April – 01 May 2012

UNESCO Consultant to conduct a training programme for site managers and administrators entitled Training and Capacity Building for Long-term Management and Best Practice Conservation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Sites and World Heritage Properties in Bangladesh. 30 November – 06 December 2011

UNESCO Consultant to provide technical advisory services to the Sanqingshan on issues related to visitor management and development of a tourism management plan for the World Heritage site of Sanqingshan, Jiangxi, China. 15-20 July 2011

UNESCO Consultant to carry out an impact assessment study of the planned Pashupati Road at the Kathmandu Valley World Heritage site, Nepal.  12-17 March 2011

UNESCO Consultant for the World Heritage nomination of the Historical Monuments and Sites in Kaesong, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. 2009-2011

ICOMOS Expert. Technical Evaluation of the proposed World Heritage nomination of Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India.  03-08 September 2009

ICOMOS Expert. UNESCO -ICOMOS Joint Reactive Monitoring Mission to The Fort and Shalamar Gardens World Heritage Sites in Lahore, Pakistan. 04 – 06 February 2009

ICOMOS Expert. Technical Evaluation of the World Heritage nomination of The Historic Monuments and Sites in Kaesong, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.  03-08 September 2007

ICOMOS Expert. Technical Evaluation of the World Heritage nomination of the Red Fort Complex in Delhi, India. 19 – 22 September 2006

ICOMOS Expert. UNESCO World Heritage Centre -ICOMOS Joint Reactive Monitoring Mission to The Fort and Shalamar Gardens World Heritage Sites in Lahore, Pakistan. 29 November - 03 December 2005



Design development, detailed architectural design and supervision of the following important projects:

General Services Office (GSO II) for US Embassy, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Architectural Working Drawings]

Second Stage Gallery at Chittagong District Stadium under National Sports Council, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Bangladesh. [Architectural Design and Supervision]

Coca-Cola Factory, including Workers’ Residential Building in Chittagong for Abdul Monem Limited, Bangladesh. [Architectural Working Drawings]

Extension of Immigration Section and Renovation of Canadian High Commission Building in Dhaka. [Architectural Design and Working Drawings]



Trainer. Capacity Building in Heritage Impact Assessment. UNESCO, ICCROM, ICOMOS, Ministry of Art and Cultural Heritage, Mauritius. 13-20 November 2023.

Lead Trainer. Online Workshop on Heritage Impact Assessment. UNESCO Dhaka Office. Bangladesh. 7-28 May 2022.

Trainer. Virtual Workshop on Understanding Heritage Impact Assessment. UNESCO Jakarta Office. Indonesia. 22 February-9 March 2021.

Trainer. UNESCO Capacity Building Workshop on World Heritage Management. Dhaka, Bangladesh. 30 November 3 December 2019.

Chief Trainer. UNESCO Workshop on World Heritage Management. Korean National Commission for UNESCO. 23-24 December 2017

Lead Trainer, Mekong Sub-Regional Capacity Building Programme on Cultural Heritage, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR. 15-20 October 2017

Coordinator and Lead Trainer, Capacity Building of Tour Guides for International Visitors at Angkor World Heritage site, Cambodia, UNWTO Global Centre for Tourism Education and Training, Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao. June 2016

Lead Trainer, Professional Training and Certification for Trainers, Guides and Mentors for UNESCO World Heritage Sites and other Heritage sites in Malaysia, January-February 2015.

Lead Trainer, Cluster Training-of-Trainers Workshop for the Cultural Heritage Specialist Guide Programme: Advanced Planning for the National Implementation of the Cultural Heritage Specialist Guide Programme within the Framework of the UNESCO Regional Knowledge/ Skills Standards, Borobudur World Heritage Site, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 10-15 August 2009

Lead Trainer, IFT-UNESCO Regional Training of Trainers workshop on "Cultural Heritage Specialist Guide Programme", Macao, China. 12-17 January 2009

Lead Trainer, National Training-of-Trainers Workshop on Cultural Tourism Sites Management and Guiding, Angkor World Heritage Site, Siem Reap, Cambodia. 11-16 February 2008

Lead Trainer, National Training-of-Trainers Workshop on Cultural Tourism Sites Management and Guiding, Vat Phou World Heritage Site, Champasak, Lao PDR. 01-07 October 2007

Lead Trainer, National Training-of-Trainers Workshop on Cultural Tourism Sites Management and Guiding, Ayutthaya World Heritage Site, Bangkok, Thailand.  October 2007

Lead Trainer, National Training-of-Trainers Workshop on Cultural Tourism Sites Management and Guiding, Hoi An World Heritage Site, Vietnam. 06-14 October 2007

Trainer, Cultural Heritage Specialist Guide Training and Certification Programme for UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Penang, Malaysia. 23-28 April 2007

Trainer, Cultural Heritage Guide Training and Certification Programme and Train-the-trainer Workshop for GMS Countries, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR. 06-14 October 2006

Lead Trainer, SASEC Training-the-Trainer Workshop for Heritage Guides. Programme partners included, among others, UNESCO, Asian Development Bank, IFT, ACP, Bhutan Department of Tourism, UNDP and UNESCAP. Held in Paro, Bhutan. 06-11 May 2006

Lecturer and Resource Person, 2005 UNESCO-ICCROM Asian Academy for Heritage Management Field School, organised by UNESCO Bangkok, ICCROM, Rome, Deakin University, Australia and Hanoi Architectural Institute. Held in Hanoi, Vietnam. 01-12 December 2005

Invited Expert, Field School Curriculum Development Workshop of the UNESCO-ICCROM Asian Academy for Heritage Management, organised by UNESCO Bangkok and ICCROM, Rome. Held at IFT, Macao, China.  24-25 October 2004

Invited Expert, Strategy Meeting for the Future Development of the UNESCO-ICCROM Asian Academy for Heritage Management, organised by UNESCO Bangkok and ICCROM, Rome. Held at IFT, Macao, China. 01-02 March 2004

Organising committee and teaching staff member of the 1st Asian Academy Field School entitled Conserving Asia’s built heritage: An integrated management approach. Organised UNESCO Bangkok and ICCROM, Rome and co-hosted by ACP, HKU and Macao SAR Government’s Cultural Institute and IFT. Macao. 22 November-05 December 2003

Teaching staff member, Pilot Training for the Cultural Heritage Specialist Guide Training and Certification Program for UNESCO World Heritage Sites, organised by IFT, Macao.  24-26 November 2005

President: International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), Bangladesh

Fellow: Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB)

Expert Member: ICOMOS International Committee of Historic Towns and Villages (CIVVIH)

Expert Member: ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee (ICTC)

Founding Member: International Committee for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement (DOCOMOMO) - Macau Chapter

Founding Member: HERITAGE Asia-Pacific (HeritAP)

Member: Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP)

Special Invited Member: Macau Urban Planning Institute (MUPI)