Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Shafquat Rafiul Alam

Full Time Faculty
Senior Lecturer

M.Com in HRM, University of New South Wales, Australia

BBA, Central Queensland University, Australia

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 6082
Office: NAC 856




Shafquat Rafiul Alam is a Sr. Lecturer at the School of Business and Economics in North South University. Since joining NSU in 2015, he has shared his expertise in courses ranging from Human Resource Planning & Staffing (HRM 360), Training & Development (HRM 340), Negotiations (HRM 470) and previously Business Communications (BUS 251). He has also been the course coordinator for HRM 360 and HRM 340 from 2015. He has also been serving NSU through other various roles and functions, such as: ACBSP accreditation team member, BBA prgram coordinator, Head of Management Department Self Assessment Committee under IQAC etc.

Alongside teaching responsibilities, he actively contributes to research endeavors and plays integral roles in departmental management and accreditation initiatives.

Previously, he held managerial positions in the Business Development field for multiple corporate companies in Bangladesh, and also served as a Research Analyst at a policy and governance related research organization where he honed his skills in FDI related research, project management, feasibility studies, and capacity building.

  • Zahan, M., & Alam, S. R. (2020). Sustainable rice business: a survey for strategic implication. Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, RossiSmith Academic Publishing, UK, 16 (2), 73-105.
  • Ahmed, J.U.; Alam, S. R.; Islam, Q.T. and Ahmed, A. (2022). Kaldi’s Coffee: Can Ethiopia’s premier coffee shop continue to grow?, SAGE Business Cases, (In Press), SAGE Publications, USA
  • Ahmed, J. U., Talukder, N., Alam, S. R., Ahmed, A., & Faroque, A. R. (2021). Rescue Mission in the Tham Luang Nang Non Cave, Thailand, SAGE Business Cases, SAGE Publications, USA
  • Hossain, F. I., Alam, S. R., & Muntazeri, M. (2020) Acceptance of video streaming services in Bangladesh: An emperical Study. North South Business Review, 11 (1), 38-50. doi: 10.47126/J.NSBR.1991-4938
  • Hossain, F.I., Rahman, M., & Alam, S.R. (2019). Acceptance of wearable fitness technology (WFT) in Bangladesh: An empirical study, North South Business Review, 9 (2), 103-119. doi: 10.47126/J.NSBR.1991-4938
  • "State Director's Award for Academic Excellence and Outstanding Leadership Qualities", Central Queensland University, Australia, 2010
  • "High Achievement Awards” for 5 courses, Central Queensland University, Australia, 2008-2010
  • Masters of Commerce (Completed: July 2011)
    Major in Human Resource Management
    University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia
    Grade: Distinction
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Completed: February 2010)
    Major in Marketing
    Central Queensland University (CQU), Australia
    Grade: Distinction

North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Senior Lecturer
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
[2022- Present]

  • Manager, Project Development, Giant Group, Bangladesh, 2015
    Sought out new investment opportunities in the production, processing, preservation, storage and marketing of agro based products, mostly seeds. Major part of work involved in developing new concepts and proposals both for seeking funding from development partners (DAI, USAID, AFE, DANIDA) and for new investment opportunities by company itself. Contributed towards creating better supply chain for the business; empowering rural people with sustainable
    business ideas; creating a fair market in which they can survive.
  • Research Analyst, Institute for Policy, Advocacy and Governance, 2012-2014
    Managed and coordinated projects, clients, donors and the parent organization (IPAG). Conduct feasibility studies of potential investment areas with primary focus on sustainability. Developed and reviewed periodic progress reports and research plans. Maintained Project Budget and deliverable based billing for project. Conducted priority sector analyses; policy and regulatory level research; and relevant government office process mapping and assessment. Prepared concept papers; EOI; technical and financial proposals for various development partners. Developed and carried out capacity building programs on governance and policy related issues both in collaboration with International organizations
    and independently for the institute. Responsible for designing the Human Resource Management Policy. Designated as the Management Representative for developing and implementing the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System.
  1. Negotiations (HRM 470): Role: Teaching
  2. Planning and Staffing (HRM 340): Role Teaching
  3. Human Resources Planning & Staffing (HRM 360): Role: Teaching
  4. Business Communication (BUS 251) Role: Teaching
  5. Internship (BUS 498: Undergraduate Thesis); Role: Supervision

Learning and Development; Sustainability, Employee Engagement, Psychological Contract, Organizational Development, Employee Management, Organizational Changes and Management, Employee Behavior, Human Resources Management