Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Shabnin Rahman Shorna

Full Time Faculty
Senior Lecturer 

M.Sc. in Entrepreneurship in Applied Technologies, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA
BBA, North South University

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 6320
Office: NAC 1152

Shabnin Rahman Shorna is an academic and is currently in the position of Senior lecturer at the Department of Management, School of Business & Economics. Besides, Shabnin is one of the course instructors of the WeConnect Project, City Alo Women Entrepreneurship Certification Program, and City Alo Rural Development Program. She worked as a Member Secretary of NSU Accreditation Project Team (APT). She earned her Bachelor (BBA ) from North South University and her M.Sc. in Entrepreneurship in applied technologies from the University of South Florida. While studying abroad, shabnin developed good communication and leadership skills which helped her motivate students of all ability levels, effectively relate to students of diverse backgrounds, and tailor teaching methods to suit their individual needs. She loves to accept constructive challenges and is very enthusiastic about learning new things every day. Her research interest areas are Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Small Business Finance, International Business Management, etc.Prior enterring to academic world,Shabnin used to work in corporate sectors both at home and abroad.



 Research Paper:

Ahkam, S.N., Shorna, S.R. Rabby, S.M.,Hossain,S.A.,Nahar, N. (2024). The Challenge in Managing Working Capital in an Emerging Economy-Case of Bangladesh. Asian Economic and Financial Review (Accepted)

Shorna, S.R, Ahkam, S.N, Chowdhury, AH (2023). Social Business Model for Sustainable Elderly Shelters in Bangladesh. Journal of Knowledge Globalization.Vol (15) No1 ISSN: 1938-7008

Ahkam,S.N.,Nahar,N.,Shorna,S.R.(2021).Managing Receivables of a Financially Distressed Firm in an Emerging Economy .Asian Economic and Financial Review. Vol.11,No.9,pp.710-723.DOI:10.18488/journal.aefr.2021.119.710.723 [SCOPUS,CITESCORE 1.8] ISSN(e):2222-6737, ISSN(p):2305-2147

Rahman M.Z., Ferdousi.F.,Shorna, S.R., Chowdhury, T.A. (2021) Sustainable Green Marketing: Increasing Awareness of Recyclable Items.North South Business Review.Vol 12,No.1.DOI:10.47126/J.NSBR.1991-4938 ISSN:1991-4938

 Conference Proceedings:

Ahkam, S.N., Nahar, N., Shorna, S.R. (2021) “Strategies and Policies for Managing Working Capital” SAMF, pp. 348-357 ISBN: 978-984-35-1624-4

Tawheed Hasan, Shabnin Rahman Shorna, Ishrat Jahan (2019) , “Impact on Capital of a Manufacturing Company after Introducing Information System” ICBM , pp- 651 ISBN:978-984-344-3540

Tawheed Hasan, Ishrat Jahan, Shabnin Rahman Shorna (2019), “Business Analysis of Chemical Market of Bangladesh”, ICBM , pp- 655 ISBN 978-984-344-3540



1) Awarded a grant for conducting research for the year 2020-2021as a Co-Investigator: BDT 320,000 (close to 4000USD/3000 GBP); Principal investigator with Sharif Nurul Ahkam and Co-Investigator with Nazmun Nahar; In this study, We examine the data on working capital from Bangladesh for the years 2000-2017 to see if companies with inefficient working capital levels benefit from adjustments toward the norm.  It is argued in the paper that once a firm finds itself outside the norm, it will find it difficult to get back to the practices and policies of average companies.  Specific actions and reactions will depend on the situation and any suggestion that management should try to fine-tune working capital management is unlikely to produce much value unless the underlying circumstances are taken into account

  •  Awarding Body: North South University Conference Travel and Research Grants (CTRG) Committee

2) Awarded as an Instructor of City Alo Women Entrepreneurship Certification Course from City Alo in 2020

  • Awarding Body: City Bank Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Masters in Entrepreneurship in Applied Technologies, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA.

Bachelor of Business Administration, Finance& Accounting and International Business, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  •  Senior Lecturer, School of Business & Economics, North South University: April 2022-Present
  •  Lecturer, School of Business & Economics, North South University: January 2020-March 2022
  •  Member Secretary, Accreditation Project Team (APT)North South University: Jun 2021- Dec 2022
  •  Course Instructor, City Alo WomenEntrepreneuship Certification Course funded by City Alo and organized   by North South University: January 2018-Present 
  •  Course Instructor, WEConnect project funded by World Bank and organized by North South University    and WEConnect International: Jun 2021-Present
  • Adjunct Lecturer, School of Business & Economics, North South University: January, 2018 - December, 2019


 (Client Support Specialist from July 2016 to July 2017)

  • correspondence between Sellers & their customers when needed
  • Handling client’s profile & Preparing clients payout in a timely manner
  • Assisting in implementing new Business policies in order to get more customers
  • Communication with clients for updating new features through social media

Hannah Shoebox, LLC (Internship from Jan 2016 to May 2016)

  • Assist with month-end financial report, post journal entries, Account receivables’ & Payables
  • Assist with audits and balance sheet reconciliation
  • Assist with branding the positive image

Comfort Living Limited (Executive from Nov 2013 to July 2014)

  • Preparing vouchers and checking day-end balance.
  • Responding to Customer queries & complaints and reflecting on the insights using appropriate real estate methods & tools.
  • Maintaining up-to-date billing system, preparing check & collection checks from customers.
  • Maintaining & gaining vast knowledge regarding real estate finance 

Airtel Bangladesh Limited (Internship From 2013 to September 2013)

  • Uploading and reviewing all invoices for payment and preparing to check for vendors.
  • Reporting activities according to specific deadlines,
  • reviewing the company’s financial transactions.



MGT 368-Entrepreneuship; Role: Teaching

MGT 212-Organizational Management; Role: Teaching

BUS 251-Business Communication; Role: Teaching

BUS 498-Internship; Role: Supervision

Life Member at American Alumnai Association (AAA)

Life Member at The American Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Women Entrepreneurship

Small Business Finance

Social Business

Green Business

Strategic Management