Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Dr. Muhammad Faisol Chowdhury

Associate Professor & Director, BBA Programme

PhD (Human Resource Management and Organisational Studies)
Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Postgraduate Certificate (Management Research Methods)
Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
(The first student to graduate with distinction from the course.)
Master of Research (Business and Management)
Stirling Management School, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK
Master of Commerce (Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations)
Western Sydney University, Australia
Postgraduate Diploma (Human Resource Management)
ABP (UK) and BIMS (Dhaka)
Bachelor of Business Studies (Human Resource Management and Business Law)
Charles Sturt University, Australia
Higher Secondary Certificate (Commerce)
Dhaka Commerce College, Bangladesh
Secondary School Certificate (Science)
Rifles Public School & College, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Phone: (8802) 5566 8200; Ext. 1702
Office Room: NAC 634 and NAC 984



Faisol is an internationally certified and trained pracademic with 19 years of experience in academia and corporate sectors. Before joining NSU, he served as an Associate Professor and Director of the BBA Programme at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) and a faculty member at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, UK. Alongside teaching, he held C-suit roles in several of Bangladesh’s largest business conglomerates and worked as an HRM consultant with major enterprises. He was also a certified Interpreter for the Scottish Courts and Tribunal Services, Police Scotland, Scottish Prison Service, law firms, public schools, and housing societies in Scotland, UK. Faisol received training in qualitative research methodology at the University of Oxford, England, and in business & management leadership at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. He is a frequent speaker and researcher in international knowledge platforms and think tanks, with numerous research grants from various institutions and professional bodies. He has authored a book, published many peer-reviewed journal articles, and attended over 250 business conferences, seminars, and workshops. He is the founder and President of the University of Glasgow Bangladesh Alumni Association and is also associated with many professional institutions and associations worldwide. He currently serves Rotary International as the Secretary of the Rotary Club of Dhaka West. 

Islam Q. T., Tabassum, T. and Chowdhury, M. F. (2025) From waste to worth: Takatari’s circular strides towards SDG12. SAGE Business Cases Originals. [Case]

Islam, Q. T., Islam, Q. T. and Chowdhury, M. F. (2025) Rise and fall of The Body Shop. SAGE Business Cases Originals. [Case] 

Chowdhury, M. F., Islam, Q. T. and Islam, Q. T. (2025) Ecovative: growing a sustainable future in the startup ecosystem. Sage Business Cases Originals. [Case]

Islam, Q. T. Singh, T., Islam, Q. T. and Chowdhury, M. F. (2025) Fried in controversy: KFC Malaysia and the geopolitical boycott stemming from the Palestine-Israel conflict. SAGE Business Cases Originals. [Case]

Islam, Q. T., Rahman, R., Talukder, M. S. and Chowdhury, M. F. (2025) Sustainable entrepreneurship: lessons from emerging economies, pp. 225-253. In: R. Neu, X. Qian and P. Yu (Eds), The Synergy of Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Pennsylvania: IGI Global. [Book Chapter]

Islam, Q. T., Hasan, M. K. and Chowdhury, M. F. (2024) Anxiety, work-life balance and diversity (age, gender and tenure) of the employees working in the hospitality industry during COVID-19 pandemic: impact on self-rated performance. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning, 3(2): 1-22, Thailand: Diamond Scientific Publishing. [Conference Proceedings]

Abdulbaten, A. M., Kassim, M. A. M., Azmin, A. A., Ahamad, S. and Chowdhury, M. F. (2024) Impact of employee turnover intentions in Bangladesh’s IT sector: incorporating Islamic work ethics. EuroMid International Conference on Business and Technology, 21-22 November. UK: University of Oxford. [Conference]

Ahamad, S., Reaz, M. T., Chowdhury, M. F., Billah, M., Joarder, M. H. R. and Uddin, M. (2024) Optimal financing choice for institutional sustainability: evidence from a global study on Microfinance institutions, pp. 19-34. In B. Alareeni and A. Hamdan (Eds), Navigating the Technological Tide: The Evolution and Challenges of Business Model Innovation, Vol. 4. Switzerland: Springer Nature. [Book Chapter]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2023) Managerial interpretation of institutional safety governance mechanisms enacted in apparel factories of global supply chains. In: 30th Annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference, 26-28 October. Ireland: Dublin City University. [Conference]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2023) Risky business in the rag trade. The Mint Magazine - Fresh Thinking in Economics, issue 26 (June). Published by the British think tank Promoting Economic Pluralism. [British Economics Magazine]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2021) Safety culture in global apparel supply chains and managerial attitude towards workplace safety governance mechanisms. In: 28th Annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference, 21-23 October. USA: DePaul University. [Conference]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2021) Workplace safety and managerial moral agency in global apparel supply chain networks. In: PRME Regional Chapter UK and Ireland 7th Annual Conference, 6-7 July. UK: University of Lincoln. [Conference]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2021) Managerial moral agency and wider institutional factors in workplace safety practices. In: Doctoral conference in Strategy, Corporate Governance, Innovation, and International Business, 24 March. UK: British Academy of Management & De Montfort University. [Conference]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2018) Deterrence, Rational Choice and White-Collar Crime: Occupational Health and Safety in Bangladesh RMG Sector. Delhi: Rubric. [Book]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2018) In the wake of Rana Plaza: workplace safety practices in Bangladesh apparel industry. In: 1138 Festival: The Fashion Revolution Scotland, 24 April. UK: University of Edinburgh. [Conference]

Ahmed, J. U., Ahmed, I. and Chowdhury, M. F. (2017) Ferdous custom made tailors fabrics fashions: new challenges ahead. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 12(2): 177-183. [Journal Article]

Haque, H. M. J. and Chowdhury, M. F. (2017) Employer expectations regarding graduate applicants during job interview. International Journal of Bangladesh Society for Human Resource Management, 1(1): 19-36. [Journal Article]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2016) Review of the book titled ‘Do we need HR? Repositioning people management for success' by P. Sparrow, M. Hird and C. Cooper (2015) Palgrave Macmillan, England, reviewed in Employee Relations: The International Journal, 38(2), 304-306. [Book Review]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2016) Is OHS negligence and evasion an “error of judgement” or “white-collar crime”? An interpretation of apparel manufacturers in Bangladesh. Journal of Media Critiques, 2(8), 41-56. [Journal Article]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2016) RMG in Bangladesh vis-à-vis global supply chain. The Financial Express, 4 June, p.4. [Op-ed]

Ahmed, J. U., Nisha, N. and Chowdhury, M. F. (2016) Driving sales through disintermediation approach: a case of RFL Plastics Limited in Bangladesh. International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience, 2(4): 345-357. [Journal Article]

Chowdhury, M. F. and Tanim, T. R. (2016) Industrial accidents in Bangladesh apparel manufacturing sector: an analysis of the two deadliest accidents in history. Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies, 3(2): 115-126. [Journal Article]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2016) Is OHS negligence and evasion an ‘error of judgement’ or ‘white-collar crime’? An interpretation of the apparel manufacturers in Bangladesh. In: 2nd International Conference on Communication and Management, 9-10 May. Greece: Communications Institute of Greece. [Conference]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2016) Building a better RMG machine. Dhaka Tribune, 26 January, p.13. [Op-ed]

Ali, H. and Chowdhury, M. F. (2015) Positivism in understanding the contemporary social world: a critical discussion. Journal of Studies in Social Science, 11(2): 215-232. [Journal Article]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2015) Coding, sorting and sifting of qualitative data analysis: debates and discussions. Quality and Quantity: International Journal of Methodology, 49(3): 1135-1143. [Journal Article]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2014) Managing emotional labour in service encounters in healthcare occupation in Bangladesh. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, 2(4): 215-223. [Journal Article]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2014) Deterrence theory and labelling of industrial accidents as white-collar crime in Bangladesh apparel industry: an epistemological standpoint. Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business, 14(2): 69-82. [Journal Article]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2014) Interpretivism in aiding our understanding of the contemporary social world. Open Journal of Philosophy, 4(3): 432-438. [Journal Article]

Firoz, F. and Chowdhury, M. F. (2013) Role of first-line manager: strategic leadership in implementing successful PMS. Asian Business Review, 2(1): 7-12. [Journal Article]

Chowdhury, M. F. and Chowdhury, T. (2012) Recruiting right for Bangladesh police: discovering options to acquire the untapped resources. Journal of Business and Economics, 3(3): 222-233. [Journal Article]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2011) Performance management practices in organisations operating in Bangladesh: a deeper examination. World Review of Business Research, 1(2): 153-167. [Journal Article]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2011) Operation recruitment and retention: discovering the HR revolution needed in Bangladesh Police. Proceedings of the 11th South Asian Management Forum, pp. 193-199. 15-17 May, Nepal: Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA). [Conference]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2011) Emergence of the knowledge economy and knowledge management and their importance in the talent acquisition front. AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 10(1-2): 111-128. [Journal Article]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2011) Bleak house or bright future: performance management in Bangladeshi organisations. In: Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference. 21-22 February. Malaysia: World Business Institute. [Conference]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2010) Digital Bangladesh, Internet and HRIS: Hope or hype final part. The Daily Sun, 27 December, p.7. [Op-ed]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2010) Digital Bangladesh, Internet and HRIS: Hope or hype first part, The Daily Sun, 26 December, p.7. [Op-ed]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2010) Importance of knowledge management and knowledge economy in talent acquisition. The Business Review, 1(2): 81-99. [Journal Article]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2009) Wage policy determination in the Australian economy. The Financial Express, 1 June, p.4. [Op-ed]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2008) Emergence of the knowledge economy and knowledge management. In: 5th International Conference on Business Challenges and Strategies in Emerging Global Scenario, 29-30 May, India: Punjab College of Technical Education. [Conference]

Chowdhury, M. F. (2008) WorkChoices, the Labor government and the HR in Australia. The Financial Express, 26 February, p.4. [Op-ed]

2024: ‘The Vice Chancellor’s Excellence Award 2024’ from the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh for outstanding services to the university.

2024: Research grant from North South University to conduct primary research on ‘SMEs as moral agents: responsible decision making towards sustainable development’. 

2023: Travel grant from the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh to attend the 30th Annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference, Dublin City University, Republic of Ireland.

2023: Research grant from the University of Glasgow to conduct primary research on ‘Managerial interpretation of institutional safety governance mechanisms enacted in apparel factories of global supply chains’.

2021: Bangla Centre BCP Award 2021 for outstanding COVID-19 community support and services in Glasgow.

2021: Conference grant from the University of Glasgow to present my research at the 28th Annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference, DePaul University, USA.

2021: Conference grant from the University of Glasgow to present my research at the Doctoral Conference on Strategy, Corporate Governance, Innovation, and International Business, British Academy of Management, UK.

2020: Doctoral bursary from the Charles Wallace Bangladesh Trust, a registered UK Charity. 

2020: Researcher development grant from the University of Glasgow for Academy of Management (AOM) membership and annual conference participation.

2019: Researcher development grant from the University of Glasgow for qualitative research training at the University of Oxford, England.

2019: Seedcorn funding for primary research from the University of Glasgow.

2018: PhD scholarship + stipend from the University of Glasgow.

2017: Travel grant from the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh to participate in the 14th South Asian Management Forum 2017 at the Maldives National University in Maldives.

2016: Travel grant from the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh to present my research at the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Management in Greece.

2011: Travel grant from North South University to present my research at the 11th South Asian Management Forum in Nepal.

2011: Travel grant from North South University to present my research at the Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference in Malaysia.

2008: Travel grant from North South University to present my research at the 5th International Conference on Business Challenges and Strategies in Emerging Global Scenario in India.

Research Area: Business Ethics, Moral Agency, Sustainable Business Practices, Workplace Safety

Teaching Area: Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations, Organisational Behaviour 

North South University - Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Associate Professor (SBE) & Director, BBA Programme (2024 — Current)
  • Senior Lecturer, School of Business & Economics (2011 — 2015)
  • Lecturer, School of Business (2008 — 2011)

Other Administrative Roles: 

  • Standard Bearer, ACBSP Accreditation
  • Member, Faculty Recruitment & Promotion Committee 
  • Member, Teaching Excellence Committee
  • Member, Faculty Research Committee

University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh - Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Associate Professor & Director of the BBA Programme (2022 — 2024)
  • Assistant Professor, School of Business (2015 — 2022)

Other Administrative Roles: 

  • Coordinator, ULAB Executive Education Programme
  • Coordinator, South Asian Quality Standard (SAQS) Accreditation Committee 
  • Member, Admissions Committee
  • Member, Faculty Development Committee
  • Marshal, ULAB 7th Convocation 2024
  • Advisor, Marketing Communications and PR Office
  • Chair, School of Business Curriculum Committee
  • Member, Self Assessment Committee (IQAC)
  • Member, Research Committee
  • Member, Centre for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
  • Member, Steering Committee and Media Sub-committee, ULAB 6th Convocation 2021

University of Glasgow - Glasgow, Scotland, UK

  • Lecturer (adjunct), Adam Smith Business School (2018 — 2020)

Noman Group of Industries Limited (Dhaka, Bangladesh). Noman Group is South Asia's largest vertically integrated textile and garment enterprise, with 42 factories and a workforce of 60,000 people with a revenue of over US $1.5 billion.

  • Chief People Officer (2021 — 2022)
  • Chief Human Resources Officer (2014 — 2015)

Techno Group of Companies Limited (Dhaka, Bangladesh). Techno Group was a conglomerate of eight sister concerns involved in import-export, construction, healthcare, transport & logistics, fuel & gas station, film production, and consultancy.

  • Director of the Board (2012 — 2020)
  • Deputy Managing Director (2008 — 2012)

Westfield Group Limited (Sydney, Australia). World’s largest commercial spaces ownership and investment company. I twice won the ‘Employee of the Month’ award and was the GAP Buster Quality Champion for outstanding performance at work.

  • Senior Information Officer & Customer Service Trainer (2006 — 2007)
  • Information Officer (2004 — 2006)

I completed and conducted more than 250 seminars and workshops. A few highlighted certifications are as follows:

2022: Thinking Qualitatively: Fundamentals of Ethnography and Qualitative Research, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh.

2020: Graduate Skills & Leadership Programme, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

2019: Certificate in Qualitative Research Methods, University of Oxford, UK.

2016: Democratisation of Pedagogy, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh.

2015: Moodle Learning Management System (LMS), University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh.

2023: Founder & President, the University of Glasgow Bangladesh Alumni Association 

2023: Secretary, Rotary Club of Dhaka West, Rotary International

2020: Member, Academy of Management (AOM), USA

2019: Member, Bangla Centre Glasgow (A registered Scottish Charity)

2015: Member, Alumni UK Network

2015:  Academic Member, Communication Institute of Greece

2014: Life Member, University of Stirling Alumni Association, Scotland

2009: Fellow, Bangladesh Society for Human Resource Management (BSHRM)

2009: Member, Asian Business Consortium (ABC)

2007: Life Member, Western Sydney University Alumni Association, Australia

2005: Life Member, Charles Sturt University Alumni Association, Australia

1997: Life Member, Dhaka Rifle Club, Bangladesh

Certified Interpreter in Scotland, UK (2018 - 2020). I worked as a freelance Bengali and English interpreter for Scottish courts and tribunal services, Police Scotland, Scottish Prison Service, law firms, public schools, and housing societies.

Independent Business Consultant in Bangladesh and Abroad (2010 - 2020). I provided business consultancy and training for Abedin Group, Aziz Group, Bdjobs Training, Credit Rating Information & Services Ltd. (CRISL), Edward M Kennedy (EMK) Center, Gemcon Group, Good Neighbors Bangladesh, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Bangladesh, Panjeree Publications, Pioneer Group, Square Textiles Ltd.

I also consulted for international projects such as Curriculum development for the Global Commerce Licence (GCL) programme of the European Economic Interest Group (EEIG), European Economic Chamber of Trade, Commerce and Industry, Belgium.

Graduate Tutor (2018 - 2020). Tutoring undergraduate students at Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

Research Assistant (2018). I worked as a research assistant for UK’s Coventry University’s project ‘Payday features: sub-prime credit markets in transition’, funded by Carnegie United Kingdom Trust.

Associate Editor (2016 - 2019). International Journal of Bangladesh Society for Human Resources Management, published by the Bangladesh Society for Human Resources Management (BSHRM).

Visiting Faculty. I taught at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels at Jahangirnagar University, East West University, Southeast University, and International Islamic University Chittagong.