Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Md Asif Hossain

Full Time Faculty
Senior Lecturer

M.Sc., Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship,
University of Manchester, United Kingdom
BSc., Marketing & Management 
Newcastle University, United Kingdom

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 6075
Office: NAC 867


 I am a businessperson, and I am also a teacher. Entrepreneurship has piqued my interest since doing an entrepreneurship course for my undergraduate studies. I have been an entrepreneur; I have had businesses. I have also made various efforts to streamline my family business. All the while, I have been engaged in endeavors to guide my students through the path of entrepreneurship by my teachings with in-class exercises and integration of new entrepreneurial methods, such as lean start-up. Self-development is critical when one is thriving for leadership and success, so I spend my free time reading self-help books and learning from different online masterclasses.

Book Chapter

  • Islam, Q. T., Hossain, M., Zabir, F. and Iqbal, R., 2021. CHALLENGES OF ADAPTING TO THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION IN EMERGING ECONOMIES: A BANGLADESH CASE. In: G. Singh, R. Giel and V. Garg, ed.,Industry 4.0 and the Digital Transformation of International Business, 1st ed.Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte. (Accepted)

Conference Proceeding:

  • Islam, Q. T., Hossain, M., Iqbal, R., & Zabir, F. (2020). Challenges of Adapting to The Fourth Industrial Revolution in Emerging Economies: A Bangladesh Study. In Management of Innovation and Sustainability: Vision 2041. Dhaka: Institute of Business Administration (IBA). (Won the "Best Paper Award" in the innovation segment for this paper)
  • Hossain, M., & Ali, M. (2021). Is EdTech Replacing the Traditional Education: A Study of Bangladeshi Educational Industry. In International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM) 2021. Dhaka: CBM. Dhaka: BRAC Business School. Retrieved from

Newspaper Article:


  • Won the "Best Paper Award" in the innovation segment at the "Management of Innovation and Sustainability: Vision 2041" Conference organized by AMDISA - and IBA, DU [Jan 2021]
  • Shorlisted for AccelerateME 2016 for the Idea of 'FindMeASeat' organized by Manchester Entrepreneurs and got accepted for Fastlane Scheme of AccelerateME. [2016]
  • Won best Pecha Kucha Presentation in team for the business idea of 'FindMeASeat' for High Tech Entrepreneurship course at University of Manchester,United Kingdom. [2015]
  • Won the 'Green Impact Innovation' [SCAN] at the Environment Awards 2015 organized by Newcastle University, United Kingdom.

MSc. Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship from University of Manchester, United Kingdom [2016]

  • Dissertaion on ‘Effects of 3D Printers on the Product Supply Chain’

BSc. Management and Marketing, from Newcastle University, United Kingdom [2015]

  • Marketing Dissertation on the ‘Effects of Online Reviews in Terms of Online Shopping’

North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Senior Lecturer
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
[2024- Present]

    Founder & Former Owner Dhaka Bangladesh [Online Book Store) | Feb 2017- Jan 2020

  • Federation of Small Business (FSB),
    Internship, United Kingdom | July 2015 – August 2015

  • SCAN (Student Community Action Newcastle),
    Committee Chairperson, United Kingdom | Sept 2014 – Aug 2015

  • LightBox Events,
    Co-founder/Creative Manager, United Kingdom | October 2013 – June 2014


  • MGT 368 Entrepreneurship
  • MGT 212 Organizational Management
  • MGT 351 Human Resource
  • Bus 498 Internship
  • Entrepreneurship
  • 3D Printers
  • Start Ups
  • 4th Industrial Revolution