Google Scholar Cite: 2291. [h-index 20; i10-index 44] [Update: 23.03.2025]
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2026). ‘Erasing the Past: The Trend of Wedding Photo Destruction Businesses in China’, Sage Business Cases, (In Press), Sage Publications.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2026). ‘Sheroes Hangout Café: A Beacon of Hope for Acid Attack Survivors in India’, Sage Business Cases, (In Press), Sage Publications.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Talukdar, A., Upal, K.A.S.K., Ahmed, A. and Anika, F.H. (2026). ‘Coral Wine: Underwater winery and experiential marketing in Croatia’, Sage Business Cases, (In Press), Sage Publications.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin and Islam, S. (2026). ‘ Disrupting the Grocery Delivery Landscape in Vietnam’, Sage Business Cases, (In Press), Sage Publications.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Islam, S. and Ahmed, A. (2026). ‘Momuri: Easing the Transition with Resignation Support Services in Japan’, Sage Business Cases, (In Press), Sage Publications.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Zabir, F. and Faroque, A.R. (2025). ‘From Glory to Decline: Examining Binni Restaurant's Impact on Dhaka's Culinary Landscape’, Small Enterprise Research (ISSN: 1321-5906), (In Press), [Q-2, ABDC/ABS, Scopus], Taylor & Francis. DOI:
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Uddin, M.; Iqbal, M.; Sharif, R. and Ahmed, A. (2025). ‘ Matrimonial Service on the Web’, Sage Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071960554), Sage Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071960554.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Laila, I. and Ahmed, A. (2025). ‘Corvid Cleaning: Deploys crows to clean up cigarette butts in Sweden’, Emerging Economies Cases Journal (ISSN: 2516-6042), Vol. 7(2), (Early Cite), Sage Publications. DOI: 10.1177/25166042241296275
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Faroque, A.R.; Laila, I. and Upal, K.A.S.K. (2025). ‘Navigating Diplomatic Terrain: The U.K. - Rwanda Asylum Partnership’, Sage Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071984949), Sage Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071984949.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2025). ‘Wave Money: Myanmar’s Mobile Wallet’, Sage Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071980293), Sage Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071980293.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Talukdar, A., Faroque, A.R. and Rahman, A. (2025). ‘Biovaaka: Driving Sustainable Food Waste Tracking and Reduction in Finland’, Sage Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071982433), Sage Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071982433.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2025). ‘Water ATM Booth: Is Access to Drinking Water Unequal?’, Sage Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071979785), Sage Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071979785.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Talukdar, A., Gani, M. O. Attar, R. W. (2025). ‘Telda: Send, Spend, and Save Money through the App’, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (ISSN: 2043-8869), (Early Cite), Sage Publications. [Scopus]. DOI: 10.1177/2043886924126107
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2025). ‘Porter: Tech-enabled logistics services in India’, Sage Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071976616), Sage Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071976616
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin and Ahmed, A. (2025). ‘Taabu Ekduaria: A Rural Homestay Experience in Bangladesh’, Sage Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071986608), Sage Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071986608
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Talukdar, A.; Ahmed, T. and Ahmed, A. (2025). ‘Blesolac cereal: Changing the Value Chain paradigm of infant meals in the Cameroonian market’, Sage Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071958742), Sage Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071958742.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2025). ‘Sofia Tech: Driving Innovation through Engineering Excellence and IT Solutions in Tunisia’, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (ISSN: 2043-8869), (Early Cite), Sage Publications. DOI: 10.1177/20438869241248197
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Gani, M.O. and Ahmed, A. (2025). ‘Elevating e-commerce dynamics: Optamizing ShopUp's success in Bangladesh’, Sage Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071976388), Sage Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071976388
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Huda, S.S.M. and Ahmed, A. (2025). ‘Nurturing Empathy: The Extraordinary Narrative Behind The Restaurant of Mistaken Orders in Japan’, Sage Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781036201319), Sage Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781036201319.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Faroque, A.R.; Islam, Q.T. and Rahman, U. (2025). ‘Sustainable Pest Control Management through Innovation: A case of Bee Vectoring Technologies (BVT) International Inc.’, (Chapter: 2), In: Khokhar, A.S.; Duhan, P.; and Lochab, A. (Eds.), Innovation and the SDGs: A Blueprint for Sustainable Transformation, Routledge.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Moniea, H.M.; Ahmed, A. and Faroque, A.R. (2025). ‘Bhoomi Diapers: Creating Eco-Friendly Products’, (Case: 8), In: Siqueira, A.C.; Neesham, C.; Landrum, N.E. and Kanashiro, P., Sustainability Management: A Systems Approach, (ISBN: 9781071876879), Sage Publications.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Haider, Z.A.; and Talukdar, A. (2025). ‘Women in the Tech Startup Sphere in Bangladesh’, In: Islam, Q. T., Singh, T. & Goel, R. (Eds.), (ISBN: 978-1-032-89759-2), Tech Startups driving innovation: Empowering women in Bangladesh, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin and Faroque, A.R. (2025). ‘bKash: Transitioning from Mobile Financial Services to Digital Microfinance in Bangladesh’, In: Endress, T. & Badir, Y.F. (Eds.), Business and Management in Asia: Finance and Investments in the Digital Age, (ISBN: 978-981-96-3454-5), Springer Nature Publishing.
Hossain, M. A.; Akter, S.; Ahsan, M. F.; Ahmed, Jashim Uddin and Khan, S. (2024). ‘From caterpillar to butterfly: social media engagement of the socially excluded third-gender people in Bangladesh’, Information Systems Frontiers (ISSN: 1572-9419), Vol. 26(4), pp. 1475-1494, Springer, [ABDC-A, AJG/ABS–3]. DOI: 10.1007/s10796-023-10422-5.
Shareef, M. A.; Dwivedi, Y. K.; Hosain, S.; Giannakis, M. and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2024). ‘Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Startup in the Developing World: Mechanism of Balanced Coexistence’, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research (ISSN: 1355-2554), Vol. 30(5), pp. 1314-1346, Emerald Publishing, [ABDC-B, AJG/ABS–3]. DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-07-2023-0662.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Islam, Q.T. and Ahmed, A. (2024). ‘Social enterprise marketing strategies' to achieving Sustainable Development Goals in an emerging economy: Lessons from emerging economies’, International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, (ISSN: 1740-8830), Vol. 18(1/2), pp. 187-205, Inderscience, [AJG/ABS-1, Scopus]. DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2024.135241.
Shareef, M. A., Das, R., Ahmed, Jashim Uddin, Mishra, A., Sultana, I., Rahman, M. Z. and Mukerji, B. (2024). 'Mandatory adoption of technology: Can UTAUT2 model capture managers behavioral intention?', Technological Forecasting and Social Change (ISSN: 1873-5509), Vol. 200, pp. 1-16, Elsevier, [AJG/ABS-3, ABDC–A, Scopus], Article: 123087.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Chowdhury, M. H.; Talukdar, A. and Ahmed, A. (2024). ‘Treehotel: Forest Hospitality in Sweden’, SAGE Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071925102), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071925102.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A.; Faroque, A.R. and Fatema, K. (2024). ‘Papers N Parcels: Fill the gap by an app – teenager created initiatives in courier service’, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (ISSN: 2043-8869), Vol. 14(1), pp. 13-17, SAGE Publications, [Scopus]. DOI:10.1177/20438869221147309.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Talukder, M. S.; Talukdar, A.; Ahmed, A. and Rifat, A. (2024). ‘ Codifying household service solutions using a digital platform’, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (ISSN: 2043-8869), Vol. 14(2), pp. 290-298, SAGE Publications, [Scopus]. DOI: 10.1177/20438869231187666.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Khan, M.M. and Ahmed, A. (2024). ‘Seawater-powered Waterlight: Social innovation for an indigenous community’, SAGE Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071938515), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071938515.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A.; Mazid, T. S. and Sarker, S. A. (2024). ‘AgroCenta: Connecting smallholder farmers through digital distribution platform’, SAGE Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071928028), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071928028.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A. and Mazid, T.S. (2024). ‘Kirana: Customer centric e-grocery retailing service in Nepal’, SAGE Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071924655), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071924655.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A.; Mazid, T.S. and Gani, M.O. (2024). ‘Chari: a FMCG B2B platform with incorporation of Fintech, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (ISSN: 2043-8869), Vol. 14(1), pp. 129-133, SAGE Publications, [Scopus]. DOI: 10.1177/2043886923116360.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Moniea, H.M. and Ahmed, A. (2024). ‘Dubai Camel Hospital: Finding Room for Growth’, SAGE Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071920275), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071920275
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Anika, F.H. and Ahmed, A. (2024). ‘LEGO Braille Bricks: Learning with Fun into the Future’, SAGE Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781071920626). SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781071920626
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A.; Gani, M.O. and Iqbal, S. (2024). ‘Costa Rican small business moving towards sustainable future: A case of Varcli Pinares’, In: Goel, R., Singh, T., Rahman, M.M., Islam, Q.T. and Baral, S.K. (Eds.), Understanding the Multi-Dimensional Nature of Poverty (ISBN: 978-1-83753-293-3), pp. 1-11, Emerald Publishing, DOI: 10.1108/978-1-83753-292-620241001.
‘Surviving and Thriving: Business Adaptations in the Face of Cultural Shifts’ (Session 3.2: International Networks and Environments), a paper presented at the 28th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, held at LUT University, Finland, from August 15-17, 2024.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Hasan, M.K.; Islam, Q.T.; Uddin, M.J.; Faroque, A.R. and Chowdhury, M.H.K. (2023). ‘CSR in major European Football Leagues in the age of COVID-19: Financial Vulnerability, Mental Health and Domestic Violence’, Society and Business Review (ISSN: 1746-5680), Vol. 18(4), pp. 439-462, Emerald Publishing, [ABDC–B, AJG/ABS–2, Scopus]. DOI: 10.1108/SBR-05-2022-0152.
Shareef, M. A.; Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Giannakis, M., Dwivedi, Y.K. Kumar, V.; Butt, I. and Kumar, U. (2023). ‘Machine autonomy for rehabilitation of elderly people: A trade-off between machine intelligence and consumer trust’ Journal of Business Research (ISSN: 0148-2963), Vol. 164, Elsevier. [ABDC–A, AJG/ABS–3]. DOI:
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Islam, Q.T.; Ahmed, A. and Amin, S.B. (2023). ‘Extending resource value-based circular economy business model in emerging economies: Lessons from India’, Business Perspectives and Research, (ISSN: 2278-5337), Vol. 11(2), pp. 309-321, SAGE Publications, [ABDC–C, ABS-1, Scopus]. DOI: 10.1177/22785337211070363.
Uddin, M. J., Ahmed, F. U., Teh, P. L. and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2023). ‘Human Resource Practices for Addressing Inequality’, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1), 17360. Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management. DOI: 10.5465/AMPROC.2023.17360.
‘Analyzing Entrepreneurial Networks in Achieving Export Performance: The Mediating role of Opportunity Recognition” (Session 3.2: International Networks and Environments), paper presented at 17th Vaasa International Business Conference held at the University of Vaasa, Finland on 16-17 August 2023.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Talukdar, A; Faroque, A.R. and Ahmed, A. (2023). ‘ An Entrepreneurial Initiative Linking Home Kitchens to Consumers’, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (ISSN: 2043-8869), Vol. 13(1), pp. 88-96, SAGE Publications, [Scopus]. DOI: 10.1177/20438869221094043.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Siddiqui, S.; Ahmed, A. and Sharif, R. (2023). ‘Netflix: Subscription-based video on demand channel operations in Bangladesh’, Emerging Economies Cases Journal (ISSN: 2516-6042), Vol. 5(1), pp. 15-22, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.1177/25166042231172892.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A.; Uddin, M.J. and Fatema, K. (2023). ‘White Label Fragrances: Struggles of small business in Botswana’, Journal of Operations and Strategic Planning (ISSN: 2516-600X), Vol. 6(1), pp. 93-102, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.1177/2516600X231172266.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Talukdar, A. and Ahmed, A. (2023). ‘Dignity Kitchen: Social enterprise for differently abled people in the labour market’, SAGE Business Cases (ISBN:9781529611564), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529611564.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Rahman, U. and Ahmed, A. (2023). ‘Border Angels: Legal and Humanitarian Support for US-Mexican Border Migrants’, SAGE Business Cases (ISBN:9781529611397), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529611397.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Rahman, U.; Ahmed, A. and Sharif, R. (2023). ‘Marketing Strategies for the UK-Based Online Fashion Retailer Boohoo’, SAGE Business Cases (ISBN:9781529611410), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529611410.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Huda, S.S.M.; Uddin, M.J.; Ahmed, A.; Sharif, R. (2023). ‘Smart Retail at Algramo: Addressing environmental issues competitively’, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (ISSN: 2043-8869), Vol. 13(2), pp. 216-221, SAGE Publications, [Scopus]. DOI: 10.1177/20438869221133129.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A.; Talukdar, A.; Sharif, R. and Jahangir, Z. (2023). ‘Innovation strategy in retail: The unstaffed digital supermarkets at LIFVS’, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (ISSN: 2043-8869), Vol. 13(2), pp. 175–181, SAGE Publications, [Scopus]. DOI: 10.1177/20438869221109844.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Talukdar, A.; Khan, M.M.; Sharif, R. and Ahmed, A. (2023). ‘Flutterwave – A digital payment solution in Nigeria’, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (ISSN: 2043-8869), Vol. 13(1), pp. 50-57, SAGE Publications, [Scopus]. DOI: 10.1177/20438869211063210.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A.; Uddin, M.J. and Islam, Q.T. (2023). ‘Safepad: Reusable sanitary pads - Managing the Dynamics of Technology in Modern Day Society’, In: Singh, T., Goel, R., Sotto, J.A. (Eds.), Sustainable Technology for Society 5.0: Case Studies, Examples, and Advanced Research Findings, (ISBN 9781032426686), pp. 73-85. Taylor & Francis, DOI: 10.1201/9781003365525-7.
Islam, Q.T., Ahmed, Jashim Uddin and Sayed, A. (2023). ‘Digitization and Integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Emerging Economies’, In: Islam, Q.T., Goel, R., Singh, T. (Eds.), Fostering Sustainable Businesses in Emerging Economies: The Impact of Technology, (Chapter 2), pp. 23-38. Emerald Publishing, DOI: 10.1108/978-1-80455-640-520231002.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Talukdar, N.; Khan, M.M. and Ahmed, A. (2022). ‘'57 Chocolate: Entrepreneurial Initiatives to Revive Ghana’s Chocolate Market’, Journal of Operations and Strategic Planning (ISSN: 2516-600X), Vol. 5(1), pp. 93-102, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.1177/2516600X221100911.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Iqbal, R.; Islam, Q. T.; Gazi, M. A.; and Ahmed, A. (2022). ‘P&O Cruises: The Case of Pursuing Sustainability Goal’, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, (ISSN: 2319-510X), Vol. 18(1/2), pp. 78-87, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.1177/2319510X221136693.
Butt, I.; Ul-Haq, S.; Shareef, M.A.; Chowdhury, A.H. and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2022). ‘Ethical reputation and retail bank selection: A sequential exploratory mixed-methods study in an emerging economy’, International Journal of Bank Marketing (ISSN: 0265-2323), Vol. 40(7), pp. 1526-1554, Emerald Publishing, [ABDC–A, ABS-1, Scopus], DOI: 10.1108/IJBM-03-2021-0104.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Islam, Q.T.; Ahmed, A. and Iqbal, S. (2022). ‘L'île Flottante: Ivory Coast's Eco-Friendly Sustainable Floating Island Resort’, Small Enterprise Research (ISSN: 1321-5906), Vol. 29(2), 190-198, [ABDC–C, Scopus], Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1080/13215906.2022.2089909.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Zabir, F.; Islam, Q.T.; Gazi, M.A. and Ahmed, A. (2022). ‘Alcor: Death Care through Cryonics (Service after Death)’, Journal of Operations and Strategic Planning (ISSN: 2516-600X), Vol. 5(1), pp. 82-92, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.1177/2516600X221084790.
Sharif, M.A.; Dwivedi, Y.K.; Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Kumar, U. and Rafeed, M. (2022). ‘Stakeholders Conflict and Private-Public Partnership Chain (PPPC): Supply Chain of Perishable Product’, International Journal of Logistics Management, (ISSN: 0957-4093), Vol. 33(4), pp. 1218-1245, Emerald Publishing, [ABDC–A, ABS–2, Scopus]. DOI: 10.1108/IJLM-12-2020-0486.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Sharif, R.; Islam, Q.T. and Ahmed, A. (2022). ‘Harnessing Emerging Digital Technologies: DataNet Operations in eSwatini’, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (ISSN: 2043-8869), Vol. 12(1), pp. 79-87, [Scopus], SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.1177/2043886921993136.
Butt, I.; Mukerji, B.; Shareef, M.A.; Ahmed, Jashim Uddin and Huda, S.S.M. (2022) ‘Effect of Trust on e-Shopping Adoption - An Emerging Market Context’, Journal of Internet Commerce, (ISSN: 1533-2861), Vol. 21(3), pp. 320-340, Taylor & Francis, [ABDC–B, Scopus]. DOI: 10.1080/15332861.2021.1927436.
Faroque, A.F.; Sultana, H.; Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, F. and Rahman, M. (2022). ‘The standalone and resource-bundling effects of government and nongovernment export assistance on early internationalizing firms’ performance’, Critical Perspectives On International Business, (ISSN:1742-2043), Vol. 18(3), pp. 411-442, Emerald Publishing, [ABDC–B, ABS-2, Scopus]. DOI: 10.1108/cpoib-06-2020-0076.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Islam, Q.T. and Ahmed, A. (2022). ‘Menstrual Hygiene Products as a Basic Need: What can Scotland’s Action Campaign teach about improving public health worldwide?’, SAGE Business Cases, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529795370.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Alam, S.R.; Islam, Q.T. and Ahmed, A. (2022). ‘‘Kaldi’s Coffee: Can Ethiopia’s premier coffee shop continue to grow?”, SAGE Business Cases, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529796452.
Jashim Uddin Ahmed; Mazid, T.; Ahmed, A.; Mim, K.P. and Khan, M.M. (2022). ‘Rescuing Childhood: What Indian NGO Leaders Can Learn From Bachpan Bachao Andolan’, SAGE Business Cases, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529797107.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Talukdar, A.; Khan, M.M. and Ahmed, A. (2022). ‘MiStay: Web-based Hourly Hotel Accommodation Service’, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (ISSN: 2043-8869), Vol. 12(2), pp. 215-222, SAGE Publications, [Scopus]. DOI: 10.1177/20438869211053015
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Morshed, T.B.; Talukder, M.S.; Islam, Q.T. and Ahmed, A. (2022). ‘Helium Health: Data-Driven Healthcare Service in Nigeria’, SAGE Business Cases, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529780727.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Islam, Q.T.; Islam, S.; Ahmed, A. and Mim, K.P. (2022). ‘Last-mile Drone Delivery: Is Wing’s Business Model Sustainable?’, SAGE Business Cases, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529780451.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Akhi, A.A; Faroque, A.R.; Ahmed, A. and Iqbal, S. (2022). ‘Dignitas: Planning for Death’, SAGE Business Cases, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529771695.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Rahman, U.; Faroque, A.R.; Anika, F.H. and Ahmed, A. (2022). ‘Médecins Sans Frontières: Beyond Borders’, SAGE Business Cases, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529773354.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Faroque, A.R.; Tarannum, T.; Islam, Q.T.; and Ahmed, A. (2022). ‘Blue Train: Developing a marketing approach for the South African luxury rail travel experience’, SAGE Business Cases, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529774122.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Faroque, A.R.; Islam, Q.T.; Uddin, M.J. and Sultana, H. (2022). ‘Beautification of Death: A Case Study of Green Oasis Coffins (Made) in Bangladesh’, In: Bhattacharyya, J., Balaji, M.S., Jiang, Y., Azer, J., Hewege, C. (Eds.), Socially Responsible Consumption and Marketing in Practice - Collection of Case Studies, (Chapter 17), pp. 275-289, Springer Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-6433-5.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Islam, Q.T.; Ahmed, A.; Faroque, A.R. and Uddin, M.J. (2021). ‘Corporate social responsibility in the wake of COVID-19: Multiple cases of social responsibility as an organizational value’, Society and Business Review (ISSN: 1746-5680), Vol. 16(4), pp. 496-516, Emerald Publishing, [ABDC–B, ABS–2, Scopus], DOI: 10.1108/SBR-09-2020-0113. [Lead Article].
Faroque, A.F.; Kuivalainen, O.; Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Rahman, M.; Roy, H.; Ali, Y. and Mostafiz, M.I. (2021). ‘Performance implications of export assistance: The mediating role of export entrepreneurship’, International Marketing Review, (ISSN: 0265-1335), Vol. 38(6), pp. 1370-1399, Emerald Publishing, [ABDC-A, ABS-3, Scopus]. DOI: 10.1108/IMR-07-2020-0141.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Talukder, N; Ahmed, A. and Chowdhury, M.H. (2021). ‘Challenges Faced by Small Enterprises in Bangladesh: The Case of JNA Pulp paper business’, Small Enterprise Research (ISSN: 1321-5906), Vol. 28(1), pp. 85-82, Taylor & Francis, [ABDC-C, Scopus]. DOI: 10.1080/13215906.2021.1872686.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Islam, Q.T. Meem, U.H. and Ahmed, A. (2021). ‘Mothers Delivery Kit: Antenatal Care Innovation in West Africa’, Emerging Economies Cases Journal (ISSN: 2516-6042), Vol. 3(2), Forthcoming, SAGE Publications.
Islam, M.S.; Uddin, M.J; Shi, P.; Sharif, T. and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2021). ‘Exploring shippers’ motivations to adopt collaborative truck-sharing initiatives’, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (ISSN: 0960-0035), Vol. 51(5), 528-550, Emerald Publishing, [ABDC-A, Scopus], DOI: 10.1108/IJPDLM-10-2019-0303.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Talukder, N.; Alam, S.R.; Ahmed, A. and Faroque, A.R. (2021). ‘Rescue Mission in the Tham Luang Nang Non Cave, Thailand’, SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781529758122), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529758122.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Faroque, A.R.; Jannat, U.M.; Anika, F.H. and Majid, M.A. (2021). ‘Khan’s Kitchen: Feeding the City Dwellers’, SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781529763300), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529763300
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Tarannum, T.; Faroque, A.R.; Ahmed, A. and Mim, K.P. (2021). ‘Luxeria: Nigeria’s Premium Brand of Wine and Spirits’, SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781529763782), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529763782
Agrawal, G.; Chhikara, R.; Garg; R. and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2021). ‘Pepperfry: Challenges Ahead in the Growing Competition of Indian Home Furnishing Market’, SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781529754858), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529754858.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Tarannum, T.; Uddin, M.J; Mim, K.P. and Ahmed, A. (2021). ‘Miguel Caballero: Marketing Strategy of Colombian Bulletproof Fashion Brand’, FIIB Business Review, (ISSN: 2319-7145), Vol. 10(2), pp. 102-113. SAGE Publications, [Scopus]. DOI: 10.1177/2319714520988833
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Hasan, K.M.; Hossain, M.A.; Uddin, M.J.; and Noor, R.I. (2020). ‘Managing Stakeholder Emotions and Cultural Differences during Crisis: Lessons from Four Different Countries’, International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion (ISSN: 1740-8946), Vol. 11(2), pp. 120-139, Inderscience, [ABDC-B, Scopus], DOI: 10.1504/IJWOE.2020.10031500.
Uddin, M.J; Hossain, F.; Fujimoto, Y. and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2020). ‘Do public sector organizations ensure labor ethics? Perspectives from ethics and workplace spirituality in Bangladesh’s garment sector’, Public Administration and Development (ISSN: 1099-162X), Vol. 40(3), pp. 168-178, John Wiley, [ABDC–A, Scopus], DOI: 10.1002/pad.1874.
Talukder, M.S.; Sorwar, G.; Bao, Y.; Ahmed, Jashim Uddin and Palash, A.S. (2020). ‘Predicting Antecedents of Wearable Healthcare Technology Acceptance by Elderly: A Combined SEM-Neural Network Approach’, Technological Forecasting & Social Change (ISSN: 0040-1625), Vol. 150, pp. 1-13, Elsevier, [ABDC–A, Scopus], DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.119793.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Gazi, M.A.; Iqbal, R.; Islam, Q.T. and Talukder, N. (2020). ‘Value Co-creation through Social Innovation in Healthcare: A Case of WE CARE Solar’, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, (ISSN: 2042-5961), Vol. 16(4), pp. 341-357, Emerald Publishing. DOI: org/10.1108/WJEMSD-03-2020-0024
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A.; Talukder, N.; Sultana, I. and Anika, F.H. (2020). ‘Haldiram's in India’, Journal of Operations and Strategic Planning (ISSN: 2516-600X), Vol. 3(2), pp. 240-256, SAGE Publications, DOI: org/10.1177/2516600X20968966
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Mazid, T.; Ahmed, A. and Anika, F.H. (2020). ‘The Bankruptcy of Jet Airways in India’, IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, (ISSN: 2710-7175), Vol. 11(2), pp. 23-37, IIUM Press.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Siddiqui, S.; Ahmed, A. and Mim, K.P. (2020). ‘Lifeline Express: Hospital Train in Rural India’, Emerging Economies Cases Journal (ISSN: 2516-6042), Vol. 2(2), 1-17(Early Cite), SAGE Publications. DOI:
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Faroque, A.R.; Ahmed, A.; Anika, F.H.; and Mamun, H.A. (2020). ‘Hvalur hf: Commercial Hunter of Whales!’ Journal of Operations and Strategic Planning (ISSN: 2516-600X), Vol. 3(1), pp. 99-106, SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.1177/2516600X20927510.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Talukder, N. and Ahmed, A. (2020). ‘Infrastructure Development Company Limited Solar Home System Program: A Sustainable Solution for Energizing Rural Bangladesh’, South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, (ISSN: 2277-9779), Vol. 9(2), pp. 219-236, SAGE Publications, [Scopus], DOI: 10.1177/2277977920905305.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A.; Tinne, W.; Ahmed, S. and Moumita, M. R. (2020). ‘Orbis International: Fight Against Global Blindness’, SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781529715835), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781529715835.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A. and Tinne, W. Shahan (2020). ‘SheTaxis: Women on Wheels’, SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781526496317), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135/9781526496317.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Mazid, T. and Ahmed, A. (2020). ‘Argos: Revolution in the Non-Food Retailing’, SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781529713169), SAGE Publications. DOI: 10.4135.9781529713169.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A.; Suhaila, S. and Majid, M. A. (2020). ‘Bashundhara Baby Diaper Marketing Strategies in Bangladesh’, Business Perspectives and Research, (ISSN: 2278-5337), Vol. 8(2), pp. 308-323, SAGE Publications, [ABDC–C, Scopus], DOI: 10.1177/2278533719887459.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ananya, A.T.; Mim, K.P.; Ahmed, A. and Iqbal, Sarika (2020). ‘Barbie in a Wheelchair: Mattel’s Respect to Customer Voice.’, FIIB Business Review, (ISSN: 2319-7145), Vol. 9(3), pp. 181-186, SAGE Publications, [Scopus], DOI: 10.1177/2319714520914210.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Begum, F.; Ahmed, A.; and Talukder, N. (2020). ‘A Blessing inside a Calamity: Baladna Food Industries in Qatar’, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, (ISSN: 1741-8127), Vol. 19(3), pp. 203-216, Inderscience, [Scopus], DOI: 10.1504/IJMED.2020.10030589.
Ahmed, Jashim U.; Talukder, N.; Ahmed, A; Hoque, M.T. (2019). ‘Sustainable Energy Solutions: Akon Lighting Africa’, Decision, (ISSN: 0304-0941), Vol. 46(3), pp. 253-266. Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s40622-019-00220-x.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Sultana, H.; Ahmed, A. and Chhikara, R. (2019). ‘Natura Siberica: Challenging Entry in Organic Cosmetics Business’, Journal of Operations and Strategic Planning (ISSN: 2516-600X), Vol. 2(2), pp. 163-177, SAGE Publications, DOI: 10.1177/2516600X19886221.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A.; Hoque, M.T.; Majid, M.A. and Chhikara, R. (2019). ‘Women Entrepreneurs Fast Food Business: A Case Study on Challenging Social Prejudice through Entrepreneurship’, Small Enterprise Research (ISSN: 1321-5906), Vol. 26(3), pp. 307-319, Taylor & Francis, DOI: 10.1080/13215906.2019.1671216. [ABDC–C, Scopus].
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Rahanaz, Maliha and Siddique, Rubaiyat-i- (2019). ‘Friendship Floating Hospitals: Healthcare for the Riverine People of Bangladesh.’ Journal of Developing Societies, (ISSN: 0169-796X), Vol. 35(1), pp. 175-194, SAGE Publications, [Scopus].
Shareef, M.A.; Raman, R.; Baabdullah, A.; Mahmud, R.; Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; et al. (2019). ‘Public Service Reformation: Relationship Building by Mobile Technology’, International Journal of Information Management, (ISSN: 0268-4012), Vol. 49, pp. 217-227. Elsevier, Country: UK. [ABDC–A*, Scopus].
Islam, S.; Shi, Y.; Ahmed, Jashim U.; and Uddin, M.J. (2019). ‘Minimization of Empty Container Truck Trips: Insights into Truck-sharing Constraints’, International Journal of Logistics Management, (ISSN: 0957-4093), Vol. 30(2), pp. 641-662, Emerald Publishing, [ABDC–A, ABS–2, Scopus]. DOI: 10.1108/IJLM-08-2018-0191.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, S.; Ahmed, A. and Majid, M.A. (2019). ‘Caring Vision: Fighting Against Blindness in Bangladesh’, FIIB Business Review, (ISSN: 2319-7145), 8(1), pp. 17-24, SAGE Publications, [Scopus]. DOI: 10.1177/2319714519831545.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Khan, M.M.; Sultana, Ishrat; Ahmed, A. and Begum, F. (2019). ‘Ryanair: A Low-cost Business Model in the European Airline Industry’, SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781526466846), SAGE Publications, DOI: 10.4135/9781526466846.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Tinne, W. Shahan; and Ahmed, A. (2019). ‘Pathao: An Emerging Motorcycle-Ride Service in Bangladesh’, SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781526462718), SAGE Publications, USA. DOI: 10.4135/9781526462718.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Majid, M.A.; and Ahmed, A. (2019). ‘Nokia 3310: Welcome Back!’, SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781526461001), SAGE Publications, DOI: 10.4135/9781526461001.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Uddin, M. Jasim; and Al-Amin, M. (2019). ‘Application of Structuration Theory in the Context of ICT: The Case of DESH Microfinance in Bangladesh’, International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management, (ISSN: 1758-2172), Vol. 9(3), pp. 187-198, Inderscience, DOI: 10.1504/IJBCRM.2019.10020145
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Tinne, W. Shahan; Al-Amin, M. and Rahanaz, Maliha (2018). ‘Social Innovation and SONO Filter for Drinking Water’, Society and Business Review (ISSN: 1746-5680), Vol. 13(1), 15-26, Emerald Publishing, Country: United Kingdom. DOI: 10.1108/SBR-08-2017-0060.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Sultana, H.; Jahan, N. and Nisha, N. (2018). ‘Achieving a Competitive Edge through Merger: Evidence from Telecoms Industry of Bangladesh’, International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances, (ISSN: 1756-6452), Vol. 6(3), 166-180, Inderscience, Country: United Kingdom.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Sultana, H.; and Khan, M. M. (2018). ‘Saudi Aramco: A Blend between Profit and Politics’, FIIB Business Review, (ISSN: 2319-7145), Vol. 7(2), 88-99, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. DOI: 10.1177/2319714518785324.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Sultana, H. and Ahmed, A. (2018). ‘Patanjali Ayurved Invades India’, Decision, (ISSN: 0304-0941), Vol. 45(1), 75-91, Springer, Country: United Kingdom. DOI: 10.1007/s40622-018-0176-x.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin and Ahmed, A. (2018). Cocola Noodle Marketing Strategy in Bangladesh.’ Sage Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781526441713), SAGE Publications, Country: USA. DOI: 10.4135/9781526441713.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin and Ahmed, A. (2018). ‘Foodpanda: Changing the Way Bangladeshis Eats Meals’, Sage Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781526444561), SAGE Publications, Country: USA. DOI: 10.4135/9781526444561.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Linda, Israt J. and Majid, M.A. (2018). ‘Royal FloraHolland: Strategic Supply Chain of Cut Flowers Business’, SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781526461919), SAGE Publications, Country: USA. DOI: 10.4135/9781526461919.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; and Ahmed, A. (2018). ‘Agrani Doer Banking: Agent Banking Business in Bangladesh’, Business Perspectives and Research, (ISSN: 2278-5337), Vol. 6(2), 154-164. SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. DOI: 10.1177/2278533718765532.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, A.; Begum, F.; Majid, M.A.; and Kabir, G. (2018). ‘Bangladesh’s dynamic toilet soap market: The case of Keya’, South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, (ISSN: 2277-9779), Vol. 7(2), 156-164, SAGE Publications, Country: USA. DOI: 10.1177/2277977918784140.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; and Tinne, W. Shahan (2017). ‘ASA: Cost-effective and Sustainable Microfinance Model NGO in Bangladesh.’ South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, (ISSN: 2277-9779), Vol. 6(2), pp. 167-175, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. DOI: 10.1177/2277977917730445.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin and Faroque, Anisur R. (2017). ‘Swadeshi: The Strategic Collaborative Approach between Eight Competitors in the Fashion Industry’, Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, (ISSN: 2055-5636), Vol. 3(1), pp. 20-37, SAGE Publications, Country: USA. DOI:10.1177/2055563617718476.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ashikuzzaman, N. M.; Mahmud, Aditi, M. (2017). ‘Social Innovation in Education: BRAC Boat Schools in Bangladesh’, Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research’, (ISSN: 2251-7316), Vol. 7(20), 1-14, Springer, Country: United Kingdom. DOI: 10.1186/s40497-017-0077-z.
Hossain, A.; Hasan, M.; Chan, C.; and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2017). ‘Predicting User Acceptance and Continuance Behaviour Towards Location-based services: The Moderating Effect of Facilitating Conditions on Behavioural Intention and Actual Use’, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, (ISSN: 1326-2238), Vol. 21, pp. 1-22, ACS Digital Library, Country: Australia. DOI: 10.3127/ajis.v21i0.1454.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Sultana, H.; and Faroque, Anisur R. (2017). ‘Eastern Housing Limited: Marketing Strategy of Real Estate Company in Bangladesh’, Vision - The Journal of Business Perspective, (ISSN: 0972-2629), Vol. 21(1), pp. 86-92, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. DOI:10.1177/0972262916686630.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2017). ‘Apex Footwear Limited: Successful Footwear Marketing in Bangladesh’. SAGE Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781473997820), SAGE Publications, Country: USA. DOI: 10.4135/9781473997820.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Iqbal, Mehree; Idris, S.; and Chowdhury, K. M. Khan (2017). ‘Royal Tiger: Energy Drink Marketing Strategy in Bangladesh’, SAGE Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781473994607), SAGE Publications, Country: USA. DOI: 10.4135/9781473994607.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2017). ‘HungryNaki: Challenges of An Emerging Online Food Delivery Service in Bangladesh’, SAGE Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781526409997), SAGE Publications, Country: USA. DOI: 10.4135/9781526409997.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; and Malik, Adina (2017). ‘Bengal Tiger Agro Industries Limited: Challenges in Family Business’, SAGE Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781526407399), SAGE Publications, Country: USA. DOI: 10.4135/9781526407399.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2017). ‘Desh Metal Industries Ltd.: Supply Chain Success and Challenges of the Omega Ceiling Fan’, SAGE Business Cases, (ISBN: 9781526411211), SAGE Publications, Country: USA. DOI: 10.4135/9781526411211.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Shimul, M. A. Sadat; and Hossain, Shahid (2017). ‘Azad Products (Pvt.) Ltd.: New Challenges Ahead’, Business Perspectives and Research, (ISSN: 2278-5337), Vol. 5(1), pp. 1-10, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. DOI: 10.1177/2278533716671634.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; and Tinne, W. Shahan (2017). ‘Grameen UNIQLO: Social Business Initiatives in Bangladesh.’ SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781526426710), SAGE Publications, Country: USA. DOI: 10.4135/9781526426710.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2017). ‘Western Marine Shipyard Limited: A New Horizon of Shipbuilding in Bangladesh’, SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781526426697), SAGE Publications, Country: USA. DOI: 10.4135/9781526426697.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; and Rahman, M. S. (2017). ‘The Rise and Fall of Citycell in Bangladesh’, SAGE Business Cases, (eISBN: 9781526427182), SAGE Publications, Country: USA. DOI: 10.4135/9781526427182.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Nisha, Nabila; and Rifat, Afrin (2016). ‘The Dhaka Mercantile Co-operative Bank Limited: A Case of Islamic Shari’ah Banking in Bangladesh’, International Journal of Financial Innovation in Banking, (ISSN: 2055-6780), Vol. 1(1/2), pp. 62-79, Inderscience, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1504/IJFIB.2016.076622
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Uddin, M. Jasim; Ameen, MM Nawaz; and Khan, Tanvir Nabi (2016). ‘Strategic Issues for Accenture Bangladesh: A Developing Country Perspective’, Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, (ISSN: 0972-2629), Vol. 20(1), pp. 66-72, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1177/0972262916628991
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Uddin, M. Jasim; Farnaz, Nahid; and Ali, M. Akbar (2016). ‘National Fans Limited of Bangladesh’, Asian Case Research Journal, (ISSN: 0218-9275), Vol. 20(2), pp. 351-372, National University of Singapore/World Scientific Publishing, Country: Singapore. doi: 10.1142/S0218927516500139
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Nisha, Nabila; Rifat, Afrin and Shimul, M. A. Sadat (2016). ‘Challenges for Atomix System Ltd.: The ITES Industry in Bangladesh’, SAGE Business Cases, SAGE Publications, Country: USA. doi:
Siddiqui, Nazlee and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2016). ‘Managing Change for Better: New Zealand Dairy Products Bangladesh Ltd.’, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, (ISSN: 2319-510X), Vol. 12(1), pp. 85-94, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1177/2319510X16647295
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2016). ‘Massification to Marketization of Higher Education: Private University Education in Bangladesh’, Higher Education for the Future, (ISSN: 2347-6311), Vol. 3(1), 76-92, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1177/2347631115610222
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Hoque, S.; Siddique, Rubaiyat-i-; and Khan, N.A. (2016). ‘Zinda Park: Rural Community Eco-park Complex in Bangladesh’, Vision - The Journal of Business Perspective, (ISSN: 0972-2629), Vol. 20(4), pp. 380-395, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1177/0972262916671469
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Uddin, M. Jasim; Ashikuzzaman, N. M.; and Khan, N. (2016). ‘Women in Management: A Developing Country Perspective’, International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies (ISSN: 2052-0360), Vol. 1(4), pp. 376-389, Inderscience, Country: United Kingdom [Blind Refereed Article. This paper has been prepared under the research funded by NSU]. doi:10.1504/IJGSDS.2016.10000788.
Uddin, M. Jasim; and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2016). ‘Organizational Socialization Context: Evidence from the microfinance sector in the developing country’, Management and Labour Studies, (0258-042X), Vol. 41(3), (IN PRESS), SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. doi:10.1177/0258042X16669006
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Rifat, A.; Nisha, N.; and Shrensky, Ruth (2016). ‘Beyond the Border: Yellow Goes International’, Global Business Review, (ISSN: 0972-1509), Vol. 17(5), pp. pp. 1094-1106, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1177/0972150916656666
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Imran, Shahzada; Musa, S. M.; and Hasan, Rakibul (2016). ‘Managing Corporate Governance Management of Family Firms in South Asia: Evidence from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka’, International Journal of Corporate Governance, (ISSN: 1754-3037), Vol. 7 (1), pp. 78-101, Inderscience, Country: United Kingdom. doi:
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ashikuzzaman, N. M.; and Nisha, Nabila (2016). ‘Understanding Operations of Floating Schools: A Case of Shidhulai Swanirvar Sangstha in Bangladesh’, South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, (ISSN: 2277-9779), Vol. 5(2), pp. 221-233, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1177/2277977916665993
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, Ishtiaque; and Chowdhury, M. Faisol (2016). ‘Ferdous Custom Made Tailors Fabrics Fashions: New Challenges Ahead’, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, (ISSN: 2319-510X), Vol. 12(2), (IN PRESS), SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Uddin, M. Jasim; Shimul, M. A. Sadat; and Huda, SSM Sadrul (2015). ‘Ogniroth Studios: Transforming Ideas Into Innovation’, South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, (ISSN: 2277-9779), Vol. 4(2), pp. 202-217, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1177/2277977915596252
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Shimul, M. A. Sadat; Sen, Protima; and Khan, N. Nuren (2015). ‘Jibon Tari: A Floating Hospital to Serve Distressed Humanity’, Business Perspectives and Research, (ISSN: 2278-5337), Vol. 3(2), pp. 146-160, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1177/2278533715579757
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Ahmed, Kamal U.; Shimul, M.A. Sadat; and Zuñiga, Roy (2015). ‘Managing Strategies for Higher Education Institutions in the UK: An Overview’, Higher Education for the Future, (ISSN: 2347-6311), Vol. 2(1), pp. 32-48, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1177/2347631114558189
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Rifat, Afrin; Nisha, Nabila; and Uddin, M. Jasim (2015). ‘Deshi Dosh: The Case on Integration of Ten Rivals in the Fashion Industry of Bangladesh’, Decision, (ISSN: 0304-0941), Vol. 42(1), pp. 87-103, Springer, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1007/s40622-015-0075-3
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Hossain, S. M. Maroof; and Ferdous, M. Mohiuddin (2014). ‘BracNet: Journey of Fast Technology’, South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, (ISSN: 2277-9779), Vol. 3(2), pp. 157-167, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1177/2277977914548333
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Chowdhury, Md. Humayun Kabir; Rahman, Sheehan; and Talukder, AKM Mominul Haque (2014). ‘Academic Probation: An Empirical Study of Private University Students’, Research in Education, (ISSN: 0034-5237), Vol. 92(2), pp. 1-17, Sage Publications/Manchester University Press, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.7227/RIE.0001
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Chowdhury, Md. Humayun Kabir; Ferdous, M. Mohiuddin; and Uddin, M. (2014). ‘Sadakalo: Marketing of traditional fashion in the modern fashion industry’, Vision - The Journal of Business Perspective, (ISSN: 0972-2629), Vol. 18(2), pp. 125-135, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1177/0972262914528600
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Huda, SSM Sadrul; Akhtar, Afsana; and Hasan, B. Tawfique (2014). ‘Fair & Lovely: The Brand, the Controversy and the Corporate Social Responsibility of Unilever in Bangladesh’, Asia-Pacific Marketing Review, (ISSN: 2277-2057), Vol. 3(2), pp. 103-110, Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, Country: India.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Uddin, M. Jasim; and Ali, M. Akbar (2014). ‘Innovation in Power Sector in the Developing Country: A Case of Electro Group in Bangladesh’, Delhi Business Review, (ISSN: 2277-7725), Vol. 15(1), pp. 107-118, Society for Human Transformation & Research, Country: India.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; and Uddin, M. Jasim (2014). ‘Adelaide King’s Disentangling Interfirm and Intrafirm Causal Ambiguity: A Critical Review’, Management and Change, (ISSN: 0972-2149), Vol. 18(2), pp. 91-105, IILM, New Delhi, Country: India.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Baqee, Asef Hassan; and Khan, Zakia (2013). ‘OTOBI: Beyond the Horizon’, South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, (ISSN: 2277-9779), Vol. 2(2), pp. 139-149, SAGE Publications, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1177/2277977913509172
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Chowdhury, Md. Humayun Kabir; Synthia, Ishrat J.; and Sultana, Ishrat (2013). ‘Doctors’ Perceptions towards Domestic and Multinational Pharmaceutical Products: An Investigation from Developing Country’, ASEAN Marketing Journal, (ISSN 2085-5044), Vol. 5(2), pp. 111-124, University of Indonesia, Country: Indonesia.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; and Chowdhury, Md. Humayun Kabir (2012). ‘Consumer Perceptions of Quality toward Beautification Products: A Developing Country Perspective’, Journal of Management Science, (ISSN: 0976-030X), Vol. 3(2), pp. 205-215, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Country: India. doi:10.5958/j.0976-030X.3.2.008
Talukder, AKM M. Haque; and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2012). ‘Effect of Strategic Determinants of Training on the Job Performance, Effectiveness and Efficiency: An Empirical Study’, Malaysian Management Journal, (ISSN: 0128-6226), Vol. 16, pp. 23-42, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Country: Malaysia.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Chowdhury, M. Humayun Kabir; Rahman, Sheehan; and Talukder, AKM M. Haque (2012). ‘Consumer Perceived Value Formation Process: Lesson from Developing Country’, Asian Profile: An International Journal, (ISSN: 0304-8675), Vol. 40(1), pp. 59-72, The International Center for Asian Studies (ICAS), Country: Canada.
Rahman, Sheehan; and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2012). ‘Intellectual Capital Efficiency: Evidence from Bangladesh’, Advances in Management & Applied Economics, (ISSN: 1792-7544), Vol. 2(2), pp. 109-146, Scienpress Ltd, Country: United Kingdom.
Rahman, Sheehan; and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2012). ‘An Evaluation of the Changing Role of Management Accountants in Recent Years’, Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences, (ISSN: 1992-8319), Vol. 6(1), pp. 18-30, Indus Institute of Higher Education, Country: Pakistan.
PUBLICATIONS 2011 & 2010
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2011). ‘An Overview of UK Higher Education Institutional Characteristics’, Sri Lankan Journal of Management, (ISSN: 1391-1503), Vol. 16 (1&2), pp. 68-88, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Country: Sri Lanka.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2010). ‘Documentary research method: New dimensions’, Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences, (ISSN: 1992-8319), Vol. 4(1), pp. 1-14, Indus Institute of Higher Education, Country: Pakistan.
Khan, Zakia; Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; and Sarker, Shah M.A. (2010). ‘Faculty Mobility in the Private Universities: Developing Country Context’, KASBIT Business Journal, (ISSN: 1994-1609), 3(1), pp. 7-24, KASB Institute of Technology, Karachi, Country: Pakistan.
Huda, SSM Sadrul; Mujaffar, Ahmed T.; Akhtar, A.; and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2010). ‘The state of private universities in Bangladesh: An evaluation of students’ perception’, Information Management & Business Review, (ISSN: 2220-3796), Vol. 1(1), pp. 16-27, International Foundation for Research and Development, Country: UAE.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2010). ‘Technology Transfer from Universities to Business Sector: Evidence from UK Science Parks and Subsidiary Companies’, Sri Lankan Journal of Management, (ISSN: 1391-1503), Vol. 14 (4) & Vol. 15 (1), pp. 73-91, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Country: Sri Lanka.
Chowdhury, Md. Humayun Kabir; and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2009). ‘An Examination of the Effects of Partitioned Country-of-Origin on Consumer Quality Perceptions’, International Journal of Consumer Studies, (ISSN: 1470-6423), Vol. 33(4), pp. 496-502, John Wiley & Sons, Country: United Kingdom. doi: 10.1111/j.1470-6431.2009.00783.x
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; and Hossain, Tamima (2009). ‘Industrial Safety in the Readymade Garment Sector: A Developing Country Perspective’, Sri Lankan Journal of Management, (ISSN: 1391-1503), Vol. 14(1), pp. 1-13, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Country: Sri Lanka.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2009). ‘Action Research: A New Look’, KASBIT Business Journal, (ISSN: 1994-1609), Vol. 2(1&2), pp. 19-32, KASB Institute of Technology, Karachi, Country: Pakistan.
Bhuiyan, Tabarak H.; Islam, N.; and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2009). ‘The Service Quality in Retail Banking of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh’, Journal of Global Commerce Research, (ISSN: 1946-7958), Vol. 1(1), pp. 49-72, Global Commerce Forum, Country: USA.
S. S. M. Sadrul Huda; Ahmed T. Muzaffar; and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2009). ‘An enquiry into the perception on food quality among urban people: A case of Bangladesh’, African Journal of Business Management, (ISSN: 1993-8233), Vol. 3(5), pp. 227-232, University of Johannesburg, Country: South Africa.
Huda, SSM Sadrul; Tabassum, A.; and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2009). ‘Use of ICT in the Private Universities of Bangladesh’, International Journal of Educational Administration: Challenges and Prospects, (ISSN: 0976-5883), Vol. 1(1), pp. 77-82, Country: India.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Huda, SSM Sadrul; and Rashid, M. (2009). ‘An evaluation of the attitudes towards investment: A Case over Dhaka City’, DU Journal of Business Studies, (ISSN: 1682-2498), Vol. 30(1), pp. 177-196, University of Dhaka, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2009). ‘An Approach to Change Management in Higher Education: Developed Country Perspective’, Independent Business Review, (ISSN: 1996-3572), Vol. 2(1), pp. 86-122, Independent University, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; and Reaz, M. (2009). ‘An Evolution of Corporate Governance Thinking: From Ownership of Firm to the Role of Politics’, ASA University Review, (ISSN: 1997-6925), Vol. 3(1), pp. 49-66, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Chowdhury, Md. H. Kabir; and Tabassum, A. (2008). ‘An Empirical Study on Student Home Rentals: A Developing Country Perspective’, Skyline Business Journal, (ISSN: 1998-3425), Vol. 5(1), pp. 1-6, Skyline University College, Sharjah, Country: UAE.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2008). ‘Review of strategic development of Higher Education Institutions in the UK’, Management & Change, (ISSN: 0972-2149), Vol. 12(2), pp. 1-28, IILM Institute for Higher Education, New Delhi, Country: India.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Islam, N.; and Huda, SSM Sadrul (2008). ‘The Contributions of Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol and Peter Drucker in Modern Management’, ASA University Review, (ISSN: 1997-6925), Vol. 2(2), pp. 49-59, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2008). ‘United Kingdom University Education and Expansion: An Overview’, Social Change, (ISSN: 1997-938X), Vol. 1(2), pp. 44-65, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2008). ‘Quality and TQM at Higher Education Institutions in the UK: Lessons from two UK universities’, AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), (ISSN: 1683-8742), Vol. 7(2), pp. 105-130, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Chowdhury, Md. H. Kabir; and Bhuiyan, Tobarak H. (2008). ‘Consumer Evaluation of Brand Extensions: An Assessment from Bangladesh’, ASA University Review, (ISSN: 1997-6925), Vol. 2(1), 9-17, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2007). ‘An Overview of Triangulation Research’, North South Business Review’, (ISSN: 1991-4938), Vol. 2(1), pp. 72-83, North South University, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2007). ‘Research Issues in Case study Method: Debates and Comments’, AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE), (ISSN: 1683-8742), Vol. 6(2), pp. 1-14, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Akhtar, A.; and Dilshad, S. (2007). ‘The Impact of Information Source on SIM Purchase Behavior’, DU Journal of Marketing, (ISSN: 1996-3319), Vol. 10, (June), pp. 173-182, University of Dhaka, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; and Sultana, Israt (2007). ‘Performance Management in Real Estate Business: A Case Study of ANZ Properties Ltd.’, SEU Journal of Business Studies, (ISSN: 1815-3267), Vol. 3(1), pp. 11-25, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Chowdhury, Md. Humayun Kabir; and Huda, Md, Muzakkeerul (2007). ‘Consumer Perceived Value Formation in Bangladesh: A Latent Structure Approach’, ASA University Review, (ISSN: 1997-6925), Vol. 1(1), pp. 1-14, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Tabassum, Ayesha; and Hossain, Tashfeen (2006). ‘Human Resource Management Practices: A Case Study of the Supply Chain Department of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd.’, Sri Lankan Journal of Management, (ISSN: 1391-1503), Vol. 11(1 & 2), pp. 89-107, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Country: Sri Lanka.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; and Huda, SSM Sadrul (2006). ‘An Overview of Robert Stake, Robert K. Yin, Norman K. Denzin and Nigel Fielding’s Contributions to Social Research’, SEU Journal of Business Studies, (ISSN: 1815-3267), Vol. 2(1), pp. 25-33, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Faruqui, G. Ahmed; and Zubayer, Mahmud (2006). ‘An Overview of Conceptual Framework of Organizational Models for Higher Education Institutions’, IIUC Business Review, (ISSN: 1991-380X), Vol. 1 (August), pp. 93-106, Country: Bangladesh.
Siddiqui, Nazlee; Hasan, Mobina; and Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2006). ‘New Generation of Retail Management in Bangladesh - Customer Satisfaction through Value System Management’, SEU Journal of Business Studies, (ISSN: 1815-3267), Vol. 2(2), pp. 1-18, Country: Bangladesh.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2004). ‘How UK new universities are meeting the global competitiveness challenge: Case studies of two new universities’, International Journal of Applied Marketing, (ISSN: 1742-2612), Vol. 1(2), pp. 1-29, International Management Journals, Country: United Kingdom.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2002). ‘Regional Co-operation in UK higher education: Case Studies of two Universities’, Learning Resource Journal, (ISSN: 0268-2125), Vol. 18(3), pp. 60-64, Country: United Kingdom.
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2007). ‘The Impact of Managerial job on the lives of women managers in developing countries: Bangladesh Context’, 9th South Asian Management Forum: Management for Peace, Prosperity and Posterity (24-25 February 2007), pp. 83-90, (co-authors: Huda, SSM Sadrul, and Akhtar, Afsana), (ISBN: 984-300-000088-0).
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin (2014). “Marketing 3.0: From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit” by Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, and Iwan Setiawan; New Delhi, India, 2010, IIMS Journal of Management Science, (ISSN: 0976-030X), Vol. 5(2): 200-204, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Country: India.
Shareef, Mahmud A.; Ahmed, Jashim Uddin; Kumar, V. and Kumar, U. (2015). “Effect of Mobile Phone SMS on M-Health: An Analysis of Consumer Perceptions”, in Handbook of Research on Cultural and Economic Impacts of the Information Society’, (Chapter 12), pp. 284-296, IGI Clobal, Country: USA. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8598-7
Ahmed, Jashim Uddin, Iqbal, Mehree; Uddin, M. Jasim; and Imran, Shahzada M. (2014). ‘Marshal Security Limited: Security Service Provider’, in Managing World Class Operations, (Book Chapter), pp. 306-317, Bloomsbury Publishing, New Delhi, Country: India.