Dr. Mohammad Khasro Miah is a Professor of Human Resource Management, teaching at the School of Business and Economics, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has been teaching Strategic Human Resource Management, Managerial Skill Development, Managing High Performance, Comparative Human Resource Management, International Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management, Training and Development, Performance Appraisal and Compensation Practices, Human Resource Planning and Staffing in both MBA and EMBA programs. Dr. Khasro has earned Ph.D. and a Post-doctoral degree from Nagoya University, Japan in 2004, 2006 respectively and a Post-doctoral degree from Northeastern University, USA, in 2010. Before that, he received MBA in International Human Resource Management from Shiga University, Japan in 2001. Before going to Japan for higher studies, he has earned Bachelor of Business Administration (Honors) degree in Management and Master of Business Studies (MBS) degree in Management from Islamic University in 1989 and 1991, respectively. He has twenty-five years of teaching and research experience with various reputed academic institutions in Bangladesh, Japan, and the USA. He has taught as a visiting professor at Northeastern University (USA), Nagoya University (Japan) Nihon Fukushi University (Japan) and Islamic University (Bangladesh).
In 2011, he was awarded Emerging Market Economy, USA, (EME) Grant for the academic year 2011-2013 and Fulbright Scholarship for Postdoctoral degree from the USA. In 2004, he was awarded Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS Award) for the Postdoctoral Fellowship and completed his Postdoctoral degree at the University of Nagoya, Japan in 2006. He is very active in the Association of Japanese Business Studies in the USA, a Fulbright member in the USA, Association of South Asian Business Studies in Bangladesh, Japanese Association of Administrative Science in Japan, Association of Asian Management Forum in Malaysia, and Fellow member of Bangladesh Society for Human Resource Management.
He has served as the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Bangladesh Society for Human Resource Management (IJBSHRM), and editorial review board member of Japanese Association of Administrative Science, Association of Japanese Business Studies in the USA, African Journal of Management, South Asian Journal of HRM, International HRM Journal in the UK; and he was an external supervisor for the Ph.D. dissertation in New South Wales University and South Australian University, Australia. He has been working on the cross-cultural study of Human Resource Management Practices in Japan, the USA, and EU operating in South Asian countries. His recent work has been on Strategic Human Resource Management and Competitive Advantages and cross-cultural issues, especially in South Asia. His research works have appeared in the International Journal of Human Resource Management, Global Business Review, Japanese Administrative Science and Asian Management Journal, South Asian Journal of HRM, Australian Journal of Career Development, Taiwan Academy of Management, Global Business Review, Business Review, and Indian Institute of Management, India, New Delhi. He has published more than 45 papers and presented more than 30 papers in the International conferences in the USA, Europe, UK, China, Japan and Australia.
Professor Khasro earned appreciations and has won a number of awards, a few are listed below: the best presentation Award from the Association of Japanese Business Studies, USA, in 2002; International Rotary Award for his own module on HRM styles development between Japanese MNCs and South Asian Companies; Association of International Education in Japan (AIEJ) Award 2003; Fuji Xerox MNCs Award 2002; Nagoya University President Award 2002 and 2003 for the best paper presented at the International Conference in Finland and Canada. Japan Government Scholarship for MBA leading to Ph.D. in Japan. JSPS Award for the Post-doctoral program in 2004. Fulbright Award 2008, EME USA Grant 2011, NSU Research and Innovation Award 2012, 2017 and 2019, Japan Foundation Award 2015. Dr. Khasro has worked as a research fellow of Toyota, Sony, Toshiba, Hitachi, GCE, GM, and Wal-Mart, and has interviewed CEO’s, General Managers and HR Directors of more than hundred Japanese, US, and European MNCs across the world.
- Miah, Khasro, M. & Izumitani, M. (2023) “Employability Skills for Entry-Level Employees in Local and Foreign Companies in Bangladesh: A Theoretical Model Development” Soka Keiei Ronshu: The Review of Business Administration, Japan. 47 No. 1
- Miah, Khasro, M., Sarah, Khasro. M, and Takahashi, Y., (2022) Human Resource Management Practices of Foreign Manufacturing Companies in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study, South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management 1–23. DOI: 10.1177/23220937221125552
- Nazlee, S., Miah, Khasro, M., Hasnain A.A. and Greenfield, D. (2020). Can Peer-to-Peer Interaction (PPI) be a Global Theme to Promote Engagement in Students of Diverse Characteristics and Country Contexts? International Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Educational Research. Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 117-136, August 2020 https://doi.org/10.26803/ijlter.19.8.7, pp. 117-136.
- Nazlee, S., Miah, Khasro, M. and Ahmad. A., (2019). Peer to Peer Synchronous Interaction and Student Engagement: A Perspective of Postgraduate Management Students in a Developing Country, American Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 7, No. 7, pp. 491-498 http://pubs.sciepub.com/education/7/7/9 Published by Science and Education Publishing DOI:10.12691/education-7-7-9
- Chowdhury, T. A. and Miah, Khasro M. ( 2019) Perceptions of Students and Employers Regarding Employability Skills for Entry Level Positions in Marketing and Sales. Australian Journal of Career Development. Vol.28; Issue 1.
- Siddiqui, N. Miah,Khasro, M. and Ahmad, A. (2019). Peer to Peer Synchronous Interaction and Student Engagement: A Perspective of Postgraduate Management Students in a Developing Country, American Journal of Educational Research Vol. 7, No. 7; DOI: 10.12691/education 7-7-9.
- Chowdhury, T.A. and Miah, Khasro. M.( 2019) Developing Multinational Employability Skills Index: A Study of Local and MNCs Companies in Bangladesh. South Asian Journal of HRD, Vol. 6, Issue 1
- Miah, Khasro, M. (2018). The Cross-national Transfer of HRM styles and Firm Performance in US and Japanese Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures, International Journal of Bangladesh Society for Human Resource Management.Vol.1,No.1.pp.84-103.
- Miah, Khasro, M. and H, Mahmudul (2017). Human Resource Management Practices and Organizational Performance: Evidence from Japanese and US Subsidiaries/Joint Venture in Bangladesh. Journal of Human Resource Management.Vol.1. No.1.pp.54-59.
- Ahmed, Tamgid, and Miah, Khasro, M., (2016). Employability skills for entry-level Human Resource Management positions: Perceptions of students and employers. Australian Journal of Career Development. Vol. 25 No.2. pp.55–68.
- Miah, Khasro. M.(2016). Readings and Cases Human Resource Management Practices,LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany.
- Chowdhury, T. A., and Miah, M. Khasro ( 2016) Perceptions of students and employers regarding employability skills for entry-level positions in marketing and sales has been accepted for publication in Australian Journal of Career Development.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Mohiuddin, Galib (2016). Effect of Strategic Human Resource Management Practices on Competitive Advantage in Western Firms: an Empirical Study. North South Business Review, Vol.6, No. (1) pp.67-88.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Noor-E-Hasnin (2016). Home and Host Country Effect on Human Resource Management Practices: A Comparative Study. Asian Journal of Business and Management, Vol.4, No. 2, pp. 90-98.
- Saba, Allen, Miah, Khasro, M., and Allan Bird (2016). High-Investment HR Values among Local Firms and U.S. MNCs’ Subsidiaries in South Asia: A Comparative Study. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 27, No. 13. pp. 1426-1447.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Hossain, S. (2015). Transferability of Western MNCs Human Resource Management Practices: A Case Study, Journal of Business Review, Vol.10, (2).pp148-187.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Hossan, M. (2014). A New Paradigm of Human Resource Management Practices in South Asia. Bangladesh, population, environment and economy. (Book Chapter).Vol.1, No.1. pp. 239-280.
- Khamdaker Galib.B. Mohiuddin and Miah, Khasro M., (2014). Climate Change in Bangladesh: Is Social Marketing Relevant? Bangladesh's population, environment, and economy. (Book Chapter).Vol.1, No.1. pp. 122-141.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Hossain, S.M., (2014). A Comparative Study of HRM Practices between Foreign and Local Garment Companies in Bangladesh. South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management Vol.1, No. 1, pp.67-89.
- Khan, A. R., Miah, Khasro, M. (2014) Effects of Organizational Climate on Employee Service Quality in Foreign Tobacco Company of Bangladesh. Journal of IBT Journal of Business Studies (Formerly Journal of Management & Social Sciences) Vol. 10, No. 2, pp.1-15
- Rafique, A.K., and Miah, Khasro, M., (2014). Human Resource Management Practices: A Case Study of South Asian Countries. IBT Journal of Business Studies (Formerly Journal of Management & Social Sciences) Vol.9.No.1. pp.83-101
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Mohiuddin, K.G (2014), Recruitment and Selection Strategy and Firm Performance: Evidence from Foreign Banks. Journal of Bank Parikrama. Vol. XXXIX No. 1 and 2 PP.56-77.
- Miah, Khasro M., Farahnaz, S., and Wali, M. M. I. (2013). Women Entrepreneurs in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study. Australasian Journal of Business, Social Science and Information Technology.
- Miah, Khasro M., K.G. Mohiuddin, and A. H. Chowdhury (2013) Business Performance and HRM Practices in Social and Conventional Business: A Theoretical Framework for Comparison. Vol.1.No.1, pp.31-34.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and S. H. M. (2013), Social Business: A Policy Component against Financial Crisis, Social Business Forum Vol. 2(1).9-11.
- Miah, Khasro, M., (2013), Academic Progress and Career Development through Collaboration between Universities and Corporations. National Career Fair 2013, Great opportunities under one roof, Vol.8 (1).pp.6-9.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Islam, R. (2013), A Comparative Case Study in HRM Practices on Bangladeshi and Foreign Electronics Companies. Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, Vol. 9(1), pp.10-18.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Wali, F. Ibne and Sarif, I. (2013), Strategic HRM Practices and its Impact on Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A Comparative Study between Western and Bangladeshi Local Firms. International Journal of Accounting and Business Management, Vol.1No. 1 pp. 50-67.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Wali, Md. F. Ibne (2012), Transferability of Chinese Human Resource Management Practices in Bangladesh: A Case Study. Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, Vol. 8, No.3.pp-36-45.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Rafique, A.K. (2012), Human Resource Management Practices of Food and Beverage Industries: A Case Study. Global Management Journal for Academic and Corporate Studies, Vol.9.No.1 pp. 83-101.
- Alam, K. M. S., Wali, M. F. I., Miah, Khasro, M., and Wali, M. M. I. (2012), Managing Environmental Risk: Integrating Failure Mode and Effects Analysis with Environmental Management System. Global Journal of Finance & Management Vol. 4 (4), pp. 63-70, ISSN 0975-6477.
- Miah, Khasro, M., Atiqur, S.M. and Chowdhiry G.H. (2012), Performance Management System in the UK Retail Industry: A Case Study. Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, Vol. 7. No. 3. Pp.13-25.
- Miah, Khasro, M., Mohiuddin, K.G., and Chowdhury, A.H. (2012), Business Performance and HRM Practices in Social & Conventional Business: A Theoretical Framework for Comparison, Social Business Forum 2012, Vol. 1 (1).
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Talukder. MMKH (2012). The Effects of Employees Perceptions of Performance Appraisal of Garments Industries in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study. Journal of Business Review, Vol.7, (1).
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Rafique, A. K. (2011). Human Resource Management Practices in Developing Countries: A Comparative Case Study of European and Local Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh. Global Management Journal for Academic and Corporate Studies, Vol.1. (1) 88-102.
- A, H. Chowdhury, Tawrique Iqbal and Miah, Khasro, M., (2010), A Study of Service Quality Determinants of Private Universities in Bangladesh using SERVQUAL. Journal of Knowledge Globalization, USA, Vol. 3(1), pp. 49-73.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and A, H. Chowdhury (2008), Higher Education Quality for Development of Bangladesh: An Application of Factor Analysis. National Academic Quality Control, Dhaka, Bangladesh Vol. 1. pp.9-22.
- Miah, Khasro M., and Bird Allan (2009). The impact of culture on HRM Styles and firm performance. Globalizing International HRM, Edited by Chris Rowley and Malcolm Warner (Book Chapter) Rutledge, Taylor and Francis Group, routledge.com, pp. 192-207.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Bird, Allan, (2007), The Impact of Culture on HRM Styles and Firm Performance: Evidence from Japanese Parents, Japanese Subsidiaries/Joint Ventures and South Asian Local Companies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 18, Issue 5, pp.908-923. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09585190701249537.
- A. H. Chowdhury, and Miah, Khasro, M., (2007), An Empirical Analysis of Perceived and Expected Service Quality: A Case Study on Private Universities of Bangladesh: Paper published in the 11th International Convention on Quality Improvement. PIQC-CD pp.2 – 15.
- Miah, Khasro, M., (2007), Cultural Mediation on HRM Strategy and Company Performance” Paper published in the 9th South Asian Management Forum: Management for Peace, Prosperity, and Posterity, Association of Management Development Institutions of South Asia. pp. 24 – 25.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Yuto Kitamura (2005), How Organizational Culture Affects HRM Strategy in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: A Comparative Case Study between Japanese Joint Ventures and Local Companies: Asian Academy of Management, USM Malaysia, Volume 2, pp.699-707.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Yuto Kitamura (2005), The Impact of Culture on HRM Styles and Firm Performance: Based on Japanese Companies, Japanese Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures, and South Asian Local Companies. Association of Japanese Business Studies Conference proceedings on CD-ROM, Quebec, Canada Vol.18, pp.319-346.
- Miah, Khasro, M., Mitsuru Wakabayashi and Norihiku Takeuchi (2003), Cross-cultural Comparisons of HRM Styles: Based on Japanese Companies, Japanese Subsidiaries in Bangladesh and Bangladesh Companies. Global Business Review, Vol. (4) 1, pp. 77-98.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Mitsuru Wakabayashi (2002), Cross-Cultural Analysis of HRM: Based on Bangladesh companies, Japanese companies in Japan and Bangladesh. Paper presented in the 15th annual conference proceedings of the Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS) held in St. Louis, Missouri University, USA, 6-9 June, Vol. 15.No. 05-42.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Mitsuru Wakabayashi (2003), Building Participative HRM Style in South Asia: A Comparative Case Study a Japanese Subsidiary and a Bangladeshi Domestic Companies in Bangladesh. Best Paper Proceedings of the Association of Japanese Business Studies, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada, Vol.16, pp.76-82.
- Miah, Khasro, M., (2002), Managerial Philosophies and Organizational Climate: Based on Japanese and Bangladeshi companies in Bangladesh. Paper presented in the Annual seminar proceedings of Japan Association of Administrative Science (JAAS), Aichi Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 11-12.
- Miah, Khasro, M., (2001), Human Resource Management: Applications of managerial Philosophy, Organizational Climate, and Managers Training and learning: A Comparative Study. Paper published in the 14th annual conference proceedings of the Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS), Senajuki Business University, Finland.
- Miah, Khasro, M., (2001), Cross-cultural Analysis of HRM: Based on Bangladesh companies, Japanese companies in Japan and Bangladesh. Paper published in the Proceedings of the Annual Convention, Japanese Association of Administrative Science, Aichi Gakuin University, Nissin, Japan, pp.17-18.
- Miah, Khasro, M., (2000), HRM philosophies and organizational climate: A comparative study between Japan and Bangladesh. Paper published in the Annual Seminar Proceedings of Japan Association of Administrative Science (JAAS), Sanno University, Tokyo, Japan. Pp.9-18.
- Miah, Khasro, M., Teruhiko Tomita and Mitsuru Wakabayashi (2001), A study on HRM Philosophies and Managers’ Beliefs about Human Resources: Comparisons Based on Japanese Companies in Japan and Japanese and Bangladeshi Companies in Bangladesh. Journal of Administrative Science, Vol.15 (2), pp.131-144.
- Miah, Khasro, M., and Md. Alinoor Rahman (1998), A Comparative Study of Job Satisfaction of the Public and The Private Sectors’ Primary School Teachers in Bangladesh, Islamic University Studies, Vol. 1(1), pp. 85-98.
- Miah, Khasro, M., (1995), Management Practices of Sugar Industries in Bangladesh: A Case Study, Journal of Islamic University Studies, Vol. 2 (3).pp.23-38.
- Mosharraf Hossain and Miah, Khasro, M., (1992), Job Satisfaction and Performance of Bank Employees: A Comparative Study of the Private and Public Banks in Bangladesh. Journal of Bangladesh Management Development Institute, Vol. 21 (4), pp. 86- 102.
Selective International Conference:
8-9 December, 2023. Presented the Paper titled: “A Comparative Analysis of Human Resource Management Style and Practices and Their Impact on Organizational Performance: Evidence Based on Foreign and Local Manufacturers in Bangladesh” at the International Conference on Globalization, Entrepreneurship and Emerging Economies (IGCSE)-, Organized by CBER at University of London, UK, (BEST PAPER AWARD)
On January 7, 2023, our paper, "Impact of Internet Use on Bangladeshi University Students' Academic Performance: A Theoretical Framework," was presented and awarded Best Paper Presentation at the 14th International Conference on Humanity, Social Science and Sociology (ICHSSS-2023), hosted by the International Research and Development Center for Publication (IRDCP). (BEST PAPER AWARD)
A research project titled "The Factors of COVID-19 Pandemic Effect on University Faculty Members' Psychological Wellbeing: An Empirical Study Based on Public and Private Universities in Bangladesh" was presented at the "6th International Conference on Human Resource Management," organized by IBS Hyderabad, and our work was highly appreciated by the panel members and was awarded the "Best Conference Paper Awards." 2021( BEST PAPER AWARD)
Colakoglu, S., Allen, M., Miah, Khasro., & Bird, A.(2013), Are we there yet? Comparing Adaptation, Internationalization, and Effectiveness of High Investment Values among Local Firms and MNCs Subsidiaries of US Firms in South Asia. Academy of International Business Conference, Florida, USA
Miah, M. Khasro, and Hossain, M. Siddique. (2013) Transferability of HRM Practices in Developing Countries: Perceived Data from the US and UK Garments
Miah, M. Khasro, Hossain, M. Siddique and Chowdhury, A. H. ( 2013) The Effect of Employee Skill, Behavior and Human Resource Practice Flexibility on Firm Performance: Perceived Data from FMG Industries
Miah, M. Khasro, Wali, F.I. Islam, S. M. (2013) Strategic Human Resource Management Practices and Its Impact on Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A Comparative Study between Western and Bangladeshi local firms
Miah, M. Khasro, Wali, F.I., and SaqifulAlam, K.M. ( 2013) Women Entrepreneurs in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study
Miah, M. Khasro, Chowdhury, A. H., (2011) The Transfer of Japanese Human Resources Management Practices in South Asia: Contingencies, Constraints, and Competencies.”11th South Asian Management Forum (SAMF), Nepal Administrative College, Kathmandu, May 17
Miah, M. Khasro, Allan Bird, and Allen, Matt. (2010) Competing Models of Fit in South Asian HRM: US MNCs Subsidiaries Vs. Local Firms, Paper Presented at Brown Bag Research Seminars, 17th March 2010, 321 Hayden Hall, D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University, Northeastern University, Boston, USA.
Miah, M. Khasro and Yuto Kitamura (2005) The Impact of Culture on HRM Styles and Firm Performance: Based on Japanese Companies, Japanese Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures, and South Asian Local Companies. Association of Japanese Business Studies Conference Proceedings on CD-ROM, Quebec, Canada Vol.18, 319-346.
Post-doctoral Fellowship in the United States of America, October 2009 – June 2010. D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University. Boston, USA. Fellowship awarded by the Fulbright Commission.
Research: Competing Models of Fit in South Asian Human Resource Management: US MNCs Subsidiaries Vs. Local Firms.
Post-doctoral Fellowship in Japan, April 2004 - March 2006. Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Japan. Fellowship awarded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan.
Research: Strategic Human Resource Management and Competitive Advantage (Cross-cultural issues)
Doctor of Philosophy in human resource management degree completed in March 2004. Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.
Thesis: Cross-cultural Study of Human Resource Management Styles: Cases of Bangladeshi Companies, Japanese, and Western Subsidiaries/Joint Ventures in Bangladesh.
Masters of Business Administration degree in International Human Resource Management completed in March 2001.
College of Business Administration, Shiga University, Japan.
Thesis: Human Resource Management: Applications of Management Philosophy. Organizational Climate and Manager’s Training and Learning: A Comparative Study of Japanese Manufacturing Companies in Japan (Shiga Prefectures), Japanese Manufacturing in Bangladesh and Bangladeshi Manufacturing Companies.
Coursework completed: International Management (Seminar I), International Management (Seminar II), Principles of Business Administration, Business Organizations, Theory of Firms, International Management, Strategic Marketing, Managerial Psychology.
Masters of Business Studies in management degree completed in March 1992.
Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Management, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh.
Thesis Title: Job Satisfaction and Performance of Bank Employees: A Comparative Study of Private and Public Bank in Bangladesh.
Coursework completed: Management Thought, Management Policies and Procedures, Industrial Organization, Public Sector Management, Business Research and Operation Research, Financial Management and Advanced Financial Management, Internship, Viva-voice, and others.
Bachelor of Business Studies in Management degree completed in March 1989.
Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Management, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh.
Coursework completed Fundamentals of Business Management, Business Organization and Business Communication, Business Laws and Labor Laws, Principles of Marketing, Business Mathematics and Business Statistics, Insurance and Bank Management, Entrepreneurship Development and Industrial Relations, Personnel Management and Industrial Psychology, Principles and Practices of Accounting, Advanced Accounting, Auditing and Income Tax, Micro Economics, Macro Economics, Economics in Developing Countries.
Higher Secondary School Certificate examination in commerce group passed in June 1985.
Brahmanbaria Govt. College, Brahmanbaria, Bangladesh.
Coursework completed: Bengali I and II, English I and II; Accountancy I and II, Business Policy and System, Insurance and Banking, Commercial Geography.
Secondary School Certificate examination in commerce group passed in June 1983. Annada Govt. High School, Brahmanbaria, Bangladesh.
Coursework completed: Bengali, English I and II; General Mathematics; General Science, Book-keeping, Commercial Geography; Business Policy and Commercial Accounting.
Academic Experience:
- Professor, School of Business and Economics, North South Univesity, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 2013 to Present.
- Associate professor, School of Business and Economics, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 2008 to December 2012
- Visiting Professor, awarded by Fulbright Commission, Northeastern University, USA (Jully 2009 to June 2010)
- Assistant Professor, School of Business and Economics, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh January 2007 to January 2008.
- Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Japan April 2004- March 2006; Awarded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, (JSPS)
- Associate Professor (Part-time), Nihon Fukushi University, Japan, October 2002 to March 2003.
- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh. February 2006 to March 2008
- Lecturer, Department of Management, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh. January 1993 to December 1996.
- Former Director, Career and Placement Centre (CPC), North South University ( July 2012- March 2014)
- Program Coordinator, HRM, Business Policy and Strategy, School of Business and Economics, North South University( 2012-2013)
Teaching graduate level courses at MBA and EMBA programs. Selected courses taught are:
BUS 520: Management and Organizational behavior
BUS 601: Human Resource Management
HRM 602: Human Resource Planning and Staffing
HRM 603: Training and Development
HRM 631: Managerial Skills Development
HRM 650: Managing High Performance
HRM 660: Strategic Human Resource Management
HRM 680: Comparative Human Resource Management
HRM 690: Special Topics in Human Resource Management
Teaching Undergraduate level courses at BBA programs. Selected courses taught are:
HRM 430: Human Resource Management Practice of Bangladesh
HRM 480: Strategic Human Resource Management
Mgt 210: Principles of Management
BUS 498: Internship Project (Supervising Internship student)
- Founder President, Human Resources Professional Association of Bangladesh (HRPSB)
- Fellow Member, Bangladesh Society for Human Resources Management
- Founding Life Member and Secretary General of Professional Society for Social Business Bangladesh.
- Fellow Member, Bangladesh Society for Human Resources Management
- General Member, Fulbright Alumni Association Bangladesh (FAAB)
- Life Member, Japanese Universities Alumnai Association in Bangladesh (JUUAB)
- Former Treasurer, Professional Society for Social Business (PSSB)
- Former Member, Japan Association of Administrative Science (JAAS)
- Former Member, Association of Japan Business Studies (AJBS)
- Research and Innovation Award, North South University 2019
- Research and Innovation Award, North South University 2017
- Best Paper Award in International Conference 2015
- Japan Foundation Intellectual Award 2015
- Research and Innovation Award, North South University 2012
- Fulbright Award for Postdoctoral fellowship, D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University, USA October 2009- June 2010;
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) award for Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Japan; ( April 2004- March 2006);
- Rotary International Yoneyama Memorial Foundation Fellowship, Japan 2002-2003;
- Association of International Education Japan (AIEJ) Award for Research in South Asia and Japan, Nagoya University Japan 2003;
- Fuji Xerox Multinational (MNCs) Company Award 2002 -2003;
- Teaching Assistantship, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Japan 2002-2003;
- Research Assistantship, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Japan 2002-2003;
- Nagoya University, Japan, President Award 2003;
- Nagoya University, Japan, President Award 2001;
- Japan Government (MOMBUGAKUSHO) scholarship for higher study in Japan;
Current research interests include “Strategic Human Resource Management practices in both indigenous and global business settings” and “Employee behavior and organizational development issues in South Asian firms. Presently pursuing research on the Cross-cultural HRM issues and firm effectiveness of US, EU and Japanese MNCs in South Asian Emerging Markets.” Also, developing a proposed Hybrid Module of Corporate Strategies of USMNCs in the South Asian emerging market.