Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Dr. Abdul Hannan Chowdhury

Full Time Faculty
Professor & Vice-Chancellor

Post-Doc., University of Calgary, Canada
Ph.D., Northeastern University, USA
M.S., Northeastern University, USA

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 1706
Office: NAC 988

 Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Chowdhury is presently holding the position of Professor at the School of Business and Economics (SBE) at North South University (NSU) in Bangladesh. Previously, he served as the Vice Chancellor of Primeasia University from May 2017 to Oct 2020 and as the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Eastern University from May 2014 to May 2017. His prior roles include being a former faculty of the SBE from May 2005 to May 2014, Executive Director of External Relations (6 months), Dean of the SBE (6 years), Director of the BBA Program (6 years approx.), Member of the Syndicate (4 years), and Director of the Career Services (7 years approx.) at NSU. Boasting 35 years of teaching and research experience, he has worked with esteemed institutions in Bangladesh, Canada, the USA, and China. His international faculty roles include positions at the University of Windsor, Canada (3 years), Northeastern University, Boston, USA (2 years), University of Calgary, Canada (1 year), and the Islamic University, a public university in Bangladesh (4 years). In 2014, he was appointed as a visiting Professor at the School of Economics and Management at Yunnan Normal University, China.

Dr. Chowdhury obtained his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Northeastern University, Boston, USA, in 1999, and earned his M.S. in Operations Research from Northeastern University, USA, in 1996. His academic journey also includes a Bachelor of Science (Hons.) and a Master of Science in Statistics from Jahangirnagar University in the years 1986 and 1987, respectively. Teaching a range of courses such as Business Statistics, Operations Management, Quantitative Analysis, Statistical Quality Control, and Total Quality Management in the MBA and EMBA programs, Dr. Chowdhury is actively involved in research areas such as Quantitative Analysis, Application of Statistics in Business, Statistical Quality Control, Total Quality Management, Operations Management, and Social Business.

He served as a faculty member in the Executive MBA Program for Managers and Professio nals at the Centre for Executive Education at the University of Windsor, Canada. Additionally, he instructed the Applied Statistics course in the Quality Certification Program of Saint Clair College, Canada, offered by the American Society for Quality (ASQ). In 2001, he received the Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) Industrial post-doctoral fellowship, completing his research at the University of Calgary, Canada, in 2002. The funding for his research endeavors came from various sources, including PIMS, the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, Nortel Networks, and the Statistical Consulting and Research Laboratory (StatCaR) of the University of Calgary. Dr. Chowdhury also received a travel grant for his research from the National Science Foundation (NSF) of the USA through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Washington DC, USA. Moreover, he was a recipient of both Research and Conference Grants from the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) of Northeastern University, USA, and CTRG at NSU. To his credit, Dr. Chowdhury was able to attract more than half a million US dollars for research, consulting, and project grants that benefit the institutions.

Dr. Chowdhury assumed the role of Team Leader of NSU (2009-‘13) for the INSPIRE project on Environmental Management, which received a funding of 50 thousand GBP from the British Council, UK, in collaboration with Prof. Phil Haris of Coventry University, UK. Notably, he led a project with HEC, France, focused on Social Business (2010-‘14), facilitating overseas training for several faculty members from NSU SBE in the UK, France, and other European countries. Additionally, Dr. Chowdhury played an active role as a Team Member in the Investment Climate Fund project financed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank. He was also a team member in the Green Banking project, funded by the Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) under the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh. Further, he contributed as a Team Member in several projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Information Communication Technology, Government of Bangladesh. As the team leader of the One Asia Foundation, Japan-funded project "The Path to form an Asian Community" at Eastern University, Dr. Chowdhury demonstrated leadership. Moreover, he led a team at NSU to secure a grant from the Institute of Sustainable Communities (ISC), USA, to establish the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS+) Center. Additionally, he serves as a team member of the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Eastern University, a project funded by the World Bank through HEQEP, UGC of Bangladesh.

Dr. Chowdhury’s efforts in fundraising have been remarkable, raising more than 50 million BDT over the years. These funds were utilized for organizing various events, including National Career Fairs, Academic Seminars, Social Business Forums, Youth Conventions, Academic Conclaves, and International Conferences across different disciplines. He has organized numerous seminars, workshops, and conferences on pertinent issues. Notably, he served as the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Career Fair from 2007 to 2011 and was a member of the organizing committee of the 9th South Asian Management Forum (2006). Additionally, he held the position of Executive Chair for the International Conference on Statistical Science (ICSS 2008) and the International Conference on Knowledge Globalization (ICKG 2010), both hosted in Bangladesh in collaboration with Carleton University, Canada, and Suffolk University, USA, respectively. Furthermore, he acted as the co-convener for ICKG 2018 held in Bangladesh.

Dr. Chowdhury has actively participated as a member in numerous professional organizations and committees across Bangladesh, Canada, France, China, Germany, and the USA. His involvement extends to editing numerous papers for various national and international journals, as well as conference proceedings. He has been a featured speaker at many national and international conferences, and he has served as a reviewer for several scientific journals. During the period of 2011-2013 and 2020-2022, he served as the editor of the North South Business Review, and currently, he holds the position of editor for the Journal of Knowledge Globalization, published by the Knowledge Globalization Institute in Boston, USA.

Since 2010, Dr. Chowdhury has expanded his expertise to include the field of Social Business (SB) academia, research, and practices. He has gained extensive experience working directly with Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, actively contributing to the global promotion of the concept of SB. Dr. Chowdhury has received distinctive invitations to attend the Global Social Business Summit (GSBS) and SB academic conference in Germany (2010, ‘15), Austria (2011, ‘12), Malaysia (2013), Italy (2022), Thailand (2024), and Social Business Day in India (2019) and Malaysia (2023), Philippines (2024).

He has taken a leading role in organizing a multitude of conferences, seminars, forums, workshops, lecture series, and prestigious events focused on Social Business (SB). Notably, with the support of the U.S. Department of State, he played a pivotal role in organizing the First South Asian Youth Leaders' Summit on SB in Dhaka in 2012. As the Founder and President of the Professional Society for Social Business, he spearheaded the Social Business Forum in 2012 and 2013, serving as the Executive Chair. In the capacity of Chairman of the Bangladesh Country Forum at the SBD from 2021 to 2023, Dr. Chowdhury continued to contribute significantly to the promotion of SB worldwide. He also assumed the role of Patron for the SB Youth Convention in 2014 and the SB Academic Conclave in 2015. 

Dr. Chowdhury’s influence extends internationally, as he has been an invited speaker at numerous conferences in countries such as India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Cambodia, Italy, Germany, Austria, USA, and Canada. He has also contributed to the international arena as the Secretary General of the Organization of Population and Poverty Alleviation (OPPA), Bangladesh. His involvement in global research conferences includes serving as a member of the International Scientific Committee for the GSBS Research Conferences held in Malaysia (2013), Mexico (2014), and Germany (2015). Furthermore, he played a role in the Planning and Organizing Committee and the International Scientific Committee of the SB Academia Conference (SBAC) held in China in 2016. Presently, he holds the position of co-chair for the upcoming SBAC.

His scholarly contributions encompass a diverse array of publications that have been featured in esteemed journals like the International Journal of Production Economics, Intelligent Systems with Applications, Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Journal of Quality Engineering, Accounting Research Journal, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Benchmarking: an International Journal, International Journal of Manpower, International Journal of Bank Marketing, The Learning Organization, International Journal of Trade and Economic Development, International Journal of Economics and Finance, South Asian Journal of Management, Journal of Knowledge Globalization, International Journal of Electronic Government Research, Journal of Business Administration, Journal of Business Education and Accreditation, Pakistan Journal of Statistics, North South Business Review

Dr. Chowdhury took an active role in the accreditation project team at NSU to chase the AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and SAQS (South Asian Quality System) accreditation process for SBE to achieve a globally recognized mark of excellence. Under his leadership, SBE was able to get eligibility for the AACSB accreditation in Bangladesh for the first time in the shortest possible time. In 2022, he was featured by the AACSB at ICAM in Louisiana, New Orleans, USA for his outstanding leadership on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity. He has widespread experience working as an international peer review team member of the SAQS accreditation process of AMDISA (Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia). He led Outcome-based Education (OBE) curriculum development at NSU as outlined by the University Grants Commission (UGC) with extensive experience designing courses and developing curriculum. 

His prolific body of work includes over 70 published papers, book chapters, and authored books. Dr. Chowdhury has also presented more than 75 papers at various international conferences. Beyond his academic contributions, he has written over 25 features and articles published in national daily newspapers and weekly magazines. His widespread leadership role in the education sector in Bangladesh has been unique and well-recognized by the students, faculty members, professionals, and academicians for his invaluable support, mentorship, and guidance. He holds a unique distinction as the only son of a mother who was honored with the "Ratna Garva" award in 2010.


  1. Saha, R., Kabir, M.N. and Chowdhury, A.H. “The impact of CEO attributes on sustainability performance: evidence from an emerging economy”, Accounting Research Journal, 36 No. 6, pp. 539-557. https://, Scopus, (Q2, Impact Factor 2.0), Hindex 23, 2023
  2. Khan, Atikur R., Chowdhury, A. H., Imon, Rahmatullah, “Deep Neural Network for Monitoring the Growth of Covid-19 Epidemic using Meteorological Covariates,” Intelligent Systems with Applications. DOI: 1016/j.iswa.2023.200234, (Emerald), Scopus, (Q1, Impact Factor 9.25, H-index 9.0, SJR 1.606), vol 18, 2023
  3. Shabnin Rahman., Sharif N. Ahkam, and Chowdhury, A. H., “Business Model for Sustainable Elderly Shelters in Bangladesh,” of Knowledge Globalization, 15(1), 29-53, 2023, USA
  4. Butt, I., Haq, Shoaib Ul., Shareef, M. A., Chowdhury, A. , and Ahmed, J. U., “Ethical reputation and retail bank selection: a sequential exploratory mixed-methods study in an emerging economy.” International Journal of Bank Marketing, DOI:10.1108/IJBM-03-2021-0104, (Emerald), ABDC-A, Scopus, (Q1, Impact Factor 5.03, SJR .788), 2022
  5. Chowdhury, A. H., “On Some Examples of Parametric Prediction Interval for Reliability with Exponential and Weibull distribution,” Jahangirnagar Univ. J. of Statistical Studies, 36, 63-76, 2022
  6. Rahman, M. S., Hossain, M. A., Chowdhury, A. H., and Hoque, M. T., “Role of Enterprise Information System Management in enhancing Firms Competitive Performance towards achieving SDGs during and after COVID-19 Pandemic,” Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Emerald (ABDC-A; ABS-2), SSCI, Scopus (Q1, Impact Factor 6.7), 2021
  7. Shahjalal M., Alam, M. Z., Chowdhury, A. H., Ahmed, S., “Analysis of Perception and Expectation Gaps in Higher Education Institutions,” of Knowledge Globalization, 13(1), 35-70, 2021, USA
  8. Shahjalal, M., Alam, M. Z., Miah, S. S., and Chowdhury, A. H., “A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Identifying the Effects of Climate Change on Agricultural Production. International Journal of Agricultural Economics. DOI 10.11648/j.ijae.20210604.15, Vol 6, No. 4, 181-192, 2021
  9. Bag, S., Chowdhury, A. H., “Journey of Customers in this Digital Era: Understanding the role of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in User Engagement and Conversion” Benchmarking: an International Journal, ABDC-B, (SJR .894, Impact Factor 2.5, H- index 66), 2021
  10. Bag, S., Dhamija, P., Pretorius, J. H. C., Chowdhury, A. H., Mihalis, G., “Sustainable Human Resource Management Systems and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study,” International Journal of Manpower, DOI 10.1108/IJM-02-2021-0099, (ABDC-A, Q2, SJR .545, Impact Factor 3.15, Hindex: 61) 2021
  11. Hasan, M. S., Omar, N., Handley-Schachler, M., and Chowdhury A. H., “A Cross-Country Study onCorporate Accurals and Financial Ratios using Confirmatory Factor Analysis,” Journal of Knowledge Globalization, 12(1), 35-70, 2020, USA.
  12. Alam, Z., Shahajalal, M., Roy, R., Roy, S., Chowdhury, A.H., “A Study on Rice Production via Parametric Analysis of Repeated Measurements Experiment.” 11(1), 25-39, Journal of Knowledge Globalization, 2019, USA.
  13. Chowdhury, A. H., and Arefin, K. M., “Modelling Co-movement of different Sectors in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) using Asymmetric BVAR-GRACH Models,” Journal of Finance and Economics, 5(3), 105-117, DOI:10.12691/jfe-5-3-3, (Imp. Factor .285, SJR 0.315), 2017, USA.
  14. Chowdhury, A. H., and Kabir, R., “Trend Adjusted Exponential Smoothing Forecast: Evidence from a Multinational Company in Bangladesh,” Journal of Business Admin., 37 (3 & 4), 91-106, 2016.
  15. Rahman, M. S., Osmangani, A. M., Daud, N. M., Chowdhury, A. H., and Hasan, H., “Trust and Work Place Spirituality on Knowledge Sharing Behaviour: Perspective from Non-acdemic Staff of Higher Learning Institutions,” The Learning Organization: An International Journal, 22(6), Emerald, DOI:1108/TLO-05-2015-0032, (Scopus, Q1, SJR .718, Imp Factor 4.6), 2015.
  16. Sultana, I., Ahmed, I., Chowdhury, A. H., and Paul, S. K. Economic design of x-bar control chart using Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing Algorithm, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 14(3), 352-372, Inderscience, DOI:1504/IJPQM.2014. 064810, (Scopus, SJR 0.315, Impact Factor 1.14, H-index: 28), 2014, USA.
  17. Wali, F I, Md, Chowdhury, A. H., Alam, K, Md. S., Wali, Md. M. I., Islam, M., “Collaborative Education: New Frontier for Furure Education and Yunus Social Business.” Business Education and Accreditation, ABDC-C, 6(1), 101-110, 2014, (EconBIZ), USA.
  18. Chowdhury, A. H., and Hossain, M. S. (Book Review), Building Social Business- The New Kind ofCapitalism That Serves Humanity‟s Most Pressing Needs-by Muhammad Yunus (2010). Public Affairs, Percus Group, USA. J. of Marketing,, ISSN: 2308-6238, 2, 105-108, 2014.
  19. Chowdhury, A. H., and Islam, R. “Trade Liberation and De Novo Hypothesis in the Context of Bangladesh: A Conintegration Analysis.” International Journal of Trade and Economic Development. Academy of Business and Retail Management (ABRM), P-ISSN: 0963-8199 O-ISSN: 1469-9559,, (Scopus Q2, Impact Factor 2.518, SJR .584, H-Index35), 1(1), 94-106, 2013, UK
  20. Islam, R., Chowdhury, A. H., and Islam, M. T. “Testing for Global Volatility Spillover, Financial Contagion and Structural Break in Fifteen Economies from Two Regions: A Diagonal VECH matrix and EGARCH (1,1) Approach.” International Journal of Economics and Finance, 5(5), 159-170, 2013, DOI: 10.5539/IJEF.V5N5P159, (Impact Factor 1.86, SJR .424, H-Index 41), EconBIZ, EBSCO), Canada
  21. Das, K., and Chowdhury, A. H., Designing a reverse logistic network for optimal collection, recovery and quality-based product-mix planning. International Journal of Production Economics, 135, 209–221, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2011.07.010, Elsevier, (Scopus, Impact Factor 11.85, H-index: 197, SJR 2.808), 2012, USA.
  22. Hussain, M., Chowdhury, A. H., and Hussain, B., “Sweets and Sours of Social Business: A Case study on Grameen Danone Foods Ltd.,” World J. of Social Sciences, 2, 256–266, 2012, P-ISSN 23299347, ISSN 2329-9355, Australia.
  23. Miah, Khasro M, and Chowdhury, A. H., “The Transfer of Japanese Human Resources ManagementPractices in South Asia: Contingencies, Constraints and Competencies.” Proceedings of 11th South Asian Management Fotum (SAMF),  44-45, 2011, Nepal.
  24. Sharif U. M., Chowdhury, A. H. and Malek, A. M., “An Alogorithmic Approach to MinimizeTransportation Cost,” North South Busniess Review, 3 & 4, 72-79, 2009-2010
  25. Chowdhury, A. H., Twarique, Md. Iqbal, and Miah, Md. Khasro, “A Study of Service Quality Determinants of Private Universities in Bangladesh using SERVQUAL,” Journal of Knowledge Globalization, v.3, no. 1, 49–74, 2010, USA.
  26. Shareef, M. A., Kumar, V., Kumar, U., Chowdhury, A. H. and Misra, S. C., “E-Government Implementation Perspective: Setting Objective and Strategy.” International Journal of Electronic Government Research, vol. 6(1), 59-77, DOI:10.4018/jegr.2010103005, (Scopus, SJR 0.282), 2010.
  27. Chowdhury, A. H. and Rahman, Z. R., “Application of Line Balancing Method for Process Improvement: The Case of a Bank in Bangladesh,” South Asian Journal of Management, 17(2), 137159, 2010, (EBSCO), India.
  28. Ahmed, S. F. and Chowdhury, A. H., “Determinants of Firm-Customer Relationship Quality: An Empirical Investigation using SEM Technique,” East West Journal of Business and Social Studies, vol.1, 25-47, 2010.
  29. Merry, Mst. Fatema Akter and Chowdhury, A. H., “On the Application of Fuzzy Time Series Forescasting on Demand Sales,” Proc. of Intl Conf. on Knowledge Globalization, 85-90, 2010.
  30. Bashir, M M A; Khalil, Z T; Haider, ASM S; Chowdhury, A. H. and Mustafa, M S, “Social Business: Scopes and Challenges,” Proc. of Intl Conf on Knowledge Globalization, 178-180, „10.
  31. Bashir, A. and Chowdhury, A. H., “Quality Initiatives: A Look at Process Improvement Models and Applications,” Proc. of the Intl. Conference on Knowledge Globalization, 390-397, 2010.
  32. Chowdhury, A. H. and Rahman, M. H. “Adaptive Response Rate Exponential Smoothing Forecast in Analyzing IBM‟s Revenue,” The Business Review, ISSN 1996-3637, v.1, 1-11, 2009
  33. Chowdhury, A. H. and Ferdous, A. S., “Antecedents of Firm-Customer Relationship Quality: The Bangladesh Evidence,” of the 10th South Asian Management Forum, 251-260, 2009, Bhutan.
  34. Chowdhury, A. H., “Recent Development in Analyzing Censored Data from Highly Fractionated Experiments,” of the Intl. Conf. on Statistical Sciences, 43 -50, 2008.
  35. Bashir, A, and Chowdhury, A. H., “ANN Based Forecasting of Electricity Demand: A Comparison with Traditional Forecasting Techniques,” Conf. on Statistical Sciences (Proc.), 362-365, 2008
  36. Hossain, M. Z., Ferdous, A. S, and Chowdhury, A. H., “Economic Significance of Gambling: Does Gambling Influence Rent?” of the Intl Conf on Statistical Sciences, 283-289, 2008
  37. Miah, K. M., Chowdhury, A. H., and Iqbal, Md. T., “Higher Education Quality for Development of Bangladesh: An Application of Factor Analysis,” Proceedings of the 12th National Annual Quality Convention. BSTQM, 18-30, 2008
  38. Chowdhury, A. H. and Aggarwala, R., “Imputation of Censored Response Data in a Bi-variate Designed Experiment,” Journal of Quality Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 19, 67-75, 2007, DOI:1080/08982110601093679, (Scopus, Q1, SJR 0.77), 2007.
  39. Chowdhury, A. H. and Fard, N., “Design of Experiments for Incomplete Life Data,” North South Business Review, vol. 2, no.1, 54-61, 2007
  40. Chowdhury, A. H., Doerksen M. and Eesbeek M. V., “Factors Affecting the Rate of Obesity: An Application of Regression Analysis and Simulation Modeling,” Social Science Review, ISSN 1562269X, vol. 21, no.1, 125-140, 2007
  41. Chowdhury, A. H., Tawrique and Miah, Khasro M, “An Empirical Analysis of Perceived and Expected Service Quality: A Case Study on Private Universities of Bangladesh,” Proceedings of the 11th International Convention on Quality Improvement. PIQC, 1-19, 2007, Pakistan.
  42. Chowdhury, A. H., “Product Quality Improvement via Robust Design of Experiments,” Proceedings of the 9th South Asian Management Forum, 476-484, 2007
  43. Chowdhury, A. H. and Doerksen M., “Identification of Forecasting Method for Time Series Data with Trend and Seasonality,” North South Business Review, 1(1), 32-56, 2006
  44. Chowdhury, A. H. and Fard, N. “Design of Experiments in Life Data Analysis with Censored Data,” Proceedings of the 10thConvention on Quality Improvement. PIQC, 2-15, 2006, Pakistan.
  45. Chowdhury, A. H. and Aggarwala, R., “Identification of Censored Response Data in a Multivariate Experiment,” Pakistan Journal of Statistics, ISSN 1012-9367, v. 21(2), 147 -158, 2005, (SJR. 28, Impact factor 1.05),
  46. Fard, N. and Chowdhury, A. H., “Robust Design of Experiments in Lifetime Data Analysis with Missing Observations,” J. of Industrial Engineering, 11(4), 339-348, 2004, ISSN 1072-4761, USA.
  47. Chowdhury, A. H. and Fard, N., “Design and Analysis of Left Censored Data from Highly Fractionated Experiments,” Pakistan Journal of Statistics, v. 20(1), 159 - 171, 2004, (SJR. 28, Impact Factor 1.05),
  48. Chowdhury, A. H., “On the Application of Boolean Function in Designed Experiments with Censored Response Data,” Journal of Statistical Studies,23, 79 - 81, 2003
  49. Chowdhury, A. H., “First Differential Auto Regressive Model for Sales Forecast of an American HighTech Company,” Journal of Business Administration, 28 (3&4), 59–72, 2002
  50. Chowdhury, A. H. and Fard, N., “Analysis of Interval Censored Data from Highly Fractionated Experiments,” Journal of Industrial Engineering, 8(3), 241-250, 2001, ISSN 1072-4761, USA.
  51. Chowdhury, A. H. and Fard, N., Estimation of Dispersion Effects from Robust Design Experiments with Censored Response Data, Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering International, v.17, 25-32, 2001, (Scopus, Q2, SJR 1.028, Impact Factor 3.007), John Wiley, USA.
  52. Fard, N. and Chowdhury, A. H., “Design and Analysis of Experiments for Unbalanced Data,” Proceedings of IV SIMPOI/POMS, August 11-14, 2001, Brazil.
  53. Chowdhury, A. H. and Fard, N., “Determination of Censored Response Data for a 2k-p Fractional Factorial Experiment,” Journal of Quality Engineering, 13(2), 261–267, 2000, (Scopus, Q1, Impact Factor, 1.73, H-index 42, SJR 0.77), Marcel Dekker, USA.
  54. Fard, N. and Chowdhury, A. H., “Statistical Analysis of Incomplete Life Data,” of the 9th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Track 4, 1–6, May, 2000, USA.
  55. Chowdhury, A. H. & Fard, N., “Decision Rules for Censored Response Data in a Factorial Experiment,” of 5th ISSAT Intl. Conf. on Reliability & Quality in Design, 408-412, Aug, 1999
  56. Fard, N. and Chowdhury, A. H., “Design and Analysis of Experiments Involving Censored Failure Data,” of the Intl. Conference on Integrity, Reliability,and Failure, Section 2-C, 89, July, 1999.
  57. Fard, N. and Chowdhury, A. H., “Analysis of Censored Data for Highly Fractionated Experiments in Reliability Improvement,” of the 4th Iranian Intl. Statistics Conf., August 23 - 25, 1998, Iran.
  58. Chowdhury, A. H., “Prediction of Component Failure Data using Statistical Forecasting Techniques,” Journal of Islamic University Studies, Part-C, v. 1 (2), 35 – 49, 1998
  59. Chowdhury, A. H., “Staff Scheduling Decision Making: An application of Winter‟s Model,” Journal of Statistical Studies, v. 17, 29 - 38, 1997
  60. Chowdhury, A. H., “Exponential Smoothing Model in Analyzing the Quarterly Net Sales of an American Corporation,” Journal of Statistical Studies, v. 15, 42 - 51, 1995
  61. Chowdhury, A. H., “Analysis of Censored Life Test Data and Robust Design Method for Reliability Improvement from Highly Fractionated Experiments.” Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Northeastern University, 1999, USA.
  62. Chowdhury, A. H., “Socioeconomic Condition of S.S.C. Passed Student and Factors Affecting their Attitude towards Higher Education - A Case Study.” Unpublished Master‟s Research, Jahangirnagar University, 1987
  63. Chowdhury, A. H. and Aggarwala, R., “Modeling Censored Data in Designed Experiments with Replicated Responses,” Submitted, Journal of Applied Statistics, USA.
  64. Chowdhury, A. H., Mohiuddin M. and Kamrul, M, “Service Quality GAP: A Case Study on different physiotherapy centers in Dhaka City.” In Preparation.
  65. Zakia, R., Ahammed, B., and Chowdhury, A. H., “Imputation and Analysis of Missing Values using Data Mining Techniques” In Preparation.
  66. Chowdhury, A. H., Shahjalal, M., and Ahmed, S., Impact of Institutional Hazards on Student Safety, Comfort, Health and Well-being: A PLS-SEM Approach. Submitted
  67. Chowdhury, A. H., Ahmed, S., and Shahjalal, M., “Identification of Health Hazards and Risk Pooling Mechanism to Reduce Pecuniary Losses of University Students,” In preparation
  68. Uddin, Md Mohan, Md Nahin Mamun, Khandker, and Chowdhury, A. H., “Pragmatic Meanings of Fintech among Vulnerable Consumers,” Submitted


  1. Nahid, Farzana and Chowdhury, A. H., “A Glorious Entreprenerial Journey of Bangladeah, 150-160, 2022. Prothoma Publications, Bangladesh
  2. Ali, Mahfuz, and Chowdhury, A. H. “Chorki,” Bangladesh Business Cases, A publication of Bangladesh MBA Association, 2nd Edition, 2022.
  3. Shareef, M. A., Kumar. V., Kumar, U., Chowdhury, A. H., Subhas C Misra, E-Government implementation perspective: setting objective and strategy, (Book Ch. 5: Technology Enabled Transformation of the Public Sector: Advances in E-Government, 59-78, 2012. IGI Global, USA.
  4. Nurunnabi M., Pereira E., Chowdhury, A. H. “Dream and the Reality: The adoption of “Digital Concept‟ in an Emerging Country” Book Chapter 20: Disruptive Technologies, Innovation and Global Redesign: Emerging Implications, 357 -376, 2012. IGI Global, USA.
  5. Chowdhury, A. H. “Parisankhyaner Mooltattya (Fundamental Theory of Statistics),” a textbook written (in Bengali) for undergraduate science/commerce classes. Probaha Prokashoni, Dhaka, 1992.
  6. Chowdhury, A. H. “Parisankhyan Probashikha (Introductory Statistics),” a textbook written (in Bengali) for B.Sc, B.Com (Honors/Pass) classes. The Angel Publications, Dhaka, 1989.


  1. Chowdhury, A. H. “Service Quality Determinants of different Health Care Centers in Dhaka City,” Research Report, School of Business, North South University, Bangladesh, 2013.
  2. Chowdhury, A. H. “Imputation of censored response data in a Bi-variate designed experiment,” Report, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, Canada, 2002.
  3. Chowdhury, A. H. “Identification of censored response data in a multivariate experiment,” Report, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, Canada, 2002.
  4. Chowdhury, A. H. “Modeling censored data in designed experiments with replicated responses,” Report, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, Canada, 2001.
  5. Chowdhury, A. H. “Sensitivity analysis of a simulation model using fractional factorial experimental design,” Report, Dept. of MIME, Northeastern University, USA, 1996.
  6. Chowdhury, A. H. “Comparison of some traditional statistical hypothesis approach for selecting best supplier,” Report, Dept. of MIME, Northeastern University, USA, 1996.


  1. Chowdhury A. H. “Sritir Patay Jahanginagar Bishwaviddalay (Jahangirnagar Univercity in the Memory),” Avisriti- a magazine of Glorious fifty Years Celebration of Statistics, March 19, 2022
  2. Chowdhury A. H. “Parishankhanyer Jibanta Kingbodonti (Living Lengend of Statistics: Prof AK Ehsanes Saleh),” Daily Jugantor, May 19, 2018
  3. Chowdhury A. H. “Social Business: The Journey Continues,” Social Business Forum Brochure, June 29, 2013
  4. Chowdhury A. H. “Career Prospects of Market Oriented Business Graduates,” NCF Brochure, 10, 3
  5. Haider, S. ASM and Chowdhury A. H. “Social Business: Bridging the Gap Between Growth and Inequality,” Social Business Forum Brochure, 34, 2012
  6. Miah, M. K., Mohiuddin, K. G. B., and Chowdhury A. H. “Business Performance and HRMPractices in Social & Conventional Businesses: A Theoretical Framework for Comparison,” Social Business Forum Brochure, 31-33, 2012
  7. Chowdhury A. H. and Zarjina T. K., “Social Business: Scopes and Challenges,” Social Business Forum Brochure, 27, June, 2012
  8. Chowdhury A. H. “Prelude to an Awe-Inspiring Journey,” Social Business Forum Brochure, 25-26, 2012
  9. Chowdhury A. H. “Does High Inflation of Results in Public Exams Reflect Quality Education?” Financial Express, June, 3, 2012
  10. Chowdhury A. H. “Bangladesher Prodhan Shakti Manobshampod (Human Resources is the Main Strength of Bangladesh)” The Banik Barta, 9, January 01, 2012
  11. Chowdhury A. H. “Social Business: Is the debate going to follow the footsteps of microcredit?” Reprinted at Grammen Dialogue, Newsletter of Grameen Trust, Bangladesh, 78-80, July, 2011
  12. Chowdhury A. H. “Learning from Global Social Business Summit,” The Daily Star, Special Issue: 20th Anniversary. 38-43, April 04, 2011
  13. Chowdhury A. H. “Social Business: Is the debate going to follow the footsteps of microcredit?” The Financial Express, 4, March 12, 2011
  14. Chowdhury A. H. “The Power of Web Portal in Recruitment” Wireless Spectrum, NSU, April, 2011
  15. Chowdhury A. H. “Role of Career and Professional Development Services at NSU,” Daily News Today, 19th March, 3, 2010
  16. Chowdhury, A. H. and Malik, R. T. “The Trend of NSU Graduates: Employment Status, Success, and Future Prospects,” 6th National Career Fair Brochure, 31-43, March, 2010
  17. Chowdhury, A. H., “Role of Statistical Analysis in Business Plan,” Agro Business Plan Competition Brochure, Organized by Young Entrepreneurs‟ Society, March, 2009
  18. Khan, Shahjahan and Chowdhury, A. H., “Statistics: From Data to Decision and Development,” Daily News Today, 26th December, 7 & 10, 2008
  19. Chowdhury, A. H., “Our Ambassador to the world of Statistical Sciences Professor A. K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh,” International Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICSS) Brochure, 26, December, p. 26, 2008
  20. Chowdhury, A. H. and Towfique, B. “The Success of NSU Graduates: Employment Status and Future Prospects,” 5th National Career Fair Brochure, 25-26, October, 38 - 50, 2008
  21. Chowdhury, A. H. “Enrollment, Graduating Trend and Employment Status of NSU Students: An Overview,” 4th National Career Fair Brochure, 19-29, July 20, 24 - 25, 2007
  22. Chowdhury A. H. “Role of Career and Professional Development Services,” 4th National Career Fair Brochure, NSU, 3-6, July 20, 2007
  23. Chowdhury A. H. “Nationalization of Private Institutes in Bangladesh,” Daily Inquilab, Aug., 1990


  1. Award of Honor, Excellence in Acdemics, IMARC 2019, CT University, Punjab, September, 2019
  2. Bangladesh Education Leadership Awards, World Sustainability Congress, Dhaka, Oct 29, 2017
  3. Travel Grant, One Asia Convention in Japan, One Asia Foundation, Japan, 2017
  4. Travel Grant, One Asia Convention in Cambodia, One Asia Foundation, Japan, 2016
  5. Travel Grant, One Asia Convention in China, One Asia Foundation, Japan, 2015
  6. Research Grant Award, Academic Innovation Fund, North South University, Bangladesh, 2013
  7. National Science Foundation Travel Grant, (#0207059), National Institute of Standards and Technology, Maryland, USA, 2002
  8. Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) grant for post-doctoral research, University of Calgary, Canada, 2001
  9. Industrial research grant for post-doc research, Nortel Networks, of Calgary, Canada, 2001
  10. Post-Doc Research Fellowship, Pacific Inst for Mathematical Sciences, U of Calgary, Canada, 2001
  11. Teaching Assistantship, Graduate School of Engineering, Northeastern Univ., 1996-1999
  12. Research Assistantship, Dept. of MIME, Northeastern University, Summer, 1998, 1999
  13. Conference Award, Graduate & Professional Student Asso., Northeastern U., Summer, 1999
  14. Research Award, Graduate & Professional Student Association, Northeastern Univ., Spring, 1999
  15. NUTA Assistantship, Graduate School of Engineering, Northeastern University, 1994-1995
  16. NUTA Assistantship, College of Arts & Sciences, Northeastern University, Spring, 1993
  17. P.I. (Govt.) Scholarship, B.Sc (Honors) and M.Sc. result, Bangladesh, 1984-1985
  18. Jahangirnagar University Merit Grant, Jahangirnagar University, 1982-1984

  GRANTS/ PROJECTS:             

  1. Principal Investigator, Covid-19 and the Tourism Industry: Lessons Learned from Intra-Industry Linkages and Pathways to Sustainable Recovery Management. NSU OR Grant TK 500000, 2022-23
  2. Principal Investigator, Identification of Health Hazards and Risk Pooling Mechanism to Reduce Pecuniary Losses of University Students. Office of Research, Grant TK 500000, NSU, 2021-22
  3. Team Leader, One Asia Foundation grant for conducting a course for undergraduate students on Asian Community: Economy and Culture at Eastern University, Grant TK 2500000, 2015-2016
  4. Principal Investigator, Service Quality Determinants of Different Health Care Centers in Dhaka City. Funded by the Research and Inovation Grant Committee, Grant TK 300000, NSU, 2013-2014
  5. Team Member, (with Shareef, M.A.), Government Environmental Priority and Global Demand: Developing Environment Friendly Less Hazardous Health Care Service System. Grant TK 300000, Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology,  2013
  6. Team Member, Establishment of Enironment, Health and Safety (EHS+) Center at NSU in collaboration with the Institute of Sustainable Communities (ISC), USA. A training project for top and mid level industrial managers for Work Safety, Occupational Hazzard, Environmental Regulations and Supply Chain Management. Grant 1 million USD for four years of which Ist year payment was received, 2013
  7. Co-investigator, (with Shareef, M.A.), Project: Developing Performance Rating Index for Consumer Products. Funded by Research & Inovation Grant Committee, NSU. Grant TK 350000, 2011-2012 
  8. Focal Person, Social Business Collaborative Project with HEC, Paris, France. This project covers training program for NSU faculty members on Social Business at HEC, Paris, France, 2009-2014
  9. Team Member, Academic Innovation Fund (Window 2) project on “Green Banking.” Fund TK 35,00000 with a team of faculty, 2012 -2014
  10. Team Leader, INSPIRE Project on Climate Change, Sustainability, Natural Hazards and Disaster Management. A collaborative project with NSU and Coventry University, UK (with Prof. Phil Harris). Awarded £50000 British pound. Funded by British Council, UK, 2009-2012
  11. Team Leader, Investment Climate Fund. Awarded $75000 US dollar for the curriculum development of Investment Managemant course at the School of Business of NSU. Funded by IFC World Bank, 2009
  12. 12. Team Member, (with Shareef, M.A.), Government Environmental Priority and Global Demand: Exploration of Bamboo Forestry for Carbon Credits. Min. of Science, Information and Communication Technology, Grant TK 400,000, 2011
  13. Team Member, (with Shareef, M.A.), Digital Bangladesh: Identifying Adoption Criteria and Capability. Funded by the Min. of Science & Information Com. Tech.,. Grant TK 1000,000 (one million), 2009-10
  14. Co-Leader, Utilizing Korean Intellectual Property Rights and Capacity Building Job Creation in Bangladesh, Chungbuk University, South Korea & NSU, Grant USD 2.24 million, 2021-28. (Won the project but not executed.)


Post Doctoral Research in Industrial Statistics                                                                  September 2002

University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Concentration: Product and Service Quality Improvement

Research: Modeling censored data for quality improvement from replicated design of experiments


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Industrial Engineering                                                 September 1999

Northeastern University, Boston, USA

Area: Production Management and Quality Improvement 

Thesis: Analysis of censored life test data and robust design method for reliability improvement from highly fractionated experiments


Master of Science (M.S.) in Operations Research                                                                   June 1996

Northeastern University, Boston, USA

Area: Optimization and Quality Improvement


Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Statistics                                                                            December 1987

Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh

Department of Statistics, First Class, 4th Position


Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (Honors) in Statistics                                                                 July 1986

Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh

Department of Statistics, First Class, 6th Position, (Minor: Mathematics, Economics)


Professor of Operations Management and Quantitative Analysis                                    Oct „22- Present

School of Business and Economics, North South University 

Engaged in teaching business statistics, operations management, total quality management (TQM) and quantitative methods classes in the MBA and EMBA programs


Dean, School of Business and Economics (SBE), North South University                  Oct‟20 - Oct‟ 22

  • Supervised department Chairs and Directors of the BBA, MBA, EMBA, and MDS programs
  • Led faculty selection and promotion committees and supervised the SBE staff
  • Monitored overall teaching services and implemented quality improvement initiatives
  • Led Accreditition Project Team (APT) for AACSB, ACBSP, SAQS, and CABS process
  • Achieved AACSB recognition for embeding diversity and inclusion initiatives in the SBE
  • Guided team leaders of CTRG, Startups Next (Incubation Center), CBR, EHS+ Center at the SBE
  • Directed and guided the project leaders of MGIEP, City Alo, Bookkeepers, and WeConnect
  • Served as the Chair/ member of the Syndicate, Academic Council, and Finance committees
  • Edited NSBR journal, and promoted research and publication facilities
  • Implemented many industry-academia collaborations and internalization initiatives
  • Developed Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum for academic programs

Vice-Chancellor, Primeasia University, Dhaka, Bangladesh                            May 2017- Oct 2020

  • Led the university‟s academic and administrative activities as the Chief Executive Officer
  • Demonstrated promise to transparency and ethical governance in the decision-making processes
  • Formulated policies, and implemented strategic plans to ensure quality education
  • Pursued international collaborations and partnerships to achieve global repute for the university
  • Implemented socially impactful, and diversity and inclusion initiatives in the university
  • Chaired committees formed by the Private University ACT, UGC, and Board of Trustees
  • Implemented Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and led the HEQEP project
  • Served as chair of the syndicate, academic council, selection and promotion committees
  • Represented the university on both national and international platforms

Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Eastern University, Dhaka, Bangladesh                          May 2014- May 2017

  • Formulated strategic plan and led different committees as assigned by the Vice-Chancellor
  • Supervised student affairs, proctorial body, career and external services
  • Provided career placement guidelines and took quality improvement initiatives
  • Prepared policy guidelines for admission and enhanced library resources
  • Provided leadership in research and teaching quality initiatives across the institution
  • Led One Asia Foundation, Japan-funded project
  • Acted as a member of the syndicate, academic council, staff and faculty selection committees
  • Guided IEB accreditation team, implemented the HEQEP project, and attended BOT meetings
  • Represented university on different national and international platforms

 Executive Director, External Relations, North South University                       Jan 2014 - May 2014      

  • Implemented International Advisory Board and included new members with global prominence
  • Took initiative to formulate and implement a strategic plan for internationalization
  • Directed outreach initiatives with foreign universities and global bodies
  • Developed an assessment plan for the external office, and external programs
  • Signed MOUs for collaboration that facilitates international students and exchange visitors
  • Engaged alumni from the corporate world to promote the university globally

Dean, School of Business, North South University                                           May 2010 - Oct 2013

  • Supervised efficient operations and functions of the school
  • Monitored BBA, MBA, & EMBA program directors
  • Offered, assigned, and monitored courses/ classes of the school
  • Organised professional training, workshops, and assessed needs
  • Promoted research facilities, guided and mentored students of the school
  • Published NSBR Journal, edited and reviewed paper for the journal
  • Recruited the best faculty members from globally reputed universities

Director, BBA Program, School of Business, North South University              Oct 2007 - June 2012

  • Supervised efficient function and administration of the program
  • Directed associate directors, guided full-time/ part-time faculty members
  • Assigned courses and monitored classes, organized faculty search seminars
  • Maintained liaison with top executives and organized seminars, workshops
  • Mentored faculty members and advised BBA students
  • Published brochure, reviewed NSBR journal papers, promoted research facilities
  • Developed curriculum, evaluated program, and served committees

Director, Career and Professional Development Services, NSU                         Oct 2005 – March‟12

  • Supervised CPDS‟s functions, students‟ job placement and internships
  • Organized training, workshops, seminars, and Symposium for the student
  • Maintained liaison with top corporates of the country
  • Organised professional conferences, trainings, and workshops for faculty/staff and corporates
  • Designed CDPS‟s website and updated alumni profile
  • Organized National Career Fairs (NCF) seven times and raised fund
  • Signed MOUs with corporations for recruitment and exchange programs

 Co-ordinator, Undergraduate Admission, NSU                                                  Oct, 2010 - 2011

  • Conducted admission tests three semesters, prepared and moderated test questions, scheduled duties and responsibilities for the faculty, staffs for the admission test, prepared final results.


Professor, School of Business and Economics, North South University                     April 2008 - May ‟14, Oct-„20--

  • Taught Business Statistics, Operations Management, Total Quality Management (TQM), and quantitative tools in business classes in the MBA and EMBA programs
  • Supervised numerous undergraduate and graduate students‟ internship projects.
  • Conducted research on product/ process quality and reliability Improvement, Applied Statistics, Service Quality, Forecasting, Operations Management, TQM, and Social Business.

Associate Professor, School of Business, North South University                      May 2005 - March 2008

  • Taught business statistics, operations management, total quality management, and quantitative tools in business classes in the BBA, MBA, and EMBA programs and supervised intern students.

Assistant Professor, University of Windsor, Canada                                            Sept 2002 - April 2005

Odette School of Business

  • Taught business data analysis, statistical quality control and design, production management, decision modeling, and operations management undergraduate courses.
  • Taught management science and production management courses to the MBA students.

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

  • Taught statistics for the sciences course to the undergraduate classes.

Centre for Executive Education, University of Windsor, Canada                                     Winter 2003

  • Taught quantitative analysis course to the Executive MBA for managers and professionals‟.

American Society for Quality, St. Clair College, Windsor, Canada                                  Winter 2005

  • Taught an advanced statistical methods class in the Quality Certification Program (QCP) program

 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Calgary, Canada                        Sept 2001 - Sept 2002

  • Research conducted on industrial experiments with censored data in the Math & Statsitics Dept.
  • Grant received from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Canada.
  • Additional fund was given by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), BC.
  • Additional fund was given by the Nortel Networks of Canada, and StatCAR Lab of the UofC.

Lecturer of Quantitative Methods, Northeastern University, Boston, USA         Sept 1999 - Sept 2001  

  • Taught Statistics, Operations Management, and Service Operations Management courses to undergraduate students at the College of Business Administration.

Lecturer, (Part-time), Summer 2000, Dept. of MIME, Northeastern University       Sept 1993- Sept 1999

  • Taught undergraduate Statistics, and Probability Analysis for Engineers courses

Teaching/ Research Assistant, Northeastern University, Boston, USA

  • Taught Probability Analysis, Statistics, Probability & Statistics, Engineering Statistics courses.
  • Assisted students of Design of Experiments, Quality Control, Applied Statistics, Probability, Engineering Economics, and Reliability Analysis courses.
  • Demonstrated Turbo SPC/SQC, & Statistical Softwares and taught Quality Assurance Lab class

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Management, Islamic University, Bangladesh     Oct „88 - Nov ‟92 (Promoted as an Assistant Professor, while on study leave on November 1992) 

Lecturer of Statistics

  • Taught undergraduate Introductory Statistics, Business Statistics, Mathematical Statistics, Probability, Economics & Graduate Managerial Mathematics courses.
  • Supervised graduate and undergraduate projects and thesis work

Lecturer, (part-time), Department of Economics, Islamic University  Sept „89 - Feb „90  Taught undergraduate Mathematical and Economic Statistics courses. Lecturer, (part-time, Nov. ‟90 - May „92), Dept. of Statistics, Tejgaon College 

  • Taught statistics courses while fulltime at the Islamic University Lecturer, (part-time, Oct „88 - Sept „89), Dhaka City College, Dhaka
  • Taught undergraduate statistics courses while fulltime at the Islamic University Lecturer, (July „88 - Oct „88), Dhaka City College, Dhaka
  • Taught Statistics & Inferential Statistics courses while working as fulltime for three months.

Research Assistant, SOPIRET/ Development Researchers and Associates (DRA)    Jan ‟88 - July „88

  • Conducted a project tilled “Increasing contraceptive prevalence rate” under SOPIRET.
  • Conducted a project tilled “Intervention and its impact on health and family planning- A baseline survey,” under DRA and the role was to analyze data and report writing.


 Visiting Professor, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, China                       Fall „14 - Fall „16

  • Taught a graduute “Operations Management” class in Fall „14
  • Taught an undergraduate “Macro-Economic & Sino-Bangla Trade Scenario” class in Summer „15
  • Taught an undergraduate class on “Total Quality Management (TQM)” in Fall „15
  • Taught undergraduate classes on “Statistics” and “Social Business” courses in Fall „16
  1. Business Statistics
  2. Operations Management
  3. Quantitative Tools in Business
  4. Statistical Quality Control & Design
  5. Total Quality Management
  6. Production Management
  7. Advance Statistical Methods
  8. Dicision Modeling
  9. Sevice Operations Management
  10. Probability Analysis
  11. Engineering Statistics
  12. Practical Management Science
  13. Mathematical Statistics
  14. Applied Statistics

Member, (2022), Academy of International Business (AIB), USA

Member, (2021), South and Southeast Asian University Network (SSAUN), Sub-Committee Chapter, China

Vice President, (2014-2016), Bangladesh Statistical Association, Dhaka, Bangladesh

General Member, (2013), Swanirvar Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh

General Secretary, (2012-2014), Organization for Population and Poverty Alleviation (OPPA), Bangladesh

Member, (2008), Bangladesh Society for Total Quality Management (BSTQM), Bangladesh

Life Member, (2007), American Alumni Association (AAA), Bangladesh

Member, (2002), American Statistical Association (ASA), USA

Member, (2002), Statistical Society of Canada (SSC), Canada

Member, (2003), International Association for Survey Statistician (IASS), France

Member, (2003), Institute for Operations Research & Management Science (INFORMS), USA

Member, (2003), Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS), Canada

Member, (2000), North American Bangladesh Statistical Association (NABSA), USA

Member, (1999), Northeastern University Alumni Association (NUAA), USA

Member, (1997), Alpha Pi Mu, National Honor Society for Industrial Engineers, USA

Member (1996), (ITIC), Council for International Education Exchange (CIEE), USA

Member, (1994), Operations Research Society of America (ORSA), USA

Member, (1994-2003), American Society for Quality (ASQ), USA

Life Member, (1984), Bangladesh Statistical Association, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Member, (1988), Bangladesh Population Association, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Member, (2002 - 2005), Windsor University Faculty Association (WUFA), Canada

Joint Secretary, (1988 -1989), Islamic University Teachers Association, Bangladesh