Full Time Faculty
Assistant Professor
PhD in Environmental Marketing, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Budapest
Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 6872
Email: md.nekmahmud@northsouth.edu
Office: NAC709
Linkedin: Nekmahmud Argon
Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=O1_CLMsAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57208499270
Curriculum Vitae
Scopus h-Index: 14 ; Google Scholar Citations: 1805
Short Biography
Dr. Nekmahmud Argon completed his PhD with the highest distinction (Summa cum laude) from the Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), Budapest, Hungary. He also served as a Casual Lecturer and Researcher at the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, MATE, Budapest. During his PhD, Dr. Nekmahmud Argon received a Research and Teaching Training Grant for the Doctoral Winter School at the University of Szczecin, Poland, funded by the European Union (EU). He also received invitations to attend the 9th World Science Forum 2019 conference in Europe and the Prague European Summit-2020, Prague. Prior to his PhD, he received a Chinese Road and Belt master’s scholarship in Corporate Management at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, funded by the world's top research institution, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, and the Sino-Danish Centre, Denmark.
In 2018, Dr. Nekmahmud completed his MBA and BBA in marketing, graduating as the top-scorer (1st position). Dr. Nekmahmud has published his research in top-tier journals listed by ABDC-A ranked journals with high-impact factors, e.g., Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Sustainable Production and Consumption, Tourism Management Prospective, Journal of Environmental Management, Tourism Analysis, etc. He also published several book chapters in SpringerNature, Routledge, Taylor & Francis, and Springer. His personal Impact factor is nearly 85 and CiteScore 120.
Dr. Nekmahmud Argon is a regular reviewer for top-tier journals, e.g., Communications Earth and Environment, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Cleaner Production, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, Young Consumers, Asia Pacific Management Review, and so on. Additionally, he serves as an article editor for SAGE Open Journal.
His research interests include Environmental marketing, Environmental psychology (pro-social & pro-environmental behavior), Sustainable consumption, Sustainable tourism, and circular economy. He is proficient in using tools such as Smart PLS, R program with correlation matrix, SEM, NCA, MGA, and PLS Modeling. He traveled to more than 25 countries, such as Germany, Netherlands, France, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Malta, Austria, Croatia, Portugal, India, etc.
Dr. Nekmahmud Argon's research aligns with SDG 12 & 13
Dr. Nekmahmud Argon's research makes significant contributions to SDGs. For more details, visit his Scopus profile: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57208499270
Accepted, Under Review & Working Paper- 2024-2025 |
1. Ramkissoon, H., Nekmahmud, M., & Uysal, M (2024, forthcoming). Support for Sustainable Community Tourism and Quality-of-Life: The missing mechanisms. Tourism Analysis, https://doi.org/10.3727/108354224X17209729214539 [ABS-2 and ABDC-A] Note: Nekmahmud collaborates with one of the world’s top 100 Business and Management scientists, Carney Family Endowed Professor Muzaffer Uysal (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, World's Top 1% Scientists) and Prof. Haywantee Ramkissoon (University of South Australia, World's Top 1% Scientists) |
2. Nekmahmud, M*., Ramkissoon, H., & Fekete-farkas, M. (2nd round Major Revision Submitted). Pro-Environmental Behavior in Climate Change Mitigation: Role of psychological distance, Journal of Consumer Marketing, [ABDC-A, ABS-1 Q1, IF-2.70] Note: This paper is part of my PhD thesis. |
3. Ramkissoon, H., Nekmahmud, M., Mavondo, F & Han, H (2nd Round Major Revision). Place attachment and Tourism resilience. Current Issues in Tourism, (ABS-2, ABDC-A, IF: 7.3) Note: Nekmahmud Collaborates with one of the world’s top 100 Business and Management scientists, Prof. Heesup Han (Sejong University, South Korea, World's Top 1% Scientists), Prof. Felix T. Mavondo (Monash University, Australia-World's Top 1% Scientists), Prof. Haywantee Ramkissoon* (University of South Australia) 4. Wicaksono, T., Marhadi, M., & Nekmahmud, M. (Under reviewer). Constructing Cleaner Food Service Production Design: Quality Measurement and Priority Paradoxes in Highly Polluted Areas, Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy, [Scopus Q1, Cite score: 3.3] 5. Nekmahmud, M. (Single author, Development paper). Towards a Greener Future: An Integrated 6. Hasan, M & Nekmahmud, M. (Development paper). Exploring the Influence of Eco-Design on Eco-Switching Intention through Perceived Usefulness and Brand Innovativeness: An Experimental Approach. Target Journal: Journal of Brand Management, [ABDC-A, ABS-3] 7. Nekmahmud, M. (Single author, Draft ready 60%). Consumers Pro-Environmental Purchase Behavior of Energy-Efficient Products to Prevent Climate Chang: The Combination of SEM andMachine Learning Approaches, Targeted Journal: Business Strategy and Environment, [ABDC-A, ABS-3] |
Journal Peer-reviewed Published Articles
1. Ramkissoon, H., Nekmahmud, M., & Mavondo, F. (2025). Pathways to Social and Business Sustainability: Place Attachment, Trust in Government, and Quality of Life. Sustainability, [Q1, IF-3.88]
Note: Nekmahmud Collaborates with Prof. Haywantee Ramkissoon* (University of South Australia & World's Top 1% Scientists) and Prof. Felix T. Mavondo (Monash University, Australia-World's Top 1% Scientists)
2. Nekmahmud, M*. (2024). Food Consumption Behavior, Food Supply Disruption, and Food Security Crisis during the COVID-19: the mediating effects of food price and food stress, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 25(4), 1-27. [Q2, ABDC-C, ABS-1]
3. Sahabuddin, M., Alam, M. S., & Nekmahmud, M*. (2024). How do perceived and environmental values influence tourist satisfaction, loyalty and environmental awareness? Environment, Development and Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-024-05094-3 [SSCI & Scopus, Q1, IF-4.99]
4. Hasan, M. M., Abedin, M. Z., Amin, M. B., Nekmahmud, M., & Olah, J. (2023). Mapping the potential of a sustainable biofuel economy through bibliometric research, Journal of Environmental Management, [Q1, ABDC-A, ABS-3, IF-8.91]
5. Nekmahmud, M., & Patwary, M. A. (2023). Clientelism and Subservience in Organizational Behaviour and Professional Practice?, Global Business Review, [Q2, ABDC-B, ABS-1, IF-2.4]
6. Nekmahmud, M*., Naz, F., Ramkissoon, H., & Fekete-farkas, M. (2022). Transforming Consumers' Intention to Purchase Green Products: Role of social media, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 185, 122067. [Q1, ABDC-A, ABS-3, IF-10.88]
7. Nekmahmud, M., Ramkissoon, H., & Fekete-farkas, M. (2022). Green Purchase and Sustainable Consumption: A Comparative Study Between European and Non-European Tourists. Tourism Management Perspectives, 43,1-19, 100980. [Q1, ABDC-A, ABS-2, IF-7.60]
8. Shahadat, M. H., Nekmahmud, M*., Ebrahimi, P., & Fekete-farkas, M. (2022). Digital Technology Adoption in SMEs: What Technological, Environmental, and Organizational Factors influence in Emerging countries? Global Business Review, 09721509221137199 [Q2, ABDC-B, ABS-1 F-2.4]
9. Hossain, I., Fekete-Farkas, M. & Nekmahmud, M*. (2022). Purchase Behavior of Energy-efficient Appliances Contributes to Sustainable Energy Consumption in Developing Country: moral norms extension of the theory of planned behavior, Energies, 15(13), 4600. [Q1, IF-3.25]
10. Hossain, I., Nekmahmud, M*., & Fekete-Farkas, M. (2022). How Do Environmental Knowledge, Eco-Label Knowledge, and Green Trust Impact Consumers’ Pro-Environmental Behavior for Energy-Efficient Household Appliances?. Sustainability, 14(11), 6513. [Q1, IF-3.88]
11. Ebrahimi, P., Basirat, M., Nekmahmud, M., Gholampour, A., & Fekete-Farkas, M. (2022). Social Networks Marketing and Consumer Purchase Behavior: The Combination of SEM and Unsupervised Machine Learning Approaches. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6(2), 35 9383, [Q1, IF-3.7]
12. Sahabuddin, M., Tan, Q., Hossain, I., Alam, M., & Nekmahmud, M. (2021). Tourist Environmentally Responsible Behavior and Satisfaction; Study on the World’s Longest Natural Sea Beach, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Sustainability, 13(16), 9383. [Q1, IF-3.25]
13. Nekmahmud, M*. & Farkas, M. F (2020). Why Not Green Marketing? Green Purchase Decision in a New Developing Nation, Sustainability., 12 (19), 7880. [Q1, IF-3.25]
14. Nekmahmud, M*., Rahman , S., Sobhani , F. A., Olejniczak-Szuster , K. & Fekete-Farkas, M. (2020). A systematic literature review on development of Green Supply Chain Management, Polish Journal of Management Studies, 22(1), 1-13. [Q2, cite score 4.1]
15. Hasan, M. M., Nekmahmud, M., Yajuan, L., & Patwary, M. A. (2019). Green business value chain: A systematic review. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 20:326-339. [Q1, IF- 8.92]
Book Chapters |
16. Nekmahmud, M*., Rabbi, M. F., & Hassan, A. (2022). Evaluation of COVID-19's effects and opportunities for Bangladesh's sustainable tourism. In The Emerald handbook of destination recovery in tourism and hospitality (pp. 87-104). Emerald Publishing Limited.
17. Nekmahmud, M*., & Fekete-Farkas, M. (2021). Green Marketing, Investment and Sustainable Development for Green Tourism. Tourism in Bangladesh: Investment and Development Perspectives, 339-361. (Publisher: Springer) [Scopus]
18. Nekmahmud M*., Daragmeh A., Oshora B., Mohammed H.J. (2021). Market Design for Sustainable Tourism Products and Services. In: Hassan A. (eds) Tourism Products and Services in Bangladesh. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4279-8_17 (Publisher: Springer) [Scopus]
19. Nekmahmud M*., Hassan A. (2021). Tourism Products and Services in Bangladesh: In Search of Policy and Development Frameworks. In: Hassan A. (eds) Tourism Products and Services in Bangladesh. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4279-8_1 1st Chapter (Publisher: Springer)[Scopus]
20. Rabbi, M. F., & Nekmahmud, M*. (2021). Medical Tourism in Bangladesh: Issues, Opportunities and Strategic Marketing Plan Model for Growth and Development. Tourism in Bangladesh: Investment and Development Perspectives, 191-208. 2020
21. Nekmahmud, M*. (2020). Environmental marketing: tourists’ purchase behaviour response on green products. Tourism Marketing In Bangladesh: An Introduction, London, UK, (Publisher: Routledge, Taylor and Francis) [Scopus]
22. Nekmahmud, M*, Farkas, M. F & Hassan, A (2020). Tourism Marketing In Bangladesh. Tourism Marketing In Bangladesh: An Introduction, London, UK,1st Chapter (Publisher: Routledge, Taylor and Francis) [Scopus]
23. Nekmahmud, M*. & Rahman, S. (2018). Measuring the competitiveness factors in telecommunication markets. In Competitiveness in Emerging Markets: Market Dynamics in the Age of Disruptive Technologies (pp. 339-372), Springer, Cham, Germany, (Publisher: Springer Nature). [Scopus]
Awards and Scholarships
1. Research and Teaching Training Grant at University of Szczecin, Poland funded by European Union, UNESCO, Republic of Poland, European Funds, NAWA (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange), Poland. (The value of this scholarship is nearly 10000 Pln).
2. Awarded Stipendium Hungaricum PhD Research Fellowship Scholarship Program in Hungary funded by the Hungarian Government and EU, and Hosted institution by Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Budapest. (The value of this scholarship is nearly 85000 Euro).
3. Stipendium Hungaricum Dissertation Scholarship at Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. (the value of this scholarship is nearly 3000 Euro).
4. Awarded CAS- Belt and Road Master Research Fellowship Program Scholarship at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences funded by Chinese of Academy of Sciences and Sino-Danish Centre, Denmark, at Beijing Campus. (The value of this scholarship is nearly 30000 Euro) [Discontinued]
Research Grants
1. NSU-Conference Travel and Research Grants (CTRG), Examine the role of psychological distance on consumer pro-environmental behavior in climate change mitigation (ongoing)
[CTRG-24-SBE], Total grant: $6500 (735000 BDT)
2. NSU-Conference Travel and Research Grants (CTRG), Consumers’ Sustainable Consumption Behavior in Climate Change Mitigation in Emerging Countries. (ongoing)
[CTRG-23-SBE-15], Total grant: $4300
Ph.D in Environmental Marketing (Summa cum laude), Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, Central Europe
Doctoral Winter School, University of Szczecin, Poland
Teaching and Research Activities:
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Szent Istvan Campus, Godollo, Budapest
Casual Lecturer,
Collaborated with course instructor to redesign class content with greater emphasis on inclusive teaching and active learning strategies Worked with Professor Dr Robert Magda to revise the course syllabus, create midterm and final exams, and write assignments.
Provide teaching advice and support; hold weekly meetings to discuss lesson plans, teaching strategies, and assignments.
Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Szent Istvan Campus, Budapest
Researcher at the Institute of Agriculture and Food Economics
BUS 535 Business Research Methods
MKT 621 Buyer Behavior
MKT 470 Marketing Research
MKT 344 Consumer Behavior
Editorial Activities
Article Editor, Sage Open, Publisher: Sage Publishing Section: Business & Management (IF- 2.0)
Reviewer (ad hoc)
Communications earth and environment, Nature
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (ABDC-A)
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, (ABDC-A)
Journal of Cleaner Production, (ABDC-A)
Tourism Management Prospective, (ABDC-A)
Young Consumers, (ABDC-B)
Journal of Foodservice Business Research, (ABDC-C)
International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior, Publisher: Emerald Insight
Asia Pacific Management Review, (ABDC-B)
Environmental marketing
Environmental psychology (pro-social & pro-environmental behavior)
Sustainable consumption
Sustainable tourism
Circular economy