Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

M Niaz Asadullah

Honorary Professorial Fellow

PGCAP, University of Reading, UK, 2010
DPhil in Economics, University of Oxford, UK, 2005
MSc in Development Economics, University of Oxford, UK, 2000.

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext- 




Curriculum Vitae

Professor Asadullah received his Masters and Doctorate degrees in Economics from Oxford University. Previously he taught economics at Monash University Malaysia (2022-2024) and University of Malaya (2014-2022) as a full professor and Reading University (UK) (2006-2013) as an Asst. prof.. At present, he is a Professorial Fellow at NSU. He has held visiting positions at Harvard, OxfordManchester, Kent, Dhaka, BRAC, Chulalongkorn and Mindanao State Universities. Other active affiliations include: Permanent member of the National Agricultural Advisory Council (MPPN), Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MAFI), Government of Malaysia; Visiting Professorial Fellow (University of Manchester); Fellow of the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Peer Review College; Research Fellow of the IZA Institute of Labor Economics; Global Labor Organization (GLO) Lead for Malaysia & South-East Asia; Life Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA); Co-founder of the Initiative on Education, Gender and Growth in Asia.

Among his other academic responsibiities, Professor Niaz Asadullah is an Associate Editor of several WoS journals: Singapore Economic Review (World Scientific), Journal of Human Development and Capabilities (Taylor & Francis),  PLOS One,  International Journal of Educational Development  (Elsevier) & Asia Pacific Education Review (Springer) and Co-Editor of the Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics (Springer Nature). He is also on the editorial advisory board of Journal of Poverty and Public Policy (Willey), Journal of Public Affairs (Willey), COMPARE: A Journal of Comparative and International Education (Taylor & Francis), Journal of Demography (Thailand) and  Malaysian Journal of Economics.

His research focuses on poverty, education, labor market, skills formation and gender issues with a focus on South/East Asia countries. His work has been supported by the Social Security Research Centre (SSRC) and HIR schemes of the University of Malaya as well as international grants such as the Australian Development Research Award Scheme, Leverhulme Trust (UK), International Growth Centre (IGC), the DFID (UK), Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), South Asian Network of Economic Research Institutes, Global Education Commission, and the World Bank. He has also consulted for Asian Productivity Organization (APO), BRAC, Oxford Policy Management, BAPPENAS (Government of Indonesia), UN-ESCAP, UNESCO, the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO).

He has published 50+ WoS articles in economicsdevelopment studies and other multidisciplinary journals. In addition, Prof Asadullah has published 200+ media articles (opinion pieces) in newspapers/magazines including the Project Syndicatethe ConversationWorld Economic Forum, the Diplomat, the East Asia Forum,  D+C Development & Cooperation,  and World Education Forum (UNESCO). He has appeared on interviews with Al-jazeeraABC AustraliaAstro Awani TV (Malaysia)BBC World ServiceBusiness FM Malaysiathe Economistthe Star (Malaysia) & the Edge Financial Daily. His ongoing research on home learning & schooling in Malaysia under the government's flagship PdPR scheme has also received extensive media coverage - the Star (1 2 3) & Astro TV (1 2)).

  1. Asadullah, MN; Webb, A; Islam, KMM (2024) "SDG 4 mid-point challenge: Fixing the broken interlinkages between education and gender equality", International Journal of Educational Development 106, 103015.
  2. Asadullah, M. N. (2024) “Back to School After Covid-19 Pandemic: Resumption or Transitional Disruption?”, International Journal of Educational Development (forthcoming).
  3. Edwards, B; Asadullah, M Niaz; Webb, A. (2024) "Critical Perspectives at the Mid-Point of Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education for All—Progress, Persistent Gaps, Problematic Paradigms, and the Path to 2030" International Journal of Educational Development  (forthcoming)
  4. Asadullah, M. N., Bouhila, D. S., Chan, S-J., Draxler, A., Ha, W., Heyneman, S. P., Luschei, T. F., Semela, T. & Yemini, M. (2023) "A year of missed opportunity: Post-Covid learning loss – A renewed call to action", International Journal of Educational Development. 99, 102770.
  5. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Anindita Bhattacharjee (2022) "Digital Divide or Digital Provide? Technology, Time Use, and Learning Loss during COVID-19," Journal of Development Studies, 58(10), 1934-1957.
  6. Asadullah, M. N., Joseph, J., & Chin, J. (2023). "The Political Economy of Poverty Reduction in Malaysia," Progress in Development Studies23(2), 127–151.
  7. Sukontamarn, P., Asadullah, M.N., Photphisutthiphong, N. et al. (2023) "Happiness in Old Age: The Daughter Connection", Journal of Happiness Studies
  8. Amirapu, Amrit & Asadullah, M. Niaz & Wahhaj, Zaki (2022) "Social barriers to female migration: Theory and evidence from Bangladesh," Journal of Development Economics, vol. 158(C).
  9. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Elisabetta De Cao & Fathema Zhura Khatoon & Zahra Siddique (2021) "Measuring gender attitudes using list experiments," Journal of Population Economics, 34(2), 367-400.
  10. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Mansoor, Nazia & Randazzo, Teresa & Wahhaj, Zaki (2021) "Is son preference disappearing from Bangladesh?," World Development, 140(C).
  11. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Trannoy, Alain & Tubeuf, Sandy & Yalonetzky, Gaston (2021) "Measuring educational inequality of opportunity: pupil’s effort matters," World Development, 138(C).
  12. Mahbub Hossain & M. Niaz Asadullah & Uma Kambhampati (2021) "Women’s empowerment and gender-differentiated food allocation in Bangladesh," Review of Economics of the Household, 19(3), 739-767.
  13. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Norma Mansor & Antonio Savoia (2021) "Understanding a “Development Miracle”: Poverty Reduction and Human Development in Malaysia Since the 1970s," Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 22(4), 551-576.
  14. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Perera, Liyanage Devangi H. & Xiao, Saizi (2020) "Vietnam’s extraordinary performance in the PISA assessment: A cultural explanation of an education paradox," Journal of Policy Modeling, 42(5), 913-932.
  15. Asadullah, M. Niaz, 2022. "Guest Editorial: Inequality and Public Policy in Asia," Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 56(3), 1-9.
  16. Asadullah,  M. Niaz & Antonio Savoia & Kunal Sen (2020) "Will South Asia Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030? Learning from the MDGs Experience," Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, 152(1), 165-189.
  17. Saizi Xiao & M. Niaz Asadullah (2020) "Social Norms and Gender Differences in Labor Force Participation in China," Feminist Economics, 26(4), 114-148.
  18. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Xiao, Saizi, 2020. "The changing pattern of wage returns to education in post-reform China," Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 53(C), 137-148.
  19. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Zaki Wahhaj, 2019. "Early Marriage, Social Networks and the Transmission of Norms," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 86(344), 801-831.
  20. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Sajeda Amin & Nazmul Chaudhury (2019) "Support for Gender Stereotypes: Does Madrasah Education Matter?," Journal of Development Studies, 55(1), 39-56.
  21. Perera, Liyanage Devangi H. & Asadullah, M. Niaz, 2019. "Mind the gap: What explains Malaysia’s underperformance in Pisa?," International Journal of Educational Development, 65(C), 254-263.
  22. Asadullah, M Niaz & Saizi Xiao (2019) "Labor Market Returns to Education and English Language Skills in the People's Republic of China: An Update," Asian Development Review, 36(1), 80-111.
  23. Asadullah, M. Niaz & N N Tarun Chakravorty (2019) "Growth, governance and corruption in Bangladesh: a re-assessment," Third World Quarterly, 40(5), 947-965.
  24. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Antonio Savoia (2019) "How China Escaped the Poverty Trap," Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 20(4), 488-490.
  25. Hossain, Marup & Mullally, Conner & Asadullah, M. Niaz (2019) "Alternatives to calorie-based indicators of food security: An application of machine learning methods," Food Policy, 84(C), 77-91.
  26. Hossain, Mahbub & Asadullah, M. Niaz & Kambhampati, Uma (2019) "Empowerment and life satisfaction: Evidence from Bangladesh," World Development, 122(C), 170-183.
  27. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Md. Abdul Alim & M. Anowar Hossain (2019) "Enrolling girls without learning: Evidence from public schools in Afghanistan," Development Policy Review, Overseas Development Institute, 37(4), 486-503
  28. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Fahema Talukder (2019) "The paradox of the contented female worker," International Journal of Manpower, 40(4), 800-814.
  29. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Savoia, Antonio (2018) "Poverty reduction during 1990–2013: Did millennium development goals adoption and state capacity matter?," World Development, 105(C), 70-82.
  30. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Kazi Md Mukitul Islam & Zaki Wahhaj (2018) "Gender Bias in Bangladeshi School Textbooks: Not Just a Matter of Politics or Growing Influence of Islamists," The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 16(2), 84-89.
  31. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Maliki,, 2018. "Madrasah for girls and private school for boys? The determinants of school type choice in rural and urban Indonesia," International Journal of Educational Development, 62(C), 96-111.
  32. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Xiao, Saizi & Yeoh, Emile (2018) "Subjective well-being in China, 2005–2010: The role of relative income, gender, and location," China Economic Review, 48(C), 83-101.
  33. Asadullah, M. Niaz (2017) "Who Trusts Others? Community and Individual Determinants of Social Capital in a Low-Income Country," Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41(2), 515-544.
  34. Sor Tho Ng & Nai Peng Tey & M Niaz Asadullah (2017) "What matters for life satisfaction among the oldest-old? Evidence from China," PLOS ONE, 12(2), 1-16.
  35. Asadullah, M. Niaz (2016) "Trust, trustworthiness, and traditional Islamic education," Oxford Development Studies, 44(2), 152-166.
  36. Asadullah, M. Niaz (2016) "Do Pro-Poor Schools Reach Out to the Poor? Location Choice of BRAC and ROSC Schools in Bangladesh," Australian Economic Review, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, vol. 49(4), pages 432-452, December.
  37. Asadullah, M. Niaz (2016) "The Effect Of Islamic Secondary School Attendance On Academic Achievement," The Singapore Economic Review (SER),  61(04), 1-24.
  38. Asadullah, M Niaz & Chaudhury, Nazmul (2016) "To madrasahs or not to madrasahs: The question and correlates of enrolment in Islamic schools in Bangladesh," International Journal of Educational Development, 49(C), 55-69.
  39. Asadullah, M Niaz & Jinnat Ara (2016) "Evaluating the long-run impact of an innovative anti-poverty programme: evidence using household panel data," Applied Economics, 48(2), 107-120.
  40. Asadullah, M Niaz & Chaudhury, Nazmul (2015) “The Dissonance between Schooling and Learning: Evidence from Primary Schooling in Bangladesh” Comparative Education Review. Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 447-472.
  41. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Rupa Chakrabarti & Nazmul Chaudhury (2015) "What Determines Religious School Choice? Theory And Evidence From Rural Bangladesh," Bulletin of Economic Research, 67(2), 186-207.
  42. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Uma Kambhampati & Florencia Lopez Boo (2014) "Social divisions in school participation and attainment in India: 1983–2004," Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38(4), 869-893.
  43. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Savoia, Antonio & Mahmud, Wahiduddin (2014) "Paths to Development: Is there a Bangladesh Surprise?," World Development, 62(C), 138-154.
  44. Mohammad Niaz Asadullah & Nazmul Chaudhury (2013) "Peaceful Coexistence? The Role of Religious Schools and NGOs in the Growth of Female Secondary Schooling in Bangladesh," Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 49(2), pages 223-237, February.
  45. M. Niaz Asadullah (2012) "Intergenerational Wealth Mobility in Rural Bangladesh," Journal of Development Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 48(9), pages 1193-1208, September.
  46. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Yalonetzky, Gaston, 2012. "Inequality of Educational Opportunity in India: Changes Over Time and Across States," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 40(6), pages 1151-1163.
  47. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz & Chaudhury, Nazmul, 2012. "Subjective well-being and relative poverty in rural Bangladesh," Journal of Economic Psychology, Elsevier, vol. 33(5), pages 940-950.
  48. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz (2011) "Intra- and inter-household externalities in children's schooling: evidence from rural residential neighbourhoods in Bangladesh," Applied Economics, 43(14), 1749-1767.
  49. Asadullah, M. Niaz & Chaudhury, Nazmul (2011) "Poisoning the mind: Arsenic contamination of drinking water wells and children's educational achievement in rural Bangladesh," Economics of Education Review, 30(5), 873-888.
  50. Asadullah, M Niaz & Nazmul Chaudhury (2010) "Faithful Education: Madrassahs in South Asia," The European Journal of Development Research, 22(2), 273-276.
  51. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz & Chaudhury, Nazmul (2010) "Religious Schools, Social Values, and Economic Attitudes: Evidence from Bangladesh," World Development, 38(2), 205-217.
  52. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz, 2010. "Educational Disparity in East and West Pakistan, 1947-71: Was East Pakistan Discriminated Against?," Bangladesh Development Studies, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), 33(3), 1-46.
  53. Asadullah, M. N. & S. Rahman (2009) "Farm productivity and efficiency in rural Bangladesh: the role of education revisited," Applied Economics, 41(1), 17-33.
  54. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz & Nazmul Chaudhury (2009) "Reverse Gender Gap in Schooling in Bangladesh: Insights from Urban and Rural Households," Journal of Development Studies, 45(8), 1360-1380.
  55. Asadullah, M. Niaz (2009) "Returns to private and public education in Bangladesh and Pakistan: A comparative analysis," Journal of Asian Economics, 20(1), 77-86.
  56. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz & Nazmul Chaudhury (2009) "Holy alliances: public subsidies, Islamic high schools, and female schooling in Bangladesh," Education Economics, 17(3), 377-394.
  57. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz (2008) "Sense in sociability? Maternal education, social capital and child schooling in rural Bangladesh," The European Journal of Development Research, 20(3), 482-496.
  58. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz, & Chaudhury, Nazmul & Dar, Amit (2007) "Student achievement conditioned upon school selection: Religious and secular secondary school quality in Bangladesh," Economics of Education Review, 26(6), 648-659.
  59. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz (2006) "Returns to Education in Bangladesh," Education Economics, 14(4), 453-468.
  60. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz (2006) "Pay differences between teachers and other occupations: Some empirical evidence from Bangladesh," Journal of Asian Economics, 17(6), 1044-1065.
  61. Asadullah, M. Niaz (2005) "The effect of class size on student achievement: evidence from Bangladesh," Applied Economics Letters, 12(4), 217-221.
  62. Asadullah, M. N., Bouhila, D. S., Chan, S-J., Draxler, A., Ha, W., Heyneman, S. P., Luschei, T. F., Semela, T. & Yemini, M. (2023) A year of missed opportunity: Post-Covid learning loss – A renewed call to actionInternational Journal of Educational Development. 993 p., 102770. 
  63. Asadullah, M. N. (2023) "Home schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic: An assessment of Malaysia’s PdPR programme", Journal of Southeast Asian Economies. 39, S, p. 34-61.
  64. Khalid, A. M., Ferguson, J. R. & Asadullah, M. N. (ed.), (2023) Economic Integration Among D-8 Muslim Countries, 1st ed. Hackensack NJ USA: World Scientific Publishing. 300 p.
  65. Islam, Kazi and Asadullah, M Niaz (2018) “Gender Stereotypes and Education: A Comparative Content Analysis of Malaysian, Indonesian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi School Textbooks,” PLoS One. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0190807
  66. Ahmed, Kabir, and Asadullah, M Niaz and Khambhampati, Uma (2016) "The Effect of Formal Banks on Household Income and Poverty in Bangladesh," Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, December issue, Vol. 53, No. 2.  
  67. Amin, Sajeda, Asadullah, M. Niaz, Hossain, Sara and Wahhaj, Zaki (2017) "Eradicating Child Marriage in the Commonwealth: Is Investment in Girls' Education Sufficient?" The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, 106(2), pp 221-223
  68. Amin, Sajeda & Asadullah, Niaz & Hossain, Sara & Wahhaj, Zaki (2017) "Can Conditional Transfers Eradicate Child Marriage?" Economic and Political Weekly, 52(6)
  69. Asadullah, M Niaz and Wahhaj, Zaki (2016) "Child Marriage Law and Freedom of Choice: The Battle against Early Marriage in Bangladesh," Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 51(3), 16 Jan.
  70. Mahmud, Wahiduddin, M Niaz Asadullah and Antonio Savoia (2013) “Bangladesh’s Achievements in Social Development Indicators: Explaining the Puzzle”, Economic and Political Weekly, November 2, vol 48(44), pages 26-28. 
  71. Asadullah, M Niaz (2017) Comments on "China's Growth Slowdown and Prospects for Becoming a High-Income Developed Economy" Asian Economic Papers, Vol.16, No.1, pp.116-119. 
  72. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz (2002) “Economic Policy and Performance in the Arab World”. Development and Change, Volume 33, no 4 (Book Review).
  73. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz (2004) “The Costs and Financing of Education: Trends and Policy Implications”. Asia Pacific Education Review, Volume 5, Number 1 (Book Review).
  74. Asadullah, M Niaz & Nazmul Chaudhury (2010) "Faithful Education: Madrassahs in South Asia," The European Journal of Development Research, vol. 22(2), pages 273-276 (Book Review).
  75. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz (2002) “Poverty of Development Economics (2nd edition)”. The Journal of Latin American Politics and Society, 2002 (Book review).
  76. Asadullah, M Niaz and Savoia, Antonio (2018) “Bangladesh’s development progress: How well is it positioned to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?” South Asia Journal, pages 17-25 (non-indexed).
  77. Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz (2011) “A Down Payment on a Brighter Future”, Educating Women and Girls, e-Journal of US Department of State (vol 15, no 12) (non-indexed)

Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, 1 Sep 2011

Leverhulme Trust Fellowship, 1 Jun 2011

Research Fellowship - IZA Institute of Labor Economics, 1 Sep 2007

Top Reviewer in Social Sciences (global 1%), Web of Science (Publons), 1 Sep 2019

University Gold Medal, Aligarh Muslim University, 1 Jun 1996

Permanent member of the National Agricultural Advisory Council (MPPN), Government of Malaysia, 2020-2022

  1. Keynote lecture on “The Political Economy of COVID-19 Public Policy Response”. Joint LKYSPP-GLO-UM Youth Policy Dialogue on “Rising Inequality in a Post-pandemic ASEAN”, 25 March 2022.
  2. Keynote lecture on “Bangladesh at 50 and Beyond”. North South University, 19 April 2022.
  3. Keynote lecture on “Global Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture, International Social Sciences Conference on “Green Development”, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart university, Turkey. 4-5 July.
  4. Keynote Lecture on "North-South Divide in Scholarly Publishing " 30 Aug. World Conference on Scholarly Publishing (WCSP), TIIKM.
  5. Plenary Speaker, "Capital, Covid-19 and the New Inequality", Inaugural lecture for the "AUA Lecture Series 2021: Young Asian Economist" entitled "The challenges and opportunities of Asian economies in the COVID-19 and post COVID-19 era”.
  6. Plenary Speaker, "The Politics, Economics, and Governance of Pandemic Response", The Liberal Leaders Summit, September 9-11, 2021, De La Salle University-Manila.
  7. Keynote on "The Politics and Economics of COVID-19 Pandemic Response", 4 Nov, Conference keynote, BISR, Bangladesh.
  8. Keynote on "COVID-19, the Pandemic Plutocrats and the Poor". Forum on The Colours of Inequality, 24th of July 2021, Sunway Economics Society, Malaysia. 
  9. Keynote lecture on “Bangladesh at 50: Achievements, Contradictions and Challenges” International Conference on Sustainable Development, AIUB, Dhaka, 13 January.
  10. Keynote Speaker (invited) on “Sustaining growth and managing inequality: reassessing public policy responses” – International Conference on Public Administration & Development (ICPAD), Govt of Bangladesh, 6 February.
  11. Guest Lecture (invited) “Conducting Academic Research on Economy and Society”, the Department of Economics, University of Dhaka, 13 February.
  12. Keynote Speaker (invited) on “Tackling the Global Learning Crisis”, THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE OF EDUCATION 2020, 29-30 October.
  13. Keynote Speaker on "Budget 2021: COVID-19, Education & Youth Employment", Higher Education Malaysia Association (HEYA), 14 Nov 2020.
  14. Keynote Speaker (invited) on “Outsourcing in Public Hospitals and Schools Kills Job Security”, Jaringan Pekerja Kontrak Kerajaan (JPKK) Forum, 22 November.
  15. Keynote Speaker (invited) on “COVID-19, SCHOOLING AND LEARNING POVERTY”, STEM Education During and Post Covid-19: Integrating Pedagogy and Technology to ensure Resilience, Quality, Equity, and Sustainability (STEMEIC2020), 27 November, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.
  16. Public lecture on INDUSTRY 4.0 AND THE ROLE OF THE ACADEME, Public lecture on 4th Industry Revolution, 2019-02-04 to 2019-02-04, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT), The Philippines.
  17. Public lecture on ENDING GLOBAL POVERTY: PROGRESS AND CHALLENGES, 2019-02-06 to 2019-02-06, Mindanao State University -- Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT), The Philippines.
  18. Public lecture on ISLAM, WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT, 2019-02-07 to 2019-02-07, Mindanao State University -- Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT), The Philippines.
  19. Public lecture on EDUCATION 4.0: TECHNOLOGY, TEACHERS AND LEARNERS, GLO-MSUIIT Lecture on the 4th Industrial Revolution , 2019-02-08 to 2019-02-08, GLOBAL LABOR ORGANIZATION (GLO) & Mindanao State University -- Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT), The Philippines.
  20. Keynote speaker (invited) on “Emerging Issues in Public Policy” – lecture title: “Why is Malaysia Underperforming in PISA?”, at INPUMA International Conference , August 5, Kuala Lumpur (Royale Chulan), Malaysia
  21. Keynote lecture (invited) - “A conversation with academic economist”, Kolej Tuanku Ja’afar (KTJ), Malaysia, October 19.
  22. Keynote speaker (invited) - Ending Global Poverty by 2030: Progress and challenges, ICPSD Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 5-7 December.
  23. 2017& earlier
  24. Invited Keynote Speaker: “Beyond the Bangladesh Paradox: Meeting the SDGs targets by 2030” Khulna University, Bangladesh, 02 February 2017
  25. Keynote Speaker: “Education Quality in the OIC Countries”, COMCEC Coordination Office (Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) secretariat), Ankara, Turkey (5 April)
  26. Keynote Speaker: “Education Quality in Islamic Countries”, ONDER Academy, Istanbul, Turkey (9 April)
  27. Keynote speaker on "The Race between Human Capital and Technology" - The International Seminar on Business, Economics, Social Sciences and Technology 2018 ("Collaborative Innovation of Economic Society in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)", Universitas Terbuka (Open University Indonesia) (05 DEC) 
  28. Keynote Speaker on“Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030: Challenges for South Asia” Bangladesh Academy of Rural Development (BARD), 26 December 2016.
  1. Asadullah, M Niaz (2024) “Remembering Malaysia’s Mahathir Mohammad” The Project Syndicate (forthcoming); commissioned write-up.
  2.  Asadullah, M Niaz (2024) The Fall of Bangladesh’s Iron Lady, The Project Syndicate15 AugustRe-published in The Japan TimesThe Manila TimesMalaysiakiniAstro Awani TV (Malaysia)The New ArabProthom Alo (Bangladesh), and Dainik Bhaskar (India).
  3. Asadullah, M Niaz (2024)An Arab Spring for Bangladesh? The Project Syndicate, 25 July. Republished in: The QuintThe Edge MalaysiaThe Manila Times,  The Japan TimesBaomoi VietnamBangkok PostTaipei Times,  Bonik BartaAsia Link,  The New Arab, and South Asia journal.
  4. Asadullah, M Niaz et al (2024) “Caring for the elderly starts with gender equality”, The Edge Malaysia, 360info. (8 Mar), East Mojo (9 Mar), Astro AWANI, Setopati (Nepal) and The Federal (India).
  5. Asadullah, M Niaz (2024) “Beyond the Pages: Overcoming Sexist Textbooks to Bridge the Gender Gap in Education and Beyond”. The Edge Malaysia (6 Mar), Monash Lens (5 Mar) , BFM 89.9 - Business Radio Station (Malaysia) and The Daily Star (Bangladesh).
  6. Asadullah, M Niaz (2024) “Bangladesh economy hangs in the balance,” The Diplomat, 4/1/2024. Republished in: Press Trust of India (PTI), NDTV (India), The Wire (India), The Financial Express (Bangladesh), The Daily Star (Bangladesh), 360Info and The Star (Malaysia).
  7. Asadullah, M Niaz (2023) “Global recession a risk as Gaza war razes,” The Star (Malaysia), 24/12/2023. Republished in: The Malaya Mail, 360Info,  The Vibes, Setopati, East Mojo and Big News Network.
  8. Asadullah, M Niaz and Syed Basher (2023) “Making the Asian Monetary Fund a RealityThe Project Syndicate. 14 June 23. Re-published in Bangkok Post and Khaleez Times, Oman Observer, Dhaka Courier, Daily Prothom Alo,  Jordan Times, Ceylon Today, Chine Magazine.
  9. Asadullah, M Niaz and Andrew Kam Jia Yi (2023) “Malaysia’s New Dawn?” The Project Syndicate. 9 January. Republished in Jordan Times, Bangkok Post (11 Jan), Gulf Times (11 Jan), Daily Prothom Alo (11 Jan), The Strategist (20 Jan), AsiaLink (17 Jan), The Japan Times (25 Jan)
  10. Asadullah, M Niaz (2022) "Asia's Captive Migrant Labor Market" The Project Syndicate. 27 Sep. Republished in The Korea Herald (29 Sep), Jordan Times (1 Oct), Taipei Times (2 Oct).
  11. Asadullah, M Niaz (2022) "Gender-Equal Education Is About More Than Access" The Project Syndicate. 29 July. Republished in: Diplomatic Courier (Washington, DC), The Jordan Times (30 July), Kathmandu Post (1 Aug), Jamaica Gleaner (3 Aug).
  12. Asadullah, M Niaz et al (2022) "Does access to microfinance help or hinder women’s empowerment?"WiderAngle, United Natoins University, 10 March 2022
  13. Amirapu, A., Asadullah, M Niaz and Zaki Wahhaj (2022) "The threat of adolescents development from COVID-19" Oxford Policy Management, 10 March 2022. 
  14. Chakraborty, T. N., Asadullah, M Niaz and Basu (2022) "Tribute to the Poetry of Nazim Hikmet" The Daily Prothom Alo, 15 January 2022
  15. Asadullah, M Niaz (2021) "Southeast Asia’s migrant labor dilemma" The Project Syndicate. 24 Nov. Re-published: in 10+ national dailies:  The Japan Times (06 Dec), Channel News Asia (28 Nov), Jordan Times (27 Nov), Kathmundu Post (24 Nov), Asia New Network (24 Nov), MalaysiaKini (27 Nov), The Philippine Inquirer (6 Dec), The Sunday Times (28 Nov), CM Media (29 Nov), The ASEAN Post (24 Nov), The Daily Prothom Alo (25 Nov),  Nepal 24 Hours.
  16. Asadullah, M Niaz (2021) Islamic Schools and Girls' Education in Indonesia - The Diplomat, 26 Oct.
  17. Asadullah, M Niaz (2021) “Fostering girls' education will be challenging under a Taliban regime, but Afghanistan can learn a lot from Indonesia”, The Conversation (11 Oct).
  18. Asadullah, M Niaz (2021) "The Rise and Roles of Religious Schools in Afghanistan", World Education Forum, UNESCO, 17 September.
  19. Asadullah, M Niaz and Chakraborty, T. N. (2021) "Does export boom and GDP growth reduce corruption?" The Daily Prothom Alo, 15 September 2021
  20. Asadullah, M Niaz and Rahman, Mishkat (2021) "Bangladesh at 50: Reaping the Benefits of Bottom-up Entrepreneurship " The Daily Star, 17 June
  21. Asadullah, M Niaz & Raj, Aaron (2021) "Poverty Policymaking During the Pandemic" New Mandala, 1 June.
  22. Asadullah, M Niaz and Rahman, Mishkat (2021) "The Benefits of Bottom-up Entrepreneurship" The Project Syndicate, 15 June. Re-published in 10+ international outlets: The Jakarta Post (17 June), The Outlook Afghanistan (19 June), China Television Global Network (16 June), Jordan Times (15 June), Tageblatt (17 June), Business A.M. NIgeria (21 June), Daily Bonik Barta (29 June); Almendron (15 June)
  23. Asadullah, M Niaz et al (2021) "Son preference and girls' schooling in India and Bangladesh", Dhaka Times,  24 June 2021.      
  24. Asadullah et al (2021) The Social Returns of Ending Son Bias, The Daily Monitor, 2 March
  25. Asadullah, M Niaz et al (2021) "Using survey experiments to measure gender attitudes", LSE Global Health Initiative Blog, 15 May 2021.
  26. Asadullah et al (2021) The Social Returns of Ending Son Bias, Middle East Business & Financial News, 6 March
  27. Asadullah, M Niaz et al (2021) "The Social Returns of Ending Son Bias" The Project Syndicate, 26 February. Re-published: in Kashmir Observer (5 March), The New Times (3 March), Orissa Post (5 March), Times of Kuwait (28 Feb), Jordan Times (6 Mar), Middle East Business and Financial News (6 Mar), The Daily Monitor (2 March)
  28. Amirapu, Amrit & M Niaz Asadullah & Zaki Wahhaj (2021) “Can the Formal Law Change Attitudes and Behaviour in the Absence of Strict Enforcement?” VoxDev CEPR Policy Portal, 8 March
  29. Asadullah, M Niaz et al (2021) "Measuring Gender Attitudes in Developing Countries" Global Development Network (GDN) blog, 8 March.
  30. Asadullah, M Niaz et al (2021) " Son Preference and Girls’ Education in India and Bangladesh" UNESCO World Education blog, 8 March.
  31. Asadullah, M Niaz et al (forthcoming) "Addressing Hidden Support for Gender Inequality" Global Development Network (GDN) blog, 18 March.
  32. Asadullah, M Niaz (2020) "Farming could empower millions of women across South Asia - here's how", World Economic Forum, 2 July
  33. Savoia, A, Sen, K and Asadullah (2020) “South Asia: how to ensure progress on reducing poverty isn’t reversed by coronavirus”, The Conversation, 6 Oct 2020. Re-published in (6 Oct),  Dhaka Tribune
  34. Asadullah, M Niaz and Antonio Savoia (2020) "Public Policy Lessons from Kerala’s COVID-19 Response" East Asia Forum. 24 Sep.
  35. Asadullah, M Niaz (2020) "From Farming to Female Empowerment" The Project Syndicate, 25 June. Re-published in international outlets such as the Jordan Times, Kathmandu Post (Nepal), Somaliland Sun (Somalia) & China Global TV Network.
  36. Asadullah, M Niaz and Antonio Savoia (2020) "Comparing Pandemic Responses in Kerala and Bangladesh" The Diplomat. 14 Sep.
  37. Asadullah, M Niaz (2020) "Farming could empower millions of women across South Asia" Global Connections for Women, 14 July 2020.
  38. Asadullah, M Niaz (2020) "De la agricultura al empoderamiento femenino" El Pais (2nd most circulated Daily in Spain), 24 July 2020.
  39. Asadullah, M Niaz and Raghunathan, Kalyani (2020) "Fighting Gender Inequality in India During COVID-19 Pandemic" The Diplomat, 26 June 2020. 
  40. Asadullah, M Niaz (2020) "Is ASEAN's COVID-19 response leaving migrant workers behind?” East Asia Forum, 8 May. Re-published in The Bangkok Post.
  41. Asadullah, M Niaz and Bhula-or, Ruttiya (2020) "COVID-19: Why Coronavirus Pandemic Will Worsen Inequality in Thailand" The Diplomat, 28 April.
  42. Asadullah, M Niaz, Aulia, F. and Maliki (2020) "Preventing Poverty Hike During COVID-19: Lessons from Indonesia" The Business Standard. 06 June.
  43. Asadullah, M Niaz, Aulia, Aulia, F, and Maliki (2020) "COVID-19 Pandemic: A Threat To Indonesia’s Poor", The ASEAN Post, 26 May.
  44. Asadullah, M Niaz and Rahman, Mishkatur (2020) "COVID-19: Migrant workers cut off from aid put public health at risk" The Edge Financial Daily, 27 April.
  45. Asadullah, M Niaz, Maliki and Aulia, Fisca (2020) "COVID-19: What can Indonesia learn from past crises to avoid another poverty hike during the pandemic?", The Conversation, 15 May.
  46. Aulia, Fisca, Maliki and Asadullah, M Niaz (2020) "Without intervention, model shows COVID19 will plunge at least 3.6 million Indonesians into poverty", The Conversation, 15 May
  47. Asadullah, M Niaz (2020) "Schooling girls without learning in Afghanistan", World Education Blog, Global Education Monitoring Report (GMR), UNESCO.
  48. Asadullah, M Niaz (2020) "Poor Indonesian families are more likely to send their daughters to cheap Islamic schools" The Conversation, 8 March.
  49. Asadullah, M Niaz (2020) "Gender bias in textbooks of Indonesia and other Muslim majority countries" The Conversation, 19, March.
  50. Asadullah, M Niaz (2019) "How to achieve a quality, universal education", The World Economic Forum, 19 November.
  51. Asadullah, M Niaz and Wahhaj, Zaki (2019) Early marriage and the persistence of traditional gender norms, VoxDev CEPR Policy Portal, 11 March
  52. Asadullah, M Niaz (2019) "Mind the Learning Gap" The Project Syndicate, 15 November. Re-published in Kuwait Times (Kuwait) Financial Express (Bangladesh), Free Malaysia Today (Malaysia), Jordan Times (Jordan), Nepal 24 Hours (Nepal), AZ Vision (Azerbaijan) & the New Dawn (Liberia).
  53. Amin, Sajeda, Asadullah, M Niaz, Hossain, Sara and Zaki Wahhaj (2019) "Is the Law Enough to End Child Marriage?" LSE International Development Blog, 8 November.
  54. Asadullah, M Niaz and Chen, Theresa (2019) "Malaysia’s student-debt crisis could cripple the economy, unless the government acts", World Economic Forum, 26 June.
  55. Asadullah, M Niaz and Chen, Theresa (2019) "Asia's Student-debt Time Bomb" The Project Syndicate, 25 June. Re-published in Al Bayan (UAE), Al Jarida (Kuwait), Jakarta Post (Indonesia), The Statesmen (Pakistan), Jordan Times (Jordan), The Kathmandu Post (Nepal) & the New Dawn (Liberia).
  56. Savoia, A and Asadullah, M Niaz (2019) "Accelerating poverty reduction with stronger state capacity" Global Development Network (GDN) GlobalDev Blog, 15 July.
  57. Asadullah, M Niaz and Savoia, Antonio (2019) "Here's how we can eradicate poverty in Africa faster" World Economic Forum, 4 March.
  58. Asadullah, M Niaz (2019) "GDP growth, export boom and rising corruption in Bangladesh" LSE South Asia Blog, 19 November.
  59. Asadullah, M Niaz and Savoia, Antonio (2019) "Bangladesh is booming, but slide towards authoritarianism could burst the bubble" The Conversation, 1 March, 2019.
  60. Asadullah, M Niaz and Savoia, Antonio (2019) "How Africa can catch up with the world in the fight against poverty" The Conversation, 27 February, 2019.
  61. Asadullah, M Niaz and Kambhampati, Uma (2019) "Rural Bangladeshi women: Empowerment, farming and life satisfaction" LSE South Asia Blog, 11 October 2019
  62. Asadullah, M Niaz and Savoia, Antonio (2018) "How can countries reduce poverty faster?" The Project Syndicate, 15 November. Re-published in over 20 international outlets such as Gulf Times, the Khaleej Times, the ASEAN Post, World Economic Forum (Spanish), the New Times (Rawanda), Times of Oman (Oman), the Outlook (Afghanistan), the Sunday Times (Sri Lanka), the Reporter (Ethiopia), LesEchoes (France), the Tehran Times (Iran), the Jordan Times, Somaliland Sun (Somalia), the Dispatch Magazine (Rawanda) and the Daily Star (Bangladesh).
  63. Asadullah, M Niaz and Savoia, Antonio (2018) "Bangladesh’s Deadly Election" The Diplomat, 24 December.
  64. Asadullah, M Niaz and Savoia, Antonio (2018) "Can We Eradicate Poverty by 2030?" World Economic Forum, 19 November.
  65. Savoia, Antonio and Asadullah, M Niaz (2018) "Why do some countries reduce poverty faster than others?" OECD Development in Transition, 26 September. Re-published by the University of Oxford, Dept of International Development (ODID) Blog (17 Oct 2018)
  66. Asadullah, M Niaz and Fahmy, Farihah (2018) "Protecting our girls from child marriage" The Malaysian Insight, 12 October, 2018
  67. Asadullah, M Niaz and Fahmy, Farihah (2018) "Protect girls, end child marriages" The New Straits Times, 27 October, 2018
  68. Asadullah, M Niaz and Savoia, Antonio (2018) "From MDGs to SDGs: where next for Bangladesh? Asia Dialogue Magazine, Asia Research Institute, The University of Nottingham, 04 Sep 2018.
  69. Re-published by the University of Oxford, Dept of International Development (ODID) Blog (20 Sep 2018
  70. Asadullah, M Niaz and Joseph, Jeron (2018) "Concern over rising inequality in Sabah", The Edge Financial Daily, 06 Sep 2018
  71. Asadullah, M Niaz and Islam, K (2018) "Representation as important as participation" The Daily Star, 30 March
  72. Asadullah, M Niaz and Islam, Kazi Mukitul (2018) "Gender Stereotypes in Bangladeshi, Indonesian, Malaysian and Pakistani textbooks", World Education Blog, Global Education Monitoring Report (GMR), UNESCO, 20 March
  73. Asadullah, M Niaz (2018) Eradicating child marriage, Asia Research News, 17 Jan.
  74. Asadullah, M Niaz and Maliki (2017) Bottling Indonesia’s Gini, The Project Syndicate, 01 Sep, 2017. Re-published in over 10+ international outlets : The Bangkok Post (Thailand), The Sunday Times (Sri Lanka), Jakarta Post, The Arab News, Financial Express (Bangladesh), The Strategist, the Daily Star (Lebanon) and The Kathmandu Post (Nepal)
  75. M Niaz Asadullah, Samia Huq, Kazi Mukitul Islam and Zaki Wahhaj (2017) "Gender Stereotypes in Bangladeshi School Textbooks", World Education Blog, Global Education Monitoring Report (GMR), UNESCO, 30 May 2017 
  76. Asadullah, M Niaz and Wahhaj, Zaki (2017) Mending Bangladesh's Garment Industry, The Project Syndicate, 01 May, 2017. Re-published in Times of Oman, the Jordan Times, La Nacion (Spain), the New Dawn (Libera), and the Himalayan Times.
  77. Amin, Sajeda, Asadullah, M Niaz, Hossain, Sara and Zaki Wahhaj (2017) A Blueprint for Ending Child Marriage. The Project Syndicate, 07 March. The column was re-published in 19 outlets (…and in 7 languages -- Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Italian, Somali, Spanish) such as the World Economic Forum, the Gulf Times, Times of Oman and the Khaleez Times, the Daily Star (Lebanon), the Times (Kuwait) and the Daily Star (Bangladesh).
  78. Asadullah, M Niaz and Wahhaj, Zaki (2017) Bangladesh's new child marriage law swings in the wrong direction" The Huffington Post, 08 March.
  79. Asadullah, M Niaz et al (2016) "Jeffrey Sachs on meeting the Sustainable Development Goals - we need a victory of ideas", The Huffington Post, 17 October 2016.
  80. Op-ed published in The Conversation "Dhaka Cafe Attack: Don't Blame Private Education for Radicalisation in Bangladesh" 03 Aug 2016.
  81. Op-ed published in Article in Development and Cooperation D+C "Marriage instead of Graduation" 03 Aug 2016 (with Zaki Wahhaj)
  82. Op-ed published in Article in Development and Cooperation D+C "Terrorism: Look beyond private schools" 28 July 2016
  83. Op-ed published in LSE South Asia Blog "Social attitudes that view female child marriage as a means of protecting respectability need to change" 27 July 2016 (with Zaki Wahhaj)
  84. Op-ed article in The Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) blog, Oxford University, "Ending early marriage in Bangladesh and Uganda" 14 July 2016 (with Abdul Alim and Fathema Khatun of BRAC). Re-published in BRAC blog 12 July 2016, and The New Age, 07 Aug 2016.
  85. Op-ed article in World Institute of Development Economics Research (WIDER) blog, "Ending child marriage and closing the education gap" 12 July 2016 (with A Alim and Fathema Khatun). Re-published in The Independent (Bangladesh) 10 Aug 2016.
  86. Op-ed article in BDNews24 "Child marriage in Bangladesh" 16 April 2016 (with Zaki Wahhaj, University of Kent).
  87. Op-ed article in Open Democracy "What is driving the increase in child marriage in Bangladesh?" (with Zaki Wahhaj), 07 April.
  88. Feature article in D+C Development and Cooperation Magazine (of the German Government) "Minimum wage attracts girls to factories" (with Zaki Wahhaj), 03 January.
  89. Feature Article in The Diplomat Magazine “Vietnam’s PISA Surprise” (with Devangi Perera) 1 November 2015
  90. Op-ed in The Daily Star “Sustaining Women's Literacy and SDGs” (with Zaki Wahhaj) 13 September 2015
  91. Op-ed in The Daily Star "Child Marriage Law and freedom of choice" (with Zaki Wahhaj) 29 August 2015
  92. Op-Ed published by BRAC Blog (the largest NGO in the world) blog (with Abdul Alim and Fathema Khatun) "Delaying Marriage, Educating the Next Generation" 26 July 2015.
  93. Op-Ed published by Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Asia-Pathways blog "Learning Crisis in South Asia", 27 March 2015.
  94. Article published by BRAC Blog (the largest NGO in the world) blog (with Abdul Alim and Fathema Khatun) "In school, but not learning" 5 March 2015. Article re-published by "Effective States and Inclusive Development" (ESID) Centre Blog, UK "Pathways to Development", 15 January, 2015. 
  95. Opinion piece in East Asia Forum (EAF) "Bangladesh’s politicians should keep their hands off Grameen Bank". Jan 09, 2015 (With Zaki Wahhaj)
  96. Article in Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Blog "Pathways to Development" 5 Dec 2014 (with Antonio Savoia, University of Manchester). Re-published in The Daily Star, 12 Dec 2014; Development@Manchester Blog in 15 Dec 2014 and “Effective States and Inclusive Development” (ESID) blog, 15 Jan 2015.
  97. Feature article in The Diplomat Magazine "Saving Grameen Bank, Sustaining the Bangladesh Paradox" 6 Dec 2014 (with Zaki Wahhaj, University of  Kent). Re-published in Dhaka Tribune 24 Dec 2014.
  98. Op-ed in East Asia Forum (EAF) "Managing Malaysia's Education Crisis" 5 Dec.
  99. Op-ed in World Economic Forum "Closing the Gender Gap in the Developing World" 4 Nov 2014
  100. Op-ed in World Bank South Asia Blog "No Magic Bullet to Close the Gender Gap" 4 Nov.
  101. Op-ed in Korea Herald (South Korea) "Gender gap in education is result of policy priorities", 16 Oct 2014 
  102. Article in The Straits Times (Singapore) "An education in gender equity", 14 Oct 2014
  103. Opinion piece in The Conversation (UK) "Nobel Peace Prize win for Malala and Kailash is a beacon of hope for children's rights", Oct 10, 2014. Re-published by on Oct 12, 2014
  104. Op-ed in New Straits Times (Malaysia) "Perspective: Female schooling under threat" 12 Oct
  105. Opinion piece in The Conversation "Gender equity in schools in Muslim countries: it can be done", 13 Oct 2014.  Republished in CSAE (Centre for the Study of African Economies) blog, University of Oxford, 20 Oct 2014 & The Daily Star, Oct 25, 2014 & Dhaka Tribune, 2 Nov, 2014
  106. Op-ed in East Asia Forum (Australia) “Will India’s social development stagnate under Modi?”, July 1, 2014. Re-published by The Daily Star and on July 2, 2014; Indian Council on Global Relations on July 3, 2014
  107. Op-ed in (Bangladesh) “Measuring graduate unemployment”, May 1
  108. Op-ed in The Daily Star, “Is graduate unemployment rate really 47%?” May 1, 2014 
  109. Op-ed in Dhaka Tribune (Bangladesh), Looking East, March 3, 2014
  110. Op-ed in The Daily Star (Bangladesh), Quality Education for All, Feb 11, 2014. Re-published in The New Nation, Feb 21, 2014
  112. Op-ed in (Bangladesh), “Development Billboards: Numbers Don't Lie, or Do They?”, Dec 10, 2013. Re-published in The New Age, December 12, 2013
  113. Op-ed in (Bangladesh), “A League of Our Own”, September 2, 2013. Re-published in The New Age, September 4, 2013
  114. Op-ed in The Daily Star (Bangladesh), “Hartal Politics and Examination Results”, August 7
  115. Op-ed in The Hindu (India), “Still in the Last Row”, June 29, 2013
  116. Op-ed in The New Age (Bangladesh), “The Politics of Education Statistics”, May 25, 2013
  1. Nikkei Asia, Bangladesh offers "win win" deals for offshore gas exploration , 15 Mar 2024 
  2. Business FM (Malaysia), Structural reforms needed to address labour market skill gaps 22 Mar 2024
  3. Free Malaysia Today, High GLC, GLIC involvement deter Bumis from entrepreneurship, says economist, 8 March 2024.
  4. Astro TV, The Gig Economy: The regulatory riddle, 16 Feb 2024.
  5. The Sun, Implement gig sector reform gradually, 13 Feb 2024
  6. Free Malaysia Today. Question mark over impact of Najib decision on business investment, 3 Feb 2024.
  7. The Sun (Malaysia), Experts urge caution on pension system review, 1 Feb 2024
  8. The Edge Financial Daily, Gold players see bright outlook despite impending luxury goods tax, 22 Jan 2024
  9. Free Malaysia Today, Reducing cost of living a national priority, 25 Jan 2024
  10. The Sun, (Malaysia), Gender pay gap thorn for women workforce, 23 Jan 2024
  11. Nikkei Asia, Bangladesh election: China cheers Hasina as experts eye U.S. move, 8 Jan 2024
  12. The Sun, (Malaysia), Economists upbeat on 2024. 2 Jan 2024
  13. The Sun Daily: “Govt boosting efforts to meet ageing society”, 27/12/23
  14. The Sun Daily: “RM5 billion illegal gambling bane” 20/12/23
  15. FMT News: “Spend on B40, M40 groups, not toll holidays, govt told” 3/12/23
  16. FMT News: “Third EPF account ‘could do more harm than good’, 3/12/23
  17. FMT News: “Only prolonged boycotts will hurt say experts” , 1/12/23
  18. The Sun Daily: “Boycott benefits”, 1/12/23
  19. ABC News: “Having a son is preferred in many Asian countries, but researchers find living with daughters can bring greater happiness”, 26/11/23 (other coverage:
  20. The Sun Daily: “Anti poverty efforts bearing fruit”, 23/11/23
  21. Free Malaysia Today: “Costly to eat out but Malaysians don't have a choice”, 7/11/23
  22. Astro TV: “The Truth about Wages”, 1/11/23
  23. Free Malaysia Today: “Capital gains tax on listed shares wont impact wealthy Malaysians”, 31/10/23
  24. Free Malaysia Today: “Windfall for oil and gas players if Middle East conflict escalates”, 30/10/23
  25. Free Malaysia Today: “Padu system must overcome ‘patchy data’ problem, says economist”, 22/10/23
  26. The Sun Daily: “SST hike will create fair economy: Expert”, 17/10/23
  27. Free Malaysia Today: Progressive wage model a glaring omission in Anwar’s Budget 2024, 14/10/23
  28. The Sun Daily: War in Gaza may affect consumer market due to supply chain disruptions: Experts, 9/10/23
  29. Free Malaysia Today: JB’s proposed LRT system gets mixed views, 9/10/23
  30. Free Malaysia Today: Norges banks emergence in cahya mata sarawak linked to esg focus, 25/09/23 (FMT podcast)
  31. The Edge Financial Daily: Rice conundrum: Thrusts food security into the spotlight, 24/09/23)
  32. Free Malaysia Today: Norges banks emergence in cahya mata sarawak linked to ESG focus, 25/09/23
  33. Free Malaysia Today: More thought needed for plan to wipe out poverty. 13/09/23
  34. Free Malaysia Today: 5-year Malaysia Plans outdated, new approach needed: 12/09/23
  35. Free Malaysia Today: Gender wage disparity still haunts malaysian women, 4/09/23
  36. The Edge Financial Daily: Look out for SMEs, fix broken links between education and employment, say experts, 4/09/23
  37. Free Malaysia Today:  Prime Minister Anwar's monumental task to get consensus for economic reforms, 1/09/23
  38. The Edge Financial Daily: Economists urge structural reform to stem worsening brain drain, 21/08/23
  39. Free Malaysia Today: Slowdown inevitable but no cause for concern, say economists, 11/08/23
  40. The Malaysian Reserve: Belanjawan 2023 helps elevate education to next level, 7/08/23
  41. Free Malaysia Today: Mixed views on stipend for interns, 17/07/23
  42. Free Malaysia Today: Keep the good subsidies throw out the bad ones, 4/07/23
  43. Free Malaysia Today: Belanjawan 2023’s youth initiatives bearing fruit, says group, 21/06/23
  44. Southeast Asia Globe: Proposed special economic zone could strengthen special Singapore–Malaysia ties, 20/06/23
  45. Free Malaysia Today: Train SPM Leavers as Modern Farmers, Say Economists, , 31/05/23
  46. Astro TV: Addressing inflation and household income disparity in Malaysia, 26/05/23
  47. Malaysia must not let foreign powers influence its 5G decision (Free Malaysia Post)  5/05/23
  48. Retirement age brings new realities to light (New Sarawak Tribune) 30/04/23
  49. Extension of retirement age inevitable but tough on government, say economists (The Edge Financial Daily) 26/04/23
  50. Swift action not advisable when switching payment systems (Free Malaysia Post) 19/04/23
  51. Pragmatism rules Anwar's foreign policy, say economists (Free Malaysia Today) 17/04/23
  52. Malaysia’s move to break monopolies will encourage innovation and boost investments (The Business Times (Singapore)) 10/04/23
  53. Asian Monetary Fund feasible due to new global realities (Free Malaysia Today) 6/04/23
  54. World academics concerned over post-pandemic learning loss (New Age) 3/04/23
  55. Contract doctors strike in Malaysia: will it have an impact? (Business FM) 3/04/23
  56. Business FM, Making TVET and STEM education sexy & cool, 22/03/23
  57. The Edge Financial Daily, Budget 2023: Emulating Penang skills centre’s model, cash incentive do not resolve TVET dilemma, 9/03/23
  58. The Malay Mail, Inflation is slowing down but economists say don’t expect things to get cheaper yet, 14/03/23
  59. Free Malaysia Today, Anwar, a fiscal wizard?, 7/03/23
  60. Free Malaysia Today, Proposal to introduce capital gains tax gets mixed reviews, 25/02/23
  61. Free Malaysia Today, BNM optimism boosts confidence but no cause for euphoria, 13/02/23
  62. Free Malaysia Today, Economists sceptical Malaysia experiencing disinflation, 8/02/23
  63. Al-Jazeera, Muhyiddin’s prosecution puts focus on Malaysia’s corruption fight, 10/03/23
  64. The Economist, New transport infrastructure helps South Asian women into work, 7/07/22
  65. Al-Jazeera, Can Malaysia’s Anwar fix corruption, inequality and inflation? 25/11/22
  66. The Nature Magazine, How climate change could drive an increase in gender-based violence, 15/07/22
  67. Business FM, Reversing The Brain Drain In Malaysia, 28 Dec 2022.
  68. Business FM, Let them eat chicken (...but not at reduced prices), 4/07/22
  69. Business FM, Employee - Employer Partnership Key To Successful Implementation Of Employment Law, 30-Aug-22
  70. Business FM, Reprieve From The 80:20 Local Foreign Ruling, 19-Jul-22
  71. Business FM, Why Accuracy In Labour Statistics Is Important, 15-Jun-22
  72. Business FM , Why the Discrepancy for Bangladeshi Workers? 03-Jun-22
  73. Business FM, Should We Make Rest Days Mandatory? 06-May-22
  74. The EdgeFinancial Daily (Malaysia) interview: Malaysia’s ratification of ILO Protocol of 2014 a good start in combatting forced labour, 4 April 2022.
  75. Business FM radio (Malaysia) interview: How to recover from pandemic learning loss, 18 Mar 2022.
  76. The Edge Financial Daily (Malaysia) interview: The State Of The Nation: Collective effort necessary to eliminate malnourishment among children, 21 Mar 2022.
  77. The Edge Financial Daily (Malaysia) interview: The State Of The Nation: Battling the silent, longer-term threats to the country’s growth post-Covid-19, 21 Mar 2022.
  78. Astro TV (Malaysia) interview: Displaced for development (on poverty in indigenous Mah Meri communities), 4 Feb 2022.
  79. Daily Prothom Alo, There are reasons to be concerned about mega projects, 24 April 2022.
  80. The Economist "Bangladesh’s government cracks down on a big Islamist group" 29 May 2021
  81. BBC World Business Report interview for the news story "On Bangladesh's readymade garments
  82. Business FM radio (Malaysia) interview - "Looking into how we treat our migrant workers", 2 Dec 2021.
  83. The Economist "Bangladesh is making a serious attempt to improve its schools" 12 Nov 2021
  84. Business FM radio (Malaysia) interview - "STEM is losing STEAM", 6 Dec 2021.
  85. Astro TV Malaysia "PdPR: Shift in educational responsibility", 1 October 2021
  86. Astro TV Malaysia " PdPR: Measuring learning loss ", 1 October 2021
  87. The Star "PdPR: How effective is it?", 12 September 2021
  88. The Star "Family support, environment crucial for learning", 12 September 2021
  89. The Star "Students can’t wait to be back in school", 12 September 2021 (COVER PAGE STORY)
  90. Bonik Barta "Education disruption during COVID-19 pandemic is creating new disparities", 15 September
  91. Business FM radio live interview "Govt bans Malaysians from Australian Farm Visa scheme", 18 Oct 2021. 
  92. sector"26 Mar, 2021 
  93. Business FM live interview "Pandemic squeeze on salary and wages" 19 July 2021.
  94. Business FM radio live interview "Ending migrant worker abuse", 21 June 2021. 
  95. Business FM radio live interview "On talent development: Think Long-term" 23 April 2021
  96. Interviewed for the TV news story "Youth graduating into minimum wage. What is the solution?" Astro Awani TV Tonight show: 5th April 2021
  97. Edge Financial Daily interview for a Special report entitled "Linking home and school with blended learning" 14 Mar 2021. 
  98. Business FM radio (Malaysia) PODCAST interview - "Closing the Parental Divide ", 3 Feb 2021.
  99. Bangla Tribune Interviewed for the news story "Research has shown that the desire for a son is decreasing, the reality is so?" 31 Jan 2021
  100. Daily Prothom Alo interview for the news story Patriarchy still shapes actual fertility decision making" 26 February 2021.
  101. Voice of the Youth interview - Impact of covid-19 on women and girls in asia and the pacific”, 16 Nov 2021
  102. Business FM radio (Malaysia) PODCAST interview - "Averting a Lost Generation", 27 Nov 2020.
  103. Edge Financial Daily interview for a Special report entitled "Population Ageing: Opportunity or Adversity? The Changing Nature of Ageing" 26 Oct 2020. 
  104. Free Malaysia Today Interview for a Special report entitled "Rice and grain prices found to be most stable over last decade", October 21, 2020.
  105. Edge Financial Daily Interview - "Complex issues in helping the poor " Weekend cover story, 06/09/2020
  106. Business FM PODCAST morning interview "For Jobs Sake, Malaysia Wants Fewer Foreigners, More Locals, But How?" 5 August 2020
  107. Edge Financial Daily interview - "Bridging the gap between agriculture and food security" Weekend cover story, 05/07/2020
  108. Business FM interview - "Unemployment could hit 6% or higher", 16/05/2020 until 16/05/2020
  109. BBC Bengali Radio interview on the impact of COVID-19 on schooling and learning, 25 June 2020
  110. The Edge Financial Daily interview "An opportune time to reinvent Malaysia's labor market" Weekend cover story, 22 June 2020
  111.  Astro Awani interview (live national TV) "#Consider This: Contract Work - A Precarious Life?" 18 June 2020
  112. Business FM radio (Malaysia) PODCAST morning interview - "No Entry", 21 June 2020.
  113. Business FM radio (Malaysia) PODCAST morning interview - "3D Jobs Incompatible with the Malaysian Dream?", 20 May 2020.
  114. Business FM radio (Malaysia) PODCAST morning interview - "COVID-19 Will Leave an Uneven Impact on Unemployment", 4 May 2020.
  115. 2019
  116. Australian ABC Radio Network interview on "student debt crisis in Asia" for the Counterpoint program "Big tech breakup" (Presenter: Former Australian Minister & Senator Amanda Vanstone), 15 July 2019
  117. The Star (Malaysia) Interview "Hindered by data costs and access", 20 October 2019.
  118. Business FM radio (Malaysia) PODCAST morning interview - "Coming Home with a Heightened Sense of Fairness?", 30 August 2019.
  119. Business FM radio (Malaysia) PODCAST morning interview - "Student Debt - Treating the Symptoms or the Cause?", 27 June 2019.
  120. Colors FM Radio (Bangladesh) interview - "Child Marriage Restrain Act 2017" (in collaboration with BLAST), 29 April 2019.
  121. Business FM radio (Malaysia) PODCAST morning interview - "Reducing Liabilities, A Labour of Love", 16 May 2019.
  122. 2018-2014
  123. Al-Jazeera - "Can madrassas help developing countries?", 13/03/2014.
  124. Daily SABAH (largest Turkish newspaper) interview - feature story entitled "Türkiye'deki imam hatipler iyi bir rol model", 10 April 2018.
  125. Daily Bonik Barta -Tribute to Prof. Wahiduddin Mahmud, 11 Dec 2014
  126. Daily Bonik Barta - on governance and sustainable development; 31 Dec 2015 
  127. Daily Bonik Barta - on industrialization and women’s development, 10 May 2016
  128. Daily Bonik Barta - child marriage, 28 May 2017.
  129. The Star (Malaysia) interview for R.AGE Newsflash "Income inequality is a symptom of education inequality", 24 October 2018.
  130. Business FM radio (Malaysia) interview – “Capability, not Income”. January 2017
  131. The Edge (Malaysia) interview - feature story entitled "The Growing Wealth Gap: A Fate We Cannot Afford" (weekend magazine cover story), 06/11/2017


Public Policy Lecture for Civil Servants -- “Governance: Who's in Charge?", Department of Public Service, Government of Malaysia. Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN) EXECUTIVE LECTURE SERIES, 25 Aug 2022

Public Policy Lecture for Civil Servants -- "Right Education, Right Skill, Right Job, Right Wages"MPC-MITI (Govt of Malaysia) Joint Webinar, 30 Apr 2021

Public Policy Keynote Lecture - National Conference on Behavioural Insights (BI) 2021, Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC), Govt of Malaysia23 Mar 2021

Training Lectures for mid-level civil servants -- "Economics for Public Policy", Public Service Department (JPA), Govt of MalaysiaOct 2020 → Apr 2021.


Policy lecture (invited) on “Bangladesh's Economic Development: Strategies, Drivers, Opportunities, and Challenges”, 103rd Senior Civil Servants Course (SSC), Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), 18 Oct 2022, Government of Bangladesh.

Policy Lecture (invited) on “Middle Income Trap and State Capacity”, 132th Advanced Course on Administration and Development (ACAD) for Civil Servants, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), 24 Oct 2021, Government of Bangladesh.

Policy Lecture (invited) on "SDGs 4 Education Quality: challenges and way forward", Bangladesh Public Administration Training Academy (BPATC), 4 Nov 2021, Government of Bangladesh.

Policy lecture on (invited) on “Sustaining Growth in the Asian Tiger Economies”, 130th Advanced Course on Administration and Development (ACAD) for Civil Servants, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), 6 Dec 2020, Government of Bangladesh.

Policy lecture on “Inclusive Growth in Malaysia: Lessons for South Asia”, Bangladesh Public Administration and Training Centre (BPATC) Conference - Inclusive Governance and development in South Asia, 20th July 2016, Government of Bangladesh

Policy lecture on “Women’s Participation in the Economy”, Bangladesh Public Administration and Training Centre (BPATC) - Conference on Inclusive Governance and development in South Asia (10th October 2016), Government of Bangladesh

Policy lecture on “Poverty Reduction, Economic Growth, and Human Development in Malaysia”, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGING CHANGE FOR BETTER PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY: SOUTH AND SOUTH-EAST ASIAN EXPERIENCE, 2017-11-05 to 2017-11-06, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Government of Bangladesh


Policy panel discussion on “Leadership, faith-based schools and gender equality” 23 June (moderated by Philippa Lei, Chief Advocacy Officer, the Malala Fund | Co-panellist: H.E David Sengeh, Minister of Education, Sierra Leone), UNESCO Global Monitoring Report.

Policy panel discussion on 'A Better (Re)Start: The Future of Work for Young People', Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and Taiwan-Asia Exchange. Foundation(TAEF) International Conference, November 4.

Policy webinar on Impact of COVID-19 on Women and Girls in Asia and the Pacific. Gender Impact Studies Center (GISC), IMPRI, India, 16 Mar 2021.

Policy speaker (invited ) on “Child Marriage, Cash Transfers and Gender Norms”, WHO-UNICEF forum on “Advancing the evidence base on strategies to end child marriage & support married girls”, 30 September – 2 October 2019, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

Policy lecture (invited) on "The Race Between Technology and Skills", Workshop on the Impact of Education Policies on National Productivity Growth, Manila, The Philippines, Asian Productivity Organization" (APO) (14 Aug 2018)

Policy lecture (invited) on "Technology, Industrial Revolution 4 and Inclusive Growth", Workshop on the Impact of Education Policies on National Productivity Growth, Manila, The Philippines, Asian Productivity Organization" (APO) (16 Aug 2018)

Policy lecture (invited) on "Ending Early Marriage: Lessons from Malaysia and Bangladesh". Workshop on preventing child marriage in Indonesia through birth registration certificate, National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), Government of Indonesia (03 DEC 2018)

Policy lecture on "Ending Global Poverty: The Education Connection", Amnesty South Asia Regional Office (SARO), Colombo, 2 Dec 2019 

Policy lecture on "Methodological Challenges in Human Rights Research",  Amnesty South Asia Regional Office (SARO), Colombo, 3 Dec 2019 


Economics of Education (Madrasa education; learning poverty; education quality)

Economics of Gender (Child marriage; women's empowerment; female labor force participation)

Development Studies (Governance, state capacity, SDGs)