Seminar on "Construction Zone Traffic Safety"

8th July, 2018

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DCEE) of North South University organized a seminar titled: “Construction Zone Traffic Safety” on July 8, 2018 (Sunday) at 9:30am in OAT 601. The keynote speaker of the seminar was Mr. Firoze Shams, PE, PTOE, President of GCS (Global Civil Solutions, LLC), Dallas, Texas, USA. The seminar was chaired by the DCEE Professor Dr. Javed Bari, PE. The faculty members and students of DCEE participated in the seminar.

Mr. Firoze Shams is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) and Professional Transportation Operations Engineer (PTOE) at Texas, USA. His seminar presentation included a detail discussion on the 3-Es (Engineering, Education and Enforcement) related to the traffic safety aspects of road construction zone along with a Case Study of the construction zone traffic safety of the US-290 Highway Project located at Houston, Texas, USA. The seminar had a lively question and answer session followed by the presentation. Prof. Bari was the moderator in that session. Later, Mr. Shams also participated in an open discussion with the students on the scopes and preparation for higher studies in USA.