Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Department of English and Modern Languages

About Us

The Department of English & Modern Languages offers undergraduate as well as graduate programs in English and provides students with the opportunity to develop their understanding of the language and its teaching, to know and appreciate both seminal and creative works in language and literature, and also to develop literary and academic aptitudes of their own. Majors offered by the English department at the undergraduate level are widely recognized. They prepare students to engage in many fields, including graduate degrees in teaching, journalism, information technology, management, law and administration, as well as more language-focused fields like creative writing and translation. The department initially started with general education non-credit English courses like ENG097 and ENG102, and credits courses such as ENG103 and ENG105 for all the departments. The service courses have been revised and redesigned periodically in order to make them more effective and relevant to the needs of students. New courses were also introduced keeping in view the demands and changes taking place in English studies and employment opportunities throughout the world.

The current curriculum followed in the Department of English & Modern Languages in commensurate with some of the most prestigious universities in the United States. With two  international faculty members from the USA both holding doctoral degrees, and with all other faculty members with graduate degrees, including 7 with doctorate degrees, from highly-rated foreign institutions, the department provides an international high-quality platform for its students.

Students in the department are guided to shape their studies in order to reflect their specific interest as they prepare themselves to assume their roles as ethical and intellectual members of society. The department has expanded over the years and continues to pursue its goals and objectives vigorously. The students with specializations in the areas of literature, linguistics, or TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) choose courses based on their requirements and areas of interest. The main focus of both the undergraduate and graduate curricula is to prepare students most effectively to face the challenges of employment and leadership in their fields. With over 40 core faculty members and 19 adjunct faculty members, the favorable teacher-to-student ratio enables the department to be one of the most successful in NSU.

In addition to the academic programs and courses, the department also organizes a variety of activities and workshops, such as the Colloquium and Discourse series of lectures. Both local and international scholars are regularly invited in this platform to deliver their lectures. The department also arranges national and international conferences, for example, the National Conference on Shakespeare held in 2012, to generate research interest in language, literature and related issues among the scholars from and beyond NSU. All these activities, besides the programs and courses, keep the students and faculty members engaged with the contemporary world and thus active. The first international conference of the department titled the River: Flows of Innovation and Exchange in the Global(i)zed English World was held in March 2016.

As NSU embarks upon the move for university-wide accreditation by American institutions, the role of the Department of English and Modern Languages has become an integral part of its academic drive. As a part of this, student learning outcomes and assessments, conducted by the faculty members, are consistently applied to gauge progress and uphold the highest institutional standard. This ongoing process is a demonstration of the department’s commitment to attaining the highest standards in academic excellence.


Dr. Nazia Manzoor,
Assistant Professor and Chair
Department of English and Modern Languages
North South University

Mission & Vision

Vision of the Program

The Department of English & Modern Languages (DEML) seeks to prepare competent professionals who will have the ability to integrate and cooperate with all areas of society. Students will be able to master a variety of literary, analytical, pedagogical, and theoretical skills which areessential in English studies. They will also learn how to balance the needs of general education –humanities, social sciences, computer and math skills, and natural sciences- with those of their majors (linguistics, literature, and TESOL).


Mission Of the Program

The mission of the Department of English & Modern Languages (DEML) is to help the students develop the understanding of language, the importance of critical reading and effective writing, and the range and breadth of knowledge in TESOL, linguistics, and literature. Our faculty members are dedicated in producing skilled graduates in diverse fields.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

To Create:

  1. Well- articulate and eloquent speakers
  2. Creative and professional writers
  3. Critical and analytical thinkers
  4. Skilled Researchers

PE1- Expertise: Excel as professionals in English Language and Literature by building upon the reasoning skills and knowledge, team – work abilities, and communication skills acquired through the program.

PE2- Enhancement: Participate in lifelong-learning activities that enhance their professional and personal development through continuing studies including graduate studies, professional trainings and licensure.

PE3- Engagement: Demonstrate globally aware social justice, ethical and leadership role and responsibilities through personal and professional contributions to society.


Program Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

On successful completion of the program the students will:

  1. Demonstrate substantial knowledge of various theories under the three sub-domains of English studies.
  2. Analyze language and literary texts from a variety of philosophical & critical methodologies.
  3. Produce literary works, research papers, and journalistic pieces.
  4. Edit and Review literary works, research papers, and journalistic pieces.
  5. Assess the intersectional nodes of linguistic, literary and language teaching barriers.
  6. Perform and publish research under supervision.
  7. Gain practical training in pedagogy.
  8. Adopt scientific methods to analyze a variety of discourse.


Generic Skills

The program enables the students to develop :

  1. Effective communication skills
  2. A range of writing skills
  3. Interpersonal skills that will aid in teamwork, leadership and networking.
  4. Real life problem- solving skills
  5. Self-management skills
  7. Critical reasoning


Graduate Profile

The graduate profile describes the attributes students should have when they graduate. Our students will graduate from a program in which the opportunities for local and global engagement are a dominant feature of the student experience. The program enables the students to:

  1. Discover more about the world they live in
  2. Appreciate the artistic works of fellow human beings
  3. Develop literary and linguistic aptitudes of their own
  4. Do an interdisciplinary course to get a variegated general education
  5. Acquire specialized knowledge to do research work
  6. Become efficient English Language teachers
  7. Develop critical and analytical skills
  8. Acquire knowledge of skills needed for employment in the media industry
  9. Acquire problem-solving skills existing in the globalized English scenario


These attributes will be reflected in the formal curriculum and tested through academic assessment. Opportunities to develop these qualities will be available to all students through formal and informal learning opportunities.

Admission Requirements

For BA in English program

  • Combined GPA of 8.0 in both SSC and HSC with a minimum GPA 3.5 in each.
  • Minimum average grade point of 2.5 in five subjects in O-level and 2.0 in two subjects in A-level. 

Note: Admission test is waived for candidates with a minimum score of 1200 in SAT (Math + Critical Reading) and TOEFL score of 213 in CBT or 79 in IBT or 5.5 in IELTS.

For MA in English program

  • Four years’ B.A. in English with a CGPA of at least 2.75
  • At least a second class in a three years’ BA in English
  • MA/MS in subjects of liberal arts & social sciences.


For admission queries, please contact:

Ms. Tanjia Azmeen, Officer

Ext: 2021, Email:

Grading Policy


Letter grades indicating the quality of course work completed is interpreted as follows

Numerical Scores

Letter Grade

Grade Points Per Credit

 93 and above

 A Excellent


 90 – 92



 87 – 89



 83 – 86

 B Good


 80 – 82



 77 – 79



 73 – 76

 C Average


 70 – 72



 67 – 69



 60 – 66

 D Poor


 Below 60

 F* Failure



 I** Incomplete



 W** Withdrawal



 R** Retaken


*   Credits for courses with this grade do not apply towards graduation.

** Credits for courses with this grade do not apply towards graduation and they are not accepted in the calculation of the grade point average.

The exact cut off points for assigning letter grades is at the, discretion of individual instructor. The same applies to the assignment of + or - after a letter grade. It is meant to give more flexibility so that shades of performance can be distinguished and rewarded. The + and - has a value of 0.3 grade point. In the Grade sheet please write + or – in letters as well. Ex. B+(plus) or C(plain) etc.

Undergraduate Program

BA in English

Graduate Program

MA in English

About the Journal

Panini: NSU Studies in Language and Literature is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal of the Department of English and Modern Languages, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Panini welcomes scholarly articles in the areas of Literature, Linguistics, TESOL, and Cultural Studies for consideration for publication.

Since the first publication in 2002, the journal has made major contribution to the scholarship in the fields of literature, language, and TESOL. Articles published in the journal have responded to, critiqued, and investigated the current trends in their respective fields.

Issues often have special focus. Previous special issues and sections have included studies in Shakespeare, among others.

The journal appeals to a wide readership that includes academics, students, practitioners, policymakers and the public. It aims to publish one issue per year and is open access. The final published version of every article (or Version of Record) is permanently and freely available online for anyone, anywhere, to read. There are no charges for submitting or processing any manuscript. 

Please click on the link to visit panini webpage:


Faculty publications in 2025

1. Tania Rahman: (Accepted for publication) Review: “The Inner World of Gatekeeping in Scholarly Publication by Pejman Habibie and Anna Kristina Hultgren” (Eds) (2022), Palgrave Macmillan Cham. Pp. XVII, 267, ISBN: 978-3-031-06518-7 (hbk), ISBN: 978-3-031-06521-7 (eBook), Scopus indexed and Q2, 2025.   

2. Tania Rahman: EAP coordinators during changed times at a Bangladeshi university: A Duoethnography Study” Book Chapter, Peer reviewed, 2025 

3. Tania Rahman: Hybridizing assessment strategies in tertiary level English language classes in Bangladesh” Book Chapter, Peer reviewed, 2025

Faculty publications in 2024

1. Dr. Nazia Manzoor: "Jibon O Rajnoitik Bastobota". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 14 February 2024

Link:, accessed 29 February 2024.

2. Dr. Nazia Manzoor: "Abu Ibrahimer Mrittu". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 19 February 2024 

Link:, accessed 29 February 2024.

3. Dr. Nazia Manzoor: Article titled "On Invisibilised Violence" at The Daily Star.


4. Dr. Nazia Manzoor: Journal article: “Politicizing Bare Life: Olaudah Equiano’s Humanity and Political Subjecthood” in Panini, NSU Studies in Language and Literature, vol. 10, 2024.

5. Dr. Shakila Nur: Nur, S., Farzana, A. (2024). “Exploring gender representation in government-mandated English language textbook of class 8 in Bangladesh”. SN Soc Sci, 4 (67). SPRINGER Journal, Peer- reviewed, March 2024.

6. Dr. Shakila Nur: Nur, S. (Book Chapter chapter). “I do not belong here: Language attitude, and identity development among the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh”. Routledge. Book Chapter, 2024.

7. Dr. Shakila Nur: “Social Inclusion, Language Education, and the SDGs: Perspectives from the Rohingya Community in Bangladesh”. In O. Hamid, Sultana, S., & M. Roshid (Eds.). Language and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh: Policies, Practices, and Perceptions (1st ed.). Routledge., Published in December 2024. Book Chapter.


8. Dr. Shakila Nur: Nur, S. (book chapter, under review). “The crossroads of SDG, social inclusion, and language-in-education: A critical reflection on the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh”. Book chapterRoutledge, 2024.


9. Dr. Shakila Nur: Exploring gender representation in government-mandated English language textbook of class 8 in Bangladesh”. Journal article, SN Soc Sci,4(67). SPRINGER , 2024.


10. Dr. Sukanto Roy: Causes for ESL students’ failure in projecting voices in argumentative writing: Instructor and learner perspective”. Scopus-indexed Journal, 2024.

11. Dr. Sukanto Roy: Assignment again! Investigating the psychological perspectives of assignment and assignment deadlines among tertiary-level students” Journal, Peer-reviewed, 2024.

12. Dr. Sukanto Roy: Contrasting the varieties of English in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan in the light of Kachru's three-circle model of English”. Journal, Peer-reviewed, 2024.


13. Dr. Sukanto Roy: The impact of cultural differences in perceiving written corrective feedback”Journal, Panini, Peer-reviewed, 2024

Link if you have:

14. Dr. Sukanto Roy: Code-Switching and code-mixing during speaking among tertiary level learners in BangladeshI. Journal International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, Peer-reviewed, 2024


15. Dr. Sukanto Roy: “Technological impact on tertiary level students’ writing skills in the post-COVID era. ” Journal, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, Peer-reviewed, 2024.


16. Dr. Sukanto Roy: Challenges of teaching English listening skills at the primary level in Bangladesh”. Journal International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, Peer-reviewed, 2024


17. Dr. Sukanto Roy: Roy, S., Pervin, N., & Hasan, K. (2024). “Causes of tertiary students’ failure in projecting voice in academic writing and possible solutions: Instructor and learner perspectives”, International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 23 (11), 113 - 140. Scopus Indexed journal.


18. Nasrin Jebin: “cÖvPxb HwZ‡n¨ bvixÓ (M‡elbv MÖš’) cÖKvwkZ 2024 (Abb¨v cÖKvkbx)|

19. Nasrin Jebin: ÒGayatri Sandhya” is a document of the broken dreams of our people (Research Paper) cÖKvwkZ (The Daily Star).

20. Nasrin Jebin: ÒKwe‡Z¡i m„R‡b Rxebv›`Ó Rvnv½xi bMi wek¦we`¨vj‡qi mvwnZ¨ mvgwqKx‡Z cÖKv‡ki A‡cÿvq|

21. Nasrin Jebin: ÒK_vKvi ˆmq` AvwRRyj nK (wimvP©) kãcvV mvgwqKx †_‡K cÖKvwkZ (gw›Uª‡qj, †KbvM)|

22. Nasrin Pervin: Generative AI in education and research: A systematic mapping review”. Review of Education. Scopus Indexed ( Q1). 2024, Journal Article.


23. Nasrin Pervin: “Generative AI and the Future of Higher Education: A Threat to Academic Integrity or Reformation”? Evidence from Multicultural Perspectives. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 21(1), 21. Scopus Indexed, (Q1, 2024., Journal Article.


24. Nasrin Pervin: “Lifelong Learning Opportunities for Professional Women in Bangladesh: To What Extent Does Patriarchy Act as a Barrier”? (Co-authored with Mahani Mokhtar). International Journal of Lifelong Education, 42(1)., July 2023. Scopus Indexed (Q2). Journal Article.


25. Nasrin Pervin: Implementing Blended Learning Amidst the Pandemic: Insights from Post-Secondary Educators in Bangladesh. Digital Inequalities in Media Education in South Asia Context and Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic”. 2024. Publisher: Routledge. Scopus indexed., Book Chapter.

26. Nasrin Pervin: "Exploring the Feasibility and Implications of Integrating AI in Higher Education Institutions: A Comparative Case Study of Bangladesh and Nigeria" has been published. Peer Reviewed. Book Chapter. 2024.

27. Nasrin Pervin: "Integrating Research, Theory and Knowledge for Professional Development: A Narrative Inquiry" is published in the Journal of NELTA Koshi.

Link 2024. Peer Reviewed., Journal Article. 

28. Nasrin Pervin: My book review titled “Using Generative AI effectively in Higher Education” got published on 31st December, in Asia Pacific Journal of Education by Routledge.  Scopus indexed. Co-authored. Here is the


29. Noora Shamsi Bahar: The Mynah Bird’s Testimony and Other Stories” Book/Anthology of short stories authored by Dr. Shahaduz Zaman and co-translated by V. Ramaswamy and Noora Shamsi Bahar, Book Chapter, The Antonym Collections, 2024 

30. Noora Shamsi Bahar: My translation of Mojaffor Hossain’s short story, titled “A Confession to a Murder” was published in issue 59 of The Bombay Literary Magazine. Short Story Translation, Citation format: Hossain, M. (2024, December 15). A confession to a murder (N. S. Bahar, Trans.). The Bombay Literary Magazine (59). 


31. Tania Rahman: “In-service Teacher Training, Agency and teaching writing in English at a Bangladeshi university: A critical perspective”. Chapter 20 in Gilliland, B., Ene, E., Lee, S.H., Saenkhum, T., and Seloni, L. (Eds.), EFL Writing Teacher Education and Professional Development: Voices from Under-represented Contexts. A*/Q1 ranked, Book chapter, Multilingual Matters, UK, 2024.


32. Tania Rahman: Linguistic landscapes in language and teacher education multilingual teaching and learning inside and beyond the classroom”: edited by Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer, (2023). Singapore: Springer. XIX +  314 pp., Softcover ISBN 978-3-031-22869-8. Hardcover ISBN 978-3-031-22866-7. Book Review, Peer-reviewed,Q1 and Scopus indexed, 2024


33. Tania Rahman: In-service Teacher Training, Agency and teaching writing in English at a Bangladeshi university: A critical perspective”.  Book Chapter, Q1 and peer reviewed, 2024: 

34. Sabeeha Saleque: “Disinvesting and Devaluing the Humanities: The Precipitous Decline of a Liberal Arts Education in the Tertiary Sector”. A journal of the Notre Dame University of Bangladesh, published in November - Critical Insights, Volume III, Issue I, 2024 (ISSN 2790-7872)

35. Sayma Ahmed: Title:Transition from Traditional Pedagogy to Self-Regulated Learning for Lifelong Success”. Research paper, Peer-reviewed, KOTESOL Proceedings 2024 Now Available Online | KoreaTESOL,  November 1, 2024



Conference & Seminars

Discourse: “Bengal Photography’s Reality Quest”

Speaker: Mr. Naeem Mohaiemen

Head of the Photography Concentration, Columbia University, New York

Date: March 15, 2025

Colloquium: “An Afternoor of Writing and Poetry”

Speaker: 1. Amreeta Lethe Chowdhury, Sub-editor, The Daily Star

2. Sayeeda T Ahmad, Former Radio Jockey, Journalist, Poet

Date: February 26, 2025.

International Conference: BELTA-NSU International Conference 2024

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Martin Lamb

Senior Lecturer, TESOL and Academic Lead for Internationalization in the School of Education,

University of Leeds, UK

Plenary Speaker: Prof. David D. Perrodin

English Language Specialist and Journal Manager, Institute of Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Bangkok

Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics for English Language Teaching, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand

Prof Shamsad Mortuza

Professor, University of Dhaka and Director, Office of International Affairs and Director, Centre for China Studies.

Prof. Shaila Sultana

Professor and the Director of the BRAC Institute of Languages, BRAC University

Distinguished Speaker

Mr. David The, Lecturer, Institute of Teacher Education, International Languages Campus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dr. Ikhsanudin

Associate Professor, Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia

Date: December 6 and 7, 2024.

Discourse: “Public Interest Journalism in Bangladesh”.

Speaker: 1. Mr. Tasneem Khalil

Editor-in-Chief, Netra News

  1. Mr. Ikhtisad Ahmed

Managing Editor, Netra News

Date: November 11, 2024

 “Slam Poetry Day”

Venue: AUDI801, NSU

Date: November 4, 2024.

Discourse: “Our Collective Past in Our Present Consciousness and Contemporary Writing”

Speaker: Ms. Iffat Nawaz,

Date: March 12, 2024.

Discourse: "The Gender Politics of Language"

Ms. Firdous Azim

Professor, Department of English, Brac University

Date: September 26, 2023

“3rd International Language League”

Number of Participants: 30,000

Competition starts and ends: 19 December 2021 to 1 April 2022

Date: September/October 2023.


Dr. Gregory Tweedie

Associate Professor, Werkland School of Education

University of Calgary, Canada

Date: 10 May 2023.


Speaker: Sudeep Chakravarti

Associate Professor, South Asian Studies Director, Center for South Asian Studies

University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh

Date: March 12, 2023.

Creative Writing Workshop on “CHARACTER EXPLORATION”


Senior Lecturer

DEML & Fulbright English Language Fellow

Date: March 2, 2023.

Seminar: “Dhaka Lit Fest (DLF) 2023”

NSU, Silver Sponsor

Panellist: 1. Dr. A.Q.M.A. Rahman Bhuiyan

Professor and Chair

Department of English and Modern Languages, NSU

  1. Dr. Deena P Forkan

Professor, Department of English and Modern Languages, NSU

  1. Dr. Nazia Manzoor

Assistant Professor, Department of English and Modern Languages, NSU

  1. Allen Stewart (ELF)

Senior Lecturer, Department of English and Modern Languages, NSU

Date: January 5-8, 2023.

Creative Writing Workshop on “CHARACTER ESTABLISHMENT”


Senior Lecturer

DEML & Fulbright English Language Fellow

Date: December 22, 2022.

International Conference: Titled “Ruptures and Resilience: English Studies in the Now”

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Dana Lynn Driscoll,

Professor of English and Director

Jones White Writing Center, Indianan University of Pennsylvania, USA

Plenary Speaker

Dr. Mohammad A. Quayum, Honorary Professor, Flinders University, South Australia

Dr. Anwar Ahmed, Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia

Prof. A.M.M. Hamidur Rahman, Dean, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Daffodil International University

Dr. Manzoorul Abedin, Associate Professor, University of West London, UK

Distinguished Speaker

Dr. Niaz Zaman, Advisor, Independent University

Dr. Razia Sultana Khan, Advisor, Independent University

Dr. Syed Manzoorul Islam, Professor, ULAB

Dr. Fakrul Alam, Supernumerary Professor, University of Dhaka

Dr. Kaiser Haq, Professor, ULAB

Dr. Shireen Huq, Professor & Former Chairman, NSU

Dr. Deena P Forkan, Professor & Former Chairman, NSU

Date: November 4 & 5, 2022.

Workshop: "Grant Writing"

Speaker: 1. Dr. Mahmuda Sharmin, PhD, University of Memphis

Dr. Md. Nesar Uddin, PhD, University of Memphis

Date: August 10, 2022.

Workshop: “IELTS Training Session”

Dr. Gregory Tweedie, Associate Professor, University of Calgary

Date: July 27, 2022.

Seminar: “Socially Just Educational Measurement: Are Educational Language Tests Measuring Up?”

Dr. Gregory Tweedie, Associate Professor, University of Calgary

Date: July 26, 2022.

Webinar: “Policy Development in TESOL, and Multilingualism: Possibilities for Future Collaboration”

Speaker:1.  Mr. Kashif Raza

Ph.D. in Educational Progress, University of Calgary, Canada

Speaker:2.  Dr. Christine Coombe

Ph.D. in Foreign/Second Language Education, Ohio State University, USA

Speaker:3.  Dr. Dudley Reynolds

Ph.D., Linguistics, Indiana University, USA

Date: April 04, 2022.

“2nd International Language League”

Number of Participants: 30,000

Competition starts and ends: 19 December 2021 to 1 April 2022

Chief Guest: Mr. Muhammad Abdul Mannan, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Planning

Prize-giving ceremony date: April 2, 2022.

Workshop: Women’s Day 2022, “Still I Rise: Expression and Experiences”

Date: March 29, 2022.

Language League 2021 (National & International)

Number of Participants: Around 30,000

Chief Guest: Mr. Muhammad Abdul Mannan, MP, 

Honorable Minister, Ministry of Planning 

Date: 25 March & 1 April 2022.

Seminar: “USA Exchange Program”

Date: March 22, 2022.

Discourse: “Pre-Conference Presentation (Digital Skills and Life-Long Learning)”

Speaker: Dr. Deena Forkan

Ph.D, University of Toledo, USA

Date: March 20, 2022.

Webinar: “The Assemblage of the Dead: Speech, Subjectivity, and Being Human”

Speaker: Assistant Professor, Dr. Nazia Manzoor

Ph.D., University at Albany, State University of New York

Date: March 12, 2022

Webinar Title: “Speech Acts: Learning cross-cultural differences form Literary Works”

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Maya Khemlani David, Honorary Professor, Asia Europe Institute

PhD, University of Malaya

Date: November 27, 2021

Webinar Title: “Furthering the boundaries linguistic landscapes research through translanguaging”

Speaker: Dr. Josh Prada, Assistant Professor, University of Purdue”

PhD in Hispanic Linguistic

Texas Tech University, USA

Date: November 13, 2021

Webinar Title: “Confronting Discourses of Competition in TESOL through BI/Pluri/Multilingual Pedagogies: Ways to Support Local Language Resources of Students in English Classrooms”

Speaker: Mr. Kashif Raza, Lecturer, Qatar University, Qatar

PhD in Educational Research

University of Calgary, Canada

Date: October 23, 2021 

Title: "Religiosity, risk and language: a corpus analysis of Bangladeshi YouTube discourse about COVID-19"

Speaker: Dr. Chris Tang, PhD in Applied Linguistics and Public Health Communication, University of London.

Ms Tania Rahman, Senior Lecturer, North South University

Date: July 24, 2021

Title: "Ideological becoming’: Integrating critical pedagogy in English Language teacher


Speaker: Dr. Prem Phyak, PhD in Second Language Studies, University of Hawaii,

Assistant Professor, Department of English at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Date: July 24, 2021

Discourse Series Webinar: Title: "Post-truth challenges and challenging post-truth: Language educators in Bangladesh"

Speaker: Dr. Obaidul Hamid, Senior Lecturer,

Doctor of Philosophy, University of Queensland, Australia.

Date: June 26, 2021

Webinar: "Book Editing and publishing"

Conducted by Nuzaimul Hoq Xishan, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Worthy Books

Date: April 12, 2021

Webinar: "To Commemorate International Women`s Day 2021"

Speaker: Dr. Tonima Tasnim Ananna, A Bangladeshi astrophysicist

Date: April 10, 2021

Webinar: "How do children go about acquiring and using multiple languages in daily interactions?"

SpeakerDr. Yvonne Tse Crepaldi

PhD in Linguistics, Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

DateMarch 20, 2021

Webinar: "Outcome-based curriculum design and implementation: Problems, Strategies and Implications for English Language Teaching at two private universities in Dhaka, Bangladesh"


  1. 1. Ms Tania Rahman

MA in Applied Linguistics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

MA in Applied Linguistics and ELT, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

  1. 2. Sabreena Ahmed

PhD in TESL, International Islamic University, Malaysia

Date: February 27, 2021

Webinar: "Identity Co-construction in Flirting"

Speaker: Dr. Kadek Ratih Dwi Oktarini

PhD in Humanities, Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

Date: December 5, 2020

Webinar: "What’s Next?"

Higher Studies and Career Opportunity for English Majors

Speaker: Sadi Mohammad Shahnewaz, Sub Editor, Arts & Entertainment, The Daily Star

Shababa Iqbal, Trainee Sub Editor, Arts & Entertainment and Star Youth, The Daily Star

Nusaiba Mirza, Senior Executive, Project & Digital Engagement, Banglalink Digital

Date: November 27, 2020

Topic: “Book Review Writing”


Kazi Akib Bin Asad, Editor-In-Charge, SHOUT

Sarah Anjum Bari, Editor, Daily Star Books

Date: November 25, 2020

Webinar: “Conversation Analysis: On the interdisciplinary of Linguistics, Communication and Medicine”

Speaker: Dr. Lim Ni Eng

PhD, University of California, Los Angeles

Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Date: November 21, 2020

Topic: “Writing a Course Outline”

Date: November 8, 2020

Webinar: “The role of the Sylheti-Bengali diglossia, orality and multilingualism in promoting public health amongst UK Bangladeshis”

Speaker: Dr. Chris Tang

PhD, University of London

Lecturer, University of London

Date: November 7, 2020

Topic: “APA7

Speaker: Rajiv Ashrafi, Lecturer, NSU

Date: November 5, 2020

Webinar: “An Evening with Poet Richard Grove”

Speaker: Richard Marvin Grove

Arts Administration Diploma program, Humber College

Date: October 7, 2020

Webinar“Feedback and Engagement During Online Classes”

Speaker: Ms. Jo Leech


Date: August 22, 2020

Title:  “Closing and Certificate giving ceremony of “UPL-NSU Translation Workshop”


Kamal Abdul Naser Chowdhury

Chief Coordinator of Bangabandhu Centenary Celebration National Implementation Committee

Professor Shamsuzzaman Khan

President, Bangla Academy

Professor Syed Manzoorul Islam

Novelist & Literary Critic

Professor Atiqul Islam

Vice-Chancellor, NSU

Mr. Habibullah Siraji

Director-General, Bangla Academy

Mohiuddin Ahmed

Publisher of Emeritus, UPL

Date: July 25, 2020

Topic: "IQAC External Review"

Date: April 3, 2020

Topic: "Partition Literature & Epar Ganga Opar Ganga-A Creative Statement on Displacement and Violence"

Speaker: Professor Subhoranjan Dasgupta

PhD, Heidelberg University, Germany

Date: November 18, 2019

Language League 2019

Number of Participants: 1948

Chief Guest: Mr. Muhammad Abdul Mannan, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Planning and Dr. Murad Hasan, MP, Honorable State Minister, Ministry of Information

Date: October 18 and 19, 2019

Topic: "An Overview on Educational Technologies in Bangladesh"

Speaker: Dr. Shirin Shafiei Ebrahimi

Postdoctoral Fellow in Education,

University lecturer in English,

School of Education,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Date: August 25, 2019

Topic: "Poetry Reading & Haibun Workshop"

Speaker: Ms. Rochelle Potkar

Fiction Writer & Poet from Mumbai, India

Date: June 24, 2019

Topic: "Research Grant writing, and Quality Assurance"


Dr. Shyam Sharma, Stony Brook University, New York.

Dr. Cynthia Davidson, Stony Brook University, New York.

Ms. Mary Ann Duffy, Stony Brook University, New York.

Date: May 27 & 28, 2019 

Topic: "What NOT to do to improve your reading skills"

Speaker: Dr. Mark Bartholomew

PhD in Economic History, University of Oxford.

M.Ed. in Education Management, University of Sheffield.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (PgDip), University of Cambridge.

Date: April 11, 2019.


“The Place of culture in English Language teaching” the keynote speaker was Ms. Ayesha Kamal,  English language lecturer, Kuwait University.

Held on June 26, 2011, at NAC 620



Emily Dickinson: The Language of Consciousness and the Consciousness of Language

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Masud Mahmood, Professor of English, Chittagong University

September 30th, 2010 (Thursday)



Performing Shakespeare by Mr. Aly Zakir



Moved by Music: A Talk on Traveling with Songs by Moushimi Bhowmik on March 22, 2009 at 4:00 pm.



Literature, Culture and Political Economy, Prof. Anu Mohammad on  July 1, 2008, at seminar room.



Our fifth event in the department colloquium series was held on Thursday, March 27, 2008 at 3:30 p.m. in Self Access Center (2nd Floor, DEML).  Prof. Aminul Islam, Professor of Philosophy, Dhaka University, spoke on Philosophy in Bangladesh, while an open discussion was followed after his talk.


Our fourth event in the department colloquium series was held on Thursday, February 28, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. in Self Access Center (2nd Floor, DEML).  Feroza Begum, the country’s legendary Nazrul-geeti singer and musician, spoke on her experiences of Nazrul’s music as well as her own encounters with him, while an open discussion was followed after her talk.



Our third event—poetry reading—in the department colloquium series was held on Thursday, January 31, 2008, at 3:00 p.m. in Self Access Center (2nd Floor, English Department).  The event featured Sabahat Jahan, Melissa Hussain, Azfar Hussain, and others. Distinguished Poet Muhammad Nurul Huda came as the guest of honor.


Our second event in the department colloquium series was held on Thursday, November 29, 2007, at 3:30 p.m. in Self Access Center (2nd Floor, DEML). M. Harunur Rashid, Professor of DEML, North South University and Chairman, Bangla Academy, spoke on the art of translation as well as his own works of translation, while an open discussion followed his talk. Our country’s leading translators, creative writers, scholars, and academics, among others, attended the colloquium.



The DEML organized the first colloquium series by Mr. Murtaja Baseer on his recent paintings held on July 19, 2007 (Thursday) at 11:00 AM in Self Access Centre.



The Department of English and Modern Languages organized a book launch   Ceremony of Hamayun Ahmed’s  “To the Woods Dark and Deep” translated by Fariha Sultana, a former student of English Department and published jointly by Anyaprokash in collaboration with NSU on Sunday, July 1, 2007, at 4:00 PM in STR300.



Professor Abdul Mannan Syed, Scholar in Residence at NSU gave his first Nazrul Lecture on “Nazrul Islam: 1922
DateSeptember 21st, 2006, Thursday, Time : 4:00 pm
Venue: Star Tower 1102, North South University


Seminar on “Translating Shakespeare”

The DEML organized a Seminar on “Translating Shakespeare” on Saturday, March 6, 2004, at 10:00 AM in the Self-Access Center.

Dr Selim Sarwar, Associate Professor, and Mr Abdus Selim, Assistant Professor of DEML, North South University, presented papers.




Faculty Information


Name of the faculty member with specialization in TESOL

Dr. Mohammad Shamsuzzaman
Ph.D. in College of Education, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Dr. Sukanto Roy
Ph.D. in Composition & TESOL, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA

Dr. Shakila Nur
Ph.D. in TESOL, University of Tasmania, Australia

Dr. Shapla Perveen
Ph.D. in ESL, International Islamic University, Malaysia

Ms. Nasreen Rahman
MA in TESOL, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA

Ms. Sakiba Ferdousy
MA in TESOL, University of Nottingham, UK

Ms. Sabeeha Saleque 
TESL,  University of Guelph, Canada,CELTA, University of Cambridge

Ms. Nausheen Saba Siraj   
MEd in TESOL, University of Sydney, Australia

Ms. Shahneela Tasmin Sharmi (On leave)
MA in TESOL, University of Nottingham, UK

Ms. Ashrafun Nahar
MA in TESOL, University of Huddersfield, UK

Ms. Tamoha Binte Siddiqui

M.A. (TESOL), Michigan State University, USA

Ms. Sarah Asefa Zama

M.A. in ELT, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Mr. Tareq Arafat

M.A. in English (TESOL), NSU


Name of the faculty member with specialization in Linguistics

Mr. Mohammed Shahedul Haque
MA in English Linguistics, University of Central England, UK

Ms. Farzana Mohsin  
MA in Applied Linguistics, University of Bedfordshire, UK

Ms. Nasrin Pervin 
MA in Linguistics, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Ms. Musharrat Hossain 
MA in English (TESL & Linguistics), Oklahoma State University, USA

Ms. Nasreen Sultana Rahman 
M.Phil. in English Language, University of Oslo, Norway

Ms. Sameya Priom (On leave)
MA in Psycholinguistics, University of York, UK

Mr. Mehedi Hasan 
MA in Applied Linguistics, University of Birmingham, UK

Ms. Tania Rahman 
MA in Applied Linguistics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Ms. Poroma Subha Mostafiz  
Master of Science in Linguistics - University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom


Name of the faculty members with specialization in Literature

Dr. AQMA Rahman Bhuiyan
Ph.D. in English Literature, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India

Dr. Halimur Rashid Khan

Ph.D. in Russian Slavic Literature, University of Michigan

Dr. Nazia Manzoor
Ph.D. in English, University at Albany, State University of New York, USA

Dr. Samira Aziz  
MA in Contemporary Literature and Culture, University of Manchester, UK 

Mr. Shafquat Chaudhuri 
MA in English, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA

Mr. Shakhaowat Hossain
MA in British Literature and Cultural Studies, University of Regensburg, Germany

Ms Noora Shamsi Bahar 
M.A. in English, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Mr. Saleheen S Ahmed
MA in English Literary Studies, University of Exeter, UK

Mr. Naveed Islam (On leave)
MA in Creative Writing, Columbia University, USA

Ms. Sumaiya Tasneem Haque
MA in Post Colonial Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Leeds, UK

Mr. Atanu Bhuiyan 
MA in English Literary Studies, University of York, UK

Mr. Sheikh Zobaer (On leave)
MA in English Literature, University of Surrey, UK

Ms. Khadiza Naznin Huda
MA in English Literature, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Ms. Farhana Islam Tani

MFA (Literature), Cranbrook Academy of Art, USA

Mr. Labib Mahmud

M.A. Postcolonial Studies (Literature), SOAS, University of London

Ms. Rumaisa Nasim Jumana

M.A. in English (Literature), The City College of New York, USA

Ms. Syeda Maisha Ali

M.A. (Literature), Deakin University, Australia

Ms. Moonsharin Ahmed

M.A. (Literature), Concordia University, Canada

Ms. Nafisa Afsara Chowdhury

M.A. (Literature), McMaster University, Canada

Ms. Munira Nasreen Khan

PG.CE.( Literature), Institute of Education, University of London, UK

Ms. Sayma Ahmed

M.A. in English (Literature), Rajshahi University, Bangladesh


Chair's Message

The Department of English & Modern Languages offers graduate and undergraduate programs in English which give students an opportunity to know and appreciate the science of language as well as the literary works of English and to develop literary and linguistic aptitudes of their own.

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) and the Master of Arts (MA) programs in English are divided into three lines of specialization: TESOL, Linguistics, and Literature. The degrees are recommended for students interested in a strong background in the humanities with a concentration on language and literature. The degrees also enable the graduate to pursue careers in the academic as well as the non-academic world.

The freshmen and the sophomores get an opportunity to do interdisciplinary courses to enable themselves to get a wide range of general education. By the third year, they have an option to major in one or two of the above mentioned three streams i.e. Linguistics, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language (TESOL), and Literature. Thus, they not only get a variety of options to choose from, but also equip themselves with essential skills in specialized areas. Currently, almost 85% of the undergraduate students are majoring in linguistics in DEML, while nearly 95% of the graduate students opted for TESOL.

The department includes faculty members who have a broad range of professional competence in literature and language, and who are trained to teach courses in language study, linguistics, translation, world cultures, world literature and teaching English as a foreign language.

The department also offers a number of foreign language courses for the students of the university as well as for people from outside NSU. Since Spring 2013, the department has offered language development and proficiency programs in the form of intensive courses in seven widely used international languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Arabic, and Bangla). 

In addition to the foreign language courses, the department also organizes a variety of activities such as the Spectrum Seminars (seminar series), Discourse I and II (lecture series), and language workshops to raise language awareness and generate research interest in language and related issues among the students as well as the faculty members of NSU.


Dr. Nazia Manzoor

Assistant Professor and Chair

Ph.D., University at Albany, State University of New York, USA 

Staff members

Department of English & Modern Languages

Ms. Shireen Akhter Ruby 

Sr. Administrative Officer
Ext.: 2020

Masum Hossain

Sr. Officer
Ext.: 2012

Ms. Tanjia Azmeen

Ext.: 2021

Mr. Joynal Abedin

Ext.: 6145

Departmental Certification Courses

Departmental Certification Courses

Certificate in English Proficiency (CEP)

The following short courses are offered three times a year 

Class Schedule: Every Friday from 9 am to 12 pm

Course fee: 9,000/= taka


Certificate in Japanese Proficiency (CJP) 

Beginner and Intermediate level

Class Schedule for Beginner level: Every Friday from 9 am to 12 pm

Class Schedule for Intermediate level: Every Friday from 3 pm to 6 pm

Course fee for each level: 9,000/= taka 


Collaboration courses

The department has offered German language in collaboration with Goethe institut and French language in collaboration with Alliance française in the past.


For more information, please contact: Mr. Joynal Abedin, Officer, Department of English and Modern Languages

                                                             Extension: 6145, Email:



National & International Collaboration

  1. University Press Limited (UPL)
  2. Goethe-Institut, Bangladesh
  3. Stony Brook University, State University of New York, USA
  4. Yunnan University, China
  5. Communication University of China
  6. Link Staff Co., Ltd
  7. Alliance Française de Dhaka
  8. Sapienza University of Rome, Italy


Research Tools

DEML Research Committee

The DEML Research Committee was established in December 2020 with a clear vision and commitment to improving research output within the DEML

DEML Research Committee Members:

Sakiba Ferdousy, Senior Lecturer, DEML, NSU

Most. Rumana Aktar, Lecturer, DEML.

Ms. Rumaisa Nasim Jumana, Lecturer, DEML


Research Committee’s General Objectives

  1. Fostering a Conducive Research Environment
    • Create a nurturing and supportive environment for faculty members to engage in quality research and publications.
    • Encourage a culture of continuous learning and development, where research is considered integral to professional growth.
  2. Encouraging Active Participation in Research Projects
    • Inspire faculty members to take active roles in both major and minor research projects, either individually or collaboratively.
    • Facilitate and promote interdisciplinary research opportunities to broaden the scope and impact of faculty contributions.
  3. Promoting Conference, Seminar, and Workshop Participation
    • Motivate and guide faculty members to actively participate and present their work in national and international conferences, seminars, and workshops.
    • Support faculty in networking with global research communities to enhance their academic profiles.
  4. Guiding Faculty on Research Publication
    • Provide mentorship and resources to help faculty members publish their research in high-impact, peer-reviewed journals.
    • Offer workshops and training on academic writing, research methodologies, and the submission process to renowned journals.
  5. Developing Research Skills and Knowledge
    • Organize professional development opportunities such as workshops, webinars, and training sessions on various research tools, techniques, and trends.
    • Equip faculty members with advanced research methodologies, data analysis skills, and other essential tools to conduct high-quality research.
  6. Promoting Collaboration within and Beyond the Department
    • Encourage collaboration within the department, and also with other academic institutions, research organizations, and industry professionals.
    • Foster partnerships with other universities and research centers to open new avenues for collaborative research.
  7. Ensuring Alignment with National and International Research Trends
    • Keep faculty members informed about emerging research trends and global academic developments in their respective fields.
    • Align the department’s research agenda with national priorities and global research goals to contribute to significant societal impacts.
  8. Supporting Faculty in Securing Research Funding
    • Provide guidance on identifying funding opportunities, writing grant proposals, and applying for research grants to support ongoing and new projects.
    • Assist faculty in navigating the competitive funding landscape for research.
  9. Building Research Excellence and Impact
    • Promote research that has a tangible, real-world impact, encouraging work that contributes to social, economic, and cultural development.
    • Regularly assess the quality and quantity of research output from faculty members to ensure continual improvement and scholarly recognition.
  10. Creating a Research Archive and Database
    • Establish a centralized repository to track and showcase all research activities, publications, and academic contributions of the faculty members.
    • Develop an accessible database of ongoing research projects, which faculty members can consult to explore potential areas for collaboration.

The Research Committee’s Five-Year Journey (2021 – Present)

  1. Regular Meetings and Collaboration
    Over the past five years, the Research Committee has held more than twenty online and offline meetings, providing consistent opportunities for faculty members to engage in discussions, share insights, and collaborate on research initiatives.
  2. Seminars and Workshops
    The committee have organized seminars and workshops at least once each semester, offering faculty members valuable platforms for learning, knowledge exchange, and skill-building in research and publication.
  3. Supporting Conference Participation
    The committee has played a pivotal role in assisting faculty members in participating in national and international conferences. This support has spanned the entire research process, from conceptualization and preparation to submission and presentation.
  4. Fostering a Collaborative Research Environment
    The Research Committee has served as a dynamic platform where faculty members can share their ongoing research projects. These sessions provide constructive feedback and promote a culture of peer review and academic support, helping to refine research and enhance publication quality.
  5. Encouraging the Formation of 'Research Buddies'
    The committee inspired faculty members to establish a ‘research buddies’ system, where experienced researchers mentor and collaborate with newer faculty members. This initiative fosters a supportive environment, encouraging novice researchers to embark on their academic journey and guiding them toward successful research and publication.


Workshops and Seminars organized by DEML Research Committee

1. Date: May 20, 2023

Resource person: Dr. Sukanto Roy

Title: “How to Conduct an Empirical Study and Publish in a Standard Peer Reviewed Journals”

2. Date: May 25, 2023

Resource person: Dr. Sukanto Roy

Title: "How to Write Proposals for International Conferences"

3. Date: November 9, 2023

Resource person: Dr. Nazia Manzoor

Title: "Research Paper writing and Publication: Literature and Cultural Studies"

4. Date: 6 June 2024

Resource person: Nasrin Pervin

Title: "Transforming Ideas into Action: Developing a Research Proposal for a Social change"

5. Date: January 30, 2025

Resource person: Nasrin Pervin

Title: "AI in Higher Education: Ethical Engagement Through Action"

Paper Presentation

Conference Paper Presentation in 2024

1. Dr. Sukanto Roy: Roy, S. (November 29, 2024). “Exploring the Causes of Tertiary Students’ Failure in Taking a Side in Argumentative Writing and Possible Solutions”. Language Metamorphosis: Implications for Language Education in Decolonial Contexts (LMLEDC), BRAC Institute of Languages, BRAC University, November 2024.

2. Dr. Samira Aziz: Title: “The flower arrangements of history!” Empathy and Witnessing in George Saunders’ Lincoln in the Bardo” BELTA-NSU International Conference 2024.

3. Nasrin Pervin: Title: “Exploring AI Integration in Higher Education: Insights from Bangladeshi Private Universities on Digital Spaces and Language Education' at the International Conference on “Language Metamorphosis: Implications for Language Education in Deconial Contexts," held at Brac University. (Local) Presented paper on 29th November

4. Ms. Nasrin Pervin: Title: “To What Extent Can Integrating Research, Theory, and Knowledge Foster Professional Development?” BELTA-NSU International Conference 2024.

5. Tania Rahman: Title: “An integrated model of language policy and planning for linguistic minorities in Bangladesh” Session - ReN 12: Language Policy Research Network (Hybrid), at the 61st AILA World Congress (21st Congress) 2024 held on 16thAugust, 2024, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

6. Tania Rahman: Title: “Collective forgetting of linguistic minorities in national identity construction in Bangladeshi language policies”Primary Strand: Language Planning and Policy (LPP), Secondary Strand: Language and Ideology (LID), at the AAAL 2024 Conference held on 19thMarch, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Houston in Houston, Texas, USA.

7. Tania Rahman: Title: “Cultural responses to hybrid assessments in Bangladeshi English language classes”2024 ELTSociety Annual Virtual Conference “Language Testing and Assessment: What is the Future?

8. Sabeeha Saleque: Title: “Disinvesting and Devaluing the Humanities: The Precipitous Decline of a Liberal Arts Education in the Tertiary Sector.". A journal of the Notre Dame University of Bangladesh, published in November: Critical Insights, Volume III, Issue I, 2024 (ISSN 2790-7872)

9. Sabeeha Saleque: Title: “Emerging Pedagogies: Facilitating Nation Building through English Studies in the Global South”. At the BRAC University International Conference, “Language Metamorphosis: Implications for Language Education in Decolonial Contexts (LMLEDC)," held by on 29th November, 2024.

10. Ms. Sabeeha Saleque: Title: “AI Knowledge Production and its Impact on Student Agency.". BELTA-NSU International Conference 2024.

11. Ashrafun Nahar: Title:“The Use of AI Writing Tools by Students in Academic Writing: EFL Teachers’ Perspectives” The 16th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2024),Venue & Location: Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan, Tuesday, November 25, 2024 to Friday, November 29, 2024.

12. Sayma Ahmed: Title: “Decolonizing English Language Pedagogy by Adopting a Postmethod Framework to Empower Bangladeshi Educators and Learners”. Conference: 22nd Asia TEFL International Conference, Venue: Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Chiang Rai, Thailand, Date: November 15-17, 2024

13. Ms. Sakiba Ferdousy: Title: “The Influence of Peer Relationships on Academic Achievement in Higher Education: A Social Capital Theory Perspective” BELTA-NSU International Conference 2024.

14. Ms. Nafisa Afsara Chowdhury: Title: ”Unsettling English Language’s Colonial Paradigm & Re-conceptualizing Climate Change: Robin Wall Kimmerer’s “Grammar of Animacy” BELTA-NSU International Conference 2024.

15. Most. Rumana Aktar: Title: “Bangla Language Processing Tools: Some Anomalies of four selected BLP Applications”. BELTA-NSU International Conference 2024.

16. Md Mehedi Hasan, Nausheen Saba Siraj, Munira Nasreen Khan, Nasrin Pervin, and Munira Nasreen Khan: Title: “Digital Journalism and the Bangladesh Crisis: Addressing Misinformation and Media Challenges". BELTA-NSU International Conference 2024.

17. Ms. Farzana Mohsin: Title: “A Workshop on Enhancing Reading Skills Through the Use of Social Media”. BELTA-NSU International Conference 2024 Paper presentation.