Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Department of Law

About Us

The Department of Law at North South University strives to produce the next generation of Bangladesh’s most influential lawyers, judges, scholars, and activists.

The Department has currently two programs, namely, Bachelor of Laws (LL.B Honors) and Master of Laws (LL.M) in International Commerial Law. The Department of Law, however, is about much more than just learning the letter of the law. Great emphasis is placed on developing the students’ ability to analyze laws, develop an argument, communicate clearly, work as a team, and learn independently. Students are also taught to think critically about the current workings of the justice system and identify potential areas for reform.

Anyone interested in learning more about the Department is invited to send an E-Mail:

To the Officer, Department of Law at (regarding the LL.B. program)


To the Assistant Director, Department of Law at (regarding the LL.M. Program).



Chair's Message

On behalf of my esteemed colleagues and dear students, let me extend a warm welcome from the Department of Law, North South University. We appreciate that you have taken the time to know more about us.

The Department of Law is fairly new, but it has a very strong foundation.  Our students are passionate and academically curious, all of our faculty members are legal experts who are dedicated to research and teaching excellence, and we are beginning to forge relationships with some of the most influential lawyers and institutions in Bangladesh.

The main goal of the Department of Law is to provide a Common Law based legal education to the students with a view to producing the best lawyers, judges, academics, and policymakers who would be able to attain the leading positions in their respective sectors at home and abroad and serve the humanity.  To us, this means that our students would not just be well versed in the laws of Bangladesh, but also become critical thinkers who would pioneer the development and implementation of innovative, efficient, and just initiatives nationally and internationally. 

As we grow, we hope to continue to attract the best and brightest students, build an unparalleled faculty, and partner with brilliant legal scholars and practitioners in Bangladesh and around the world.




Vision of the Department

The ever-growing tendencies toward centralization of power in state governments still prevail at the conflict-ridden world. A principal ideology sustaining the nation-state system leads us to perceive a pattern of global social process to protect the individual and national interests. An increasing awareness of the frequency of interactions and communications among people around the globe apparently leads to a homogenization of life patterns, which potentially encourages a rising demand around the globe for a wider participation in framing and sharing of legal and ethical values. The Department of Law offers the undergraduate and post-graduate degrees in law for the dissemination of knowledge for the sake of knowledge alone, and never trends to limit the change of idea, philosophy, jurisprudence and interpretation of laws. The Department is involved in applying a policy of law through wide engagement of its participants in the process of enlightenment and wishes to serve the fundamental goals to which the students are committed as a responsible citizen of the larger community of mankind. The Department expects to be recognized as an effec­tive, proactive and respected center of knowledge creation and dissemination promoting, fostering, and advancing more sustainable human community.


Mission of the Department

The Department’s goal is to provide a common law based legal education to the students with a view to producing the best lawyers, judges, and academics who will be able to attain the leading positions in their respective sectors at home and abroad. Students will not just be well versed in the laws of Bangladesh but also critical thinkers who will pioneer the development and implementation of innovative, efficient, and just initiatives nationally and internationally. The Department is equipped with legal experts who are dedicated to research and teaching excellence and provides the best possible learning and practical experience. The Department aspires to serve the citizens of Bangladesh by assisting the legal profession and improving the administration of justice. The Department has modern technology offering the regular court visits, real engagement in the trial of a case, access to journals, law clinic, mooting society and students clubs. The Department opens its doors to entertain the diverse community from different parts of the world to fulfill its mission.

Bachelor of Laws (LL.B Honors) Program

The Bachelor of Laws (LL.B Honors) program at NSU Department of Law is a full-time, four-year academic journey designed to produce the next generation of Bangladesh’s most influential lawyers, judges, scholars and activists. The programme is also an excellent grounding for many other careers, including politics, policy and government work, as it will provide students with a range of useful oratory, academic and professional skills. The key aim of the Department is to provide international standard legal education that will prepare students for a national, regional and global practice of law in both the public and private fields. The LL.B programme includes study of not only the practical elements of Bangladesh legal system, but also the theoretical and normative perspectives that undergird it, along with the comparison of other common law legal systems around the world.

The Department of Law has a very dedicated team of faculty members including the external experts who are always employing their best efforts to regularly update the curriculum. The details of the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B Honors) curricula are linked below:

LL.B (Honors) - 251 Curriculum

LL.B (Honors)- 153 Curriculum




 Admission information

                                                                   Apply for Admission

Master of Laws (LL.M) Program

The Master of Laws (LL.M) program is developed to integrate national and global perspectives on aspects of corporate, international law and other varied areas of law and emphasizes on a transnational and comparative approach to research. The program aims to equip students with skills for global research enabling them to adapt, innovate and apply their knowledge to international legal issues. The objectives of the LL.M program are based on the vision of North South University in imparting globalised legal education with a view of producing world class professionals and academics in the legal arena. The details of the Master of Laws (LL.M) curriculum is linked below:


Master of Laws (LL.M)

Apply for LL.M


Admission Test Syllabus


Question Format (Written Test)

Career Prospects

It is our great pleasure to introduce the youngest Department of North South University, Department of Law which is filled with outstanding students and faculty members. We acknowledge the role played by the law in creating a society as a means to achieving justice for all. We aim to produce LL.B. graduates with a firm knowledge and understanding of the relevant legal principles so that they can contribute to a wide range of contexts such as legal services, local government, politics, policy, the civil service, business, management and administration. In the increasingly competitive environment of worldwide access to higher education, the Department continues to offer a guarantee of quality, value and intellectual rigor to ensure social justice.

The Department of Law at North South University is a center for learning, research, creative teaching and systematic instruction as well as guidance for the students. So the goal of the Department is to educate students who are employable in a variety of legal settings and can contribute to the development of justice. To achieve this goal we provide students with a rigorous program of legal education so that they are committed to the rule of law, equity, justice, fairness and high ethical standards; to acquire and improve professional skills, to represent clients without fear or favour, to promote equality of opportunity and to provide an exceptional legal service. The Department encourages students to become leaders in improving the administration of justice and to incorporate public service as an integral component of their legal careers as well as to contribute to the development of the law and the improvement of legal education through scholarly and other professional activities.

Studying law at NSU Law Department goes beyond lectures, papers and exams. The Department of Law conducts LL.B. (Hons.) program throughout the academic year with distinguished faculty members and experts. The Law Department is committed to offering different courses throughout the 12th semester, to qualify graduates adequately for various competitive examinations including those conducted by the Bar Council and Judicial Service Commission. The students are expected to serve the nation by contributing to a host of legal professions particularly in judicial, legal and administrative services; financial and commercial institutions; research and policy making areas; and public and international organizations.

The learning objectives of the Department include:

    • To understand the Bangladeshi legal system and lawyers' principal roles in that system.
    • To read, understand and use cases to construct legal arguments.
    • To read, understand and use statutes and other enacted rules to solve legal problems or construct legal arguments.
    • To predict the probable judicial resolution of simulated legal disputes.
    • To write a memorandum predicting the probable judicial resolution of a simulated legal dispute in a form that conforms to basic professional conventions regarding analytic support, organization and style.
    • To conduct basic legal research.
    • To recognize excellent writing in and about law, and to learn techniques for improving one’s own writing.
    • To learn techniques for time-management, self-reflection and collaboration to support ongoing acquisition of information and skills necessary for successful academic study and professional practice.
    • To learn techniques of persuasive written advocacy.

In addition to the above curriculum, the department oversees a ‘Law and Mooting Society’ for developing advocacy skills and promoting mooting activities among the law students at the University. The activities of the society include the following: training/workshops on advocacy and mooting; lecture series delivered by advocacy experts; training sessions for moot teams participating in different mooting competitions; programs enhancing legal research skills for its members and so on.

Career prospects of NSU law graduates:

A law degree is a gateway to a career as an advocate or judge at lower judiciary, but it is not the only path that a student can choose; there are many options beyond the legal profession that are available for the graduates. Jobs related to the LL.B. (Honors) degree include:

-          Practicing civil and criminal law both at lower and higher judiciary.

-          Judicial Service.

-          Academic research and teaching.

-          Paralegal

-          Legal Analyst and Advisor.

-          Compliance Specialist.

-          Negotiation, Mediator, Arbitrator and Conflict Resolution specialist.

-          Job at UN organizations like UNHCR, UNDP, UNEP, WFP, UNICEF, UNESCO, ILO.

-          Development Agencies.

The knowledge a student will gain in studying law at North South University will no doubt be useful, at least for a time, but the real value of studying law is the development of an analytical and sometimes imaginative approach to problem solving, critical thinking and self-discipline. This will far outlast any knowledge and provide you with a strong foundation for many careers worldwide.


For detials information regarding undergraduate (LL.B Hons) admission requirements CLICK HERE.

For detials information regarding graduate (LL.M) admission requirements CLICK HERE.

Faculty Publications
  • Book

    Economic Integration in South Asia: Charting a Legal Roadmap (Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012), pp. xxx+336.


    ‘Bangladesh’ in International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Intellectual Property, edited by Hendrik Vanhees, Alphen aan den Rijn, NL: Kluwer Law International

  • Book Chapters

    • ‘Promoting Intra-regional Trade in South Asia through Trade Facilitation Measures under the Auspices of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation’ in Jiaxiang Hu & Matthias Vanhullebusch, (eds), Regional Cooperation and Free Trade Agreements in Asia (Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2014) (invited contribution) 270-300


    • ‘Barriers to Trade in Goods and Services’ in Indira Karr, Shawkat Alam, and Md. Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan (eds), International Trade Law and the WTO (Sydney: Federation Press, 2013) 147-165 (with Shawkat Alam).


    Refereed Journal Articles

    • ‘Judges as Legislators: Benevolent Exercise of Powers by the Higher Judiciary in Bangladesh with Not So Benevolent Consequences’ (2016) 16 (2) Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 219-234


    • ‘The Scope for Trade Restrictions to Address the Lack of Compliance with Fire Safety Standards in Garment Factories of Bangladesh’ (2015) 49(1) Journal of World Trade 153-172 (with Naimul Muquim)


    • The Australia India Proposed Free Trade Agreement and Trade in Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges, (2013) 14(1) Journal of World Investment and Trade 167-197 (with Shawkat Alam and Pundarik Mukhopadhya)


    • The Application of the Law of Criminal Defamation to Inflammatory Comments Made on Social Networking Sites: A New Role for an Old Law? (2012) 36(1) Criminal Law Journal 38-49 (With Niloufer Selvadurai)


    • An Appraisal of the South Asian Free Trade Agreement and Its Consistency with the WTO Rules on Preferential Trade Agreements (2010) 44(6) Journal of World Trade 1187-1206


    • A Diagnosis of the Crawling Trade Liberalisation under the Auspices of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (2010) 11(2) Journal of World Investment & Trade 293-308


    • The Proposed Australia-China FTA: Protectionism over Complementarity? (2010) 37 (3) Legal Issues of Economic Integration 203-219 (with M. Rafiqul Islam)


    • The Expanding Ambit of Telecommunications Interception and Access Laws: The Need to Safeguard Privacy Interests (2010) 15(3) Media and Arts Law Review 378-390 (with Niloufer Selvadurai)


    • The Reproduction and Communication of Internet Materials by Educational Institutions: The Need for Clarity and Certainty (2010) 21(1) Australian Intellectual Property Journal 31-41 (with Niloufer Selvadurai)


    • Identity Theft: Aligning Law and Evolving Technologies (2010) 34(1) Criminal Law Journal 33-47 (with Niloufer Selvadurai and Peter Gillies)


    • Is the Doomsday of International Law Looming around in the Twenty First Century?: A Response to the Sceptics of Efficacy of International Law (2009) 78(3) Nordic Journal of International Law 293-308


    • The Global Food Crisis and Lacklustre Agricultural Trade Liberalisation: Demystifying their Nexus Underpinning Reform (2009) 10(5) Journal of World Investment & Trade 679-697 (with M. Rafiqul Islam)


    • Unauthorised Access to Wireless Local Area Networks: The Limitations of the Present Australian Laws (2009) 25(6) Computer Law & Security Review 536-542 (with Niloufer Selvadurai and Peter Gillies)


    • Should Singapore Follow the EU in Creating Sui Generis Protection for Databases? (2009) 4(9) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 665-672


    • Preferential Trade Agreements and the Scope of GATT Article XXIV, GATS Article V and the Enabling Clause: An Appraisal of GATT/WTO Jurisprudence (2009) 56(1) Netherlands International Law Review 1-34 (with Shawkat Alam)


    • Maintaining an Effective Legislative Framework for Telecommunication Interception in Australia (2009) 33(1) Criminal Law Journal 34-44 (with Niloufer Selvadurai and Peter Gillies)


    • The Bandwagon of Preferential Agreements: Why Should South Asia Join Them More Aggressively? (2009) 2(3) International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry 294-308


    • Hark! Are PTAs Swallowing up the WTO and Global Economic Welfare? : A Legal and Political Economy Critique of PTAs (2008) 12 Singapore Year Book of International Law 133-149


    • South Asian Free Trade Agreement and the Possibility of Regional Integration within the SAARC: A Historical, Legal and Economic Analysis, Asian Journal of Comparative Law: Vol. 2: Iss. 1, Article 7


  • Book Reviews

    • Review of The WTO and Trade in Services edited by Bernard Hoekman (2013) 3(2) Asian Journal of International Law 426-427


    • Review of Blame It on the WTO?: A Human Rights Critique by Sarah Joseph (2013) 47(4) Journal of World Trade 951-956


    • Review of Sustainable Development and Free Trade: Institutional Approaches by Shawkat Alam (2009) 9(2) International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 191-194


    • Review of Protection of Regulatory Data under Article 39.3 of TRIPs: The Indian Context by Shamnad Basheer (2008) 3(2) Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 140-141
Certificate Course on Legal Research


The Department of Law, North South University, successfully concludes the Certificate Course on Legal Research through a Valedictory and Certificate Giving Ceremony today, on 23rd December 2022 in the Moot Court Room. Professor Norman Swazo, Director, Office of Research, NSU; Professor Md. Rizwanul Islam, Chair, NSU Law; Dr. Ishtiaque Ahmed, Associate Professor, NSU Law; and Mr. Nafiz Ahmed, Lecturer, NSU Law, were present at the Ceremony.


One of the invited facilitators of the Legal Research Certificate Course organized by the Department of Law, North South University, Professor Dr Shima Zaman, Dean, Department of Law, Dhaka University, conducted a session on IP Issues in Legal Research' on 15th December 2022 in the Moot Court Room. We are grateful for her valued presence and excellent presentation.


One of the invited facilitators of the Legal Research Certificate Course organized by the Department of Law, North South University, Professor Dr Rumana Islam, Department of Law, University of Dhaka and Member, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission, conducted a session on 'Reading Scholarly Works and Writing a Literature Review' today, 18 November 2022 in the Moot Court Room. We are grateful for her valued presence and excellent presentation.


One of the invited facilitators of the Legal Research Certificate Course organized by the Department of Law, North South University, Professor Dr Sarkar Ali Akkas, Chairman, Department of Law & Dean, Faculty of Law, Jagannath University, conducted a session on "Reading the Constitution and National Legislation" today, 4th November 2022 in the Moot Court Room. We are grateful for his valued presence and excellent presentation.


One of the invited facilitators of the Legal Research Certificate Course organized by the Department of Law, North South University, Professor Kathleen Claussen, Professor of Miami School of Law, conducted a session on 'Publication of Works in Law Journals' today, 21st October 2022, via Zoom. We thank her for her valued presence and outstanding presentation.


The Department of Law, North South University inaugurated the Certificate Course on Legal Research on Friday, 14 October 2022. Dr. Md. Rizwanul Islam, Professor and Chair; Md. Rajab Ali, Senior Lecturer and Nafiz Ahmed, Lecturer from the Department of Law, North South University attended the course inauguration alongside the enrolled students, in the Moot Court Room (NAC 616) of North South University. Subsequently, Professor Rizwan took the first class of the course.


Fatama Islam Keya
Officer, Department of Law
Tel: +880-2-55668200 Ext- 2150
Room: NAC 11119

Mobashera Jahan

Assistant Director, Department of Law

Tel: +880-2-55668200 Ext- 6365


Room: NAC 11122

Ishrat Kabir Annya

Officer, Department of Law

Tel: +880-2-55668200 Ext-6363


Room: NAC 11121

Office Hours

Office Hours of Full-Time Faculty Members- Spring 2018


Faculty Details

Office Hours

Class Hours







Class Room



Name: Dr. Abu Noman Mohammad Atahar Ali

Rank: Assistant Professor & Chairman

Initial: NMA

Office: NAC 617









NAC 412

LLM 501


W- (07:00pm-10:10pm)

NAC 313

BUS 518



NAC 990



Name: Dr. Md. Rizwanul islam

Rank: Associate Professor

Initial: MRI3

Office: NAC 622







(Only Thursday)


(Only Saturday)






ST- (01:00pm-02:30pm)




ST- (04:20pm-05:50pm)




RA- (01:00pm-02:30pm)








S- (07:00pm-10:10pm)





Name: Md. Rajab Ali

Rank: Senior Lecturer

Initial: RJI

Office: NAC 609





(Only Saturday)



MW- (08:00am-09:30am)

NAC 315



MW- (09:40am-11:10am)




MW- (11:20am-12:50pm)




RA- (08:00am-09:30am)

NAC 315




Name: Arafat Hosen Khan

Rank: Lecturer

Initial: KAH

Office: NAC 608



(Only Monday)









RA- (08:00am-09:30am)

NAC 403



RA- (09:40am-11:10am)

NAC 313



RA- (01:00pm-02:30pm)

NAC 315



MW- (08:00am-09:30am)

NAC 412



RA- (04:20pm-05:50pm)

NAC 401




Name: Nasmin Jabin Noor

Rank: Lecturer

Initial: NJN

Office: NAC 623


10.45 am- 11.15am






10.45 am- 11.15am







ST- (11:20am-12:50pm)

NAC 412



ST- (02:40pm-04:10pm)

NAC 313



MW- (11:20am-12:50pm)

NAC 510



MW- (01:00pm-02:30pm)

SAC 207



MW- (04:20pm-05:50pm)

NAC 315









Name: Himaloya Saha

Rank: Lecturer

Initial: HIS

Office: NAC 610





(Only Wednesday)





ST- (08:00am-09:30am)

NAC 313



ST- (09:40am-11:10am)

NAC 313



MW- (01:00pm-02:30pm)




MW- (02:40pm-04:10pm)




MW- (09:40am-11:20am)






Name: Anika Rafah

Rank: Lecturer

Initial: ARF2

Office: NAC 606







MW- (08:00am-09:30am)

NAC 510



MW- (01:00pm-02:30pm)




MW- (02:40pm-04:10pm)




ST- (08:00am-09:30am)




ST- (11:20am-12:50pm)






Name: Sharaban Tahura Zaman

Rank: Lecturer

Initial: STZ

Office: NAC 607







ST- (08:00am-09:30am)




RA- (09:40am-11:20am)




ST- (09:40am-11:20am)




RA- (01:00pm-02:30pm)











Name: Saquib Rahman

Rank: Lecturer

Initial: SQB

Office: NAC 611










ST- (09:40am-11:20am)

NAC 510



ST- (01:00pm-02:30pm)

NAC 510



ST- (02:40pm-04:10pm)

NAC 412



MW- (08:00am-09:30am)

NAC 992



MW- (09:40am-11:10am)

NAC 510




Name: Sakif Alam

Rank: Lecturer

Initial: SKA1

Office: NAC 624













ST- (02:40pm-04:10pm)

NAC 510



RA- (11:20am-12:50pm)

NAC 510



ST- (04:20pm-05:50pm)

NAC 412



RA- (01:00pm-02:30pm)

NAC 990



RA- (04:20pm-05:50pm)

NAC 315

Grading Policy
Letter grades indicating the quality of course work completed are interpreted as follows:
Numerical Scores  Letter Grade  Grade Points/Credit
93 and above A Excellent 4.0
90-92 A- 3.7
87-89 B+ 3.3
83-86 B Good 3.0
80-82 B- 2.7
77-79 C+ 2.3
73-76 C Average 2.0
70-72 C- 1.7
67-69 D+ 1.3
60-66 D Poor 1.0
Below 60 F* Failure 0.0
I** Incomplete    
W** Withdrawal    

* Credits for courses with this grade do not apply towards graduation.

** Credits for courses with this grade do not apply towards graduation and they are not accepted in the calculation of the grade point average.

The exact cut off points for assigning letter grades is at the discretion of individual instructor. The same applies to the assignment of + or – after a letter grade. It is meant to give more flexibility so that shades of performance can be distinguished and rewarded. The + and – has a value of 0.3 grade point.

Grade point average

Students' grade point averages are numerical values obtained by dividing the total grade points earned by the credit attempted. Only courses graded A, A-, B, B-, C+, C-, D-, D and F are used to determine credits attempted. Only the grades earned in the courses that are required for a degree are included in the GPA calculation. Grades earned in the other courses are reported on the transcript but are not counted in calculated GPA.

GPA- class equivalent

NSU students are graded on GPA. Comparison of the GPA earned by NSU student to the Classes earned by students in other universities in the country is as follows:

GPA 3.00 and above = First class 
GPA 2.50 to 2.99 = Second class 
GPA 2.00 to 2.49 = Third class 

Grade change

Grade change is strongly discouraged. Letter grades may be changed only for posting error or errors in calculation. If a grade change is inevitable, it must be completed within one semester following the submission of the grade. The program directors and department chairs will ask for necessary papers and records to substantiate the grade change.

Incomplete (I)

The grade of incomplete (I) may be used in special circumstances. The incomplete may be given only at the end of a semester to a student whose work is progressing, but who has left unfinished a small amount of work for completion without further class attendance. The instructor must file with register an incomplete Grade from describing the work to be completed, indicating a tentative final grade to be assigned if the work is not completed and the time period in which the work must be completed (no longer than the following semester). The student has the responsibility to take initiative in completing the work and is expected to make up the incomplete as specified by the instructor. If action is not taken the "I" grade will revert to the tentative final grade. The final grade becomes an "F" if no tentative grade is assigned. In the event the instructor from whom a student received an incomplete is not available, the disposition of a case involving an incomplete grade resides with the Head of the Department. The grade "I" must be replaced within one semester after the grade is assigned.

Withdrawal (W)

The grade Withdrawal (W) is assigned when a student officially drops a course during the period between end of third and sixth weeks. Prior to that time if a student drops a course no entry is made on the academic record. A "W" does not affect the student's GPA.

Retaking courses

Students may choose to repeat a course, but such repetition will be allowed for only once in each course. The current policy regarding retaking courses is as follows:

  1. A student may retake a course/s if the grade is B (plain) or lower.
  2. The chance will be given only once for a course.
  3. The best grade will be counted for CGPA calculation.
  4. The above policy will be applicable to all students (graduate / undergraduate) studying at NSU.

When a student retakes a course in which s/he must apply not to include the "F" grade(s) in her CGPA calculation. An "F" grade earned in any credit course will be used to calculate CGPA until the course is retaken and an application is submitted. The retake policy in case of courses with "F" grades will apply immediately to all students at NSU irrespective of their date of enrolment. Students who wish to retake a course again will be assessed tuition and applicable fees. A prescribed retake form is available in the registers office. Students must fill it out and submit it to the Registers office.

Abandoning course

Grade F will be recorded for students who have not fulfilled academic obligations and have not obtained a grade, and for students who abandon their course without officially withdrawing from a course.

Required GPA for Degree

Undergraduate: The student requires 2.5 CGPA for getting BSc degree.

Graduate: The student requires 3.0 CGPA for getting MSc degree.

** For Graduate student having CGPA lower than 3.2 might not be included in thesis group by the department.


Probation will be given to the student having CGPA lower than 2.0 for both Undergraduate and Graduate programs. Probation is count as a warning to the student to increase his/her CGPA. Student will be given three consecutive semesters to increase his/her CGPA to 2.0.  After third probation student will be dismissed from the program.

Faculty Members

[!Ditto? &id=`gce` &parents=`2266` &display=`12` &tpl=`tplFaculty` &orderBy=`menuindex ASC` &paginate=`1` &extenders=`summary` &paginateAlwaysShowLinks=`1`!]


Showing [+gce_start+] - [+gce_stop+] of [+gce_total+] Faculty Members
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NSU Law & Mooting Society (NSULMS)

The North South University Law and Mooting Society (NSULMS) is a student association where law students can perform and practice oral advocacy, execute mock trials, organise social and legal campaigns. Mooting is based on a fictional dispute between parties or countries before the National or International Court of Justice. The dispute will cover legal issues which are realistic, cutting edge national and international legal questions. The students, as mooters, will provide strong arguments both as prosecution and defence and will submit written advocacy documents of their arguments and logic, which will be known as memorial. The NSULMS will also begin with the Street Law program in different schools and colleges of Bangladesh which may encourage the prospective candidates to join the Department of Law of North South University.

The NSULMS at the North South University has started its journey with a commitment to promote mooting talents and to facilitate the law students to achieve a practical legal education which will bring success in their future legal career. The society will also play an important role in career development through organizing special lectures, seminars, workshops and interactive sessions with reputed national and international organizations and personals of concerned sector. The society also aims to represent the North South University in national and international legal arena.

Ms. Nasmin Jabin Noor (Senior Lecturer, Department of Law) is currently employed as the Faculty Advisor of this society.

Previous Events

The Department of Law and the Law and Mooting Society have organized numerous events to date:



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  • The Department of Law at North South University hosted a lecture titled ‘IHL Yesterday and Today: Exploring the Evolution of the Geneva Conventions and the Enduring Relevance of International Humanitarian Law’ on February 17, 2025. Esteemed speakers Ms. Fahmida Karim and Ms. Deepali Gaur from the ICRC shared insights on humanitarian law’s role in contemporary conflicts. 


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  • The Department of Law at North South University hosted Mr. Håkon Arald Gulbrandsen, Ambassador of Norway, for a seminar on 'Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties – Section 3: Interpretation of the Treaties §§ 31-33' on February 11, 2025. The event, held in the Moot Court Room, featured discussions with Dr. Ishtiaque Ahmed, Prof. Dr. Md. Rizwanul Islam, Prof. Abdul Hannan Chowdhury, and Prof. Abdur Rob Khan.


May be an image of 14 people

  • The Department of Law at North South University hosted a discussion titled 'A Shift from Commission to Council: A Way Forward or a Failure Ahead' on February 7, 2025. The event featured keynote speaker Ms. Khandker Tasnuva Haque, Assistant Director (Training 1) at the Judicial Administration Training Institute, and included insightful interactions with students on global human rights governance.


May be an image of 8 people, people smiling and text

  • The Department of Law at North South University, in collaboration with the Anti-Discrimination Legal Forum (ADLF), hosted a discussion on Truth Commission and Reconciliation Process on February 4, 2025. Distinguished speakers Barrister Jyotirmoy Barua, Dr. Shamaruh Mirza, and Dr. Qazi Zahed Iqbal shared insights on justice, reconciliation, and societal healing. 


May be an image of 6 people, dais and text

  • The Department of Law at North South University recently hosted an insightful session titled “The International Criminal Court: Building a More Just World” on 24th December 2024 at the Moot Court Room. The keynote speaker, Farhaan Ahmed, Associate Legal Officer, Chambers, International Criminal Court, delivered an engaging discussion on global justice, shedding light on the pivotal role of the ICC in promoting fairness and accountability on the international stage.


No photo description available.

  • The Department of Law, North South University, organized an insightful seminar titled "Maritime Boundary Delimitation Between Bangladesh and Myanmar, and Bangladesh and India in Comparative Perspective." The keynote speaker for the event was Rear Admiral (Retd.) Md Khurshed Alam, former Secretary of the Maritime Affairs Unit, MOFA.


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  • An enlightening session titled “๐„๐ฑ๐ฉ๐ž๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐‘๐ž๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐ฆ๐ฌ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐๐ž๐ง๐œ๐ก ๐š๐ง๐ ๐๐š๐ซ” took place at the Moot Court Room, North South University, organized by the Anti-Discrimination Legal Forum (ADLF) in collaboration with the North South University, Department of Law. The event brought together esteemed legal minds to discuss the pressing need for reforms in the judiciary and legal profession. The keynote speaker, Justice Muhammad Imman Ali, former Judge of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, delivered an impactful address, shedding light on pathways to strengthen the legal system. A panel of distinguished speakers also shared their valuable insights in this event. The session was skillfully moderated by Advocate Saquib Rahman, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, NSU, ensuring a productive and engaging discussion.


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  • A talk on ๐†๐จ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ง๐š๐ง๐œ๐ž, ๐‹๐ข๐›๐ž๐ซ๐ญ๐ฒ, ๐š๐ง๐ ๐‰๐ฎ๐๐ข๐œ๐ข๐š๐ซ๐ฒ: ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐๐ž๐œ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐ญ๐ฒ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐€๐œ๐ญ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž ๐‚๐ข๐ญ๐ข๐ณ๐ž๐ง๐ฌ๐ก๐ข๐ฉ was held on Monday, 25th November 2024, at 4:30 PM in the NSU Moot Court Room (NAC 616). The event was organized by North South University, Department of Law in association with the Bangladesh Institute of Research & Education (BIRE). The speakers were Professor Md. Rizwanul Islam, Professor of Law and Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Md. Lokman Hossain, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, NSU, Nafiz Ahmed, Lecturer, Department of Law, NSU, and Md. Johir Uddin Shohag, Director, Bangladesh Institute of Research and Education.


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  • On 12 November 2024, the Department of Law at North South University (NSU) organized talk titled "๐‚๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ฑ๐ญ๐ฎ๐š๐ฅ๐ข๐ฌ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐€๐›๐ฎ๐ฅ ๐Œ๐š๐ง๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐€๐ก๐ฆ๐š๐ (๐Ÿ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ– - ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ—) ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐†๐ž๐ง๐ž๐ฌ๐ข๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐„๐ฏ๐จ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐‚๐จ๐ง๐ฌ๐ญ๐ข๐ญ๐ฎ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐š๐ฅ ๐€๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ข๐ซ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ ๐ข๐ง ๐๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฅ๐š๐๐ž๐ฌ๐ก" in association with Abul Mansur Ahmad Smriti Parishad. Advocate Arif Khan, Assistant Attorney General, delivered the keynote speech. Researcher and journalist Dr. Kazal Rashid Shahin, poet and journalist Mr. Emran Mahfuz, and Senior Lecturer of NSU Mr. Md. Lokman Hussain were present at the seminar as discussants, while Prof. Md. Rizwanul Islam, Professor, NSU, delivered the concluding speech. The seminar provided a unique opportunity to gain insights into the legacy of Abul Mansur Ahmad and its enduring impact on law, democracy, and constitutional studies.


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  • The Department of Law, North South University organized a talk on "Palestine's Recognition in International Law and My Life as the Ambassador" on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at the NSU Moot Court Room (NAC 616). The event began with a one-minute silence in honor of the Palestinian people. His Excellency Mr. Yousef S. Y. Ramadan, Ambassador of Palestine to Bangladesh, was the distinguished speaker. The session was chaired by Professor Atiqul Islam, Vice Chancellor of NSU, who announced scholarships for 15 Palestinian students. Dr. Md. Rizwanul Islam, Professor of International Law, provided insightful commentary, while Saquib Rahman, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Law, moderated the session. Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, Chairman of the Department of Law, concluded with a vote of thanks.


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  • The Department of Law, North South University (NSU) in collaboration with Center of Migration Studies (CMS) organized a roundtable discussion titled, "Labor Laws and Challenges in Protecting the Rights of Workers in Bangladesh" on 30 April 2024 at the Syndicate Hall of NSU. Representatives from the Ministry of Labor and Employment, employers’ associations, trade unions, labor lawyers, labor rights activists, International Labor Organization (ILO) and other international organizations joined as panelists. The welcome note of the event was given by Prof. SK. Tawfique M. Haque, Dean (IC), School of Humanities and Social Sciences, NSU and Director, CMS. Dr. Selim Reza, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Sociology (PSS), NSU, moderated the event. The session chair was Prof. Abdur Rob Khan, Treasurer and Pro Vice- Chancellor (IC), NSU, who gave the closing remarks while Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, Chair, Department of Law, NSU gave the vote of thanks.


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  • Talk on "The future of the Ship Recycling Industry under the Hong Kong Convention. Can Bangladesh cope?" was organized by the Department of Law, North South University, on 27th March, 2024 at the Moot Court Room. His Excellency Mr. Espen Rikter-Svendsen, Ambassador, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Dhaka was the Distinguished Chief Guest and Speaker. Professor Abdur Rob Khan, Treasurer and Pro-VC (IC), North South University had graced the event as Special Guest and Ishtiaque Ahmed, Associate Professor of the Department of Law, North South University was the Discussant of the event. The opening remarks were given by Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, Chair and Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, North South University. Saquib Rahman, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, North South University moderated the event.



  • The Department of Law at North South University hosted an engaging session on 23 March 2024, titled "Scoping Study to Explore Actionable Options for Institutionalisation of Grievance Management Committees/Systems." The event took place in the Moot Court Room, North South University. Prof. Md. Rizwanul Islam, Professor, Department of Law, NSU, opened the session with a warm welcome address and an insightful presentation. This was followed by an engaging presentation from Mr. Nafiz Ahmed, Lecturer, Department of Law, NSU. MD. Abdul Basar, Project Director at SIMS, HElVETAS Bangladesh, shared his valuable perspectives, enriching the discussion. The event concluded with thoughtful remarks from Barrister Shameem Haider Patwary, Advocate at the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, who provided key takeaways and wrapped up the event on a high note.


  • The Department of Law at North South University hosted the NSU Law Conference: Law in the Contemporary World on February 28, 2024, in celebration of its 10th founding anniversary. The conference featured Prof. Rohit De, Associate Professor of History at Yale University and author of A People's Constitution: The Everyday Life of Law in the Indian Republic, as the plenary speaker. Joining virtually, Prof. De delivered an insightful talk on “The People and the Constitution: An Indian Journey,” enriching the discussion with his expertise in legal academia. A total of 29 scholars from both home and abroad presented their research papers, contributing to a vibrant exploration of contemporary legal issues.


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  • USAID Ain Shohayota Activity and North South University jointly organized a workshop on "Activism against Gender-Based Violence" on 9 February 2024 at the Moot Court Room of the Department of Law, North South University. Ms. Heather Goldsmith, Chief of Party, The USAID Ain Shohayota Activity, gave the opening remarks. The speakers of the event included, Ms. Nasmin Jabin Noor, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, North South University, Ms. Tanvia Roselin Sultana, Consultant, The USAID Ain Shohayota Activity and Ms. Wahida Begum, Technical Director, The USAID Ain Shohayota Activity. Mr. Shahidul Islam, Deputy Chief of Party, The USAID Ain Shohayota Activity, gave the closing remarks.


  • The Department of Law, North South University, organized a working paper presentation on ‘Privatization of Prisons in Bangladesh: A Possible Alternative to the Current Prison Conditions’ on 7th February 2024. Sabiha Mehzabin Oishee, LLB (NSU), LLM (NSU), PGF (University of Oxford), Lecturer in Law & Assistant Proctor, Canadian University of Bangladesh spoke as the guest speaker in the seminar. Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, Chair, Department of Law, North South University, gave the opening remarks, Dr. Md. Rizwanul Islam, Professor, Department of Law, North South University was the commentator of the event and it was moderated by Dr. Abu Noman Mohammad Atahar Ali, Associate Professor, Department of Law, North South University.


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  • On October 18, 2023, the Department of Law, North South University, hosted a talk on Lawyers in the Banking Sector at the Moot Court Room. Barrister Shafayat Ullah, Senior EVP & Divisional Head, Legal Affairs, Mutual Trust Bank Ltd., was the chief guest and speaker. The event featured remarks from Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, Prof. Md. Rizwanul Islam, and Nafiz Ahmed, with Tasnim Hasan Saara as the Master of Ceremonies.


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  • The 3rd episode of Meet The Alumni, organized by LAANSU, featured alumni speakers Wasif Jamal Khan and Zia Uddin Riyadh, discussing legal careers in the corporate and development sectors. Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, LAANSU President Navid Nowroz Shah, and NSU Law faculty members attended, offering valuable career insights to students.


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  • On October 10, 2023, the Department of Law, NSU, hosted a talk on The Vienna Convention: Views of a Practitioner at the Moot Court Room. The keynote speaker was H.E. Jan Janowski, Chargé d'Affaires, German Embassy in Bangladesh, with Dr. Abdur Rob Khan as a special guest. Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan gave the opening remarks, Prof. Md. Rizwanul Islam was the discussant, and Saquib Rahman moderated the event.


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  • On August 23, 2023, the Department of Law, NSU, hosted a seminar on International Arbitration: Experience of Bangladesh in a Global Context at the Moot Court Room. The keynote speaker was Barrister Moin Ghani, Partner & Co-Lead, Alliance Laws. Dr. M. Ismail Hossain was the chief guest, with Dr. Abdur Rob Khan as a special guest. Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan gave the opening remarks, and Dr. Abu Noman Mohammad Atahar Ali delivered the closing remarks.


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  • On August 10, 2023, the Department of Law, NSU, hosted a seminar on Women in Corporate Law Practice: Is It Really a More Convenient Choice? at the Moot Court Room. The keynote speaker was Barrister Anita Ghazi Rahman, Founder & Managing Partner, The Legal Circle. Dr. Abdur Rob Khan was the chief guest, while Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan gave the opening remarks, and Ms. Nasmin Jabin Noor delivered the closing remarks.


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  • On 29th May 2023, the Law Alumni Association of NSU (LAANSU) organized the 2nd episode of its signature event, "Meet The Alumni," at the Department of Law, North South University. The event featured distinguished guests, including our very own newly qualified advocates, who inspired and guided current students to help shape their future careers. The Chief Guest of the event was Professor Dr. Abdur Rob Khan, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, Chair of the Department of Law, North South University, delivered the closing remarks.


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  • On 25th and 27th May 2023, the 4th Intra Moot Court Competition, organized by North South University Law and Mooting Society (NSULMS) in collaboration with the Department of Law, NSU, took place. The Chief Guest graced the closing ceremony, Mr. Keshob Roy Chowdhury, Additional District and Session Judge of Dhaka, and Special Guests, Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, Chairman of the Department of Law, NSU, and Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Chief Judicial Magistrate of Gazipur, who presented accolades to all participants. The winners of the competition were Abdullah, Mehreen Chowdhury Shreya, and Imtrita Hossain Elma, while the runners-up were Raisa Rahman, Nahanun Nuther Nuha, and Ragib Shahriar. The Best Oralist award went to Wasit Zawad Ismam, and the Best Researcher award was presented to Sadman Yeasar Alam.


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  • On 24th May 2023, the Department of Law at North South University organized a seminar titled "Interplay of Constitution, Judiciary & Morality" at the Moot Court Room. Ashraful-Hadi, Barrister at Law, Advocate Supreme Court of Bangladesh, and Partner & Co-head of Alliance Law, delivered a distinguished presentation. He highlighted the interconnection between the constitution, judiciary, and morality, referencing several landmark cases where judges delivered exceptional judgments by integrating morality. The Chief Guest for the event was Justice Moyeenul Islam Chowdhury, Retired Judge of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. Dr. Abdur Rob Khan, Professor & Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at North South University, was the special guest. Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, Prof. Md. Rizwanul Islam, Md. Rajab Ali, Saquib Rahman, and Mr. Nafiz Ahmed from the Department of Law also attended the seminar.


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  • On 11th April 2023, the Department of Law at North South University organized a seminar on "How Corporate Lawyers Add Value to the Business: Nestlé Story." The distinguished speaker, Debabrata Roy Chowdhury, Director Legal, RSA, Corporate Affairs & Company Secretary at Nestlé Bangladesh PLC, shared valuable insights. Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, Chairman and Senior Lecturer; Prof. Md. Rizwanul Islam; and Ms. Nasmin Jabin Noor, Senior Lecturer, were also present at the seminar.


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  • On 25th March 2023, the Department of Law at North South University organized a seminar on "Advancing the Right to Health Through Public Interest Litigation." The distinguished speaker for the event was Rashna Imam, Managing Partner at Akhtar Imam & Associates, Advocate at the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, and Founder & Executive Director of the Academy of Law & Policy (ALAP). Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, Chairman and Senior Lecturer; Ms. Nasmin Jabin Noor, Senior Lecturer; and Saquib Rahman, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, were also present at the seminar.


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  • On 18th March 2023, Bangladesh IP Forum, in partnership with Hearth Bangladesh and the Department of Law at North South University, hosted a seminar on "Intellectual Property Rights: Enforcement and Anti-Counterfeit Regime." The event featured Justice Sheikh Hassan Arif, Honourable Judge of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, as the Chief Guest. Joseph Giblin, Economic Unit Chief of the U.S. Embassy in Dhaka, attended as a Special Guest. The keynote was presented by Hamidul Mishbah, Barrister-at-Law and Founder of the Bangladesh IP Forum. Nuran Choudhury, National Coordinator of ILSA Chapters Bangladesh, gave the thematic presentation. Arafat Hosen Khan, Chairman of the Department of Law, and Washik Md. Istiaq Ezaz, Executive Director of Hearth Bangladesh, welcomed the first 30 registrants from North South University to the event.


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  • On 14th March 2023, the Department of Law at North South University organized a seminar on "With or Without Digital Security Laws in Bangladesh in the Digital Era" at the NSU Auditorium. The keynote speaker for the event was Mr. Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Registrar of the Appellate Division of the Bangladesh Supreme Court. Ms. Munni Saha, Chief Executive Editor of ATN News, attended as a distinguished discussant. The respected Deputy Minister of Education, Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury MP, was the chief guest. Prof. Abdur Rob Khan, Dean of NSU School of Humanities and Social Sciences, attended as a special guest. The session was chaired by Professor Atiqul Islam, Vice-Chancellor of the university. Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, Chair of the Department of Law, inaugurated the session with an opening remark. 


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  • On 12th March 2023, the Law Alumni Association of North South University (LAANSU), facilitated by the Department of Law, hosted the first session of the series titled “Meet The Alumni” in the Moot Court Room, NSU. The topic of discussion was "The Path Towards Advocacy and Judiciary," with keynote speakers from the alumni network, Sadman Sakib, Advocate at the Dhaka Judge Court, and Asma Ara Bithi, recommended as Assistant Judge in the 15th BJS examination. Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, Chair of NSU Law, also graced the occasion. The Department of Law warmly invited everyone to attend and foster a stronger networking culture between past and present students of NSU Law.


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  • On 6th March 2023, the Department of Law at North South University, in collaboration with the Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre (BIAC), hosted a Seminar on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). The guest speaker for the event was Barrister Khandoker M. S. Kawsar, Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh, and Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (ACIArb, UK). Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan, Chairman and Senior Lecturer; Prof. Md. Rizwanul Islam; Ms. Nasmin Jabin Noor, Senior Lecturer; and Mr. Nafiz Ahmed, Lecturer, Department of Law, were also present at the seminar.


  • The Department of Law, North South University organized a seminar on ‘Legal Profession: Challenges and the Art of Advocacy’, on 9 December 2022 in the Moot Court Room (NAC 616). The Chief Guest & Keynote Speaker was Justice Naima Haider, Honorable Judge, High Court Division, Supreme Court of Bangladesh. Prof. Md. Rizwanul Islam served as the Session Chair and delivered the introductory remarks. Faculty members and NSU students enthusiastically participated in the event.
  • The Department of Law has launched the NSU Law working paper series. Mr Nafiz Ahmed, Lecturer in Law, NSU delivered the inaugural lecture on “The Powers of the ‘Guardian’ of Bangladesh’s Constitution" at the Moot Court Room (NAC 616). Professor Norman Kenneth Swazo, Director, Office of Research, North South University, graced the event as the Chief Guest. Prof. Md. Rizwanul Islam served as the Session Chair and delivered the Introductory remarks.


  • The Department of Law has organized a lecture on the 'Law making process in Bangladesh' on Thursday, 27 October 2022, at 4:30 PM. The invited speaker of the event was Barrister Shameem Haider Patwary, MP, Member of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs. The Chief Guest was Professor Abdur Rob Khan, PhD, Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, North South University. Professor Md. Rizwanul Islam, PhD, Chair, Department of Law, North South University, acted as the Session Chair.


  • The Department of Law, North South University held a seminar on "Climate Justice: Looking for an Alternative Climate Locus Standi" on Thursday, 28 July 2022 in the Moot Court Room. The invited speaker of the event was Professor Omar Jah, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh. Professor Md. Rizwanul Islam, Chair, Department of Law, North South University gave the introductory remarks. Chief Guest Professor Mohammad Ismail Hossain, Pro Vice-Chancellor, North South University graced the event with his speech.Mr. Saquib Rahman, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, North South University hosted the seminar.


  • The Department of Law, North South University hosted a webinar in collaboration with Marico Bangladesh Ltd. on 12th December, 2021. The guest speakers of this webinar were Christabel Randolph, Director, Legal and Corporate Affairs, Marico Bangladesh Limited, Md. Jahangir Alam, Regulatory Assistant, Marico Bangladesh Limited and Faria Ahmed, Legal Consultant, Marico Bangladesh Limited. The session was hosted exclusively for the students of the Department of Law. Professor Md. Rizwanul Islam, Chair, Department of Law, gave the introductory remarks and served as the moderator for the session.


  • The Department of Law, North South University celebrated the inauguration ceremony of the North South University Law and Mooting Society (NSULMS) on 16 April 2017. Honorable State Minister for Labour and Employment Md Mujibul Haque Chunnu was the Chief Guest while Pro-Vice Chancellor (Designate) Professor Dr. GU Ahasan was the special guest of the program. The ceremony was chaired by Professor Dr. Abdur Rob Khan, Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Professor Dr. Gour Gobinda Goswami, Treasurer, NSU was present as the guest of honor. Dr. Abu Noman M. Atahar Ali, Chairman, Department of Law and the Director of the NSULMS was also present in the event.


  • From the 11th to the 13th of December 2017, the Law and Mooting Society (NSULMS) in North South University had organized what they called the ‘biggest assembly of young legal minds’, the NSU Law Fest Season I. While law fests in Bangladesh are unheard of, NSULMS settled for one that was themed after the popular television series ‘Game of Thrones’. The law fest was open for undergraduate and postgraduate law students of all universities in the country. The first day started with the launching ceremony of the Master of Laws (LL.M) programme by the Chief Guest, Advocate Mr. Md. Fazle Rabbi Miah, Hon’ble Deputy Speaker of the Parliament.


  • On 13 December 2017 the NSULMS organized a seminar on International Law. Justice Dr. Syed Refaat Ahmed, Hon’ble Judge of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh delivered a lecturer on this seminar. An Oxford scholar and a magnificent speaker, it was not only a pleasure to hear from him, but it was rather a matter of privilege for many of my students who had instantly idolized him due to his sophistication and charisma.


  • On the 2nd day of March, 2017, it was a pleasure on IQAC's part to have sponsored two sessions of lectures by Dr. Md. Rizwanul Islam, Associate Professor of the School of Law at BRAC University. A former Casual Lecturer of Macquarie University and recipient of the Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship, Dr. Md. Rizwanul Islam has extensively published on International Trade Law. Given his research credentials, the Department of Law invited Dr. Md. Rizwanul Islam to make deliberations on 'Writing a PhD Research Proposal and Applying for Research Grants' and 'Law Journal Articles: How to Write and Where to Publish'. Listeners were the Core and Part-time Faculty Members of the Department of Law. Both sessions were particularly useful for most of the faculty members who plan on pursuing doctoral studies in the near future. While blending into the needs of the West may limit the chances of receiving Grants, Dr. Md. Rizwanul Islam has stressed on publishing not only at refereed journals, but at those of high repute. It is a matter of pride that Dr. Md. Rizwanul Islam is now an Associate Professor of the Department of Law, North South University.


  • On the 6th of April, 2017, Dr. Rumana Islam, an Associate Professor of Law at Dhaka University has graced an event sponsored by IQAC, as the guest discussant, on the topic- 'Choosing the right PhD topic (Law)'. Upon graduating from Dhaka, Dr. Rumana has educated herself at Cambridge and Warwick, UK. She is a Commonwealth Scholar and heads the Editorial Board of the Bangladesh Journal of Law by the Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA). She has an outstanding list of publications at international peer reviewed journals at the area of commercial law. Dr. Rumana in her discussion has mentioned that relating burning issues such as BREXIT to one's topic of interest, and developing a research proposal accordingly, is likely to open the scope of receiving PhD grants. She also focused on how proposing a topic does not necessarily require the attempt of drawing a conclusion, rather should contain statements of problems that remain unsolved till date. Given that the Department of Law at NSU consists of a young batch of potential faculty members who are expected to pursue doctorate degrees in the near future, the discussion was extremely fruitful.


  • On the 10th day of July, 2017, the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and the Department of Laworganized a day long workshop, with the presence of eminent legal personalities from Dhaka University, Professor Dr. Mizanur Rahman, Ex-Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission, and Dr. Rumana Islam, Associate Professor of Law. The existing Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) curriculum was scrutinized and changes were suggested by the participants that consisted of faculty members of the Department of Law. The workshop also had substantial contribution in the designing of the Master’s of Laws (LL.M.) curriculum.


  • On 13 July 2017, the Department of Law, North South University organised Bangladesh Law Students' Symposium (BLSS) at its campus. The symposium is the brainchild of Mr. Saquib Rahman, Lecturer at the Department of Law. The Hon'ble Minister of Water Resources, Barrister Anisul Islam Mahmud MP graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Interested law students from all over the country were requested to email abstracts of not more than 350words on any discipline of law. The symposium committee asked for full papers of the 10 best selected, fopresentation in front of a panel of experts comprising of distinguished legal academics and practitioners at the Symposium. North South University Law & Mooting Society (NSULMS) coordinated the organization of this symposium.


  • On the 19th of October 2017, Professor Dr. Borhan Uddin Khan, Chairman of the Department of Law of Dhaka University was present as the guest speaker at a roundtable discussion on the ‘Learning outcomes from law courses’. Professor Khan with decades of experience as an academic had much to deliver, that would be of benefit for the students of the Department of Law, North South University.


Upcoming Events
NSU Law International Webinars

To widen the students' perception about law and give them more exposure to the theories and also practical application of the law, the Department routinely organises lectures by legal experts. It organises webinars hosting the world's leading academic legal minds and practitioners to speak on contemporary legal topics.



Micro International Law

Date: 20 February 2025

Speaker: Professor Katrin Kuhlmann

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Extraterritoriality's Empire: How Self-Determination Limits Extraterritorial Lawmaking

Date: 29 Janurary 2025

Speaker: Prof. Evan J. Criddle, Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development at William & Mary Law School

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Recognizing Genocide Upstanders

Date: 10 December 2024 

Speaker: Professor Zachary D. Kaufman, J.D., PHh.D., Professor of Law, University of Florida, Levin College of Law


The Politics of Faith and Human Rights

Date: 30 May 2024

Speaker: Professor Ratna Kapur, Queen Mary University of London


Hints’ of Sexual Violence: What the Akayesu Trial at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Can Teach Us About Uncovering Sexual Violence Testimony in Conflict Archives.

Date : 27 May 2024 

Speaker : Professor Rosemary Byrne, New York University Abu Dhabi


International Criminal Court (ICC)- what it is, what it does, and who works there?

Date: 26 January 2024

Speaker: Farhaan Ahmed, Associate Legal Officer, Chambers, International Criminal Court

Youtube Link:


Coercion as an Element of Prohibited Intervention in International Law

Date: 12 January 2024

Speaker: Professor Marko Milanovic, Professor of Public International Law, Director Global Law at Reading, University of Reading School of Law

Youtube Link:


Compensation Under International Law and the International Law Commission

Date: 6 December 2023

Speaker: Professor Martins Paparinskis, Professor of Public International Law of University of College London & member of International Law Commission

Youtube Link:


Human Rights Norms from Below

Date: 19 October 2023

Speaker: Professor Adnan A. Zulfiqar, Associate Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School

Youtube Link:


Four Modes of Representation in International Organizations

Date: 10 October 2023

Speaker: Professor Jacob Katz Cogan, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Judge Joseph P. Kinneary Professor of Law; Faculty Director, Cincinnati Center for the Global Practice of Law, College of Law

Youtube Link:


Dynamics of International Legal Change: Emotions and Market Opportunities for Ideas

Date: 24 August 2023

Speaker: Thomas Schultz, Professor of Law, King's College London, University of Geneva

Youtube Link:


Graduation of Least Developed Countries to Developing Countries Status

Date: 8 August 2023

Speaker: Dr. Sharmin Tania, Lecturer, Curtin Law School, Curtin University, Australia


The Political Economy of Foreign Sovereign Immunity

Date: 08 June 2023

Speaker: Maryam Jamshidi, Associate Professor of Law, University of Colorado Law School

Youtube Link:


Courts of Armed Groups in International Law

Date: 6 April, 2023

Speaker: René Provost Ad.E.FRSC, Professor of Law, McGill University


Antinomies and Aporias in Official Human Rights Solidarity Argumentation Across the Global South/North Axis: Recovering the Power/Interest - Norms/Values Nexus.

Date: 10 December, 2022

Speaker: Obiora C. Okafor, Phd, Edward B. Burling Chair in International Law and Institutions, Faculty Co-Lead-States, Markets and Institutions Functional Area School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University; UN Independent Expert on Human Rights and International Solidarity.

Youtube Link:


Does The World Need An International Constitutional Court?

Date: 17 November, 2022

Speaker: Richard Albert, William Stamps Farish Professor in Law, Professor of Government, Director of Constitutional Studies, The University of Texas at Austin

Youtube Link:


The Sentimental Life of International Law Revisited

Date: 1 November 2022

Speaker: Professor Gerry Simpson, Chair in Public International Law, London School of Economics and Political Science.

Youtube Link:


Constitutionalism in Context

Date: 25 October 2022

Speaker: Professor David S. Law, E. James Kelly, Jr, Class of 1965, Research Professor of Law & Courtesy Professor of Politics, University of Virginia.

Youtube Link:


Back to Basics: The Benefits of Paradigmatic International Organizations

Date: 20 October 2022

Speaker: Professor Katerina Linos, Irving G. and Eleanor D. Tragen Professor of Law, Co-Director, Miller Center for Global Challenges and the Law, Berkeley Law School, University of California Berkeley.

Youtube Link:


Trade in the Critical Zone

Date: 7 October 2022

Speaker: Professor Cecilia Marcela Bailliet, Professor, Dr. jur., Director of the Masters Program in International Law, Department of Public & International Law, University of Oslo, Norway

Youtube Link:


Conceptualizing Diasporas in Transnational Law

Date: 19 August 2022

Speaker: Professor Frédéric Mégret, Co-director, Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism; William Dawson Scholar, Faculty of Law, McGill University.

Youtube Link:


Peremptory Norms and Fundamental Values

Date: 16 August 2022

Speaker: Professor Adil Haque, Professor Of Law And Judge Jon O. Newman Scholar Rutgers University.

Youtube Link:



 The Consumption Revolution in International Economic Law

Date: 10 August 2022

Speaker: Professor Timothy Meyer, Professor of Law at Duke University School of Law

Youtube Link:


Necessity or Flexibility: Reflections on the Negotiations for a TRIPS waiver for Vaccines

Date: 5 August 2022
Speaker: Bryan Mercurio, Simon F.S Li Professor of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Humane: How the United States Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War
Date: 20 July 2022
Speaker: Professor Samuel Moyn, Henry R. Luce Professor of Jurisprudence, Yale Law School & Professor of History, Yale University
China, Law, and Development
Date: 5th July, 2022
Speaker: Matthew S. Erie, J.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Faculty of Oriental Studies; Member, Law Faculty; Associate Research Fellow, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford
Standing in UNCLOS Litigation
Date: 15th June, 2022
Speaker: Professor Stefan Talmon, Professor of International Law at University of Bonn; Supernumerary Fellow, St Anne's College, Oxford 

New Asian Regionalism in International Economic Law

Date: 9th June, 2022
Speaker: Professor Pasha L. Hsieh, Associate Professor and Lee Kong Chian Fellow, Jean Monnet Chair in EU-ASEAN Law and Relations and Associate Dean (Faculty Matters & Research), Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management University

From Self Sufficiency to Collective Security: How the Covid Pandemic Should Reshape How We Think about Trade in Vaccines, Medicines, and Essentials

Date: 30th March, 2022

Speaker: Mr. Michael Ewing-Chow, WTO chair and associate professor, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore.

Youtube Link:


The Road Not Taken: Comparative International Judicial Dissent

Date: 25th March 2022
Speaker: Prof. Jeffrey Dunoff, Laura H. Carnell Professor of Law, Director of LL.M in Transnational Law programme from Temple University Beasley School of Law
The World Trade Organization in a Time of Fragmentation: Is There a Path Forward?
Date: 16th March 2022
Speaker: Professor Meredith Kolsky Lewis, Professor and Vice Dean for International and Graduate Programs; Director of Cross-Border Legal Studies Center; University at Buffalo School of Law, The State University of New York

The Future of Central Bank Digital Currency: Digital Yuan and Beyond

Date: 25th February 2022

Speaker: Professor Heng Wang, Co- Director of the Herbert Smith Freehills China International Business and Economic Law (CIBEL) Centre, Faculty of Law and Justice, University of New South Wales

Youtube Link:


Book Discussion on "War" by Andrew Clapham

Date: 10th February 2022
Speaker(s): Professor Andrew Clapham, Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute Geneva; Professor Md. Rizwanul Islam, Chairperson of the Department of Law, North South University; Dr. Norman Kenneth Swazo, Professor, Department of History and Philosophy, North South University; Dr. Ishrat Zakia Sultana, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and Sociology, North South University; and Dr. Abdul Wohab, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and Sociology, and Coordinator, Center for Peace Studies (CPS), North South University.
Is Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention Lawful? Should It Be?
Date: 13th December 2021
Speaker: Professor Kevin Jon Heller, Professor of International Law & Security, Centre for Military Studies, University of Copenhagen; and Professor of Law, Australian National University



Backlash and Reform of Investor- State Dispute Settlement
Date: 10th December 2021
Speaker: Professor Michael Waibel of University of Vienna; Co-Editor in Chief, Journal of International Economic Law
The Role of Informal Law-making to Resolve Contemporary Maritime Security Challenges

Date : 26th November 2021

Speaker : Professor Natalie Klein, Director of Postgraduate Studies, UNSW Faculty of Law and Justice, Arc Future Fellow

Youtube link:


Reflections on Maritime Boundary Delimation in the Decade Since the Bangladesh/Myanmar ITLOS Judgement

Date : 23rd November 2021

Speaker : Professor Sean D. Murphy, Member, UN International Law Commission; Manatt/Ahn Professor of International Law, George Washington University Law School

YouTube Link :



International Lobbying by Industry and Trade Groups : Context, Laws and Reforms

Date : 17th November 2021

Speaker : Professor Melissa J. Durkee, the Associate Dean for International Programs, Director of the Dean Rusk Interntional Law Centre & Allen Post Professor at School of Law, University of Georgia

YouTube VIdeo Link :



Academic Freedom for Students, Faculty , and University in Present Era

Date : 11th November 2021

Speaker : Professor Amy Gajda, The Class of 1937, Professor of Law at Tulane Law Shcool, Tulane University

YouTube Video Link :


The Elastic Corporate Form in International Law

Date : 18th October 2021

Speaker : Julian Arato, Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School & Co-Director, Dennis J. Block Center For the Study of International Business Law

YouTube Video Link :


Treaty Interpretation in Theory and Practice

Date: 8th September 2021

Speaker: Professor Andrea Bianchi, Professor of International Law, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

Youtube Video Link:


International Trade Law, Carbon Reduction and Carbon Border Adjustment

Date: 1st September 2021

Speaker: Joel P. Trachtmen, Henry J. Baker Professor of Law, The Fletcher School of Tufts Univerisity

Youtube Video Link:


Rewarding In International Law

Date: 24th August 2021

Speaker: Anne Van Aaken, Professor, Alexander von Humboldt Profesor for Law and Economics, Legal Theory, Public International Law and European Law; Director, Institute for Law and Economics, Univeristy of Hamburg

YouTube Video Link:


The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of International Law and Global Health

Date: 19th August 2021

Speaker: Professor David Fidler, James Louis Calamaras Emeritus Professor of Law, Maurer School of Law, Indiana University and Senior Fellow with the Council on Foreign Relations 

YouTube Video Link:



Emerging Powers and The World Trading System : The Past and Future of International Economic Law

Date: 17th August 2021

Speaker: Gregory Shaffer, Chancellor's Professor, Irvine School of Law, University of California

YouTube Video Link:



 Emerging Powers in the International Ecomomic Order

Date: 5th August 2021

Speaker: Professor Sonia Elise Rolland, Northeastern University School of Law

YouTube Video Link:



Intersections between Trade and Labour Law

Date: 12 July 2021

Speaker: Kathleen Claussen, Associate Professor, University of Miami School of Law

Youtube video link:



International Law & Policy in the Biden Administration

Date: 7 April 2021

Speaker: Richard H.Steinberg, Professor of Law, Jonathan D. Varat Endowed Chair in Law, University of California Los Angeles

Youtube Video Link:



Paradigm Shifting International Economic Law

Date: 28 March 2021

Speaker: Thomas Streinz, Adjuct Professor, Executive Director, Guarini Global Law & Tech at NYU Law. New York University School of Law

YouTube Video Link:



International Law and the Challenge of the Digital

Date: 19 March 2021

Speaker: Fleur Johns, Professor, Faculty of Law & Justice, UNSW Sydney

YouTube Video Link:



The controversy over the digital trade/e-commerce rules

Date: 12 March 2021

Speaker: Professor Jane Kelsey, Faculty of Law, University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

YouTube Video Link:



Third World Approaches to International Law

Date: 7 March 2021

Speaker: James Thuo Gathii, Wing-Tat Lee Chair in International Law, Professor of Law, Loyola University Chicago

Youtube video link:



East West Street, the ICJ, Genocide and the Rohingya

Date: 24 February 2021

Speaker: Professor Philippe Sands QC, Professor of the Public Understanding of Law, University College London 

Youtube video link:



Vetoes & Atrocity Crimes: The Use by a UN Security Council Permanent Member of Its Veto Power

Date: 27 January 2021

Speaker: Jennifer Trahan, Clinical Professor, Center for Global Affairs, New York University

Youtube video link:



NSU Law National Webinars



  • Mr. Mohammad Muslim Chowdhury.Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh(CAG)
  • Mr. Mamun Rashid. Managing Partner, PwC Bangladesh
  • Dr. Nazneen Ahmed. Senior Research Fellow, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies(BIDS)
  • Mr. A.M. Masum. Bar-at-Law, FCIArb. Advocate, Appellate Division, Supreme Court of Bangladesh 

Session in Charge:

  • Dr. Ishtiaque Ahmed. Bar-at-Law, MCIArb, J.S.D.Assistant Professor, Department of Law, North South University

Facebook Video Link:



Undergraduate Law Symposium

In order to emphasize the importance of legal research for LL.B students, the Department of Law, North South University, organizes an Undergraduate Law Symposium a couple of times a year. In the symposium, undergraduate law students from all over the country are invited to submit their papers. The papers are then shortlisted by the internal committee of the Department of Law, and the participants are invited for the presentation of their papers. On the presentation day, they receive comments and advice from the experienced panel of judges who are legal experts. Some papers also receive awards as winners.


Undergraduate Law Symposium Summer 2024

The North South University, Department of Law, has successfully held the final paper presentation of ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐”๐ง๐๐ž๐ซ๐ ๐ซ๐š๐๐ฎ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐‹๐š๐ฐ ๐’๐ฒ๐ฆ๐ฉ๐จ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฎ๐ฆ ๐’๐ฎ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’, in which the shortlisted participants from all over Bangladesh presented their papers. The Department would like to congratulate Mubasshira Tabassum Rahi from North South University, Durdana Chowdhury from Dhaka University, and Upama Sharma from Chittagong University for being the champion, 1st runner-up, and 2nd runner-up, respectively. The Honorable judges of the event were Dr. Liton Chandra Biswas, Assistant Professor, Department of Law Independent University; Ms. Nadia Rahman, Senior lecturer, Department of Law, East West University; and Mr. Md. Johir Uddin, Director of Bangladesh Institution of Research & Education. The event was inaugurated by the Chair & Associate Professor of the Department of Law, Dr. Ishtiaque Ahmed, followed by brief remarks from our special guest of this event, Prof. Md. Rizwanul Islam Professor of the Department of Law and Dean, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, NSU.

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                                                                                      Judges of the Undergraduate Law Symposium


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                                                                                                        Prize Giving Ceremony


Undergraduate Law Symposium Spring 2024

The Department of Law hosted the Undergraduate Law Symposium Spring 2024 at the moot court room of the department. This symposium provided a platform for students to engage in stimulating discussions on various legal issues, showcasing their intellect and research skills.

                                                                                           No photo description available.


Undergraduate Law Symposium Summer 2023

On September 27, 2023, the Department of Law, NSU, successfully hosted the final paper presentation of the Undergraduate Law Symposium Summer 2023, featuring shortlisted participants from across Bangladesh. Md. Gazee Muzeeru was honored as the Champion, while Sayere Nazami Sayem secured the position of 1st Runner-up. Md. Rezoan Ashraf and Md. Raad Mahmud were jointly recognized as 2nd Runners-up. The event featured Prof. Dr. Nahid Ferdousi, Mr. Lokman Hussain, and Mr. Moniruz Zaman as judges, with Prof. Dr. Abdur Rob Khan serving as the chief guest. Barrister Arafat Hosen Khan inaugurated the event, and Prof. Md. Rizwanul Islam concluded the ceremony with a vote of thanks.

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                                                                                         No photo description available.

                                                                                      Judges of the Undergraduate Law Symposium


                                                        No photo description available.   No photo description available.

                                                                                                         Prize Giving Ceremony


Undergraduate Law Symposium Spring 2023

On February 27, 2023, at 4:30 PM, the Department of Law hosted the paper presentations of the Undergraduate Law Symposium Spring 2023 in the Moot Court Room (NAC 616). Shortlisted participants presented their papers during the event, which was attended by faculty members and students.


Judges of the Undergraduate Law Symposium


   Prize Giving Ceremony 


 Students of the Department of Law, North South University




Undergraduate Law Symposium Fall 2022



        Judges of the Undergraduate Law Symposium


Prize Giving Ceremony 


Students of the Department of Law, North South University




Undergraduate Law Symposium Summer 2022

Judges of the Undergraduate Law Symposium














Prize Giving Ceremony 


Students of the Department of Law, North South University




Undergraduate Law Symposium Fall 2021


    Judges of the Undergraduate Law Symposium

Students of the Department of Law, North South University

Prize Giving Ceremony 

Graduate Law Symposium

In order to encourage LL.M. students to pursue legal research, The Department of Law, North South University, organises Graduate Law Symposium from time to time. In the symposium, graduate law students from all over the country are invited to submit their research work. The papers are then shortlisted by the internal committee of the Department of Law, and the participants are invited for the presentation of their papers at North South University. They receive comments and advice on their papers from legal experts on the presentation day. Some papers also receive awards as the best ones.

Graduate Law Symposium, Spring 2022

             Winners of the Graduate Law Symposium

                                                                                                               Participant Giving Presentation

 Student Receiving Certificate from the Department Chairman

                                                                                     Prize Giving Ceremony 

Reading Group for Advanced
Legal Literature

In Summer-2022, the Department of Law, NSU, started a reading group for advanced legal literature. The group consists of bright and enthusiastic students and alumni of the department who have an interest in academia. The group meets twice a month to discuss a pre-assigned academic paper. It operates as a semi-formal academic session where the participants learn through discussion and participation instead of one-way lectures. The group is moderated by Nafiz Ahmed, Lecturer, Department of Law. Any student, alumnus, or faculty member interested in joining a reading group session can email the Moderator at

The papers already discussed in the group include:

Gerald J. Postema, ‘Philosophy of the Common Law’ in Jules L. Coleman, Kenneth Einar Himma, and Scott J. Shapiro (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law (OUP, 2004) 588.

Shane D Courtland, Gerald Gaus, and David Schmidtz, ‘Liberalism’ in Edward N. Zalta (ed) The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring edition, 2022)

Ali Riaz, ‘More than Meets the Eye: The Narratives of Secularism and Islam in Bangladesh’ (2018) 49(2) Asian Affairs 1.

Chris Eberle and Terence Cuneo, ‘Religion and Political Theory’ in Edward N. Zalta (ed) The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter edition, 2017)

Kathleen M. Sullivan, ‘Two Concepts of Freedom of Speech’ (2010) 124(1) Harvard Law Review 143.

NSU Law Working Paper Series

Rhetorical Invocation of Constitutional Guardianship as a Justificatory Tool: The Case of Bangladesh

Nafiz Ahmed
Department of Law
North South University

NSU Law Monthly : Connecting the Past, Present, and Future.

NSU Law Monthly is a vibrant platform showcasing the intellectual endeavors and achievements of the Department of Law, North South University. True to its motto, “Connecting the Past, Present, and Future,” the newsletter bridges the rich history of legal thought, current developments in the legal landscape, and the aspirations of future legal professionals.

Through carefully curated content, NSU Law Monthly highlights recent advancements in law, critical analyses of contemporary issues, and reflections on historical legal principles that shape our understanding of justice today. It serves as a chronicle of faculty research, student accomplishments, and department activities, providing readers with a comprehensive glimpse into the dynamic world of NSU Law.

The newsletter is managed by an editorial panel comprising dedicated faculty members and passionate students, working collaboratively to produce engaging and thought-provoking content. It aims to inspire intellectual curiosity, encourage legal discourse, and foster a sense of community among students, academics, and legal practitioners.

Stay tuned to NSU Law Monthly to explore the ever-evolving journey of law, where the past informs the present and guides the future.

Editorial Board:




The NSU Law Blog is a student-led platform under the guidance of the Department of Law, North South University. It serves as a hub for legal scholarship and journalism, publishing articles, editorials, and analyses on a wide range of topics including legal theory, current developments, court rulings, and social issues with legal relevance.

The blog also fosters intellectual discourse through discussions, debates, and seminars, bridging the gap between academic research and practical legal practice. Its mission is to promote knowledge creation, engage readers with cutting-edge legal insights, and inspire the next generation of legal professionals.



The NSU Law Blog is a student-led platform under the guidance of the Department of Law, North South University. It serves as a hub for legal scholarship and journalism, publishing articles, editorials, and analyses on a wide range of topics including legal theory, current developments, court rulings, and social issues with legal relevance.

The blog also fosters intellectual discourse through discussions, debates, and seminars, bridging the gap between academic research and practical legal practice. Its mission is to promote knowledge creation, engage readers with cutting-edge legal insights, and inspire the next generation of legal professionals.