Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Department of History & Philosophy

Overview & History

As an academic unit of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS), the Department of History and Philosophy (DHP) came into being on 1st January 2015 and since then catering GED courses to undergraduate students across North South University. Courses have been designed to promote knowledge in the domain of national and global history, along with the pursuit of developing the ethical and moral values of our students. Significant areas in the realm of history include national culture and heritage, the emergence of Bangladesh, world history, and civilization. The philosophy cluster focuses on business ethics, visionary thinking, and aspects of human psychology. Some full-time foreign faculty members had already served in the department, while two others are continuing. Besides classroom teaching, faculty members have been engaged in knowledge creation in their respective areas.  Eminent educationist Professor M. Emdadul Haque is currently chairing the department, and Professor Sharif Uddin Ahmed had been the founding Chair.

Vision and Mission



The Department of History and Philosophy aspires to be the Centre of Excellence based on historical and philosophical knowledge and research activities within Bangladesh and across South Asia.


  • Pursuing an inclusive approach towards better understanding of the socio-economic and political history of Bangladesh as well as of the South Asian region.
  • Presenting innovative and scholarly research in applied history and philosophy that link up the past heritage, present realities and future aspirations at the national and regional levels.
  • Transforming NSU students to acquire global standard in terms of critical thinking and moral development.
  • Providing basic knowledge to the students in liberal arts to help grow them as human capital with enlightenment, patriotism, ethical standard, and intellectual abilities.
Careers in History and Philosophy

Competent candidates in the domain of History, Philosophy & Psychology are encouraged to apply for a faculty position and may write to the Chair, DHP on

Adjunct Faculty

1. Dr. Sharif uddin Ahmed [SFND]
    Ph.D. SOAS, London University, UK
    B.Litt., Balliol College, Oxford University, UK
    Professor (Retd.), University of Dhaka

2. Dr. A.K.M. Shahnawaz [ASz]
    Ph.D. Jadavpur University, India
    Professor, Jahangirnagar University

3. Dr. Md. Abdul Muhit [AbM1]
    Ph.D. University of Western Ontario, London
    M.A. University of Western Ontario, London
    Professor (Retd.), University of Dhaka

4. Dr. Shamim F. Karim [SFK]
    Ph.D. Agra University, India
    M.Sc. University of Strathclyde, UK
    Supernumerary Professor, University of Dhaka

5. Prof. Rashida Akhter Khanum [RAK]
    M.A. McMaster University, Canada
    Professor (Retd.), University of Dhaka

6. Dr. Amena Mohsin [DAMn]
    Ph.D. Cambridge University, UK
    M.A. University of Hawaii, USA
    Professor, University of Dhaka

7. Dr. Abul Hossain Ahmed Bhuiyan [AHB]
    Ph.D. Central Queensland University, Australia
    M.A. Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada
    Professor, Bangladesh Open University

8. Dr. Mostofa Nazmul Mansur [MtN4]
    Ph.D. University of Calgary, Canada
    M.A. Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
    Professor, Jahangirnagar University

9. Dr. Jasim Uddin [JsU]
    Ph.D. New South Wales, Australia
    Professor, University of Dhaka

10. Dr. Mohammad Kamrul Ahsan [Krl]
    Ph.D. of Cardiff University, UK
    M.A. Safia University, Bulgaria
    Professor, Jahangirnagar University

11. Dr. Md. Munir Hossain Talukder [MnT]
      Ph.D. National University of Singapore, Singapore
      M.A. Linkoping University, Sweden
      Professor, Jahangirnagar University

12. Dr. Md. Lutfor Rahman [LfR]
      Ph.D. University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
      M.A. McMaster University, Canada
      Professor, Jagannath University

13. Dr. Mohammad Mozahidul Islam [Mzd]
      Ph.D. University of New South Wales, Australia
      M.A. University of Tsukuba, Japan
      Professor, Jahangirnagar University

14. Dr. Ashfaque Hossain [AHO]
      Ph.D. University of Nottingham, UK
      Professor, University of Dhaka

15. Dr. A K M Golam Rabbani [AGR2]
      Ph.D. University of Nottingham, UK
      Professor, University of Dhaka

16. Dr. A. K. M. Rezaul Karim [ARK3]
      Ph.D. Kanazawa University, Japan
      Professor, University of Dhaka

17. Dr. Taiabur Rahman [TRh]
      Ph.D. City University of Hong Kong
      M.Phil. University of Bergen, Norway
      Professor, University of Dhaka

18. Dr. S. M. Ali Reza [SAR3]
      Ph.D. Osaka University, Japan
      LLM. Tohoku University, Japan
      Professor, University of Dhaka

19. Dr. Ashit Boran Paul [ABP1]
      Ph.D. Deccan Post Graduate & Research University, India
      Professor, Jahangirnagar University

20. Dr. Kazi Maruful Islam [KFI]
      Ph.D. University of Bonn, Germany
      M.A. University of Bergen, Norway
      Professor, University of Dhaka

21. Dr. Sonia Nishat Amin [SNA]
      Ph.D. University of Dhaka
      M.A. Northeastern University, USA
      Professor (Retd.), University of Dhaka

22. Dr. Eshani Chakraborty [ECh]
      Ph.D. Monash University, Australia
      M.A. Northern Illinois University, USA
      Professor, University of Dhaka

23. Dr. Abul Kalam Azad [Klm]
      Ph.D. University of Aix-Marseille III, France
      M.A. Dalhousie University, Canada
      Professor, Jahangirnagar University

24. Prof. Md. Zakir Hossain [ZkH1]
      M.A. Linkoping University, Sweden
      Professor, Jahangirnagar University

25. Dr. Md. Humayun Kabir [HyK1]
      Ph.D. Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
      Professor, University of Dhaka

26. Dr. Md. Masood Imran [MDI1]
      Ph.D. Hiroshima University, Japan
      Professor, Jahangirnagar University

27. Dr. Md. Manzoor Elahee [MmEe]
      Ph.D. University of Sofia, Bulgaria
      M.A. University of Sofia, Bulgaria
      Professor, Jahangirnagar University

28. Dr. Most. Aeysha Sultana [MAS1]
      Ph.D. Flinders University, Australia
      Professor, University of Dhaka

29. Dr. Mohammad Golam Rabbani [MGRn]
      Ph.D. Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
      Professor, Janangirnagar University

30. Dr. Ahmed Jamal Anwar [AJA]
      Ph.D. University of Dhaka
      M.A. Dalhousie University, Canada
      Professor (Retd.), University of Dhaka

31. Dr. Sadik Hasan [SdH1]
      Ph.D. University of Sydney, Australia
      M.PA. University of Baltimore, USA
      Professor, University of Dhaka

32. Dr. A H M Zehadul Karim [HzK]
      Ph.D. & M.A. Syracuse University, USA
      Professor (Retd.), University of Rajshahi

33. Dr. Tofail Ahmed [TfA]
      Ph.D. & M.Sc. University of Wales, UK
      Professor [Retd.], University of Chittagong

34. Dr. Md. Reazul Haque [RHU]
      Ph.D. Flinders University of South Australia, Australia
      M.A. ISS the Netherlands, Netherland
      Professor, University of Dhaka

35. Dr. Md. Faruk Shah [Fkh]
      Ph.D. University of Auckland, New Zealand
      Professor, University of Dhaka

36. Dr. Akib Ul Huque [Abq1]
      Ph.D. University Manchester, UK
      Associate Professor, University of Dhaka

37. Dr. Abdus Samad [AbS3]
      Ph.D. University of Delhi, India
      Associate Professor, Jagannath University

38. Major Gen. Dr. Md. Sarwar Hossain [SwH1]
      Ph.D. University of Dhaka
      M.A. Osmania University, India
      Adjunct Associate Professor, DHP

39. Dr. M. Saiful Islam [MSIa]
      Ph.D. National University of Singapore, Singapore
      M.Phil. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
      Associate Professor, University of Dhaka

40. Mr. Aynul Islam [Aym]
      M.A. Antwerp University, Belgium
      PGD. UMass Amherst, USA
      Associate Professor, University of Dhaka

41. Ms. Fatema Samina Yasmin [FSY]
      M.A. RMIT University, Australia
      Associate Professor, University of Dhaka

42. Dr. M. Atique Rahman [AqR1]
Ph.D. Ghent University, Belgium
M.Law. University of Turin, Italy
Associate Professor, University of Dhaka

43. Mr. Mohammad Abul Kawser [MAKs]
      M.Phil. University of Oslo, Norway
      Associate Professor, University of Dhaka

44. Dr. Kazi A.S.M. Nurul Huda [KIS]
      Ph.D. University of Oklahoma, USA
      M.A. University of Oklahoma, USA
      Associate Professor, University of Dhaka

45. Dr. H M Saidur Rahaman [HSR]
      Ph.D. University of Leuven, Belgium
      Associate Professor, Jagannath University

46. Dr. Mollika Roy [MRo]
      Ph.D. Monash University, Malaysia
      Associate Professor, University of Dhaka

47. Dr. Syed Moynul Alam Nizar [SYN]
      Ph.D. The University of Canterbury, New Zealand
      M.Sc. & B.A. The University of Manchester, UK
      Associate Professor, Jahangirnagar University

48. Ms. Fariea Bakul [MFB]
      M.Sc. Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
      Assistant Professor, University of Dhaka

49. Dr. Naima Nigar [NMG]
      Ph.D. University of Nottingham, UK
      M.Sc. University College London (UCL), UK
      Assistant Professor, University of Dhaka

50. Dr. Asmat Ara Islam [AIS]
      Ph.D. Duquesne University, USA
      M.A. The University of Nottingham, UK
      Lecturer, Jagannath University

51. Mr. M. Ashique Rahman [MAR2]
      M.A. Boston University, USA
      Research Fellow, BIISS

52. Barrister Kazi Tamrin Rashed [KTR]
      Bar-at-Law, Lincoln’s Inn, UK
      P.G.D.L. City University, UK
      LLB. University of London, UK
      Adjunct Lecturer, DHP

53. Barrister Ridma Khan [Rdn]
      LLM. UCL & Queen Mary University of London, UK
      Adjunct Lecturer, DHP


Department of History & Philosophy

Ms. Mahmuda Begum

Faculty Assistant


Program Officer
Academic Calendar


Academic Calendar...

Events, Seminars & Presentations

Seminar on “What if Socrates had Constitutional Rights?” by Mr. Nafiz Ahmed, Lecturer of Law, NSU, on 06 March 2025

Seminar on “ভাষা আন্দোলন ও বাংলাদেশের অভ্যুদয়: স্মৃতিকথা ও আত্মজীবনীর আলোকে” by Poet Abdul Hye Sikder, Editor, Daily Jugantor, on 19 February 2025

Seminar on “Visa Politics: During Post Partition and Present Day” by Mr. Mohammad Afzalur Rahman, Lecturer, DHP, NSU, on 06 February 2025


Special Program Honoring Professor Mahmud Shah Qureshi, jointly organized by the Department of History & Philosophy (DHP) and NSU Central Library on 29 January 2025


Seminar on “বিজয়৭১: আমাদের গৌরব গাঁথা” by Professor Afsan Chowdhury and Major General (Retd.) Dr. Md. Sarwar Hossain on 24 December 2024


A day-long program on “Mental Health in the Workplace” on 20 October 2024


Undergraduate Courses

Current course offerings:

In Summer 2020, the DHP is offering eleven (11) courses in 188 sections run by ten (10) full-time and 43 part-time faculty members. Major courses currently offered by the department are as follows:

  • Emergence of Bangladesh (Compulsory)
  • National heritage and culture
  • Business ethics (Compulsory)
  • Introduction to psychology
  • Introduction to philosophy
  • World history & civilizations

For further information, contact this number 01736494614 of the Department of History & Philosophy.

Catalog 2021-'24

Graduate Program and Courses

Master of Arts in History and Asian Studies (MAHAS)

List of items to be discussed at the Faculty meeting


Overview of the Program:

The Program will lead to the receiving of Masters of Arts (MA) Degree by the students. It offers three components: a distinctive focus on Bangladesh and South Asia, a broader Asian perspective (South East and Far East), and a chance to specialize in either history or develop skills in regional area studies. Courses would draw on the insights offered by disciplines such as History, Political Science, Philosophy, and Environmental Studies and apply them in Bangladesh and Asian contexts. Secondly, students would be able to interact and exchange ideas with some of the leading South, Southeast, and East Asian specialists within the larger framework of the History and Asian Studies Program. Thirdly, in order to understand the complex and often contradictory social and cultural realities, students would acquire the necessary knowledge in bridging successful Asian experiences in the regional context.

Academic Calendar:

The program will maintain the following academic calendar:





January to May


July to December


Program Modules/Courses:

The MAHAS Program will offer a wide range of courses from different aspects of History and Asian Studies with a particular focus on South Asian studies. There are two formats of the program. Students who will qualify for format-1 must take mandatory six core courses and four elective courses out of eight offered courses (subjective to availability). Those who will not qualify for Format-1 must take six core courses and six elective courses out of eight offered courses.


MAHAS Program Plan: Format 1 with Thesis



1st Year

1st Semester

Core Course

03 credits

Core Course

03 credits

Core Course

03 credits


03 credits

2nd Semester

Core Course

03 credits

Core Course

03 credits

Core Course

03 credits


03 credits



2nd Year

3rd Semester


03 credits


03 credits

Master’s Dissertation Writing

(Prerequisite: HAS506)

06 Credits


MAHAS Program Plan: Format 2 without Thesis



1st Year

1st Semester

Core Course

03 credits

Core Course

03 credits

Core Course

03 credits


03 credits

2nd Semester

Core Course

03 credits

Core Course

03 credits

Core Course

03 credits


03 credits



2nd Year

3rd Semester


03 credits


03 credits


03 credits


03 credits



List of Courses:


Core Courses


Course Code

Course Title



Pre-Modern History of South Asia

3 Credits


History of Modern South Asia

3 Credits


Contemporary East Asia

3 Credits


Urbanization in Modern Asia

3 Credits


History of Independent Bangladesh

3 Credits


Historiography and Research Methodology

3 Credits

Elective Courses (Any three)


Heritage, Museology & Archival Studies

3 Credits


Economic History of Asia

3 Credits


History of the Middle East

3 Credits


Gender in Asian History

3 Credits


History of Science & Technology

3 Credits


Modern China, Japan, and Malaysia

3 Credits


Traditions in Asian Philosophy

3 Credits


Development in South Asia 

3 Credits


Master’s Dissertation

6 Credits


Target Groups:

  • Fresh graduates from various fields of liberal arts as well as social sciences who wish to be promoted to a policy-making position;
  • Fresh graduates from various fields of liberal arts as well as social sciences who wish to go for higher studies in History or Asian Studies or related interdisciplinary studies;
  • Individuals already in jobs and need further skills for professional development such as journalists, bureaucrats, and diplomats.
  • Foreigners, including expats and diplomats, who are interested to learn the socio-economic and political history of Bengal/Bangladesh in particular and Asia in general.

Entry Requirements and How to Apply:

Students are required to fulfill the following conditions in order to be admitted to the degree program in History and Asian Studies:

  • Successful completion of a Bachelor's degree in History, International Relations, Sociology, Economics, Political Science, Philosophy, or any other related disciplines.
  • CGPA of 2.75 in a four years Bachelor's degree or equivalent second-class Bachelor's degree with good academic standing.
  • Good command in English is essential and IT skills are desirable.
  • Any further admission requirements as per North South University rules and regulations.

Selection criteria/additional info:

Selection of students is based on previous academic achieve­ments and the following criteria:

  • Grades on courses
  • English language level
  • Documented knowledge of and/or interest in the field of Asian Studies and statement of purpose
  • Non-academic knowledge and/or work experience of rele­vance to Asian Studies


Tuition and Financial Assistance:

Tuition and other program expenditures will be based on existing North South University’s graduate tuition structure. Financial assistance will be available for meritorious and deserving students.

Career Prospects:

Graduates of the program will have not just historical and contemporary knowledge of the region as a whole, but also the crucial transnational and cross-cultural competencies that are required for working as part of a team in international organizations that are expanding their work with and inside Asia. Graduates will find positions not only in academic institutes, government agencies, Asia related organizations, foreign embassies, or diplomatic missions but also in consultancy firms, media houses, and the tourism industry. Those planning to pursue a career in academia through Ph.D. research can also benefit from the structure and courses of the program.


Research Areas

Name and Designation

Research areas

Dr. M. Emdadul Haque


Department of History & Philosophy

Area of Research:  Political history, Narco-diplomacy, India-Bangladesh relations, Public governance & politics


1. Drugs in South Asia: from the Opium Trade to the Present Day (Houndsmill: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000, ISBN 0-333-75465-4); Co-published (New York: St Martin’s Press, 2000, ISBN 0-312-22379-X)

2. Colonial Drug Trade in South Asia: from Palashi to Partition (Dhaka: Century Publications, 2017)

3. Comparative Political Systems  (Dhaka: Century Publications, 2019)

4. Transparency Openness & Ethics in Civil Service (Seoul: KAMAC, 2010)

5. Co-authored, Building Roads and Highways: Public Procurement Practices in Bangladesh (Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017)

6. The Politics: Basic Understanding (Dhaka: Century Publications, 2019)

* Plus more publications in Bengali 


Dr. Sharif Uddin Ahmed

Professor  & Chair (In-Charge)

 Area of Research:  Urban  &   Institutional  History of South  Asia

Major-Publications:A study in Urban History & Development, 1841-1885 published by Curzon Ptess Ltd, London, 1986; History & Heritage,1841-1921 (in Bengali), Academic Press &Publishers Limited Dhaka, 2002;

Dr. Norman Kenneth Swazo , Director,Undergraduate Studies



Area of Research: Ethics in International  Affairs; Biomedical  Ethics /Research Ethics;  Recent

European  Philosophy  (emphasis on Heidegger); Political Philosophy ; Comparative Philosophy /Comparative Religions; History of  Philosophy.

Major-publications: Crisis Theory & World Order: Heidegger Ian  Reflections (New York:SUNY Press,

SUNY’s Series in Global Politics September 2002.

Dr.Niladri Chatterjee

Assistant Professor

Area of research : Modern South Asian History, History of Bengal, The Indian Rebellion of 1857, Political Ecology and Environmental History, Political Economy of Public Health Policy in a Transnational Historical Perspective.

Major publications: The European Response towards the Indian Rebellion of 1857 in Rivista degli Studi Orientali (ISSN:0392-4866),published by the dipartimento Istituto Italiano di Studi orientali,Sapienza Universita di Roma.December 2014

Ms. Sarah Fardeen


Area of Research: Research  interest  lies in the  psychosocial  field. Mental  health development of the South Asian population.


Asiful Basar


Area of Research: Economic History ,south Asian Studies, Climate & International discourse.

Major publications: Climate Change, Loss of livelihood & the Loss of Rural Livelihood: A Story from coastal Bangladesh, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller GmbH & co.KG, ISBN Number:978-3-639-32829-5

Dr. A.K.M. Shahnawaz


Area of Research: Cultural Heritage of world Civilization, Art, Architecture & Archaeology of Bengal, Socio-cultural History of Bengal.

Major Publications: Mudraya O Shilalipite Maddhayajuger Banglar Samaj-Samskrity (Society & Culture of Medieval Bengal On Its Coins and Inscriptions) Dhaka, Bangla Academy, 1999

Dr.Mohammad Mozahidul Islam


Area of Research: Bangladesh Politics, politics of Food Security, Historiography.

Major Publications:  The Toxic politics of Bangladesh: A bipolar competitive neopatrimonial state? Asian Journal of Political Science, 21(2):148-168.(published by Routledge: Taylor and Francis)

Dr.A.K.M.Golam Rabbani


Area of research:  Islamic History and Culture, Muslim World, History South Asia (Ancient to Modern), Bengal and British India, Urban Studies, Urban History, Politics and Planning, National History and Heritages.

Major –Publications:

Dr.Ashfaque Hossain


Area of research:  History of the liberation war of Bangladesh, Aspects of colonial and post-colonial globalization, Maritime History, colonial Bengal and South Asian history.

Major Publications: A short History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh (In Bengali, Dhaka: New Age Publication,2014

Rashida Akhter Khanum



Area of Research: Ethics , Epistemology, Environmental Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy and Philosophy of Science

Major Publications: Contemporary gender Issues, Dhaka: A H Development Publishing House, 2012.

Dr. Mostofa Nazmul Mansur


Area of Research: Logic (traditional, Symbolic and Mathematical), Philosophy of Language, Western Philosophical Thoughts, Ethics, Epistemology, Indian Philosophy, Introductory Psychology

Major Publication:W.D.Ross’  Account of What Makes Right Actions right: an Examination, Copula:Jahangirnagar University Studies in Philosophy, Vol.XXXI,pp. 1-13.

Dr. Jasim Uddin



Area of Research: Applied Ethics-which comprises Environmental Ethics, Business Ethics, Ethics & Biotechnology & Engineering Ethics.

Major Publications: 1. Interconnectedness: Ecological and Ontological Realities, Philosophy and Progress, Development Centre for Philosophical Studies (DCPS), Dhaka University (DU), Vol.-June-Dec.2011.

2. Social Ecology as a Critique of Deep Ecology, the Journal of Social Studies, DU, Vol.-2-2009

Dr. Mohammad Kamrul Ahsan


Area of Research: Normative and Applied Ethics (especially Environmental Ethics, Ethics of Sustainable Development, Business Ethics, Professional Ethics, Animal Ethics and Bioethics); Environmental Philosophy; and the History of Normative Philosophy.

Major publications:

Dr. Md. Munir Hossain Talukder



Area of Research: Comparative Environmental Philosophy & Ethics, Bioethics, Applied Ethics, Asian Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics and Technology.

Major Publications: 1. ‘In defence of Geo-Cultural Identity: An Argument Against Kymlicka’s View of Multiculturalism and Minority Rights’, Central European university(CEU) Political Science Journal, Vol.4,no.1, pp1-22, January, 2011. Publisher: Central European University, Hungary.

2. ‘On Patient –Physician Relationships: A Bangladesh Perspective’. Asian Bioethics Review, Vol.2, no.2, pp65-84, June, 2011. Publisher: National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Dr. Hamida Akhtar Begum


Area of Research: Social behaviour like Attitudes, Values, Aggression and Violence, Risk-taking, Aging, Social Psychology of Psychological research, Environmental stress, Poverty, and Gender and Development.

Major Publications: 1. ‘Emerging new Accent:  A Perspective of Gender and Development in Bangladesh’, 1993. 2. ‘Exploring Mental Disorders in Bangladesh’, 2005.

Dr. Shamim F. Karim



Area of Research: Psychology, Education & Child Development Women and Development Counselling & Mental Health.

Major Publications: ‘ A Cross-cultural Study of Theoretical Values of Adolescence’;  Asian Journal of Psychological and Education (APRC, Agra, India), Vol.30, no.1-2 page 1-6, 1997.





Academic Publications



Office & Services

To know more about the Department, please contact:

Program Officer

Department of History and Philosophy
Room # NAC 1047
North South University
Bashundhara R/A, Block # B, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh
Email :
Telephone: +880 2 55668200. EXT 6366

Faculty Office Hours

Faculty Office Hours

Greetings from the Chair


Program Officer
Room # NAC 1047
Department of History and Philosophy
North South University
Bashundhara R/A, Block # B, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh
Telephone: +880 2 55668200. EXT 6366
