Mathematics and Physics play an important role in understanding the fundamental laws of nature, and they directly correlate with the other fields of engineering and natural sciences. Understanding the importance and necessity of acquiring knowledge about the most exciting and interesting branch of science and engineering, the Department of Mathematics and Physics belongs to the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences.
The Department of Mathematics and Physics is one of the dynamic departments of North South University, which incorporates fundamental, experimental, and mathematical study. We are committed to excellence in teaching and research. All our faculty members are highly qualified, and they are responsible for teaching the Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics courses offered by the University. Fifteen of our twenty-four full-time faculty members are Ph.D.s from North America, Australia, or Western Europe. The breadth of expertise of our faculty members covers almost the entire range of mathematics and physics, pure as well as applied. They are active in all branches of state-of-art research, which include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
Currently, the department runs a 21 (twenty-one) credits "Math Minor" program. A 23 (twenty-three) credits "Physics Minor" program is submitted for academic review. We hope to launch this very soon. However, a complete MSc program in Applied and Computational Sciences (AMCS) is being prepared. Our vision is to transform our department from a present course-offering position to a full-fledged department that, among other things, will offer a major in Mathematics as well as a major in Physics.
Department of Mathematics and Physics (DMP), North South University (NSU), celebrated the pi-moment of the century at the campus. Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It is symbolized by the greek letter pi in the lower case (π). This is a fixed quantity, which is usually taken to be 3.14. The number of digits after the decimal is infinite. In the western countries, especially in the US, March 14 (written 3/14 in the American style) is celebrated every year as the pi-day. March 14 this year is a bit more special. The first ten digits of the value of pi, i.e., 3.141592653 can be arranged as March 14, 15, 9:26:53. We call this special moment as the pi-moment. This moment will come again in 2115, one hundred years later.
At this precise moment (according to Bangladesh-time) of this century, students from various departments of NSU participated in a celebration of the moment. They formed a human circle with a diameter. Then dividing the number of people in the circumference by the number of people in the diameter yielded a value close to the actual value of pi. They did the same thing with chairs. At the end a large number of people formed the shape of the symbol π.
Professor Partha Pratim Dey, the chairman of the Department was present at the event along with a few other faculty members, namely, Kazi Abu Sayeed, Hasina Akter, and Muhammad Asad-uz-zaman. A few part time faculty members were present as well as Golam Dastegir Al Quaderi, a faculty member of the Physics Department at Dhaka University, who participated as a guest. The initiative was taken by Naureen Ahsan, a part time faculty member at NSU and a full time faculty member at Dhaka University.
Pi-moment of the century, March 14, 15 9:26:53
Chairman of DMP is seen with faculty members and students.
The human circle yielded a close value to pi A chair circle yielded an even closer value to pi
A human pi symbol
Designation: Department Secretary (Senior Officer)
Phone Number: +880255668200 Ext:1560
Office Room: SAC 1037Office Hours: Sunday to Thursday: 9:00AM to 5:00PM
Designation: Program Officer
Cell # 01743344757 , Ext. No-1561
Office Room: SAC1038
Office Hours: Sunday to Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Designation: Faculty Assistant
Office Room: SAC 1020
Phone: +88 02 55668200 Ext. – 6389
Office Hours: Sunday to Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
The Master of Science in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (MSc in AMCS) degree is intended to provide the student a working knowledge of several areas of applied mathematics, which may include a specific area of application, to prepare for a dynamic career in industry and academia. In addition to providing a solid conceptual foundation for the applications of mathematics, students will be prepared to complete a thesis in topics related to Applied Mathematics and Computational Science.
The curriculum is semester-based, 2 semesters a year. The degree must be completed in a minimum of one and a half (1.5) years to a maximum of three (3) years from the date of enrollment.
A 4-year bachelor in mathematics or applied mathematics, or equivalent degree in statistics, physics, applied physics, engineering, computer science, information & communication technology, and economics from an accredited public or private university in Bangladesh or abroad with a grade point average of at least 2.75 (in a scale of 4.0) or a minimum of 2nd class in BSc-Hons/MSc.
The MSc in AMCS degree requires the successful completion of 40 credit hours.
Download Full Curriculum (Link)
Items | Amount in TK |
Admission Fee | 20,000 |
Caution Money | 10,000 |
Tuition Fee Per Credit | 4,500 |
Activities Fee | 4,500 |
Library Fee | 1,500 |
Computer Lab Fee | 3,000 |
• 3 Post Graduates merit-based NSU Scholarship
• Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA)
• Research Assistantship (RA)
• Financial aid for tuition fee waiver
• Maximum 9 Credit waivers for students with substantial mathematical courses at Undergraduate levels
• Total marks=100 (Written: 90+Viva: 10 )
• Written exam:
1. English 30 marks ( 10 questions for the multiple choice+ writing composition on a prescribed
topic for 20 marks )
2. Aptitude 30 marks: SAT & GRE types questions
3. Basic knowledge of undergraduate Mathematics 30 marks: (i) matrix, determinant, (ii) ordinary
derivatives (iii) single integration (iv) partial derivatives (v) double integration (vi) coordinate
geometry (vii) complex numbers (viii) basic probability and statistics (ix) vectors algebra9
(addition, subtraction, multiplication) and vector calculus ( curl, divergence) (x) first-order ODE.
Application deadline (Summer 2025) |
Contact |
Wednesday, 16 April 2025 till 11:59 p.m. Date of Admission Test: Friday, 18 April 2025, 10:00 a.m. For more information about admission, Link
Postal Address: Phone: 01723112574
• Title: Reduced order modeling of discrete-time periodic systems exploiting recursive Krylov approximation ;
• Title: Numerical Methods for Model Reduction of Index-2 Periodic Descriptor Systems with Application to Circuit Simulation ;
• Title: Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow Simulation using High-Performance Parallel Computing via GPU and Cluster CPU ;
• Title: Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Air Flow and Pollutant Dispersion in Urban Areas using High Performance Parallel Computing ;
• Title: Model Reduction of Second-Order Descriptor Systems over Finite-Frequency Interval ;
• Title: Simulation-based study on next-generation enhanced heat transfer fluids: Non-Newtonian Nanofluids;
• Title: Mathematical Modelling of within-host progression of DEN infection;
• Title: Identification of modes from numerical data;
• Title: Simulation of Pollutant Dispersion in Urban Areas with Three Dimensional Building Arrays in the City of Dhaka. (2019-2021) ( On 03-12/2019);
• Title: Developing Mathematical Algorithms and Softwares for the Model Reduction of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems;
Research Areas
Name of Faculty | Area of Research |
Dr. Mamun Molla | Computational Fluid Dynamics, Parallel Computing |
Dr.Mohammad Sahadet Hossain | Systems and Control Theory, Model Order Reduction, Scientific Computing |
Dr. Subir Chandra Ghosh | Nanometarils and Solar Energy |
Dr. Muhammad Asad-Uz-Zaman | Nonlinear Dynamics |
Dr. Hasina Akthar | Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory |
Dr. Mohammad Monir Uddin | Systems and Control Theory, Model Order Reduction, Numerical Liner Algebra and Scientific Computing |
Md. Zahangir Hossain | Computational Fluid Dynamics |
1. Atia Afroz, Mohammad Sahadet Hossain, Musannan Hossain, Mashrur Wasek, “Iterative approach for reduction of index 2 periodic models using generalized inverse procedure”, In Proceedings of Seventh International Congress on Information and Communication Technology: ICICT 2022, London, Volume 1. Published in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems- Springer Nature 2022
2. Design and Implementation of a Smart Insole System to Measure Plantar Pressure and Temperature, Amith Khandakar, Sakib Mahmud, Muhammad E. H. Chowdhury, Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz, Serkan Kiranyaz, Zaid Bin Mahbub, Sawal Hamid Md Ali, Ahmad Ashrif A. Bakar, Mohamed Arselene Ayari, Mohammed Alhatou, Mohammed Abdul-Moniem and Md Ahasan Atick Faisal, Sensors 2022, 22(19), 7599;
3. Thermal Change Index-Based Diabetic Foot Thermogram Image Classification Using Machine Learning Techniques, Amith Khandakar, Muhammad EH Chowdhury, Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz, Sawal Hamid Md Ali, Tariq O Abbas, Tanvir Alam, Mohamed Arselene Ayari, Zaid B Mahbub, Rumana Habib, Tawsifur Rahman, Anas M Tahir, Ahmad Ashrif A Bakar, Rayaz A Malik, Sensors, 22, February 2022,
4. Bangla Sign Language (BdSL) Alphabets and Numerals Classification Using a Deep Learning Model, Kanchon Kanti Podder, Muhammad EH Chowdhury, Anas M Tahir, Zaid Bin Mahbub, Amith Khandakar, Md Shafayet Hossain, Muhammad Abdul Kadir, Sensors, 22(2), January 2022,
5. Balanced truncation for reducedâ€order modeling of Piezoelectric Tonpilz I. B. Iqbal, X. Du, M. Monir Uddin, M.Forhad Uddin, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 111, November 2022, Pages 63-77
6. Comparative Mathematical Study of Blood Flow Through Stenotic and Aneurysmatic Artery with the Presence and Absence of Blood Clots. M. N. Uddin, M. Monir Uddin, M. M. Alam, Malaysian Journal for Mathematical Sciences, September 2022, Vol. 16, No. 3.
7. Iterative Rational Krylov Algorithms for model reduction of a class of constrained structural dynamic system with Engineering applications. Xin Du, M. Monir Uddin, A. Mostakim Fony, Md. Tanzim Hossain and Md. Nazmul Islam Shuzan, Numerical Algebra, Control & Optimization,2022, 12(3), pp. 481–493
8. Wavelet and Spectral Analysis of Normal and Abnormal Heart Sound for Diagnosing Cardiac Disorders. Sharif Uddin, Parinda Rahman, Meratun Junnut Anee, Md Mehedi Hasan Rifat, M. Monir Uddin, BioMed Research International, 2022, Vol 81, pp. 104448.
9. Numerical Analysis of Cavitating Flow on Hydrofoil, Morshed Alam, E.M. and M. Monir Uddin, MIST International Journal of Science and Technology, 2022. Vol. 22. pp. 11-19.
10. Comparative study on techniques of model order reduction using rational Krylov subspace method, M Saiduzzaman, MS Islam, M. Monir Uddin, MO Gani, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 25 (7), 2022 pp. 1971-1978
11. Towards an Adaptive Dynamic Mode Decomposition. Mohammad N. Murshed, M. Monir Uddin, Results in Control and Optimization (2022) Volume 6, pp.100076.
12. Sparsity-Preserving Two-Sided Iterative Algorithm for Riccati-Based Boundary Feedback Stabilization of the Incompressible Navier–Stokes Flow, M Islam, M Uddin, M. Monir Uddin, M Khan, A Hakim, M Hossain, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2022
13. Generation of the mathematical model to analyze the dynamical behaviour of the blood flow, MS Islam, KIB Iqbal, M Saiduzzaman, M. Monir Uddin, MO Gani, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 25 (7), 2022, pp. 2019-2027
14. Hossian, P. Nag, M. M. Molla, (2022): Mesoscopic Simulation of MHD Mixed Convection of Non-Newtonian Ferrofluids with a Non-uniformly Heated Plate in an Enclosure, Physica Scripta, 98, 015008 (IOP Publication, UK) (Scopus). (SJR:Q2) (IF:3.081)
15. M. A.Taher, S. Siddiqa, M. Kamrujjaman, M. M. Molla, (2022): Free Convection of temperature-dependent thermal conductivity based Ethylene Glycol-Al2O3 Nanofluid in an Open Cavity with Wall Heat Flux, Int. Communications Heat and Mass Transfer, 138, November 2022, 106379 (Elsevier)(Scopus)(SJR:Q1).(IF=5.683 )
16. A, Rahman, P. Nag, M. M. Molla (2022): Non-Newtonian Effects on MHD Thermosolutal Free Convection and Entropy Production of Nanofluids in a Rectangular Enclosure using the GPU based Mesoscopic Simulation, Waves in Random Complex Media. (Taylor and Francis) (Scopus). (SJR:Q2) (IF:3.27)
17. S. Mahmud, M. Kamrujjaman, M. M. I. Y. Adan, M. A.Hossain, M. M. Rahman, M. S. Islam, M. Mohebujjaman, M. M. Molla (2022) Vaccine efficacy and SARS-CoV-2 control in California and U.S. during the session 2020–2026: A modeling study Infectious Disease Modelling, Infectious Disease Modelling (Elsevier) (SJR:Q1) (I.F=2.24) Infectious Disease Modelling 7 (2022) 62e81
18. Hassan, P. Nag, M. M. Molla, A. Khan, M. F. Hasan (2022): Large Eddy Simulation of Atmospheric Flow and Pollutant Dispersion in a Model Urban Street Intersection, Atmosphere 2022, 13, 1028 (MDPI) (Scopus) (SJR:Q2). (IF= 2.686)
19. S. Bhowmic, Fang Xu, M. M. Molla, S. C. Saha, (2022): Chaotic Phenomena of Free Convection of Water in a V-shaped Enclosure, Int. Journal Thermal Science, 176 (2022) 107526 (Elsevier) (Scopus) (SJR: Q1). (IF:3.744)
20. A, Rahman, D. A. Redwan, S. Thohura, M. Kamrujjaman, M. M. Molla (2022): Natural Convection and Entropy Generation of non-Newtonian Nanofluids with Different Angles of External Magnetic Field using GPU Accelerated MRT-LBM, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 30 (2022) 101769 ( Elsevier) (Scopus). (SJR:Q1) (IF:4.724)
21. P. Nag, M. M. Molla, M. A. Hossain (2022): Non-Newtonian effect on mixed convection flow over an elliptical cylinder with uniform heat flux, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics (Springer Nature) ( Scopus) (SJR:Q3) (IF=0.33) 8(75), p-120
22. F, Hasan, M. M. Molla, M Kamrujjaman, Sadia Siddiqa (2022): Natural convection flow over a vertical permeable circular cone with uniform surface heat flux in temperature-dependent viscosity with three-fold solutions within the boundary layer, Computations (MDPI)10, 60 (2022)., (Scopus). (SJR:Q2) (IF:2.62)
23. Hasina, An equivalence based classification of [6, 3, 4] error correcting codes over GF(5). Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 5 (5) August 2022, Pages 1425-1434,
1. Mohammad Sahadet Hossain, Atia Afroz, Musannan Hossain, “Algorithms for model order reduction of structured periodic control system and simulations of results”, 2022 International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET), 2022, pp. 245-250, doi: 10.1109/ICISET54810.2022.9775882. Published in IEEE Xplore 2 of 4
2. Atia Afroz, Mohammad Sahadet Hossain, Musannan Hossain, Mashrur Wasek, “Iterative approach for reduction of index 2 periodic models using generalized inverse procedure”. In Proceedings of Seventh International Congress on Information and Communication Technology: ICICT 2022, London, Volume 1. Published inLecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 447. Springer, Singapore.
3. Mohammad Sahadet Hossain, Atia Afroz, Musannan Hossain; Algorithms for model order reduction of structured periodic control system and simulations of results. 2022 International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET), 2022, pp. 245-250, doi: 10.1109/ICISET54810.2022.9775882. Published in IEEE Xplore
4. Mohammad Sahadet Hossain, Atia Afroz, Oshin Muntaha and Musannan Hossain, A novel ADI based method for model reduction of discrete-time index 2 control systems, in proceedings MIET, 2022. Appeared in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems- Springer Nature.
5. Deep learning based liver segmentation using T1 weighted abdominal MRI, Md. Sakib Abrar Hossain, Muhammad E. H. Chowdhury, Enamul H. Bhuiyan, Zaid B. Mahbub, Tawsifur Rahman, Amith Khandakar, Anas Tahir, Md Shafayet Hossain, M. Salman Khan, Annual Meeting 2022, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, London, 7-12 May 2022.
6. Riccati-based feedback stabilization of incompressible Navier-Stokes models via reduced-order modelling by iterative rational Krylov algorithm. Mahtab Uddin, Md. Toriqul Islam, M. Monir Uddin, and Md. Abdul Hakim Khan 2022 25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT)
7. Estimating Aerodynamic Data via Supervised Learning. Azizul Haque, Tanzim Hossain Niaz Murshed, K. Intasar Bin Iqbal, and M. Monir Uddin, 2022 25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT)
8. Frequency Limited Model Reduction for Large Scale Second-Order Index 1 system, Md. Saiduzzaman, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Kife I. Bin Iqbal, M. Monir Uddin and Mohammad Osman Gani, 2022 25th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT)
2021 |
1. Islam, M. S., Hoque, M. E., & Amin, M. R. (2021). Integration of Kalman filter in the epidemiological model: a robust approach to predict COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2150108.
2. Arifuzzaman, M., Siam, Z. S., Rashid, M. H., & Islam, M. S. (2021). No lockdown policy for COVID-19 epidemic in Bangladesh: Good, bad or ugly?. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 32(05), 2150062.
3. Hoque, M. E., Islam, M. S., Das, S. K., Mitra, D. K., & Amin, M. R. (2021). Adjusted dynamics of COVID-19 pandemic due to herd immunity in Bangladesh. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2150140.
4. Hoque, E., Islam, M. S., Sharma, A. S., Islam, R., & Amin, M. R. (2021). Challenges in Tracking the Risk of COVID-19 in Bangladesh: Evaluation of A Novel Method. medRxiv.
5. Xin Du, Kife I. Bin Iqbal, M. Monir Uddin, A. Mostakim Fony, Md. Tanzim Hossain, Mian Ilyas Ahmad, and Mohammad Sahadet Hossain, Computational Techniques for H2 Optimal Frequency-Limited Model Order Reduction of Large-Scale Sparse Linear Systems, Journal of Computational Science, Elsevier. (Q1)
6. Mohammad-Sahadet Hossain*, Muhtasim Alam Chowdhury, Md. Samiur Rahman; " A dual reduction strategy for reduce-order modeling of periodic control system",Results in Control and Optimization, Volume 4, 2021, 100034, Elsevier Journal; 2021.
7. Ahmed, S. K., Mahmood, M. F., Arifuzzaman, M., & Hossen, M. B. (2021). Enhancement of Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Al3+ substituted CuZn Nano ferrites with Structural Rietveld Refinement. Results in Physics, 104833.
8. Harun-Or-Rashid, M., Rahman, M. M., Arifuzzaman, M., & Hossain, A. A. (2021). Structural, magnetic, and electrical properties of Ni38−xCu0.15+yZn0.47+x−yFe2O4 synthesized by sol–gel auto-combustion technique. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 1-16.
9. Harun-Or-Rashid, M., Islam, M. N., Arifuzzaman, M., & Hossain, A. A. (2021). Effect of sintering temperature on the structural, morphological, electrical, and magnetic properties of Ni–Cu–Zn and Ni–Cu–Zn–Sc ferrites. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32(2), 2505-2523.
10. S. Afsana, M. M. Molla, P. Nag, L. K. Saha, S. Siddiqa(2021): Natural Convection and Entropy Generation of non-Newtonian Ferrofluid in Wavy Enclosure, International Journal of Mechanical Science, 198, 15 May 2021, 106350 (Elsevier) (Scopus) (SJR:Q1) (IF=4.631)
11. S. Hassan, M. M. Molla, P. Nag, M. N. Akhter, A. Khan, (2021): Unsteady RANS simulation of Wind Flow Around a Building Shape Obstacle, Building Simulation (Springer) (Scopus)(SJR:Q1) (IF= 3.751)
12. S, Afsana, A. Parvin, P. Nag, M. M. Molla (2021): Investigation of MHD Free Convection of Power-law Fluids in a Sinusoidally Heated Enclosure using the MRT-LBM, Heat Transfer. P-1-22 (Jhon Wiley and Sons) (Scopus). (SJR:Q2) (IF: 2.42)
13. M, Islam, S. A. Hai, P. Nag, M. M. Molla, (2021): Multiple-relaxation-time Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Free Convection and Irreversibility of Nanofluid with variable Thermophysical Properties, Physica Scripta (IOP, Publishing, UK) (Scopus). (SJR:Q2) (IF:2.54).
14. Nag, M. M. Molla, (2021): Numerical simulation on double-diffusive natural convection of non-Newtonian nanofluid conceding thermal dispersion of nanoparticles within a vertical wavy enclosure, AIP Advances (Scopus) (SJR:Q2). (IF= 1.579)
15. S. Siddiqa, M. M. Molla, S. V. Naqvi, Carreau Ferrofluid Flow with Inclined Magnetic Field in an Enclosure Having Heated Cylinder, Physica Scripta, (Scopus) (SJR:Q2) (IOP Publishing, UK) (IF= 2.54)
16. M. N. Akhter, M. E. Ali, M. M. Rahman, M. N. Hossain, M. M. Molla, Simulation of air pollution dispersion in Dhaka City Street Canyon, AIP Advances, 11, 065022 ( American Institute of Physics), (SJR:Q2) (IF= 1.579) (Scopus)
17. S, Thohura, M. M. Molla, M. M. A. Sarker, M.C. Paul (2021): Study of Mixed Convection flow of Power-law Fluids in a Skewed Lid-Driven Cavity, Heat Transfer. (Jhon Wiley and Sons) (Scopus) . (SJR:Q2) (IF: 2.42)
18. J. Q. Yuki, I. Sen, M. M. Q. Sakib, P. Nag, M. M. Molla (2021): Multiple-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Magnetic Field Effect on Natural Convection of Non-Newtonian Nanofluids in Rectangular Enclosure, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 13, 1142-1168 (Global Science Press) (Scopus) (SJR:Q2)
19. S. Hassan, D. A. Redwan, M. M. Molla, S. Thohura, M. A. Taher, S. Siddiqa (2021): A Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement through Various Nanofluids in a Square Cavity with Localized Heating, Energy Engineering, Vol.118, No.6, 2021, pp.1659-1679 (Scopus) (Tech Science Press) (SJR:Q4). DOI: 10.32604/EE.2021.017657, (IF=0.21).
20. S. C. Saha, A. M. Sefidan, A. Sojoudi, M. M. Molla (2021): Transient Free Convection and Heat Transfer in a Partitioned Attic-Shaped Space under Diurnal Thermal Forcing, Energy Engineering, 118(3), 487–506 (Scopus) (Tech Science Press) (SJR:Q4) (IF=0.21)
21. Tasmin, P. Nag, Z. T. Hoque, M. M. Molla, (2021): Non-Newtonian Effect on Heat Transfer and Entropy Generation of Natural Convection Nanofluid Flow inside a Wavy Porous Enclosure, SN Applied Sciences, Vol. 3:299 (Springer Nature) (Scopus)
22. Atia Afroz and Toshizumi Fukui, Bifurcation of Euler buckling problem, revisited, Hokkaido Mathematical Journal Vol. 50 (2021) p. 111–150 doi:10.14492/hokmj/2018-910. (Scopus)
23. Xin Du, Kife I. Bin Iqbal, M. M. Uddin, A. Mostakim Fony, Md. Tanzim Hossain, Mian Ilyas Ahmad and Mohammaed Sahadat-Hossain , Computational Techniques for Optimal FrequencyLimited Model Order Reduction of Large-Scale Sparse Linear Systems. Journal of Computational Science (Elsvier), Vol. 55 (2021). DOI:
24. Md N. Islam Shuzan, M. H. Chowdhury, Md. Shafayet Hossain, M. E. H. Chowdhury, Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz, M. M. Uddin, A. Khandakar, A Novel Non-Invasive Estimation of Respiration Rate From Motion Corrupted Photoplethysmograph Signal Using Machine Learning Model, IEEE Access 9, 2021, pp. 96775-96790. DOI:
25. Motlubar Rahman, M. M. Uddin, L. S. Andallah, Mahtab Uddin, Tangential interpolatory projections for a class of second-order index-1 descriptor systems and application to Mechatronics, Production Engineering, 15(1), 2021, pp. 9-19. DOI:
26. Xin Du, M. M. Uddin, A. Mostakim Fony, Md. Tanzim Hossain, Md N. Islam Shuzan, Iterative Rational Krylov Algorithms for model reduction of a class of constrained structural dynamic system with Engineering applications, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization (NACO), AIMS, (2021) pp. 13. DOI:
27. Murshed and M. M. Uddin, Towards an Adaptive Dynamic Mode Decomposition, Results in Control and Optimization, ELSVIER, Vol. 6 (2021) DOI:
28. Mahtab Uddin, M. M. Uddin, M. A. Hakim Khan, Md. Tanzim Hossain, SVD-Krylov based Sparsity-preserving Techniques for Riccati-based Feedback Stabilization of Unstable Power System Models, Journal of Engineering Advancements, 2(3), 2021, pp. 125-131. DOI:
29. Motlubar Rahman, Mahtab Uddin, M. M. Uddin, M. A. Hakim Khan, Effect of Shift Parameters in Rational Krylov Subspace Method for Solving Riccati Equations Arise from Power System Models, 3(2), 2021, pp. 43-49. DOI:
30. Mahtab Uddin,M. M. Uddin, L. S. Andallah, SVD-Krylov based techniques for structure-preserving reduced order modelling of second-order systems, Mathematical Modelling and Control, 1(2), 2021, pp. 79-89.DOI:
31. ‘Recent developments in the kinetics of ruptures of giant vesicles under constant tension’, Mohammad Abu Sayem Karal, Md. Kabir Ahamed, Marzuk Ahmed and Zaid Bin Mahbubb; Royal Society of Chemistry Advances, 47; August 2021,
32. ‘A new purification technique to obtain specific size distribution of giant lipid vesicles using dual filtration’, Mohammad Abu Sayem Karal, Tawfika Nasrin, Marzuk Ahmed, Md. Kabir Ahamed, Shareef Ahammed, Salma Akter, Sharif Hasan, Zaid Bin Mahbub, PLOS ONE,, July 2021.
33. ‘A Novel Non-Invasive Estimation of Respiration Rate From Motion Corrupted Photoplethysmograph Signal Using Machine Learning Model’, Md Nazmul Islam Shuzan, Moajjem Hossain Chowdhury, Md. Shafayet Hossain, Muhammad E.H. Chowdhury, Mamun Ibne Reaz, Monir Uddin, Amith Khandakar, Zaid B. Mahbub, and Sawal Hamid Md. Ali, IEEE Access, vol 9. 96775 - 96790, July 2021.
34. Valeria Nele, Margaret N. Holme, Harunur Rashid, Hanna M. G. Barriga, Tu C. Le, Michael R. Thomas, James J. Doutch, Irene Yarovsky, Molly M. Stevens. Design of lipid-based nanocarriers via cation modulation of ethanol-interdigitated lipid membranes. Langmuir 37 (40), 2021, 11909-11921.
35. Md Harunur Rashid. Molecular simulation of the Kv7.4[ΔS269] mutatnt channel reveals that ion conduction in the cavity is perturbed due to hydrophobic gating. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports. 2021, 25,100879
36. ZS Siam, M Arifuzzaman, MS Ahmed, FA Khan, MH Rashid, MS Islam.Dynamics of COVID-19 transmission in Dhaka and Chittagong: Two business hubs of Bangladesh . Clinical epidemiology and global health. 2021, 10, 100684.
37. M Arifuzzaman, ZS Siam, MH Rashid, MS Islam. No lockdown policy for COVID-19 epidemic in Bangladesh: Good, bad or ugly?. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2021, 32 (05), 2150062
1. Mohammad-Sahadet Hossain, Muhtasim Alam Chowdhury, Md. Samiur Rahman, "Structured Krylov Subspace Approach for Model Reduction of Periodic Control System in Lifted Form". The 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), India. IEEE Xplore. February, 2021
2. Nahar, Nazmun; Siddiqui, Nazlee; Hossain, Mohammad Sahadet; Tazmeen, Ahmed; Ali, Khawaja Sazzad, “Path to Outcome Based Higher Education: An Analysis of Influence of Socio-demographic Factors on Student Engagement”. In EDUCON2022 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. Will appear in IEEE Xplore.
3. Murshed, Zarin Subah, M. M. Uddin, Data Assimilation: Two Different Perspectives Based on the Initial-Condition Dependence, 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICICT4SD). IEEE, 2021. DOI:
4. Mahtab Uddin, M. M. Uddin, M. A. Hakim Khan, Md. Motlubar Rahman, Interpolatory projection technique for Riccati-based feedback stabilization of index-1 descriptor systems, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 1070. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2021. DOI:
5. Kife I. Bin Iqbal, Xin Du, M. M. Uddin and M. Forhad Uddin, Time Restricted Balanced Truncation for Index-I Descriptor Systems with Non-homogeneous Initial Condition, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence. Springer, Singapore, 2021. DOI:
6. Murshed, M. H. Chowdhury, Md N. Islam Shuzan, M. M. Uddin, Towards an improved Eigensystem Realization Algorithm for low-error guarantees, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence. Springer, Singapore, 2021. DOI:
7. Kife I. Bin Iqbal, M. M. Uddin and M. Forhad Uddin, Stability Preservation of Frequency-Limited Balancing Based Reduced Order Model of LargeScale Index-1 Descriptor System, 11th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), IEEE, Dhaka, 2021. pp. 4. DOI:
8. Aaquib Javed, Md. Sayem Mahmud, Md. Takbir Alam, Md. Foysal Bin Ohab, Khandakar Ratul Ali, Abdullah Al Jobaer, and M. M. Uddin, Pothole Detection System Using Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network, 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering Technology, Beijing, China, 2021. DOI:
9. Mohammad N. Murshed and M. M. Uddin, Low-rank approximation of the turbulent channel flow by filter-reinforced Dynamic Mode Decomposition, In 23rd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), IEEE, Dhaka, 2021. pp. 5. DOI:
10. Kife I. Bin Iqbal1, M. M. Uddin and M. Forhad Uddin , In search of frequency-limited low-rank Gramian factors for the balancing based model reduction of large-scale sparse descriptor system, In 23rd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT) (IEEE), 2021. pp. 5. DOI:
11. Rahman, Preetom Nag, M. M. Molla, Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of MHD Non-Newtonian Power-law Nanofluid in A Rectangular Enclosure Using GPU Computing, AIP Conference Proceedings (American Institute of Physics), 2324, 040010 (2021); (Published 25 February 2021)
12. Afsana, Preetom Nag, M. M. Molla, Sharaban Thohura, Natural Convection Flow of Nanofluids over Horizontal Circular Cylinder with Uniform Surface Heat Flux, AIP Conference Proceedings (American Institute of Physics), 2324, 050024 (2021); (Published 25 February 2021)
13. Islam, Preetom Nag, M. M. Molla, GPU Accelerated Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Non-Newtonian Power-Law Fluid in a Porous Enclosure, AIP Conference Proceedings (American Institute of Physics), 2324, 040011 (2021); (Published 25 February 2021)
14. Preetom Nag, and M. M. Molla, Non-Newtonian Effect on Double Diffusive Natural Convection of Nanofluid within a Square Cavity, AIP Conference Proceedings (American Institute of Physics), 2324, 050030 (2021); (Published 25 February 2021)
2020 |
1. Mohammad-Sahadet Hossain, Aniqa Tahsin, Sufi Galib Omar, and Ekram Hossain Khan, "Comparative Analysis of model reduction strategies for circuit based periodic control problems". DOI: 10.1002/asjc.2312; Asian Journal of Control (publisher- J. Wiley and Sons). February 2020
2. Mohammad Sahadet Hossain, Ekram Hossain Khan and Sufi Galib Omar, "An efficient algorithm for reduce order modeling of discrete-time index-2 descriptor control systems". IEEE Xplore, doi: 10.1109/ICCIT48885.2019.9038479 ; March 2020.
3. T. A. Hamika, R. Sasan, F. Hasan, M. M. Molla, (2020): Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of MHD Rayleigh-Benard Convection in porous media, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Springer Nature) ( Scopus), (SJR Q2) Accepted on 08 July 2020) DOI: 10.1007/s13369-020-04812-z
4. M. J. Haque, M. M. Molla, M. A. I. Khan (2020): Graphics Process Unit Accelerated Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Indoor Air flow: Effects of Sub grid-scale Model in LES, Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science) (SAGE) (SJR Q2) (Scopus) DOI: 10.1177/0954406220919780
5. K. M. Z. Rahim. J. Ahmed., P. Nag, M. M. Molla (2020) Lattice Boltzmann simulation of natural convection and heat transfer from multiple heated blocks, , Heat Transfer (Jhon Wiley and Sons), ( Scopus) (SJR Q2) 49, 1877–1894 DOI: 10.1002/htj.21698
6. P. Nag, M. M. Molla, M. A. Hossain (2020): Non-Newtonian effect on natural convection flow over cylinders of elliptic cross section, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 41, 361–382 DOI:10.1007/s10483-020-2562-8 (Springer Nature) (Scopus) (SJR Q2)
7. S. Thohura, M. M. Molla, M. M. A. Sarker (2020): Bingham Fluid Flow Simulation in a Lid-Driven Skewed Cavity using Finite Volume Method, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 97:6, 1212-1233, DOI:10.1080/00207160.2019.1613527 (Taylor & Francis) ( Scopus) (SJR Q2)
8. S. Hassan, T. A. Hamika, M. M. Molla, F. Hasan, (2020): Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer trough partially filled in porous media, Journal of Computational Engineering and Physical Modeling , Vol. 2 (4), pp 21-30, DOI: 10.22115/cepm.2020.200817.1070 (Google scholar) (non-Scopus)
9. A. Rahman, P. Nag, M. M. Molla (2020): Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of MHD Non-Newtonian Power-law Nanofluid in A Rectangular Enclosure Using GPU Computing, To be appeared in AIP Conference (Scopus)
10. M. Islam, P. Nag, M. M. Molla (2020): GPU Accelerated Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Non-Newtonian Power-Law Fluid in a Porous Enclosure, To be appeared in AIP Conference Proceedings ( Scopus)
11. S. Afsana, P. Nag, M. M. Molla, S. Thohura (2020): Natural convection of nanofluids over horizontal circular cylinder with uniform heat flux, To be appeared in AIP Conference Proceedings (Web of Science, Scopus)
12. P. Nag, M. M. Molla (2020): Non-Newtonian Effect on Double Diffusive Natural Convection of Nanofluid within a Square Cavity, To be appeared in AIP Conference Proceedings (Scopus)
13. M Monir Uddin , Structure preserving model order reduction of a class of second-order descriptor systems via balanced truncation, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume: 152, Pages: 185-198, Publisher: Elsvier, DOI: 10.1016/j.apnum.2019.12.010, Indexed: SCOPUS
14. Moajjem Hossain Chowdhury, Md Nazmul Islam Shuzan, Muhammad EH Chowdhury, Zaid B Mahbub, M Monir Uddin, Amith Khandakar, Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz , Estimating Blood Pressure from the Photoplethysmogram Signal and Demographic Features Using Machine Learning Techniques. Sensor, Vol 20, issue 11, Publisher: MDPI, DOI: 10.3390/s20113127. Indexed: SCOPUS
15. Md Motlubar Rahman, M Monir Uddin, LS Andallah, Mahtab Uddin, H2 Optimal Structure-Preserving Model Order Reduction of second-order Systems by Iterative Rational Krylov Algorithm. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2020/6, Note: Accepted, Indexed: SCOPUS Book Chapters (03)
16. M Monir Uddin, Computational techniques for Structure Preserving Model Reduction. Journal: Journal: Computational Intelligence, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. Pages : 487-496, 2020/5/22, Publisher : Springer Nature, Indexed : SCOPUS
17. Mohammad Monir Uddin, Bimal Chandra Das, Momotaz Begum, Md Mosfiqur Rahman, Conic Programming Approach to Reduce Congestion Ratio in Communications Network. Book : Cyber Security and Computer Science, Pages: 566-577, 2020-02-15, Publisher : Springer, Cham, Indexed: SCOPUS
18. M. Monir Uddin, Md. Nazmul Islam Shuzan, Mahmudur Rashid, Md. Aowrongajab Uaday, Conic Programming Approach to Reduce Congestion Ratio in Communications Network. In Book : Advances in Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences, Ediion : 1, Chapter: 56, Publisher : Springer, Singapore. Indexex: SCOPUS
19. Zaid Bin Mahbub, Mamun Rabbani, Md Enamul Hoque, Nanosensors in biomedical and environmental applications: Perspectives and prospects, Nanofabrication for Smart Nanosensor Applications, Elsevier, Chapter 7, 163-186, 2020, 10.1016/B978-0-12-820702-4.00007-6
20. Zaid Bin Mahbub, M E H Chowdhury, T Rahman, A Khandakar, R Mazhar, M A Kadir, K R Islam, M Salman Khan, A Iqbal, N Al-Emadi, M B Reaz, M. T. Islam, Can AI help in screening Viral and COVID-19 pneumonia? Journal: IEEE Access, Page: 1-12, July 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010, 287, Indexed: SCOPUS
21. Zaid Bin Mahbub, M Abu Sayem Karal, S. Ahammed, Victor Levadny, Marina Belaya, M Kabir Ahamed, Marzuk Ahmed, A.K.M. Atique Ullah, Deformation and poration of giant unilamellar vesicles induced by anionic nanoparticles, Journal: Journal of Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 230, 104916, 1-12, May 2020, 10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2020. 104916, Indexed: SCOPUS
22. Zaid B. Mahbub, Tawsifur Rahman, M. E. H. Chowdhury, A Khandakar, K R. Islam, K F. Islam, Muhammad A. Kadir, and S Kashem, Transfer Learning with Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Pneumonia Detection Using Chest X-ray. Journal of Applied Science, vol 10, 3233,1-17, May 2020, 10.3390/app10093233, Indexed: SCOPUS
23. Zaid Bin Mahbub, Mohammad Abu Sayem Karal, Md. Kabir Ahamed, Marzuk Ahmed, Shareef Ahamed, Location of Peptide-Induced Submicron Discontinuities in the Membranes of Vesicles Using Image J. Journal of Fluorescence, 30, 735–740, May 2020, 10.1007/s10895-020-02560-9, Indexed : SCOPUS
24. Zaid Bin Mahbub, M Abu Sayem Karal, M Kamrul Islam, Study of molecular transport through a single nanopore in the membrane of a giant unilamellar vesicle using COMSOL simulation. Journal: Europea Biophysics n Journal, vol 49, 59-69, December 2019, 10.1007/s00249-019-01412-0
25. Zaid Bin Mahbub, A Julian V Benjamin, Pedro A. Gómez, M Golbabaee, T Sprenger, Marion I. Menzel, Michael Davies, Ian Marshall, Multi-shot Echo Planar Imaging for accelerated Cartesian MR Fingerprinting: An alternative to conventional spiral MR Fingerprinting, Journal: Magnetic Resonance, Imaging, vol 61, 20-32, May 2019, 10.1016/j.mri.2019.04.014
26. M. Arifuzzaman, M. B. Hossen, H. Rashid, S. Ahmed, M. S. Islam, Effect of annealing temperature on the structural, dielectric and electric properties of Ni0.7Cd0.3Fe2O4 ferrites, Bulletin of Materials Science 43(1) (2020), Springer.
27. M. Arifuzzaman, M. B. Hossen, J. D. Afroze and M. J. Abden, Structural and electrical properties of Cu substituted Ni–Cd nanoferrites for microwave applications, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 588 (2020), 412170, Elsevier.
28. M. Arifuzzaman, M. B. Hossen. Effect of Cu substitution on structural and electric transport properties of Ni-Cd nanoferrites, Results in Physics 16 (2020) 102824, Elsevier. (Available Online, 30 November 2019).
29. Md Salik Ahmed, Wei Lian and Xu Runzhan, Global existence and blow up of solution for semi-linear hyperbolic equation with the product of logarithmic and power-type nonlinearity, Opuscula Mathematica, Doi:, 40(1), 2020, 11-130 (Scopus indexed)
1. Comparative Analysis of model reduction strategies for circuit based periodic control problems.; Mohammad Sahadet Hossain, Aniqa Tahsin, Sufi Galib Omar, and Ekram Hossain Khan; Asian Journal of Control (publisher-J. Wiley and Sons), November 30, 2019.
2. Recursive Smith-type iterative algorithm to solve a class of periodic Lyapunov equation arising in periodic model reduction; Mohammad Sahadet Hossain; Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences (MJMS), Vol-13, Number-03, pp:447-464, 2019
3. One-Error Correcting [5,2] Ternary Codes.; 6. Md. Zahangir Hossain, P. Dey, M. Asifuzzaman ;Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, Vol 22, Issue4, pp.935-941, (2019), (Publisher-Taylor & Francis).
4. Non-Newtonian effect on natural convection flow over cylinders of elliptic cross section.; P. Nag, M. M. Molla, M. A. Hossain ;Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, (Publisher-Springer Nature).
5. Bingham Fluid Flow Simulation in a Lid-Driven Skewed Cavity using Finite Volume Method, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation S. Thohura, M. M. Molla, M. M. A. Sarker; Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, (Publisher-Taylor & Francis)
6. Numerical Simulation of Non-Newtonian Power-law Fluid Flow in a Lid-driven Skewed Cavity.;S, Thohura, M. M. Molla, M. M. A. Sarker, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Vol. 5(14) pp.1-29, (Publisher-Springer Nature)
7. Structure Preserving Model Order Reduction of a Class of Second-Order Descriptor Systems via Balanced Truncation.; M. M. Uddin, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. , 2019, DOI:10.1016/j.apnum.2019.12.010
8. Iterative methods for solving large sparse Lyapunov equations and application to model reduction of index 1 DAEs. ; M. Sumona Hossain and M. M. Uddin; Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization (AIMS), Vol. 9(2), pp. 173-186, 2019 DOI: 10.3934/naco.2019013
9. Toward Cell Membrane Biomimetic Lipidic Cubic Phases: A High-Throughput Exploration of Lipid Compositional Space; Sampa Sarkar, Nhiem Tran, Md. Harunur Rashid, Tu C. Le, Irene Yarovsky, Charlotte E. Conn, and Calum J. Drummond, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2, 2019.
10. Global well-posedness of a class of fourth-order strongly damped nonlinear wave equations.; Yang Yanbing, Md Salik Ahmed, Qin Lanlan, and Xu Runzhang ;Opuscula Mathematica, DOI:10.7494/OpMath.2019.39.2.297.
11. Global existence and blowup of solution for semi-linear hyperbolic equation with logarithmic non-linearity.; Wei Lian, Md Salik Ahmed, Runzhang Xu ;Nonlinear Analysis, volume 184, July 2019, 239-257 (Publisher-Elsevier).
12. Global existence and blowup of solution for nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with general power type nonlinearities at three initial energy levels; Youngbing Lou, Yang Yanbing, Md Salik Ahmed, Yu Tao; Applied Numerical Mathematics, DOI:
13. Sharp conditions of global existence for nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a harmonic potential.;Mingyou Zhang and Md Salik Ahmed; Adv. Nonlinear Anal.; vol 9, 2019 : 882–894, DOI:
14. Effect of Cu substitution on structural and electric transport properties of Ni-Cd nanoferrites; Arifuzzaman M, Hossen M B; Results in Phys. 16, 102824, DOI: (Publisher-Elsevier).
15. An efficient model reduction strategy for discrete-time index-2 descriptor control systems; Sufi Galib Omar, Mohammad-Sahadet Hossain, Ekram Hossain Khan, Aniqa Tahsin, In 2019 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE). Paper id-7690. IEEE Xplore. DOI:1109/ECACE.2019.8679509.
16. An efficient algorithm for reduce order modeling of discrete-time index-2 descriptor control systems; Mohammad Sahadet Hossain, Ekram Hossain Khan and Sufi Galib Omar, in Proceddings of 22nd International Conference of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 18-20 December, 2019. Accepted to appear in IEEE Xplore (Received Best Paper Award).
17. Multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann simulation of natural convection flow in a partitioned cavity using GPU computing; M. J. Haque, M. M. Molla, M. N. Akter , S C Saha; AIP Conference Proceedings 2121, 030017 (2019);
18. Natural Convection of non-Newtonian Shear-Thinning Fluid Flow inside a Skewed Cavity; S. Thohura, M. M. Molla, M. M. A. Sarker; AIP Conference Proceedings 2121, 030014 (2019);
19. Effect of non-Newtonian shear thinning fluid on the natural convection flow over an horizontal elliptical cylinder; Nag, M. M. Molla, M. A. Hissain; AIP Conference Proceedings 2121, 030015 (2019); .
20. Aerosol particle transport and deposition in CT-scan based mouth through model; S.C Saha, M. S. Islam, M. R. Gorgi, M. M. Molla; AIP Conference Proceedings 2121, 040011 (2019);
21. Riccati based optimal control for linear quadratic regulator problems; Mahtab Uddiny, M. A. Hakim Khan, and M. M. Uddin, 5th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering 2019 (ICAEE 2019), in IEEE Xplore, pp. 290- 2095 Doi: 10.1109/ICAEE48663.2019.8975637.
22. Reduced Model Based Feedback Stabilization of Large-scale Sparse Power System Model, Hasan,A. M. Fony and M. M. Uddin , International conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE ), IEEE, pp. 1-6 , 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ECACE.2019.8679174.
23. Optimal Control of Sensor Based Human Arm Motion and Gesture Replication System; Amir, M. S. Kamal, M. M. Uddin, K. M. A. Salam, IEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC), IEEE, pp.52--57 , 2019, DOI:10.1109/ICSGRC.2019.8837084
24. Time delay coordinate based Dynamic Mode Decomposition of a compressible signal, Mohammad N. Murshed and M. Uddin, 22nd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Accepted to be published in IEEE Xplore, 2019.
25. An Analysis on Python Programming Language Demand and its Recent Trend in Bangladesh; Aaquib Javed, M. Uddin , 22nd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Accepted to be published in ACM Digital Library, 2019.
26. Efficient computation of Riccati-based optimal control for power system models; Mahtab Uddiny, M. A. Hakim Khan, and M. Uddin, 22nd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Accepted to be published in IEEE Xplore, 2019.
27. Non-Newtonian Effect on Double Diffusive Natural Convection of Nanofluid within a Square Cavity; Preetom Nag, Md. Mamun Molla (2019), Conference Proceedings on 13th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, AIP publisher.
28. Natural Convection Flow of Nanofluids over Horizontal Circular Cylinder with Uniform Surface Heat Flux; Sadia Afsana, Preetom Nag, Md Mamun Molla (2019), Sharaban Thohura; Conference Proceedings on 13th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, AIP publisher.
29. GPU Accelerated Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Non-Newtonian Power-Law Fluid in a Porous Enclosure; Mashnoon Islam, Preetom Nag, Md. Mamun Molla (2019), Conference Proceedings on 13th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, AIP publisher.
30. Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of MHD Non-Newtonian Power-law Nanofluid in A Rectangular Enclosure Using GPU Computing; Aimon Rahman, Preetom Nag, Md. Mamun Molla(2019), Conference Proceedings on 13th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, AIP publisher.
31. Time delay coordinate based Dynamic Mode Decomposition of a compressible signal; Murshed, Mohammad and Uddin, M. Monir, International Conference on Communication and Information Technology: Dec 19, 2019. to appear on IEEE Xplore.
32. Study of molecular transport through a single nanopore in the membrane of a giant unilamellar vesicle using COMSOL simulation; Mohammad Abu Sayem Karal, Md. Kamrul Islam, Zaid Bin Mahbub, European Biophysics Journal,, December 2019.
33. Multi-shot Echo Planar Imaging for accelerated Cartesian MR Fingerprinting: An alternative to conventional spiral MR Fingerprinting’; Arnold Julian V Benjamin, Pedro A. Gómez, Mohammad Golbabaee, Zaid Bin Mahbub, T Sprenger, Marion I. Menzel, Michael Davies, Ian Marshall,, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol 61, 20–32, May 2019.
Book and Book Chapters:
1. Computational Methods for Approximation of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems.; M. Monir Uddin; 1st Edition, New York, 2019, BOOK. Publisher: CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group) DOI:10.1201/9781351028622.
2. IoT and Computer Vision based Electronic Voting System Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC); Md. Nazmul Islam Shuzan, Mahmudur Rashid, Md. Aowrongajab Uaday, and M. M. Uddin; Springer (Book Chapter), Accepted.
Non-Scopus-indexed Publications:
1. One-Error Correcting [6,2,4] Quaternary Codes; Zahangir Hossain, P. Dey, Md. Asifuzzaman; Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics, Vol 20, Number 2, pp.205-218, PPH.
2. Travelling wave solution of Dodd-Bullough-Mikhailov equation: a comparative study between Generalized Kudryashov and improved F-expansion methods ;Islam, Naima, Kamruzzaman Khan, and Md Hamidul Islam; Journal of Physics Communications, 2019.
3. Assessment of existing teaching evaluation process in a higher education institution of Bangladesh; Mohammad Sahadet Hossain, Nazmun Nahar and Ahmed Tazmeen; In 1st CETL Conference on Higher Education, August 22 and 23, 2019, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh. Available from:
4. Mathematical Modelling of Viral Dynamics in Severe Dengue Infection; Md Hamidul Islam and M. A. Masud ; Accepted in the proceedings of ICNST’ 19, Asian University for Women, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
5. Relation between demographic data and Photoplethysmography (PPG) signal features in estimating human health metrics; Moajjem Hossain Chowdhury, Md Nazmul Islam Shuzan, Muhammad E.H. Chowdhury, Zaid B Mahbub, M. Monir Uddin, 2nd International Conference on Applied Statistics, 25-27 December 2019.
6. Study of the Change of Conduction Velocity of Myelinated Nerves due to Stretching; Sabrina Sharmin, Zaid Bin Mahbub, M A Sayem Karal, M A Kadir, K S Rabbani, National Conference on Electronics and Informatics - 2019, 04-05 December, 2019.
7. Combined MRI and EMG study for peripheral neuropathy study in Bangladesh; Zaid Bin Mahbub, Sabrina Sharmin, Abu Sayem Karal, KS Rabbani, ISMRM Workshop on Accessible MRI for the World, 29-31 March 2019, New Delhi, India.
8. Effect of head bending on peripheral nerves observed using EMG & MRI technique; Sabrina Sharmin, Zaid Bin Mahbub, M A Sayem Karal, K S Rabbani, National conference on physics-7 - 9 February, 2019.
9. MRI and MR Fingerprinting how it works; Bangladesh Physical Society Conference, 7-9 February 2019, Department of Physics, University of Dhaka.
2017 |
1. Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Airflow and Heat Transfer in a Model Ward of Hospital; M. F. Hasan, T. A. Himika, M. M. Molla ; J. Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol. 9, 011011-1, 2017, DOI 10.1115/1.4034817
2. Structure preserving model order reduction using the projection onto the dominant Eigen-space of the Gramian (PDEG) ; M. M. Uddin; in international conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE ), IEEE, 2017, pp. 197--202, 2017
3. Efficient techniques to solve the periodic projected Lyapunov equations and model reduction of periodic systems ; M. Sahadat Hossain and M. M. Uddin; Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2017, 2017, 11 pages
4. Structure preserving iterative methods for periodic projected Lyapunov equations and their application in model reduction of periodic descriptor systems; P. Benner, M. Sahadet Hossain; Numerical Algorithms (Springer), pp. 1-24, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s11075-017-0288-y.
5. On [6,4] Error Correcting Codes over GF(7); P. Dey and Toyarak Rian; International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, Vol. 06, 2017, pp. 19-2
6. Equivalence of Error-Correcting Quaterrnary [6,3] Self-Dual Codes ; Farzana K. Elora and P. Dey ; Journal of Information Science and Optimization, Vol. 38, 2017, pp. 585-601
2016 |
1. On Quinary Error-Correcting [6,4] Codes; P. Dey, A. K. Ghosh; Journal of DiscreteMathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 19 (2), pp. 405-411, 2016
2. Large-Eddy Simulation of Pulsatile Flow through a Channel with Double Constrictions; M. M. Molla, M. C. Paul; Fluids, Vol 2017 (2), pp. 1-19 (2016).
3. Prediction of Heat Transfer to Fully-Developed Pipe Flows with Modified Power-law Viscosity Model Fluid ; M. M. Molla, S. G. Moulic, L-S Yao; Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 1(1), pp.1-47, 2016
4. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of airflow and mixed convection in a general word of hospital ; T. A. Himika, M. F. Hasan, M. M. Molla; J. Engineering Computation, Vol. 2016, 15 pages, 2016
5. Natural convection flow of Nanofluid along a vertical wavy surface; F. Habiba, M. M. Molla, M. A. H. Khan; AIP Conf. Proc. 1754, 050018, 2016
6. Natural convection flow in porous enclosure with localized heating from below with heat flux ; M. N. A. Siddiki, M. M. Molla, S. C. Saha; AIP Conf. Proc. 1754, 050016 (2016).
7. Natural convection of non-Newtonian fluid along a vertical thin cylinder using modified power-law model; S. Thohura, M. M. Molla, M. M. A. Sarker; AIP Conf. Proc. 1754, 040021, 2016.
8. Large-eddy-simulation of air flow and heat transfer in general ward of hospital using lattice Boltzmann method; F. Hassan, T. Himika, M. M. Molla; AIP Conf. Proc. 1754, 050022 (2016)
9. Model Reduction of Time-Varying Descriptor Systems:Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and Applications; Mohammad Sahadet Hossain; Publisher: Scholars' Press, Germany.ISBN: 978-3-659-84001-2
10. Projection-Based Model Reduction for Time-Varying Descriptor Systems: New results; Mohammad-Sahadet Hossain; Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization (NACO); Publisher-American Institute of Mathematical Sciences(AIMS), vol. 6(1), pp. 73-90, 2016.
11. Structure preserving mor for large sparse second order index-1 systems and application to a mechatronic model ; P. Benner, J. Saak, and M. M. Uddin; Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 22 (6), pp. 509-523, 2016.
12. Balancing based model reduction for structured index 2 unstable descriptor systems with application to ow control ; P. Benner, J. Saak, and M. M. Uddin; Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization (AIMS), Vol. 5(1), pp. 1-20, 2016.
13. Reduced-order modeling of index-1 vibrational systems using interpolatory projections ; P. Benner, J. Saak, and M. M. Uddin; in 19th International Conference On Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), IEEE. pp. 134-138, 2016.
14. Rational Krylov subspace method (RKSM)for solving the Lyapunov equations of index-1 descriptor systems and application to balancing based model reduction ; M. M. Uddin, M. S. Hossain and M. F. Uddin; in 9th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, IEEE, pp. 451- 454, 2016.
15. Parametric study on thermal performance of horizontal earth pipe cooling system in summer; S. F. Ahmed, M. T. O. Amanullah, M. M. K. Khan, M. G. Rasul, and N. M. S. Hassan; Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 114, pp. 324-337, 2016.
16. Lax Pairs and Integrability Conditions of Higher-Order Nonlinear Schr ̈odinger Equations; M. Asad-uz-zaman, H. Chachou Samet, U. Al Khawaja; Communications in Theoretical Physics, Vol. 66(2), 2016.
Department of Mathematics and Physics (DMP) offers following twenty three (23) courses. For detail descriptions of courses, please see the course outlines. These course outlines are prepared in the OBE format and the course outcomes are mapped in the light of the the Blooms Texonomy listed below:
Code | BUS112 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline |
BUS-112-spring-2024.pdf |
Pre-requisites | High School Mathematics. |
Course Short Description | Fundamentals of Algebra: Real Numbers, Fundamentals of Algebra: Exponents, Polynomials, Fundamentals of Algebra: Factoring, Rational expressions, Radicals, Linear equations, Formulas and Applications, Quadratic equations, Other types of Equations, Inequalities, Cartesian Co-ordinate systems, Graphing Relations, Functions, Linear Functions, Equations of a line, Symmetry, Algebra of Functions, Inverse Functions, Quadratic Functions, Synthetic Division, Exponential Functions, Logarithmic Functions, Equations on Exponential and Logarithmic functions, Systems of Equations, Systems of Inequalities; Linear Programming, Matrix Solution of Linear Systems, Properties of Matrices, Determinants, Cramer's rule, Matrix Inverse. |
Code | MAT116 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | MAT-116-Spring-2024.pdf |
Pre-requisites | High School Mathematics. |
Course Short Description | Behavior of functions in some depth including properties, graphs, inverses, transformations, and compositions. This course pays particular attention to linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. It covers trigonometric functions and inverse trigonometric functions as well. |
Code | MAT120 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | MAT-120-Spring-2024.pdf |
Pre-requisites | N/A; But we recommend taking MAT116 and MAT120 in the same semester. |
Course Short Description | Tangent lines; limits and continuity; differentiation: definition, basic rules, chain rule, rules for trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions; implicit differentiation; rates of change, related rates problems, linear approximation and differentials; L'Hospital's rule; concepts of local and absolute maximum and minimum including first and second derivative tests; integration: definition, anti-differentiation, area; integration by simple substitution; Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. |
Code | MAT125 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | MAT-125-Spring-2024pdf |
Pre-requisites | MAT116 |
Course Short Description | Homogeneous and Nonhomogeneous System of Linear Equations, Echelon form, Gaussian Elimination Method (unique, infinite numbers and no solutions)Properties of Determinants, Determinant by Cofactor Expansion, Evaluating Higher Order Determinants by Row Reduction, Cramer’s Rule .Matrices and Matrix Operations, Transpose, Properties of Transpose, Triangular, Symmetric and Skew Symmetric Matrices, Inverse, Properties of Invertible Matrices,Method of Finding the Inverse of a Matrix, Further Results on System of Linear Equations using Inverse Matrix Technique, Rank .Introduction to Vectors, Vector addition and Scalar multiplication, Norm of a vector, Dot Product, Projections, Euclidean n-Space, Real Vector Space, Subspace, Linear Combinations, Linear Dependence and Independence, Spanning Set, Basis, Dimensions, Solution Space, Null Space, Rank and Nullity. General Linear Transformation, Kernel and Image of Linear Mapping, Rank and Nullity of Linear Mapping. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Cayley Hamilton Theorem, Diagonalization.Geometric Linear Programming, Applications in Business and Economics. |
Code | MAT130 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | MAT120. |
Course Short Description | Area between two curves, Length of plane curves, Area of surface of revolution, Volumes by slicing disks and washers, Volumes by cylindrical shells, Hyperbolic functions and hanging cables & Integrations. Integration by parts, Trigonometric integrals, Trigonometric substitutions, Integrating rational functions by partial fractions, Improper integrals.Polar coordinates, Area in polar coordinates, Tangent lines and arc length for parametric and polar curves, Conic sections in calculus. |
Code | MAT240 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline |
MAT_240.pdf |
Pre-requisites | MAT130. |
Course Short Description | Sequences, Monotone Sequences, Infinite Series, Convergence Test, The Comparison, Ratio, and Root Tests, Alternating Series; Conditional Convergence, Maclaurin and Taylor Polynomials, Maclaurin and Taylor Series; Power Series.Rectangular Coordinates in 3-Space; Spheres; Cylindrical Surfaces , Vectors, Dot Product; Projections, Cross Product, Parametric equations of lines, Planes in 3-space, Quadric Surfaces, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates.Introduction to Vector Valued Functions, Calculus of Vector Valued Functions, Change of Parameter; Arc length, Unit Tangent, Normal, and Binormal Vectors, Curvature. |
Code | MAT250 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | MAT-250-Spring2024....pdf |
Pre-requisites | MAT130 |
Course Short Description | Infinite Series, Vector Valued Functions, Functions of two variables, Limit and Continuity, Partial Derivatives. Differentiability and Chain Rule, Directional Derivatives and Gradients.Tangent Planes and Normal Vectors, Maxima and Minima of Functions of two variables, Double Integrals over rectangular regions, Double Integrals over non-rectangular regions. Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates, Triple Integrals, Centroid, Center of Gravity, Change of variables in Multiple Integrals; Jacobean. Triple Integrals,Vector fields and vector valued function, Line integrals, Green’s Theorem, Surface Integrals, The Divergence, Theorem, and Stokes Theorem. |
Code | MAT350 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | MAT-350-Spring-2024.pdf |
Pre-requisites | MAT130 (Pre-requisite of MAT250 is waived in the Bi-semester system) |
Course Short Description | Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) , First order ODEs and solution techniques, Solutions of second order ODEs and modelling with applications. Solution techniques for non-homogeneous ODEs of second order, System of ODEs and applications to engineering problems, Fourier series and transforms, Laplace transforms and the solution of ordinary differential equations, in particular Bessel function and Legendre polynomials. |
Code | MAT361 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | MAT-361-Spring-2024.pdf |
Pre-requisites | MAT250 |
Course Content | Basics of elementary probability theory; discrete and continuous random variables along with their probability distributions(cumulative distribution function; expected values and variance); special random variables: Bernoulli, binomial, geometric, negative binomial, Poisson, hyper-geometric, uniform, exponential and normal distributions);multivariate distributions(joint distributions; marginal and conditional distributions; covariance and correlation); descriptive statistics and sampling distribution of statistics;parameter estimation by moment and maximum likelihood method; comparing the performance of estimators using properties of unbiasedness, efficiency and minimum variance; confidence interval estimation for the mean and difference of two means; hypothesis testing on mean and difference of two means. |
Code | MAT370 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline |
MAT370.pdf |
Pre-requisites | MAT250 |
Course Content | The Real Numbers, Sequences, Limits, Continuity and Uniform Continuity of Real Variable Functions, Differentiation, The Sequences of Functions and their Convergence, The Riemann Integral, Fundamental Theorem of Real Calculus and its Proof, Complex Variable Functions, Limits and Continuity of Complex Functions, Derivative, Analyticity, Cauchy-Riemann Equations, Fundamental Theorem of Complex Calculus and its Proof. |
Code | MAT480 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | MAT250 |
Course Content | Introduction to Differential Equations, First-order Differential Equations, Applications of first order Differential Equations, Linear Differential Equations of higher-order, Applications of second-order Differential Equations with variable coefficient, Systems of Linear Differential Equations. |
Code | MAT481 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | MAT250 |
Short Course Content |
This course focuses on the concept of numerical analysis for the different scientific and engineering problem-solving techniques. In this course, the student will explore different types of Numerical solutions of different mathematical methods. |
Code | MAT482 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | MAT250 |
Short Course Content |
Complex analysis is a beautiful, tightly integrated subject between different disciplines, such as applied mathematics, science, and engineering. This course provides the basic idea of the complex plane, the geometry of complex numbers, complex functions, analytic functions, and so on. The course comprises theories of complex functions of a complex variable and then makes a way to differentiation, integration, complex dynamics, power series representation, and Laurent series into territories at the edge of what is known today. The course also holds a deeper look at some applications of complex analysis, such as heat conduction, electrical engineering, fluid mechanics, etc. |
Code | MAT483 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | MAT250 |
Short Course Content |
Theory of dynamical systems and control methods are essential for engineers in a variety of disciplines. The applications are diverse and include among other things, chemical systems, air and land vehicles, electric machines, robotic and mechatronic systems. The purpose of this course is to provide students a solid understanding of a theoretical domain within system and control theory. The course covers what constitutes the common core of system and control theory: The theory of linear systems, analysis and design of control systems, modelling, stability analysis, system characteristics and performance analysis as well as ideas of model reduction. The course is designed primarily to an audience consisting of mathematically mature advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate students. In addition, it can be used by engineering students interested in a modern applied mathematics-oriented course that goes beyond the classical applied math courses |
Code | MAT485 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline |
MAT_485.pdf |
Pre-requisites | MAT250 |
Course Content | Basic concepts of operation research, General methods for solving operation research models, decision making on operation research, Linear programming problem (LLP), Solution of LLP model, General Linear programming problem, Canonical and standard form of LLP with its characteristic, Simplex method, Associated cost vectors, Symmetric primal-dual and non-symmetric primal-dual problem, Formulation of standard primal and dual problem, Weak duality theorem, Fundamental theorem of duality, Balanced and unbalanced transportation problem, optimum solution and basic solution of the general transportation problem, Initial basic feasible solution to the transportation problem using NWC and VAM method, Network Scheduling, Network diagram for a project, Program evaluation and review technique, Critical path method of a project, Game theory. |
Code | MAT490 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline |
MAT_490.pdf |
Pre-requisites | MAT250 |
Course Content | Laplace Transform, Existence of Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform of Derivatives and Integrals, Shifting on the s-axis, Shifting on the t-axis, Differentiation and Integration of Laplace Transform, Convolution, Inverse Laplace Transform of partial Fractions, Inverse Laplace Transform of periodic Functions, Fourier Series FS for Functions of Period 2p or arbitrary period, Fourier Series for Even and odd Functions, Half-Range Fourier Expansion, Determination of Fourier Coefficients without Integration, Fourier Approximations and minimum square error, The Fast Fourier Transform, Complex Variable Functions, Limits and Continuity, Derivatives, Analyticity and Cauchy-Riemann Equations, Conformal Mapping, Relation between Analyticity and Coformality, Mobius and other Transformations, Complex Integrals, Cauchy Integral Formulae, Taylor’s Series, Singular Points, Laurent’s Series, Residues and Residue Theorem, Evaluation of Real Definite Integrals using Complex Integrals. |
Code | MAT495 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline |
MAT_495.pdf |
Pre-requisites | MAT250 |
Course Content | Sets and Equivalence Relations, Semigroups&Monoids, Free Semigroup& Free Monoid, Congruence Relations and Quotient Structures, Fundamental Theorem of Semigroup Homomorphism, Groups, Sn, Zn, Subgroups, Normal Subgroups, Generating Sets, Generators, Fundamental Theorem, Lagrange’s Theorem, Quotient Group, Cyclic Subgroups, Generating Sets, Generators, Fundamental Theorem of group Homomorphism, Rings and Ideals, Fundamental Theorem of Ring Homomorphism, Integral Domain, Principal Ideal Domain, Divisibility in Integral Domain, Unique Factorization Domain, Field, K [T]- the polynomials over a field K, K [t] as a Principal Ideal Domain and Unique Factorization Domain, Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Ordered Sets and Lattices, Principle of Duality, Bounded Lattices, Distributive Lattices, Complemented Lattice. |
Code | PHY105 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline |
PHY_105.pdf |
Pre-requisites | None |
Course Content | Vectors, equations of motions, Newton’s laws, conservation laws of energy, linear momentum, Work-Energy theorem, extension of linear into rotational motion including the conservation laws, gravitation, simple harmonic motion, travelling waves, calorimetry, thermal equilibrium, 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. |
Code | PHY105L |
Credit hours | 1 |
Course outline |
PHY_105L.pdf |
Pre-requisites | PHY105 |
Course Content | Introduction to Measurements and Statistical Error, Force table, Atwood machine, Hook’s law, Mass-spring oscillation, Simple pendulum, Compound pendulum and Static equilibrium. |
Code | PHY107 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | PHY-107-Spring-2024.pdf |
Pre-requisites | MAT120 and Physics in HSC/A Level |
Course Content | Vectors, equations of motions, Newton’s laws, conservation laws of energy, linear momentum, Work-Energy theorem, extension of linear into rotational motion including the conservation laws, gravitation, simple harmonic motion, travelling waves, calorimetry, thermal equilibrium, 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. |
Code | PHY107L |
Credit hours | 1 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | PHY107 |
Course Content | Introduction to Measurements and Statistical Error, Force table, Atwood machine, Hook’s law, Mass-spring oscillation, Simple pendulum, Compound pendulum and Static equilibrium. |
Code | PHY108 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | MAT130 and PHY107 |
Course Content | Electricity and Magnetism: Coulomb’s Law,Electric field and Gauss’s Law, Potential, Capacitance field, Magnetic forces,Induced Electromotive force,AC circuit.Electric Field and Potential:- Conceptually, Electric Field and Potential:- Discrete System , Electric Field and Potential:- Continuous System, Electric Field and Potential:- Gauss’s Law, Capacitors and Capacitance, Dielectric, Ohm’s Law, Circuit Theory, Magnetic Force I, Magnetic Force II, Biot-Severt Law, Ampere’s Law, Inductance I, Inductance II, Alternating Fields and Current I, Alternating Fields and Current II, Maxwell’s Equation, Magnetic Properties of Matter. |
Code | PHY108L |
Credit hours | 1 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | PHY108 |
Course Content | Introduction to electric equipment, Verification of Ohm’s law, Charging and Discharging of capacitor, Time constant of a Circuit with resistor and capacitor in series and Magnetic induction. |
Code | PHY230 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | PHY 107 |
Course Content | A general view of the physical properties of macroscopic matter. |
Code | PHY240 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | PHY107 and MAT130 |
Course Content | This course is designed to introduce the basics of oscillations and its mathematical description from mechanical to electromagnetic vibrations and waves. |
Code | PHY250 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | PHY107 and MAT130 |
Short Course Content | Students develop an understanding of relativity and the mathematical description of the microscopic world. They learn how the wave and particle framework work simultaneously in the microscopic world. Students also learn to apply the Schrödinger’s Equation and extract meaningful physical quantities by solving the equation. |
Code | PHY260 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | PHY107 and MAT130 |
Course Content | Thermal physics is concerned with the study of macroscopic and mesoscopic systems. In this course, students learn the properties and processes that occur in such systems. Topics to be covered include: Classical thermodynamics. Kinetic theory of gases, ideal gas, van der Waals gas. First law of thermodynamics. Heat engines, Carnot cycle, Carnot’s theorem. Classical entropy, Second law of thermodynamics, Third law of thermodynamics, Postulate approach to classical thermodynamics, fundamental relation and its consequences. Thermodynamic probability, Boltzmann entropy, Boltzmann distribution. The syllabus will be illuminated with examples from biology, industry, climate and the environment. |
Code | PHY335 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | PHY108 |
Course Content |
Electronic-circuit design and analysis involving electronic components.
Code | PHY350 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | PHY250 |
Course Content |
A general view of the quantum mechanical description for different systems. |
Code | PHY360 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | MAT 125, MAT 130 |
Course Content |
Computational methods and |
Code | PHY370 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | PHY 108, MAT 350 |
Course Content |
Understanding the functions of physical principles in living systems. |
Code | PHY380 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | PHY250 |
Course Content |
Understanding the nanoscale materials, fabrication & state-of-the-art characterization tools & techniques. |
Code | BSC201 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline | |
Pre-requisites | None |
Course Content | Representation of functions numerically, graphically and algebraically, linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, root/power, piecewise-defined, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions. The algebraic structure and graph of a function, intercepts, domain, range, intervals on which the function is increasing, decreasing or constant, the vertex of a quadratic function, asymptotes. Concept of heat, temperature, laws of thermodynamics, and different types of thermal processes. The kinetic theory of gases, specific heat of ideal gases, Maxwell’s laws of equi-partition of energy and related problems. |
Code | MAT140 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline |
MAT_140.pdf |
Pre-requisites | MAT230 |
Course Content | Probability and the laws of probability. Conditional probability. Independence. Expectation. Discrete and continuous distributions. Point and interval estimation. Regression and Correlation. Illustrations from Engineering. |
Code | MAT230 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline |
MAT_230.pdf |
Pre-requisites | MAT130 |
Course Content | Linear Algebra: Definition of matrix. Algebra of matrices. Multiplication of matrices. Transpose of a matrix and inverse of matrix. Rank and elementary transformation of matrices. Solution of linear equation. Linear dependence and independence of vectors. Matrix polynomials. Determination of characteristic roots and vectors. Null space and nullity of matrix. Quadratic forms.Vector Analysis: Vectors: Scalar and vector products and associated geometrical interpretation. Vector field, gradient field, divergence and curl of a vector field, Line integral, Green’s theorem, Surface integral, Divergence theorem, Stokes’ theorem. |
Code | MAT260 |
Credit hours | 3 |
Course outline |
MAT_260.pdf |
Pre-requisites | MAT130 |
Course Content | Definition of ordinary differential equation, Solution of first order ordinary differential Equations by various methods, Solution of second order ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients, Series solutions of ordinary differential equations by power series and Frobenius series, Solution of Bessel’s equation and Legendre’s equation. Definition of partial differential equations, Derivation of classical partial differential equations and their solutions. |
Master of Science in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (AMCS)ADMISSION GOING ON...Summer 2025 |
Master of Science in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (AMCS)ADMISSION GOING ON...Spring 2025 |
For more information, please click here: newassets/images/NSU News/amcs2024.pdf
Department of Mathematics and Physics (DMP) is inviting applications to hire part-time lab officers for the upcoming Fall Semester.
Details can be found : Here
Department of Mathematics and Physics (DMP) at North South University (NSU) seeks applications for a position of a Guest Worker. Details can be found in the link:here
Department of Mathematics and Physics (DMP) is going to celebrate the International Pi-day on Thursday, 14th March, 2019. Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It is symbolized by the Greek letter pi in the lower case (π). This is a fixed quantity, which is usually taken to be 3.14. The number of digits after the decimal is infinite and non-repeating.
This year DMP would like to celebrate the Pi-day on a larger scale. The celebration includes three contests mentioned below from 10am to 12pm on 14th March, 2019, followed by the prize and certificate giving ceremony from 2pm to 4pm in Audi 801.
A contest for the students to memorize number of digits of pi after the decimal point
A contest to find the area of a circle using a ruler and string only
Pi Sketching Contest
We are expecting maximum 50 contestants chosen on the first come first serve basis. If you are interested in participating, please collect the registration from DMP main office or the following link.
Registration Form: pi_day_regform
Tasmia Rahman Shahidi, from the department of ECE and Tasfea from Civil and Environmental Engineering, respectively won the 4th and 7th position in the 2nd Women's Mathematics Olympiad 2018. The competition was organised in cooperation with Department of Mathematics, the University of Dhaka and Women’s Mathematics Olympiad Committee and A. F. Mujibur Rahman Foundation. 180 students from 20 different universities from all over the country participated. Honourable faculty members from the Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka judged the event. The winner from NSU has praised their faculties for being supportive and to encourage them to participate in such activities. Ms Tasmia said 'Mathematics is one of her favourite subjects and Dr. Hasina Akhter, faculty of Mathematics department at NSU specially guided her for the event. Rather than testing students’ ability to recall facts, the competition was designed to test students’ mathematical creativity and their ability to formulate and defend their conclusions. Every student has some potential abilities and skills, participating in different competitions is one of the ways to hone the skills and take one to the next level.
The Department of Mathematics and Physics is one of the dynamic departments of North South University, which incorporates fundamental, experimental and mathematical study. We are committed to excellence in teaching and research. At present the department does not offer any major program, but it offers the mathematics and physics courses for all undergraduate students of different disciplines across the university. The department runs a 21 credit Mathematics minor and a 15 credit Physics minor to attract the most talented Engineering, Economics, and Business and Environmental sciences majors.
The strength of the department is grounded not only in the transmission of ideas and knowledge through quality teaching, but also in the cutting-edge research and scholarly achievements of our faculty members. Fifteen of our twenty four full-time faculty members are Ph.D. s from North America, Australia or Western Europe. The breadth of expertise of our faculty members covers almost the entire range of mathematics and physics, pure as well as applied. They are active in developing new ideas and results exploring the latest knowledge of mathematics and physics with modern computation skills profound to solve problems in the engineering and computational sciences, physical and biological sciences, economics and business.
The Department of Mathematics and Physics is located on the 10th floor of the SAC building of NSU. Currently we have full-time and part-time faculty members in our department. The part-time faculty members are from among the best faculty members of the reputed universities in Dhaka like Dhaka University, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology etc.
We have a plan to transform our department from present service position to a full-fledged Department of Mathematical Sciences, which among other things will offer a major in mathematics as well as a major in Physics. I believe, given our faculty strength, this transformation should be a piece of cake.
Dr. Md. Mamun Molla
Professor & Chairman
Department of Mathematics and Physics (DMP)
41st Biweekly Colloquium Date: July 18, 2024 Time: 10:00AM-11:00AM Room: SAC-1041 |
Speaker: Md. Abdul Hye is pursuing a PhD in Mathematics at BUET
Title: A Mathematical Model and Optimal Control Strategy for the Co-infection of COVID-19 with Kidney Disease.
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic poses significant health risks, especially when interacting with concurrent conditions like kidney disease, an aspect largely unexplored in current literature. This study introduces a deterministic mathematical model to investigate the dynamics of COVID-19 co-infection with kidney disease, aiming to provide insights for effective control strategies. The model, based on a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered framework with seven compartments, integrates disease-free and endemic equilibrium and explores the basic reproduction number for stability assessment. Sensitivity analysis reveals that COVID-19 increases co-infection risks with kidney disease, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions. Numerical simulations illustrate outcomes of treating COVID-19, kidney disease, and co-infection scenarios, advocating for integrated control measures. By utilizing Pontryagin's Maximum Principle, the study proposes and analyzes public health education, lifestyle promotion, and specialized treatment strategies. Parameter adjustments via Bayesian and least squares methods align model predictions with epidemiological data, validating effective control strategies identified in the literature. This integrated approach underscores the importance of comprehensive healthcare strategies in mitigating the complex interactions between COVID-19 and kidney disease, offering a framework to streamline global health responses.
40th Biweekly ColloquiumDate: February 15, 2024Time: 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. |
Title: Design and Development of Printed Capacitive Acoustic Resonant Sensor
Abstract: Acoustic sensors work by converting sound waves into electrical signals. These sensors are designed to detect variations in air pressure caused by sound and transform those pressure fluctuations into electrical signals that can be further processed, stored, or transmitted. This work is focused on the design and development of a low-cost resonant capacitive acoustic sensor using printing techniques. The main objective of the work is to improve the geolocalization of the RFID tags for industrial application. The finite element modeling and design of experiments (DOE) was employed for the design adaptation and optimization of the sensor. Different technological building blocks were then developed, characterized and optimized. Finally, the prototypes of acoustic resonant sensors were fabricated combining 2D inkjet printing and polyjet 3D printing techniques, and the functionalities of the sensors were characterized using various techniques. Experimental results showed that sensitivity and selectivity were within the specifications and in good agreement with the modeling results.
39th Biweekly Colloquium, Date and Time: 05/10/2023 at 11:00am |
Speaker: Dr. Zaid Bin Mahabub. Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Physics, NSU
Title: Prediction of Conduction Velocity Distribution of Motor Nerve Fibers from Compound Muscle Action Potential
Abstract: Prediction of motor nerve conduction velocity distribution (CVD) from compound muscle action potential (CMAP), also known as the inverse problem of nerve conduction, is one of the effective tools for assessing the peripheral neuropathies by evaluating the electrophysiological characteristics of the peripheral nerves. Recent studies have utilized a continuous approach to solve the inverse problem exploiting the least square method. We assume that different metaheuristic algorithms could be utilized to solve not only the inverse problem of nerve conduction, but also predict the motor unit action potential (MUAP) signal. We have utilized a piecewise Hermite polynomial function to design the MUAP waveform and a modified single Weibull function to model the CVD of human median nerves. Our new framework produced the optimal parameter values that produce the predicted CVD and MUAP which result in generating a CMAP signal that closely correlates the corresponding collected CMAP signal. The inverse approach presented in this study may provide an effective non-invasive alternative tool to deal with this ill-conditioned inverse problem of motor nerve conduction.
Speaker: Dr. Mohammad Osman Gani, Professor, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Title: Bifurcation Analysis of Periodic Traveling Wave Solutions in Excitable Reaction-Diffusion Systems
Abstract: In this talk, I will show the existence and stability of periodic traveling waves (PTWs) in two- variable excitable reaction-diffusion systems. We introduce a system of reaction-diffusion equations to mimic the excitability of cardiac cells. Our results show two types of bifurcations in the periodic traveling waves. The Eckhaus and Hopf bifurcations are two basic bifurcations in the PTWs. There are two families of PTWs: fast and slow. The first one is stable in the case of the standard FitzHugh-Nagumo excitable system. However, we observe that it becomes unstable in our model and bifurcates to an oscillating wave. We explain this phenomenon by numerically calculating the essential spectra of the periodic traveling waves. In addition, the standard FitzHugh-Nagumo model cannot capture the irregular action potentials of sufficiently large periods in a one-parameter family of solutions. Motivated by this, we propose a modified FitzHugh-Nagumo reaction-diffusion system by changing its recovery kinetics. We find that the PTWs of sufficiently large periods cross the stability boundary. Moreover, we observe a reasonable agreement between the direct PDE simulations and the solutions in the traveling wave ODEs. In two dimensions, we study the spiral wave instability that agrees with the waves observed in cellular activity.
Speaker: Dr. Mohammad Ferdows, Professor, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Title: Impact of Hemodynamic Properties in Coronary Main Artery Disease Based on Biomedical Imaging
Abstract: A conventional invasive catheterization procedure is currently used to detect atherosclerotic severity in coronary arteries. However, it is still challenging to measure multiple consecutive stenoses (MCS) in coronary main arteries, a severe condition, by using the invasive method. In this paper, we report important haemodynamic properties like the wall shear stress (WSS) and velocity magnitude across different luminal areas of coronary stenosis in patient-based right coronary artery models of MCS using pulsatile heart flow simulations. The WSS and velocity magnitudes in blood flow simulations of different degrees of stenosis indicated a relationship between the proximal moderate stenosis and the distal severe stenosis models. We have adopted open-source tools for different stages of this computational method. The results show the physical effects of different haemodynamic factors including velocity magnitude, mean arterial pressure difference, WSS and virtual fractional flow reserve (vFFR), which allow for predicting the physiological computation in the MCS models conditions. This study identifies fundamental physics critical for haemodynamic function and indicates the impact of these factors on vFFR measurements. These findings provide insight into and improvement of the pathophysiological assessment of MCS. The results reveal haemodynamic properties which can be used to diagnose coronary irregularities using a visualization method.
Title: Interaction of Ocean waves in a multi-layer shallow water system with topography
Abstract: Mathematical modeling of ocean waves is based on the formulation and solution of the appropriate equations of continuity, momentum, and the choice of proper initial and boundary conditions. Many free surface water waves can be approximated by using the shallow water equations (SWE) under the influence of gravity, with the assumption that the wave's horizontal length scale is considerably bigger than the depth scale and the wave height is much less than the fluid's mean depth. Furthermore, the three-dimensional flows in hydrostatic and Boussinesq limits can be described by the multi-layer shallow water equation, in which the fluid is discretized horizontally into a set of vertical layers, each with its own height, density, horizontal velocity, and geopotential. This work presents a two-dimensional version of DYNAMICO method and compares it with one-dimensional SWE. The equations are discretized using a Lagrangian vertical coordinate system which does not allow the mass to flow across the vertical layers. An explicit staggered finite volume method has been used to solve the single and multi-layer SWE, with and without density stratification and topography. The Lagrangian vertical grid is remapped using an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) algorithm onto the initial σ-z based coordinates as necessary. A low-storage explicit fourth-order Runge–Kutta scheme is used for time integration. The phase speed and wave characteristics of multi-layer SWE surface waves with and without density stratification are compared to those of single-layer SWE surface waves. In addition, the model is validated by comparing the numerical results with the analytical solutions of linearized two-layer SWE. The result confirms the accuracy of the model. A series of numerical experiments are presented to explain the dynamics and interactions between the surface waves and internal waves of the Ocean.
Speaker: Dr. Shariful Islam, Assiatent Professor, Dept. of Mathematics and Physics, North South University.
UGA/GA Hiring for Spring-2024
The Department of Mathematics & Physics (DMP) will celebrate the "International Day of Mathematics" on 20th March 2023. This year the International Mathematical Union has recognized NSU as an Event Partner of the International Day of Mathematics (IDM) celebration 2023. The DMP has taken different initiatives focusing on the applications of mathematics studies in different branches of science and engineering, including rally, contest and discusion sessions. A cultural program will be presented at the end of the discussion session.
The Department of Mathematics & Physics (DMP) will celebrate the "International Day of Mathematics" on 24th March 2022. This year the DMP of NSU has also been recognized by the German based International Day of Mathematics forum, IDM (web: The IDM accepted NSU as one of the two organizing institutes of this day in Bangladesh (the other is the University of Dhaka). The DMP has taken different initiatives focusing on the applications of mathematics studies in different branches of science and engineering, including rally, contest and discusion sessions. A cultural program will be presented at the end of the discussion session.
Department of Mathematics and Physics (DMP) is going to celebrate the International Pi-day on Thursday, 14th March, 2019. Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It is symbolized by the Greek letter pi in the lower case (π). This is a fixed quantity, which is usually taken to be 3.14. The number of digits after the decimal is infinite and non-repeating.
This year DMP would like to celebrate the Pi-day on a larger scale. The celebration includes three contests mentioned below from 10am to 12pm on 14th March, 2019, followed by the prize and certificate giving ceremony from 2pm to 4pm in Audi 801.
A contest for the students to memorize number of digits of pi after the decimal point
A contest to find the area of a circle using a ruler and string only
Pi Sketching Contest
We are expecting maximum 50 contestants chosen on the first come first serve basis. If you are interested in participating, please collect the registration from DMP main office or the following link.
Registration Form: pi_day_regform
Postal Address:
Department of Mathematics and Physics
North South University
Plot 15, Block B
Dhaka 1229
PABX: +880 2 55668200 (Ex- 1561)
Fax: +880 2 55668202