CE6000 Continuing Registration
This course is needed to maintain studentship in any semester at the graduate level where no other courses are taken. 1 Credit.
CE6000A, CE6000B, CE6000C Graduate Thesis I, II, II
A research-based thesis course that offers students the opportunity to work on a comprehensive, individual project that demonstrates mastery of interaction design and/or design computing. Topic to be agreed upon in consultation with a department-approved supervisor. The thesis work will be of suitable complexity for results to be published and/or presented to an expert audience. Pre-requisite: DCEE Departmental authorization. 3 semesters @ 6, 12, 18 credits, respectively.
CE6001A, CE6001B Graduate Capstone Design I, II
Projects selected from problems submitted by the students, faculty, and local construction industry; Industry projects are given preference as they are best suited for meeting the course objectives; Instructional phase includes (not limited to): communications, report writing, visual aids, work process (requirements/specifications/objections, synthesis/analysis, output evaluation, implementation, maintainability, manufacturability, economic and social influences etc.), proposal preparation, estimating, project management and scheduling, contracts, etc.; Performance phase includes (not limited to): team formation and organization, proposals, implementation of the design process, project scheduling and management, design reviews, design simulation and testing, preparation of documentation, drawings, specifications, etc., written and oral presentation of completed projects. Pre-requisite: CEE Departmental authorization. 2 semesters @ 2 credits: Total 4 credits.
CE6101 Special Topic in Structural Engineering
Any advanced and/or important topic directly related to structural engineering may be offered by the department. Pre-requisite: CEE Department will determine based on the topic's requirement. 3 credits.
CE6102 Advanced Reinforced Concrete
Review of slabs, beams, columns; design of long columns; two-way slab system: grids, waffle slabs, ribbed slabs; slab design by equivalent frame method. Deep beams, curved beams, shear walls, and building frames. Bulk storage structures (silos, bins); design for torsion. Advanced problems in foundations of structures. Limit state design, yield line analysis and plastic design. Codes and specifications and their influence on structures. 3 credits.
CE6103 Prestressed Concrete
Prestressed concrete materials; prestressing systems; loss of prestressing; analysis of sections for flexure, shear, bond and bearing; beam deflections and cable layout; partial prestress. Design of Prestressed sections for flexure, shear, bond and bearing. 3 credits.
CE6104 Design of Steel Structures
Tension members - Design criteria; Compression members - Buckling of Column; Residual
Stress; Column Strength curves; AISC design formulas for working stress design; Buckling of plates; Design of column as affected by local buckling. Design of laterally supported beam;
Shear on beams; Biaxial bending; Stresses due to torsions; Analogy between torsion and plane bending; Design for combined procedures for laterally unsupported beams. Beam column; AISC working stress design criteria for combined bending and axial load; Connections. 3 credits.
CE6105 Bridge Engineering
Planning concepts, various types of bridges and their suitability for different span ranges. Bridge loadings, Orthotropic plate decks, Grillage, space frame, finite element and finite strip methods of bridge deck analysis. Long span bridges, cable-stayed bridges, and suspension bridges. Substructures; Design and construction. 3 credits.
CE6106 Structural Dynamics and Seismic Design of Structures
Fundamentals of structural dynamics. SDOF, Free vibration response, response to harmonic, periodic, impulsive and general dynamic loading. MDOF, undamped free vibrations. Analysis of dynamic response. Beam: vibrations, random vibrations. Probability theory. Deterministic and nondeterministic analysis of earthquake response. Earthquake-resistant design of buildings, bridges and dams. 3 credits.
CE6107 Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings
Structural forms of tall buildings-floor systems, vertical load resisting systems, lateral load resisting systems. Choice of systems optimum design. Coupled shear walls-continuous medium, wide-column analogy, and finite element solutions. Interaction of walls and frames-approximate methods, analysis. Tubular structures-approximate methods. Masonry high-rise buildings. 3 credits.
CE6108 Finite Element for Engineers
Introduction to finite element concepts, basic techniques, and shape functions. Finite element formulation of various elastic problems-plane stress, plane strain, axisymmetric and three-dimensional cases. Isoparametric elements, the elastic membrane, thick shell and plate elements, body of revolution with pressure and sinusoidal loading. Variational principles in finite element analysis. 3 credits.
CE6109 Theory of Elasticity
Stress-strain relationship; Plane-stress and plane-strain; Stress functions; Two-dimensional problems in rectangular and polar coordinates; Torsion; Energy principles; Stress and strain in three dimensions; General theorems; Three-dimensional problems; Theories of failure; Computer solutions of elasticity problem. 3 credits.
CE6110 Earthquake Engineering
Historical background; Plate tectonics; Various types of earthquakes and faulting; Wave types and their characteristics; Characteristics of seismometers and microtremor instruments; Characteristics of magnitude and intensity scales; Earthquake time histories; Fourier and response spectra; Historical seismicity and earthquake catalogs: data acquisition, sources, magnitude rescaling, application to hazard analysis; Site characterization: amplification and responses; Experimental simulation and shaking tables; Introduction to lifeline engineering: electricity, water, natural gas, telecommunication and transportation systems; Post-earthquake damage survey; Mitigation strategies; Case studies of major earthquakes. 3 credits.
CE6111 Advanced Structural Analysis and Design
Plastic analysis of steel structures; introduction to the theory of elasticity; plane stress-strain; Two- dimensional problems in rectangular and polar coordinates; fundamentals of structural dynamics; SDOF and MDOF system; analysis of membrane shell and folded plate. 3 credits.
(i) Theory and Analysis of Elastic Plates and Shells: J N Reddy; CRC Press.
(ii) Dynamics of Structures: Anil K Chopra; Prentice-Hall.
CE6201 Special Topic in Geotechnical Engineering
Any advanced and/or important topic directly related to structural engineering may be offered by the department. Pre-requisite: CEE Department will determine based on the topic's requirement. 3 credits.
CE6202 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
Critical study of case histories of projects in foundation engineering; current procedure for design and construction of foundations. Unsaturated soil mechanics; behavior of soil on fully and partially saturated conditions; three-dimensional consolidation; shear strength of soil for fully and partially saturated conditions; shear strength of soil for earthquake loading; soil dynamics and earthquake geotechnics; liquefaction problems. Seismic slope stability; Principles and applications of ground improvement techniques: densification, compaction, prefabricated drains (PVDs), chemical stabilization. 3 credits.
CE6203 Soil Mechanics I
Identifying characteristics of soils, clay minerals, clay-water relation, fabric, Compression. Steady State flow, 2D and 3D seepage, Transient flow; Compressibility and Rate of consolidation, one, two, and three-dimensional consolidation theories, swelling, collapse and rheological properties. Soil shear strength, concept of cohesion and internal friction. Failure theories. Bearing capacity equations and factors. Subsoil exploration program, interpretation of topographic, geological and agricultural soil maps; soil improvement techniques; soil-structure interaction; dewatering; Mechanical stabilization of soils, such as with soil nails and geosynthetics, lab testing of soils and their interpretation for engineering purposes. 3 credits.
CE6204 Foundations Analysis Methods
Elastic foundations, loads on infinite slabs, subgrade coefficient, settlement on non-homogeneous half-space, linearly-elastic pile and soil, laterally loaded pile, soil foundation interaction for footing and mat designs. Analysis of simple pile and pile group foundations. Exact and numerical solutions to the above problems. 3 credits.
CE6205 Soil Mechanics II
Soil porosity and moisture effects relative to effective stress principles, capillarity, permeability and frost action. Hydraulic fracturing. Principles governing the flow of water through soils. Soil seepage analysis for isotropic and anisotropic conditions. Numerical techniques for vertical and radial drainage. Description, design procedure and usage of current site improvement techniques, preloading, earth reinforcement, dynamic consolidation, Vibro-compaction, blasting densification, lime treatment, drains and geotechnical fabrics. 3 credits.
CE6206 Earth Pressure and Retaining Structures
Basic concepts of the theory of earth pressures behind retaining structures, with special application to design of retaining walls; mechanically stabilized retaining wall; sheet pile walls; braced cuts; cofferdams; caissons; dewatering and slurry-wall construction. 3 credits.
CE6207 Shear Strength, Earth Dams and Stability of Slopes
Methods of stability analysis: Taylor's method, Felleneous method, Bishop's methods, Morgenstern and Price's method; stability of natural and human-made slope; use of geotextile; flow net diagram; soil-water energy; seepage through the earthen dam, sheet pile, cofferdam, caissons and composite section; uplifting pressure on dam; stability analysis for static and dynamic load; piping; design of filter material. 3 credits.
CE6208 Advanced Engineering Geology
Advanced physical geology concerning transported and residual soils. Erosion and deposition. Geomorphology. Study of the formation of the delta. Engineering geology of soft clays. Engineering properties of rocks. Geologic structures. Historical geology. Geology of Bengal Basin. Earthquake zones of Bangladesh. Geological considerations for engineering designs. 3 credits.
CE6301 Advanced Environmental Engineering
Alternative water technologies: solar stills, rainwater harvesting; industrial wastewater treatment and their disposal standards in relation to Bangladesh; solid waste management: sources and types of solid waste; solid waste generation; on-site handling, storage and collection; transportation and disposal methods; recycling and resource recovery from solid waste; industrial and hazardous waste management; Air and noise pollution: introduction to air and noise pollution and their effects; global Environmental concerns; greenhouse effects; ozone depletion; Acid rain; Concept of community participation; sustainable development approach; Gender issues; Introduction to initial Environmental examination and Environmental impact assessment. 3 credits.
CE6302 Special Topic in Environmental Engineering
Any advanced and/or important topic directly related to structural engineering may be offered by the department. Pre-requisite: CEE Department will determine based on the topic's requirement. 3 credits.
CE6303 Environmental Pollution and Control
Environment Pollution and Its Control: water pollution – sources and types of pollutants; waste assimilation capacity of streams; dissolved oxygen modeling; ecological balance of streams; industrial pollution; heavy metal contamination; detergent pollution and eutrophication; groundwater pollution; marine pollution; pollution control measures – water quality monitoring and management. Air pollution – sources and types of pollutants; effects of various pollutants on human health, materials and plants; air pollution meteorology; global warming and greenhouse effects; air pollution monitoring and control measures. 3 credits.
CE6304 Environment and Development Projects
Environment and Development Projects: Environment and sustainable development; Environmental policies and legislation, Environmental implication of Sectoral development; Environmental quality standards; Environmental issues and priorities; Environmental impact assessment of development schemes – baseline studies, assessment methodologies; economics of Environmental management; special topics. 3 credits.
CE6305 Water and Sewerage Engineering Design
Development of design criteria for municipal and rural water sources; Intakes, pipelines, distribution systems, storage facilities and water treatment systems; Groundwater resources and well design. Design of collection system, pump house; Functional hydraulic and structural design and complete sewage treatment plant and drainage systems. 3 credits.
CE6306 Theory of Sewage Treatment
Composition, properties and analysis of sewage. Biology and biochemistry of sewage treatment. Principles of physical, chemical and biological treatment processes. Tertiary treatment of effluents. Sludge digestion. Sludge dewatering and disposal. 3 credits.
CE6307 Environmental Sanitation
Plumbing – general principles of good plumbing system – water seal – types of traps, siphonage – design of plumbing system for multistory buildings – plumbing codes and standards. Refuse and Food Sanitation: Refuse characteristics in urban and rural areas – conditions and factors affecting collection, quantity and conveyance of solid waste. Foodborne and food-caused diseases – food poisoning – food preservation – precautions in the design of kitchen – bactericidal treatment of kitchen utensils. Methods of disposal of night soil in rural areas – different privies – Twin pit pour flush toilets, VIP latrines – water carriage method of sewage disposal – cesspools and seepage pits. WASH-borne health hazards in urban and rural areas. Identify the vulnerable and marginalized communities. Low-cost water supply and sanitation options. 3 credits.
CE6308 Water Pollution and its Control
Sources of pollution; Effects on water; Basic theory of control devices; Pollution surveys and control programs; Water pollution problems at global and national levels. 3 credits.
CE6309 Advanced Solid and Hazardous Waste Engineering
Sources and Types of Solid Wastes; Physical and Chemical Properties of Solid Wastes; Solid Wastes Generation; On-Site Handling; Storage and Processing; Collection of Solid Wastes; Transfer Stations and Transport; Ultimate Disposal Methods: Sanitary landfill, incineration; Resources and Energy Recovery; Soil Pollution; Industrial Solid Waste Collection and Disposal; Hazardous Waste: Definition, classification; Toxic chemical, Hospital waste, Radioactive waste; Collection, protocols for handling, signs and symbols; Dumping methods: Incineration, confinement of radioactive waste.
CE6310 Climate Change and Disaster management
Fundamental of weather and climate; Causes of climate change: Greenhouse gases; Regimes of climate change: Mitigation, Impact and Adaptation; Technology for mitigation and adaptation to climate change; Civil engineering infrastructure and its relevance to climate change; Definition of hazard and disaster; Risk: Conceptual framework; Disaster preparedness planning; Emergency rescue and relief needs; Long-term recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction; Community-based disaster management; Role of civil engineers in mitigating disaster risk: Flood, Earthquake, climate change impact, river erosion, drought and other disasters. 3 credits.
CE6311 Municipal and Rural Sanitation
Transmission and control of communicable diseases; Importance of safe water supply and safe disposal of waste on sanitation; Principles of excreta disposal with and without water carriage; Individual water supply facilities and their sanitary protection; Solid waste management; Municipal and rural sanitation facilities in Bangladesh; Public health organizations. 3 credits.
CE6312 GIS and Remote Sensing
Concepts of Geographic Information Systems (GIS): definition, data structure, data processing and management, spatial analysis; GIS software; Basic principles of remote sensing (RS) and global positioning systems (GPS): definition, data acquisition, spectral characteristics of land cover, multi-spectral analysis, image interpretation, geometric corrections, classification techniques; Integration of RS and GPS with GIS; GIS applications in various fields of Civil Engineering. 3 credits.
CE6313 Theory of Water Treatment
Water and its impurities. Criteria of water quality; Physical, chemical and biological treatment processes. Desalinization and demineralization processes. Controls of aquatic growth. Control of taste and odor. 3 credits.
CE6314 Industrial Water and Waste Treatment
Requirements of water and various industries; Quality and treatment of industrial water; Characteristics and volume of industrial waste; Problems associated with industrial wastes; Physical, chemical and biological methods of treatment; Industrial waste problems of major industries and their methods of treatment and disposal. 3 credits.
CE6315 Environmental Management
Environment and sustainable development; Global and regional approach to environmental management; Environmental implications of sectoral development: Infrastructure, water resources, industry, agriculture, transport and communication, energy, health and population, mineral resources, tourism, and urbanization; Environmental management at project level; Environmental resource management and conservation strategies; Environmental policy and legislation; Environmental Quality Standards (EQS); Economics of Environmental Management. 3 credits.
CE6316 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Historical development; Definition, aims and objectives of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Environmental issues related to development projects; Project screening, Initial Environmental Examination (IEE); Impact identification, prediction analysis and evaluation; EIA methodologies: Ad-hoc, Checklists, Matrices, Network, Simulation Modeling Workshops (SMW), Environmental Evaluation System (EES), Overlays, Geographical Information System Guidelines; Environmental Impact Statement (EIS); Impact mitigation plan; Environmental monitoring and post-development audits; Organization of EIA: Scope, Work plan, resource requirements and costs of EIA, TOR for EIA; EIA in developing countries; Case studies. 3 credits.
CE6317 Environmental Fluid Dynamics
Governing laws of motion for a viscous fluid: laminar and turbulent flows; Fickian diffusion; Turbulent diffusion, Mass transport equation; Shear flow dispersion; Mixing in rivers and estuaries; Jets and buoyant jets; Reservoir dynamics; Pollutant movement in porous media; Computation of environmental flows. 3 credits.
CE6318 Green Buildings and Infrastructures
Green building movement; Buildings and environment; Principles and Scope of sustainable design; Energy efficient design; "Green" Materials Selection; Water and waste; Indoor air quality; Site Design; Construction waste management; Construction specifications and codes; International standards as LEED, relevance to climate change and green building and infrastructure. 3 credits.
CE6401 Special Topic in Water Resources Engineering
Any advanced and/or important topic directly related to structural engineering may be offered by the department. Pre-requisite: CEE Department will determine based on the topic's requirement. 3 credits.
CE6402 Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management
Basic concepts in integrated water resources management, Economic, Environmental and institutional aspects, Participation of beneficiaries, and Formation of users' group. Fisheries management, Strategic planning, System analysis approach, Conceptual framework and models, Analytical techniques, Operation and maintenance of water resources systems. 3 credits.
CE6403 River Engineering
The behavior of alluvial rivers, River channels pattern and fluvial processes. Aggradation and degradation, local scours, river training and bank protection work. Navigation and dredging. Sediment movement in river channels, bedforms and flow regimes. 3 credits.
CE6404 Coastal Engineering
Coast and coastal features. Tides and currents. Tidal flow measurement. Waves and storm surges. Docks and harbors. Forces of waves and tides in the design of coastal and harbor structures. Coastal sedimentation processes. Deltas and estuaries. Shore protection works. Dredging and dredgers. 3 credits.
CE6405 Groundwater Hydrology
Physical properties of aquifers, well pumping, subsurface flow modeling, unsaturated flow, numerical methods, land subsidence, and groundwater pollution. 3 credits.
CE6406 Surface Water Hydrology
Hydrologic cycle and mechanisms, including precipitation, evaporation, and transpiration; hydrograph analysis; flood routing; statistical methods in hydrology and hydrologic design. 3 credits.
CE6407 Water Quality Modeling
Dissolved oxygen (DO) analysis for waterbodies, sources and sinks of DO kinetics, engineering control; Eutrophication, N/P ratio, sources and sinks of N and P, phytoplankton and nutrient interactions, phytoplankton-DO relationships, river-stream eutrophication analysis for phytoplankton and rooted aquatic plants; Objectives of modeling, applications; Mass loading range estimations; Estimates of low flow, travel time and velocity; Steady-state stream equations; Estuarine hydrology; Distribution of water quality in rivers and estuaries, dispersion coefficients, hydraulic transport processes, mathematical formulations, water quality parameters, solution techniques, multi-dimensional models; Physical and hydrologic characteristics of lakes, lakeside response to inputs, finite segment steady-state lake models, model calibration and verification, sensitivity analysis parameter estimation; Case studies. 3 credits.
CE6408 Statistical method in hydrology
Hydrological processes and use of statistics; Shapes of probability density functions including measures of central tendency, dispersion and symmetry. Expectation and estimation. Frequency analysis and design floods. Discrete and continuous probability distributions, especially normal and extreme-value distributions. Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Correlation, simple and multiple regression. Variance analysis. Parameter-value estimation. Stochastic hydrology: Time-series analysis and simple stochastic models. Error theory. Water resources planning and management problems involving uncertainty objectives and hydrologic inputs. Application of statistics and probability to uncertainty in the description, measurement, and analysis of hydrologic variables and processes, including extreme events, error models, simulation, and sampling. 3 credits.
CE6409 Hydraulic Structures
Types and classification of hydraulic structures, Structures to control natural disasters: Flood control structures – Embankment, diversion channel; River training: river erosion and bank protection – Groynes, Bank revetment, Guide bank. Multipurpose dam: Hydropower and flood control principles of dam, Selection of dam type, Spillways and energy dissipation, Outlet works, Tunnels and large-diameter pipes. Bridge and culverts. Waterways: navigation route and dredging works. Diversion structures: Barrage and Weir. Cross drainage works: Aqueduct, Syphon, Sluice gate and Regulator. 3 credits.
CE6410 Sediment Transport Engineering
Sediment properties and the mechanics of sediment transport. Initiation of sediment movement, riverbed load and suspended load theories, transport processes, sediment transport equations, regime theory and stable channel design, river diversion problems, erosion, geomorphologic, and water quality aspects. 3 credits.
Books and references:
CE6411 Urban Hydraulics
Sources and distribution of water in an urban environment, utilization of groundwater, and distribution systems. Analysis of sewer systems and drainage courses for the disposal of both wastewater and stormwater and determination of design flow. Design of drainage gutters, channels, sewer networks, and culverts. Pumps and lift stations. Urban planning and storm drainage practice. 3 credits
Books and references:
CE6412 Computational Watershed Hydrology
Watershed characteristics; hydrologic cycle; characteristics of hydrologic data; rainfall-runoff; stream characteristics; water balance analysis; hydrologic processes in different land covers, use of professional computer programs for the calculation of the surface runoff, generation of unit hydrographs, calculation of losses, channel and reservoir routing, and parameter optimization.
Books and References
CE6413 Advanced Irrigation Engineering
Importance of irrigation: Role of food and agriculture in human civilization; Irrigation: role in food production, sources and quality of irrigation water; soil-water relationship; consumptive use and estimation of water requirements; methods of irrigation; design of irrigation canal systems; irrigation structures; irrigation pumps; problems of irrigated land; Irrigation structures: intake (Barrage / Weir), conveyance ( surface and subsurface canal and pipe network, regulation and diversion structures: Sluice gate and cross drainage works.
CE6414 Modeling Water resources and Environmental systems
Definition and classification of Model, Need for modeling in water and environmental engg., Concept of scale and discretization, Basic concepts of modeling: conceptualization, data collection, calibration, validation and prediction. Mathematical description and software implementation of mass/energy balance in water, soil and atmospheric systems; reactor processes; fate and transport of chemicals in environmental media. Global context and models like General Circulation Model (GCM) for climate change prediction. Demonstration of a water and an environmental model.
CE6501 Special Topic in Transportation Engineering
Any advanced and/or important topic directly related to structural engineering may be offered by the department. Pre-requisite: CEE Department will determine based on the topic's requirement. 3 credits.
CE6502 Advanced Transportation Engineering
Transportation planning process; traffic management concept; traffic accident investigation; city road and street network; grade separation and interchanges; pedestrian and bicycle facilities; urban bypass. Environmental aspects of highway traffic and transportation project; elements of traffic flow. Planning, analysis, evaluation and implementation of transportation projects. 3 credits.
CE6503 Transportation Systems Engineering, Planning and Management
Overview of transportation systems; transportation systems modeling; travel characteristics analysis; traffic predictions; transportation systems management; public passenger transportation; transit planning; urban transportation planning; transportation safety; case studies; transportation systems planning and management in Bangladesh. 3 credits.
CE6504 Transport Projects and Operations
Highway needs study; highway planning, economics and financing; evaluation and analysis of transportation projects, management, monitoring; organization and implementation of transportation projects; selected case studies; traffic engineering administration and legislation; urban public transportation and freight movement. 3 credits.
CE6505 Geometric Analysis and Design of Roads
Analysis and design of visible elements of roads (streets, highways, at-grade intersections, freeways, interchanges, etc.). The design lab covers the topics covered in the theory part. 3 credits.
CE6506 Advanced Surveying
Triangulation; Classification and schemes, instruments, linear and angular measurements, field works errors and corrections, computations; Geometric leveling; Field astronomy; Motions of earth, and other stars, time, coordinate systems, errors and corrections; Hydrographic surveying; determination of depth underwater, measurement of discharge and stream current; Terrestrial and aerial photogrammetry; Instruments, field works, plotting of maps, analysis and interpretation of photographs, stereophotogrammetry, remote sensing and its application. 3 credits.
CE6507 Pavement Analysis, Design and Construction
Stress, strain and deflections of pavements; traffic volume analysis; pavement materials characterization; pavement distresses and performance; pavement maintenance; design of flexible and rigid pavements (Empirical, Mechanistic-Empirical and Mechanistic methods); drainage design; overlay design; road construction methods and practices; practice and use of various pavement design tools (e.g. software) in the design lab. 3 credits.
CE6508 Advanced Highway Materials
Origin, production, specifications properties and uses of bituminous materials; binder mixtures; design and analysis of bituminous paving mixes; field operations, surface treatments, stabilization methods; aggregates, base, subbase and subgrade; cement concrete in pavement constructions. 3 credits.
CE6509 Advanced Traffic Engineering
Characteristics of road user, vehicle and roadway as they affect the traffic engineering function; the concepts of highway capacity and traffic flow theory; traffic control devices; the concepts of intersection control, intersection signal design and capacity analysis; traffic engineering studies involving volume, speed, and travel time; parking, roadway lighting, traffic management and administration, and the techniques and methodologies applied to traffic data collection as well as scientific and statistical techniques used to analyze such data. 3 credits.
CE6510 Pavement Performance, Maintenance and Management
Evaluate, identify and select reliable and cost-effective rehabilitation alternatives for existing Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavements. Pavement distress and mechanism, project-level evaluation, non-destructive testing, friction and roughness evaluation. Pavement management systems including data collection, evaluation, optimization, economic analysis, and computer applications. 3 credits.
CE6511 Road and Traffic Safety Engineering
Road safety policies; Governmental and local arrangements; Road safety audit; Accident data collection, reporting, database maintenance and data analysis; Identification of hazardous locations (Black Spots); Pedestrian and bi-cycle safety; Road safety manuals; Engineering solutions for road safety enhancement; Special cases (bridge approach, rail crossing, business center, etc.); Community awareness and training on road safety; Use of software like VIDA in design lab; and case studies. 3 credits.
CE6610: Urban Planning
The development of contemporary planning concepts and principles; the nature, purpose and scope of urban planning; the planning process and decision-making in a democratic society. Methodological aspects of designing a planning program; identification of objectives and constraints, conduct of basic surveys and analysis, plans and policies preparation, evaluation and implementation, urban planning in Bangladesh, case studies. 3 credits.
CE6512: Transportation Planning
Land use and transportation, urban travel and transportation systems characteristics, urban transportation planning process, transportation planning surveys, travel demand analysis and forecasting models, transportation system and project evaluation, project implementation. 3 credits.
CE6601 Advanced Project Planning and Management
Introduction to engineering and construction project management; project development process/project stages; the principles and techniques of project management; project management functions; contracts and procurements; tender security and bonds, project organization, team building and supervision; project planning and scheduling; project cost accounting and cash flow; documentation and reporting systems; monitoring project performance; controlling project cost, time, and quality; Project closeout. 3 credits.
CE6602 Construction Practices and Scheduling
Materials and methods of construction with emphasis on the design and construction process; includes structural steel and other metals, foundation materials, precast and tilt-wall concrete, concrete reinforcement and similar. Introduction to commonly used techniques and computer applications for the planning, scheduling, monitoring, and controlling of construction projects; includes key scheduling techniques such as Gantt Chart, CPM, PERT, LSM, and EVM; practical scheduling practices such as tracking, controlling, and forecasting trends of schedules, cost control, and reporting. 3 credits.
CE6603 Construction Safety Management
Fundamentals of safety management principles. Detailed review of OSHA regulations and standards critical to construction engineers and managers who expect to design and administer safety-related systems in a construction project. Analysis and design of example minimum safety requirements for application in construction field operations. Review of OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry, a review of selected sections of OSHA Standards for General Industry, a review of general principles of construction safety management. 3 credits.
CE6604 Risk and Financial Management in Construction
Fundamental concepts in financial and risk analysis in construction; accounting and financial metrics in construction; risk assessment and risk management in construction, including the cost of risk, decision-making strategies, the role of sureties, effects of risk in project delivery methods and contract types; risk effects in project financing including a review of financing sources, considerations for financing local and international projects; and the impact of financial and risk management in strategic planning in construction. 3 credits.
CE6605 Construction Economics
Foundation in Life Cycle Cost Analysis computation within the context of current issues in environmental sustainability and evidence-based thinking; lean construction as a strategy to overcome the hurdle of the first cost. 3 credits.
CE6606 Legal Aspects of Contracting
Legal aspects of contract documents, drawings and specifications; owner-engineer-constructor relationship and responsibilities; bids and contract performance; labor laws; governmental administrative and regulatory agencies; torts; business organizations; ethics and professionalism; analysis of current topics and issues. Investigation of recent statute and case implications. 3 credits.
CE6607 Construction Company Operations
Running a construction company; strategic planning; business planning; organizational theory; competitor analysis; risk management; financial analysis; human resources; management information systems; leadership; codes of ethics; best practices. 3 credits.
CE6608 Construction Information Technology
Exploration of emerging technologies for the construction industry including hardware and software systems, Wireless/Mobile, information systems, construction-specific programs, and information strategy planning; using information strategy planning by owners and contractors to effectively enhance the management of business entities and projects in construction. 3 credits.
CE6609 Procurement in construction
Different procurement methods used within the local and international construction industries: LS, DBB, DB, CM, BOT, Milestone-based; Public Procurement Rules; National public procurement methods: open, limited, two-stage, direct, request for quotation, etc.; International procurement methods; e-GP; Emerging concepts such as Sustainable Procurement and Strategic Procurement. The lab component will cover design labs/experiments related to the topics covered in the theory part. 3 credits.
CE6610 Special Topic in Construction Management
Any advanced and/or important topic directly related to construction management may be offered by the department. Pre-requisite: CEE Department will determine based on the topic's requirement. 3 credits.
CE6701 Building Regulations on Fire Safety
Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) general provisions on fire safety, and its philosophy; the objectives, the function statements and the general building requirements according to BNBC. Occupancy and Construction Classification of Buildings, Fire Index, Fire rating of constructions. General Provisions and Precautionary Requirements of buildings for fire protection, Introduction to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Fire Code.
CE6702 Fire Engineering I: Fire Dynamics
Basic concepts and principles of fire dynamics, fuels and combustion processes, the chemistry of combustion, flammability limits, ignition characteristics and different types of flames and fire plumes, Fire chemistry: chemical reactions, fuel properties, and combustion, Heat transfer, Fire behavior: ignition, flame spread, and extinguishment, Steady Burning of Liquids and Solids, Smoke: Its Formation, Composition and Movement. fire effects on people, plants, soils, and animals in forest, grassland, and woodland ecosystems.
CE6703 Fire Engineering II: Fire Models
control volume, applications of conservations laws in modeling and the form of predictive equations; evaluations of fire severity, fire resistance levels of various types of building structures and elements. The Pre and post Flashover Compartment Fire, Fire resistance, Spread of fire from a compartment, Production and measurement of heat, smoke and toxic gases, Methods for assessment of fire behavior. Fire modeling: numerical methods and computer simulations.
CE6704 Fire Risk Assessment
Introduction to risk concepts, Risk audits and inspections, Reliability in fire safety engineering, Fire Risk Ranking, Risk analysis, Qualitative and quantitative fire risk assessment, Fire growth and spread scenarios, Cost benefit analysis, Treatment of risks and risk management. Legal obligations of building surveyors, their tasks of assessment, enforcement and documentation.
CE6705 Fire Engineering Design
fire engineering brief, conceptual design, regulatory objectives, fire safety engineering subsystems, verification methods, timeline analysis, design fires, evaluation of performance of passive and active fire protection systems; Equipment and In-Built Facilities Standards according to BNBC. Design of Chemical Extinguishing Systems, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, Standard on Water Additives for Fire Control and Vapor Mitigation, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.
CE6706 Structural Design for Fire
Structural Fire Engineering, material properties on fire, Fire Safety in Buildings, Fire Protection, Fire Severity and Fire Resistance, Design of Structures Exposed to Fire: steel structures, concrete structures, composites structures, Finite Element Methods for Advanced Structural Calculations, Design Recommendations.
CE6707 Human Behavior in Fire and Egress
building occupant characteristics and human behavior during fire emergencies, Occupants and detection of fires, Modeling Human Behavior in fires, Occupant movement and egress, Occupants and untenability, Fire Situation Management, Means of Egress according to Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC).
CE6708 Special Topic in Fire Hazard and Safety
Any advanced and/or important topic directly related to Fire Hazard and Safety may be offered by the department. Pre-requisite: CEE Department will determine based on the topic's requirement. 3 credits.