Course Descriptions for Spring 2019 onward

2.1 Orientation Courses
CEE 100 Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering
History and development of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Five major divisions under Civil and Environmental Engineering and activities under each division, discussion about the Scope & Pattern of Job as a Civil and Environmental Engineer. Civil and Environmental Engineering, codes, ethics and professional responsibilities and issues related to sustainable development.
ENG 102 Introduction to Composition 
Continued work on analytic reading and on fluency and control of the writing process. Development of expressive, persuasive and referential writing with emphasis on planning, organization, cohesion and coherence. 3 credits (if taken, 3-credits counted, or may we waived based on Admission Test score)
MAT 116 Pre-Calculus
Topics includes sets. real numbers system, algebraic expressions, systems of equations, functions and relations, quadratic functions, synthetic division, the zeros of a polynomial function, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, graphs of trigonometric functions, analytic trigonometry, additional applications of trigonometry, mathematical induction, the binomial theorem, sequences. 3 credits (Non-credit)
2.2 Mathematics
MAT 120 Calculus & Analytical Geometry I
A first course in calculus and analytic geometry. Coordinates, Graphs and Lines; Functions and Limits; Differentiations; Application of Differentiation; Integration; Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. Pre-requisite: MAT116/ECO101/ENV107 3 credits
MAT 130 Calculus & Analytical Geometry II
Second course in calculus and analytic geometry. Applications of Definite Integral; Hyperbolic Functions, Inverse Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions; Techniques of Integration; Improper Integrals: L’Hospitals Rule; Topics of Analytical Geometry; Polar Coordinates ad Parametric Equations. Pre-requisite: MAT120. 3 credits
MAT 250 Calculus & Analytical Geometry IV
Partial Derivatives: Functions of two variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, differentiability and chain rule, directional derivatives and gradients, tangent planes and normal vectors, maxima and minima of functions of two variables. Multiple Integrals: Double integrals, double integrals over non-rectangular regions, double integrals in polar coordinates, triple integrals, centroid, center of gravity, triple integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, change of variables in multiple. Topic in vector calculus: Vector fields, line integrals, Green’s theorem, surface integrals, the divergence theorem, stokes theorem. Pre-requisite MAT130. 3 credits
MAT 361 Probability and Statistics
Introduction to Statistics, Descriptive Statistics, summarizing data sets, Markov, Chebyshev’s inequality, the sample correlation coefficient. Elements of Probability, Types of random variables, jointly distributed random variables, expectation, conditional distributions, computing probability and expectation by conditioning, variance, covariance, moment generating functions. Special Random Variables- Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, hypergeometric, uniform, normal exponential, gamma distribution, distributions arising from the normal-the chi square distribution, the t-distribution, the F-distribution. Distributions of Sampling Statistics, Parameter Estimation, Hypothesis Testing, Regression analysis and distribution of its parameters. Pre-requisite: MAT250. 3 credits
MAT 125 Introduction to Linear Algebra
Introduction to Statistics, Descriptive Statistics, summarizing data sets, Markov, Chebyshev’s inequality, the sample correlation coefficient. Elements of Probability, Types of random variables, jointly distributed random variables, expectation, conditional distributions, computing probability and expectation by conditioning, variance, covariance, moment generating functions. Special Random Variables- Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, hypergeometric, uniform, normal exponential, gamma distribution, distributions arising from the normal-the chi square distribution, the t-distribution, the F-distribution. Distributions of Sampling Statistics, Parameter Estimation, Hypothesis Testing, Regression analysis and distribution of its parameters. Pre-requisite: MAT250. 3 credits
MAT 350 Engineering Mathematics
First order ordinary differential equations, linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Laplace transformations, power- series solutions of differential equations, Bessel functions. Pre-requisite: MAT250. 3 credits
2.3 Basic & Applied Sciences
ENV 107 Environmental Science
Man and environment. Major components of the environment. Brief history of earth; bio-geo-chemical cycles. Population and the environment: basic population dynamics. Biosphere: ecological concepts and ecosystems; flow of matter and energy through an ecosystem; biodiversity. Lithosphere: agriculture and environment: urbanization; solid and hazardous waste management. Atmosphere: chemistry of air; urban air pollution; acid rain; global warming; ozone layer depletion. Hydrosphere: water chemistry; water pollution and treatment; wetland and coastal management. Alternative energy sources. Environmental health and toxicology. Sustainable development. 3 credits
PHY 107 General Physics I
Vectors, equations of motions, Newton’s laws, conservation laws of energy, linear momentum, Work-Energy theorem, extension of linear into rotational motion including the conservation laws, gravitation, simple harmonic motion, travelling waves, calorimetry, thermal equilibrium, 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. Pre-requisite: MAT120. 3 credits
PHY 107L Physics Lab. I
Introduction to Measurements and Statistical Error, Force table, Atwood machine, Hook’s law, Mass-spring oscillation, Simple pendulum, Compound pendulum and Static equilibrium. Pre-requisite: MAT120. 1 credit
PHY 108 General Physics II
Electricity and Magnetism: Coulomb’s Law, Electric field and Gauss’s Law, Potential, Capacitance field, Magnetic forces, Induced Electromotive force, AC circuit. Electric Field and Potential:- Conceptually, Electric Field and Potential Discrete System , Electric Field and Potential:- Continuous System, Electric Field and Potential:- Gauss’s Law, Capacitors and Capacitance, Dielectric, Ohm’s Law, Circuit Theory, Magnetic Force I, Magnetic Force II, Biot-Severt Law, Ampere’s Law, Inductance I, Inductance II, Alternating Fields and Current I, Alternating Fields and Current II, Maxwell’s Equation, Magnetic Properties of Matter. Prerequisite PHY107 and MAT130. 3 credits
PHY 108L Physics Lab. II
Introduction to electric equipment, Verification of Ohm’s law, Charging and Discharging of capacitor, Time constant of a Circuit with resistor and capacitor in series and Magnetic induction. Prerequisite PHY107. 1 credit
CHE 120 Inorganic Chemistry
Atomic Structure, Periodic Table, Chemical Bonds, Physical and Chemical Properties of Water, Different types of solution, Concentration Unit, Chemical Equilibrium and Thermo-Chemistry, Reaction Kinetics, Colloid and Colloidal Solution, Chemical Corrosion, Chemical of Environmental Pollution, Polymer Paint and Varnishes. 3 credits, Prerequisites: MAT 116
CHE 120L Inorganic Chemistry Lab
Atomic Structure, Periodic Table, Chemical Bonds, Physical and Chemical Properties of Water, Different types of solution, Concentration Unit, Chemical Equilibrium and Thermo-Laboratory safety practices; basic laboratory techniques; pH measurements; acid base titration, precipitation reactions; solution, colloids and suspensions; limiting reagents; introduction to analytical chemistry (sprectrophotometer analysis) and acquisition / interpretation of data; determination of the weight of acetaminophen tablets. 1 credit. Prerequisites: MAT 116
CHE 101 Chemistry I
This course covers fundamental principles of chemistry. Topics include measurement, atomic and molecular structure, periodicity, chemical reactions, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, Chemical equilibrium and kinetics, gas laws and solutions. This course is appropriate as a basic chemistry course or as a science elective for students who have science, engineering, or mathematics majors. Upon completion, students will be able to- define chemistry as the study of matter, can apply the basic concepts in their future studies and apply safe laboratory skills to solve problems in a cooperative environment. 3 credits.
CHE 101L Chemistry Lab. I
Introducing analytical balance, proving the law of definite proportions, estimation of Avogadro’s number, standardization of HCl, acid-base titration, determination of density. 1 credit.
ENV 209 Environmental Chemistry
A fundamental application of chemical principles to the study of the environment; Key themes are the interaction between life and the environment, air and air pollution, water and water pollution, soil and soil pollution, radioactivity, and how this knowledge is used by the regulatory agencies; A group project focusing on a selected contemporary environmental issue and training in oral presentation. Pre-requisite: ENV 107, CHE 101/ CHE 120. 3 credits.
ENV 209L Environmental Chemistry Lab.
Laboratory methods and instrumental techniques in environmental chemical analysis; Sampling of pollutants in air, water and land; Measurements of biogeochemical parameters of various environmental samples following standard protocols; Interpretation of results with regard to environmental engineering applications. Pre-requisite: ENV 107, CHE 101/ CHE 120
CEE 260 Hydrology
Introduction to the global water and energy cycles and the earth system including the atmosphere, oceans, land, and biosphere. Fundamentals of hydrologic science and its applications. Covers basics of the hydrologic processes such as precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, infiltration, and storm runoff, hydrograph & unit hydrograph. Understanding of groundwater flow, hydraulics of wells, Probabilistic analysis and risk estimation for hydrologic variables. Prerequisite CEE211.  3 credits.
ENV 311 Geology & Geomorphology
Rocks and minerals: identification of rocks and minerals; common rock forming mineral; physical properties of minerals; mineraloid rocks; types of rocks; cycle of rock change. Structural geology: faults; type of faults; fold and fold type;  domes; basin, erosion process; analysis of erosion land forms; earthquake and seismic map of Bangladesh; geology of Bangladesh. Fluvial processes in geomorphology: channel development, channel widening, valley shape, stream terraces; alluvial flood plains; deltas and alluvial fans; fluvial deposits, coastal deposits, glacial deposits, lacustrine deposits and Aeolian deposits, river basin; geomorphologic characteristics of rivers of Bangladesh. 3 credits.
2.4 Arts & Social Sciences
2.4.1    Mandatory courses: 9 credits
ENG 103 Intermediate Composition
Continued work on analysis reading and on fluency and control of the writing process. Development of expressive, persuasive and referential writing with emphasis on planning, organization, cohesion and coherence. Prerequisite ENG102. 3 credits.
BEN 205 Bangla Language and Literature
Styles of prose, standard, colloquial and dialect are taught. Review and practice of basic and syntax and introduction to language skills; and development of integrated language skills with special focus on the mechanics of the language, important aspects of grammar and vocabulary. This course will aim to show the trend of Bengali literature in the last 100 years by exposing the students to the popular work of major Bengali poets, short story writers, novelists and essayists. 3 credits.
HIS 103 Emergence of Bangladesh
Bengal to Bangladesh, Geographical Features, Land and People; Map, Political Background of Partition of India 1947, Language Movement (1948 and 1952), Background, Role of Students, 21st February 1952, Foundation of the Awami League, Election of 1954 and the United Front (Jukto Front), 21 Points Movement, Constitution of 1956, Nature, Difficulties in implementation, Military Rule in 1958 and the Basic Democracy of Ayub Khan, Failure of Democracy and the Rise of, Authoritarian Government, Principle of Controlled Democracy, Constitution of 1962, Principal Features, Provincial Autonomy Question, Struggle for Autonomy, East Pakistan’s Movement for provincial Autonomy and Political and Economic Rights. 3 credits
2.4.2 Electives: 3 credits
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
IExamination of how societies grow and change; reciprocal effects of economic, political, familial and scientific institutions on each other and on individual life; changes and social conflict, problems of bureaucratic growth and planned and unplanned social change. 3 credits.
LAW 200 Legal Environment of Business
Examines the nature, formation and application of legal principles in business. Topics include the roles of law in society; the legal environment in which business operates, particularly government taxation; the regulation of commerce competition and labour-management relations and the concepts of property: its creation, transfer and importance to our business society. 3 credits
POL 210 Human Rights & Politics
History and development of ideas concerning human rights; analysis of fundamental or basic rights; comparative perspectives on human rights. This course will also include attention to many of the following topics; rights of woman and children; human rights from the perspectives of national and international law; the variety of rights; political, economic, social and cultural; individual and collective rights; the right to national self- determination and the right to secede; cases in which human rights conflict with economic development or protection of the natural environment; recent work on human rights in political theory and philosophy. 3 credits
MGT 210 Principles of Management
Provides a basic discussion of the environments, approaches, principles and process of management. Topics include environmental forces, planning, organizing and control processes, motivation, teamwork, group dynamics and leadership in business and non- business organization. 3 credits
ECO 101 Introduction to Microeconomics
An introduction to the methods and principles of microeconomics. Topics include: markets; theory of consumer behavior; production theory; costs of production, and market structure; efficiency in allocation and production. 3 credits.
2.5 Engineering Tools
CEE 110 Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) for Engineers
Introduction – lettering, numbering and heading; plane geometry. Projection (Solid Geometry). Development and true shape – cube, pyramid, cone, prism; section and true shape. Isometric drawing, oblique drawing. Plan, elevation and section of engineering structures; reinforcement details of beams, columns, slabs, stairs etc. Introduction to Computer Aided Design (CAD). 3 credits.
CEE 215 Numerical Analysis & Computer Programming
Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations; solutions of systems of linear equations; curve-fitting by least squares; finite difference; interpolation; numerical differentiation and integration; numerical solution of differential equations; Basic components of computer system; introduction to programming languages; Structured and object oriented Programming Languages (MATLAB). Prerequisite MAT130. 3 credits.
CEE 210 Engineering Mechanics
Statics: Force vectors and their units; addition of coplanar forces, equilibrium of a particle; moments and equilibrium of rigid bodies; structural analysis of trusses; friction; Center of gravity and centroids; distributed loadings; moments of inertia of areas; moments of inertia of masses; Dynamics: review of concepts of velocity and acceleration; dynamics of particles and rigid bodies; concepts of work, energy, momentum; introduction to vibrations. Prerequisite MAT130.  3 credits.
CEE 211 Fluid Mechanics
Fundamental concepts in fluid mechanics; fluid properties, Hydrostatics, Conservation of mass and momentum using differential and integral balances; fluid kinematics, fluid flow concepts: continuity equations, energy and momentum equations, Shear stresses and velocity profiles in laminar and turbulent flows; incompressible flow, similitude and dimensional analysis, viscous flow in pipes, drag and lift; fluid measurement in orifices, nozzles, venturimeter, weirs and pitot tubes. Civil engineering applications. Prerequisite CEE210, MAT130.  3 credits
CEE 211L Fluid Mechanics Lab.
Laboratory experiments on determination of center of pressure in fluid, investigation of Bernoulli’s theorem, fluid flow measurement in orifices, external mouthpiece, venturimeter, v-notch weir, sharp crested weir, head loss due to sudden contraction and sudden expansion in a pipe, measurement of fluid friction in pipes. Prerequisite CEE210, MAT130.   1 credit
CEE 212 Solid Mechanics
Methods of structural analysis of beams and frames; Internal forces; axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams of statically determinate beams; deflection of beams; stresses and strains in solid bodies, constitutive relationships; states of stress (axial, bending, shear,  and torsion); Transformation of stresses and strains, instability of columns. Prerequisite CEE210, MAT130.  3 credits.
CEE 212L Solid Mechanics Lab.
Tension test of mild steel specimen, Compression test of timber specimen, Impact test of metal specimen, Test of helical spring, Direct shear test of metal specimens, Static bending test of beam, Hardness test of metal specimen and Buckling Test of Slender Column. Prerequisite CEE212.  1 credit
CEE 213 Surveying & Introduction to GIS
Types of surveying; chain surveying; traverse surveying; leveling and contouring; calculation of areas and volumes; problems of heights and distances; curves and curve ranging; uses of modern surveying equipment. Tachometry: theory, field procedure, errors in tachometry. Astronomical surveying: astronomical terms, co-ordinate systems, astronomical corrections and systems of time. Photogrammetry: definitions related to photogrammetry, terrestrial photogrammetry, aerial photogrammetry, Remote sensing: introduction to global positioning system (GPS). Hydrographic surveying: elements of hydrograph; acoustic measurements and investigations; hydrographic operations. Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Prerequisite CEE110.  3 credits.
CEE 213L Surveying & Introduction to GIS Lab
GIS software in the GIS lab and field survey. Prerequisite CEE110.  1 credit
CEE 214 Engineering Materials
Mechanical behavior of materials; Variability; Atomic structures and properties of materials; Properties, selection criteria, applications and uses of steel, aluminum, mineral aggregates, cement, cement concrete, asphalt, asphalt concrete, masonry, wood, protective coating materials, and composites; Design of concrete mix; Laboratory experiments on measuring devices, steel, course and fine aggregates, cement, concrete, brick and wood. Prerequisite CHE120/CHE101 and CEE210. 3 credits
CEE 214L Engineering Materials Lab
Laboratory experiments and characterization of common civil engineering materials. Experiments will include (but not limited to) Sieve analysis of aggregates, Specific gravity and absorption of aggregates, Normal consistency of cement, Setting time of cement, Slump of freshly mixed Portland cement concrete, Making and curing concrete cylinders, Compressive strength of cylindrical concrete specimens, Non-destructive strength test of concrete. Prerequisite: CEE214
CEE 310 Quantity Survey and Cost Analysis
Analysis of Rates; Detailed Estimate of all Items of Work of a Building. Septic tank. Specifications of Materials for the Above Constructions. Prerequisite CEE213, CEE214. 3 credits.
ENV 373 Environmental Impact Assignment
Concepts of environmental and social impact assessment; project cycle, scoping, initial environmental examination (IEE) and environmental impact assessment (EIA); methods of impact identification- matrix, network and checklist methods, modeling and simulation; environmental indices and indicators for air, water and land and biota; prediction and assessment of impacts on different environmental media; assessment of visual impacts, social impacts and cultural impacts; decision methods for evaluation of alternatives- weighting, scaling, rating and ranking of alternatives, decision matrix; people’s participation; mitigation measures; environmental monitoring. Preparation of TOR for an EIA, EIA Report. 3 credits.
CEE 415 Socio- economic Aspects of Development Projects
Paradigms of Development and sustainable development. Society - development - environmental linkage. Socio–economic Indicators of development. Participatory planning of development Projects. Seeking societal feedback: rapid rural appraisal (RRA), participatory rural appraisal (PRA), focus group discussion (FGD), key person interview etc. Involving the community: community based operation and maintenance of projects. Gender and institutional issues. Pre-requisite CEE350, ENV373, CEE310. 3 credits.
2.6 Civil Engineering Core
2.6.1 Structural Engineering
CEE 330 Structural Analysis and Design-I
Stability and determinacy of structures; wind and earthquake loads; arch, analysis of three hinged arch; analyses of cable structures; influence lines, moving loads; approximate analysis of statically indeterminate structures; elastic strain energy and external work, Virtual work principle, deflection of beams, trusses and frames by virtual work method. Prerequisite CEE212, CEE212L. 3 credits.
CEE 330L Structural Analysis and Design Lab.
Algorithms for implementing direct stiffness method in computer; hands-in practice on truss (roof and bridge) and frame analyses by professional software. Prerequisite CEE330. 1 credit
CEE 331 Structural Analysis and Design- II
Analysis of statically indeterminate beams and frames by and Moment Distribution Method; Flexibility method; Stiffness method, stiffness matrix, member stiffness, stiffness transformations, assembly of stiffness matrices and solution for beams, frames and trusses. Prerequisite CEE330L. 3 credits.
CEE 335 Reinforced Concrete Design-I
Materials and fundamental behavior of reinforced concrete; loads and design philosophies; analysis of beam section under various stages of loading; design of singly reinforced, doubly reinforced and T-beams according to USD methods; shear and diagonal tension; bond and anchorage; reinforced concrete floor and roof systems, design of one way slabs; two way slab design by ACI coefficients, column supported slab design by direct design and equivalent frame methods; strip method for slabs. Prerequisite CEE212. 3 credits.
CEE 335L Reinforced Concrete Design Lab
Analysis of concrete building frame by professional software; design of slab bridge, deck girder bridge and balanced cantilever bridge; Design of concrete building components (stair, water tanks etc.); BNBC, ACI and AASHTO codes. Prerequisite CEE335. 1 credit
CEE 430 Reinforced Concrete Design-II
Design of columns; strength interaction diagrams for uniaxial bending and reciprocal load method under biaxial bending; foundations, individual and combined footings, rafts and pile caps; retaining walls; concrete building systems; seismic detailing; structural forms; shear walls; introduction to prestressed concrete. Prerequisite CEE330, CEE335L. 3 credits.
2.6.2 Geotechnical Engineering
CEE 240 Introduction to Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering & Soil Mechanics; Soil formation and deposits; Index properties of soil; Classifications of soil; Phase relationship; Soil compaction; Permeability & seepage; Total & effective Stresses; Stress distribution; One-dimensional consolidation; Shear strength of soil; Lateral earth pressure. Prerequisite CEE212, CEE214. 3 credits.
CEE 240L Soil Mechanics Lab.
Laboratory Tests of Soil on: Field identification; Specific gravity of soil solids; Sieve analysis; Hydrometer analysis; Atterberg Limits; Compaction; Maximum density and minimum density of sandy soil; Unconfined compression; Direct shear; Permeability by constant head and falling head methods; Consolidation. Prerequisite CEE240. 1 credit
CEE 340 Advanced Foundation Engineering
Subsoil investigation; Types of foundations; Bearing capacity settlement of shallow foundations; Bearing capacity and settlement of pile foundations; Slope stability; Earth retaining structures. Prerequisite CEE240L. 3 credits.
2.6.3 Transportation Engineering
CEE 250 Introduction to Transportation Engineering
Transportation systems; Transportation economics; Land-use, vehicle and human characteristics in transportation; Geometric design of roadways and railways; Roadway and railways materials; Bituminous mix design; Traffic loading and volume; Design of flexible and rigid pavements; Pavement construction, distresses and maintenance; Introduction to railway and waterways. Design labs on bituminous mix design and pavement design are embedded in the course to reinforce the theories discussed in the lectures. Prerequisite CEE212. 3 credits
CEE 250L Transportation Engineering Lab
Laboratory experiments on highway materials (soil, aggregates and asphalt), asphalt concrete mix design, and characterization of highway materials. Prerequisite CEE250. 1 credit
CEE 350 Traffic Analysis and Design
Fundamentals of traffic engineering; Traffic flow characteristics; Travel demand forecasting; Analysis and design of the capacity of urban and rural roadway segments and intersections; Traffic control devices, systems and warrants; Transportation planning; Public transportation systems; Transportation safety. Prerequisite CEE250. 3 credits
2.6.4 Water Resources Engineering
CEE 360 Open-Channel Hydraulics
Advanced hydraulics of free surface flow in rivers and open channels; discussion of theory, analytical and numerical solution techniques, and their applications to gradually and rapidly varied non uniform flows, unsteady flow, and flow in open channel networks. Design of channel and flow through hydraulic structures will be discussed. Prerequisite CEE260. 3 credits.
CEE 360L Open-Channel Hydraulics Lab
Open channel hydraulics lab includes laboratory experiments on hydraulic jump, and flow over broad and sharp crested weirs, computation of GVF using numerical methods, regression analysis, use of HEC-RAS modeling software for river flow analysis, channel flow analysis with bridges and culverts, channel design and modification and floodplain modeling. Prerequisite CEE360. 1 credit
CEE 460 Groundwater Hydraulics
Physical properties of groundwater and aquifers, principles and fundamental equations of porous media flow and mass trans port, well hydraulics and pumping test analysis, role of groundwater in the hydrologic cycle, groundwater quality and contamination. Prerequisite CEE360. 3 credits.
2.6.5 Environmental Engineering
CEE 271L Environmental Engineering Lab. I
Application of basic chemistry and chemical calculations to measure physical, chemical, and biological parameters of water (e.g., pH, conductivity, turbidity, color, chloride, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, fecal coliform). Laboratory methods and interpretation of results with regard to environmental engineering applications and control of the quality of natural water. Pre-requisite: CEE209, CEE209L; 1 credit.
CEE 370 Water Supply & Treatment
Human need of water; potable water source and their development and protection; applied hydraulics of pipelines and pumps; potable water needs; water quality regulatory requirements; physical and chemical water treatment process design and operation; rural water supply options; Design and operation of urban municipal water distribution systems. Prerequisite CEE209, CEE209L, CEE211. 3 credits.
CEE 373 Sanitation and Wastewater Engineering
Wastewater characteristics and treatment systems; sanitary sewer and storm drainage systems; wastewater characteristics; primary treatment systems; secondary treatment systems; sludge: processing systems and disposal options; analysis and design of sewer systems. Prerequisite CEE370. 3 credits.
CEE 371L Environmental Engineering Lab. II
Introduction to Wastewater Engineering; Estimation of wastewater; Wastewater collection systems; Hydraulics of sewer; Design, construction and maintenance of sanitary sewer and storm drainage system; Sewer appurtenances; Plumbing system; Wastewater characteristics; Wastewater treatment and disposal; Sludge treatment and disposal; Sanitation and health; Low cost sanitation technology; Septic tank system; Sustainability of water and sanitation services; Community management of water and sanitation services; Introduction to solid and hazardous waste management; Environmental management and environmental impact assessment. CEE271L, CEE370, CEE373. 1 credit.
CEE 470 Solid & Hazardous Waste Managementt
Sources and Types of Solid Wastes; Physical and Chemical Properties of Solid Wastes; Solid Wastes Generation; On Site Handling; Storage and Processing; Collection of Solid Wastes; Transfer Stations and Transport; Ultimate Disposal Methods; Resources and Energy Recovery; Soil Pollution; Industrial Solid Waste Collection and Disposal; Hazardous Waste Management. Prerequisite CEE373. 3 credits.
2.7 Capstone Design Project

Design projects selected from problems submitted by the students, faculty and local industry; Industry projects are given preference as they are best suited for meeting the course objectives; Instructional phase includes (not limited to): communications, report writing, visual aids, design process (requirements/specifications/objections, synthesis/analysis, design evaluation, implementation, maintainability, manufacturability, economic and social influences etc.), proposal preparation, estimating, project management and scheduling, contracts etc.; Performance phase includes (not limited to): design team formation and organization, design proposals, implementation of design process, project scheduling and management, design reviews, design simulation and testing, preparation of documentation, drawings, specifications, etc., written and oral presentation of completed projects.

Pre-requisite: All 300-level core courses completed; 3 credits

The course is offered in three consecutive semesters for a period of one year as given below

CEE 499A Engineering Project I
A detailed analysis and design of a civil/environmental engineering project. Prerequisite: 90 credits completed. 1 credit.
CEE 499B Engineering Project II
TA detailed analysis and design of a civil/environmental engineering project. Prerequisite CEE499A. 1 credit.
CEE 499C Engineering Project III
A detailed analysis and design of a civil/environmental engineering project. Prerequisite CEE499B. 1 credit.
2.8 Civil and Environmental Engineering Elective Courses
Students must take two elective courses (6 credits) from one group (Group A to Group E) and take another two elective courses (6 credits) from any remaining group(s).
2.8.1 Group A: Structural Engineering
CEE 431 Introduction to Structural Dynamics
General principles of dynamics. Single-degree-of-freedom systems, free vibrations, response to harmonic and periodic excitations, earthquake response of linear systems; Multi-degree-of –freedom systems; earthquake response of linearly elastic buildings. Pre-requisite CEE331. 3 credits.
CEE 432 Composite Structures
Introduction to steel-concrete composite structures; Advantages of composite construction; Interaction between steel and concrete; Shear connectors, elastic analysis of composite beams; Beam-column connections; Behavior of different types of composite columns; Axial load capacity and interaction diagrams for composite columns. Pre-requisites: CEE 331, CEE430; 3 credits.
CEE 433 Finite Element Methods
Introduction to Computational Mechanics; mathematical models and numerical simulations; variational methods, weak form and the Ritz method; Second order differential equations in one dimension, Structural mechanics applications, Truss elements, beam elements and frame elements; single variable problems in two dimensions, Triangular and rectangular elements: FEM for plates and shells. Pre-requisite CEE331. 3 credits.
CEE 434 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
Apply Strut and Tie Model (STM) in the design of disturbed (D) regions of reinforced concrete structures, such as corbels, brackets and beams with openings. Analyse and design of slab using two collapse load methods – Yield Line Method and Strip Method. Evaluate the function structural walls and design of shear walls in buildings. Analyse and design framed structures. Calculate deflections at serviceability limit state and understand methods of deflection control. Calculate crack widths at serviceability limit state and understand methods of crack control. Interpret the design requirements for water-retaining structures, and conduct preliminary design. Pre-requisite CEE331, CEE430. 3 credits.
CEE 435 Pre Stressed Concrete
Pre-Stressed Concrete: Materials; Prestressing System; Loss of Prestress Analysis of Sections for Flexure, Shear, Bond and Bearing; Beam Deflections and Cable Layout, Partial Prestress. Design of Pre-stressed Sections for Flexure, Shear, Bond and Bearing. Pre-requisite CEE430. 3 credits.
CEE 437 Behavior and Design of Metal Structures
Fundamentals of steel design philosophies by AISC; steel and its properties; tension members and connections by bolts and welds; compression members, stability of plates; torsion and torsional buckling; beams, lateral-torsional buckling, plate girders. Pre-requisite CEE331. 3 credits.
CEE 439 Earthquake Resistant Design
Theory and application of structural dynamics for single and multiple degree-of-freedom models of buildings subjected to earthquake ground motion. Characteristics of earthquake ground motion and design spectra. Concepts of overall seismic design of buildings, load paths, and proportioning and ductile detailing of members to achieve satisfactory seismic response. Pre-requisite CEE331, CEE340. 3 credits.
2.8.2 Group B: Geotechnical Engineering
CEE 441 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
Critical study of case histories of projects in foundation engineering; current procedure for design and construction of foundations, embankments and waterfront structure. Seismic hazard analysis, cyclic response of soils and rock; wave propagation through soil and local site effects; liquefaction and post liquefaction behavior, seismic soil-structure of foundations and underground structures, seismic design of retaining walls, underground structures and tunnels. Construction and machine vibrations. Blasting. The lab component will cover design labs and experiments related to the topics covered in the theory part. Pre-requisite: CEE340; 3 credits.
CEE 442 Earthen Dam and Slope Stability
Methods of stability analysis: Taylor's method, Felleneous method, Bishop's methods, Morgenstern and Price's method; stability of natural and human made slope; use of geo-textile; flow net diagram; soil-water energy; seepage through earthen dam, sheet pile, cofferdam, caissons and composite section; uplifting pressure on dam; stability analysis for static and dynamic load; piping; design of filter material. Pre-requisite: CEE 340; 3 credits.
CEE 423 Earth Retaining Structures
Foundation of structures subjected to lateral loads; rigid and flexible earth retaining structures; mechanically stabilized retaining wall; sheet pile walls; braced cuts; cofferdams; caissons; dewatering and slurry-wall construction. Pre-requisite: CEE340; 3 credits
CEE 424 Advanced Soil Mechanics
Unsaturated soil mechanics; behavior of soil on fully and partially saturated conditions; consolidation of soil; shear strength of soil for fully and partially saturated conditions; shear strength of soil for earthquake loading; soil dynamics and earthquake geotechnics; liquefaction problems. Pre-requisite: CEE340; 3 credits
2.8.3 Group C: Transportation Engineering
CEE 450 Road and Traffic Safety Engineering
This course has been designed to teach and train senior-level engineering students the needs, policies, methods and procedures required for enhancing road safety measures. The major topics include: Road safety policies; Governmental and local arrangements; Road safety audit; Accident data collection, reporting, database maintenance and data analysis; Identification of hazardous locations (Black Spots); Pedestrian and bi-cycle safety; Road safety manuals; Engineering solutions for road safety enhancement (geometric design, signs & marking, traffic calming devices/measures, traffic signal system, etc); Special cases (bridge approach, rail crossing, business center, etc.); Community awareness and training on road safety; and case study. Prerequisite: CEE350. Total credits: 3.
CEE 479 Air Quality Engineering
Solving air pollution problems requires a multi-disciplinary approach. Effects of air pollutants on human health and the environment. Origins of atmosphere pollutants and methods to estimate emissions from anthropogenic sources. Atmospheric chemistry and pollutant removal processes. Meteorological phenomena and pollutant dispersion modeling. Laws and regulation to control air pollution. Technological and methods used to control air pollution. Regional and global issues such as acid rain, ozone depletion, and global climate change. Prerequisite: ENV209/CEE209. 3 credits.
CEE 452 Pavement Analysis, Design and Construction
Stress, strain and deflections of pavements; traffic volume analysis; pavement materials characterization; pavement distresses and performance; pavement maintenance; design of flexible and rigid pavements (Empirical, Mechanistic-Empirical and Mechanistic methods); drainage design; overlay design; road construction methods and practices; practice and use of various pavement design software. The lab component will cover design labs/experiments related to the topics covered in the theory part. Pre-requisite: CEE 350; 3 credits.
CEE 454 Advanced Traffic Engineering
This course will cover the fundamental principles and practices of traffic engineering. Specifically, the course will introduce the characteristics of road user, vehicle and roadway as they affect the traffic engineering function; the concepts of highway capacity and traffic flow theory; traffic control devices; the concepts of intersection control, intersection signal design and capacity analysis; traffic engineering studies involving volume, speed, and travel time; and the techniques and methodologies applied to traffic data collection as well as scientific and statistical techniques used to analyze such data. Prerequisite: CEE350. 3 Credits.
CEE 458 Transportation Systems Engineering and Planning
Overview of transportation systems; transportation systems modeling; travel characteristics analysis; traffic predictions; transportation systems management; public passenger transportation; transit planning; urban transportation planning; transportation safety; case studies; transportation systems planning and management in Bangladesh. Pre-requisite: CEE 350; 3 credits.
CEE 459 Geometric Analysis and Design of Roads
Analysis and design of visible elements of roadway, design controls, at-grade intersections, freeways, and interchanges; use of design software. The lab component will cover design labs/experiments related to the topics covered in the theory part. Pre-requisite: CEE 350; 3 credits.
2.8.4 Group D: Water Resources Engineering
CEE 463 Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management
Basic concepts in integrated water resources management. Economic, environmental and institutional aspects. Participation of beneficiaries. Formation of users group. Fisheries management. Strategic planning. System analysis approach. Conceptual framework and models. Analytical techniques. Operation and maintenance of water resources systems. Pre-requisite: CEE 360; 3 credits.
CEE 465 River Engineering
Behavior of alluvial rivers; river pattern and morphological processes; river training and bank protection works; navigation and dredging; sediment movement in river channels, bed forms and flow regimes; flood and its causes; methods of flood management; structural and nonstructural measures such as reservoirs, levees and flood zoning, flood hazard mapping, flood forecasting and warning; flood damage in urban and rural areas. Prerequisite CEE360. 3 credits.
CEE 467 Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Importance of irrigation; sources and quality of irrigation water; soil-water relationship; consumptive use and estimation of water requirements; methods of irrigation; design of irrigation canal systems; irrigation structures; irrigation pumps; problems of irrigated land; irrigation water management; importance of land drainage; drainage systems and theft design. Prerequisite CEE460. 3 credits.
CEE 473 Coastal and Estuarine Analysis
Definition, systems view of the coast. Abiotic subsystems; classification of coasts, wave, current sediment transport, two dimensional flow analysis. Biotic subsystem: coastal and estuarine ecosystems, fate and transport of pollutants in marine environment, bio-accumulation, risk form multiple stressors. Bangladesh coast its hydrodynamic and ecological features, Bangladesh Coastal Zone policy. Prerequisite CEE360. 3 credits
CEE 475 Water Resources and Environmental Modeling
Definition and classification of Model, Concept of scale and discretization Basic concepts of modeling: conceptualization, data collection, calibration, validation and prediction. Mathematical description and software implementation of mass/energy balance in water, soil and atmospheric systems; reactor processes; fate and transport of chemicals in environmental media. Prerequisite CEE215, CEE360. 3 credits
2.8.5 Group E: Environmental Engineering
CEE 477 Ecological Engineering
Ecological concepts and their applications in the assessment, conservation, and management of ecological systems. Description of important attributes and processes at the individual, community and system levels. Ecological implications of engineering structures and projects. Ecological restoration and engineering. Prerequisite CEE215, CEE373, CEE360. 3 credits.
CEE 479 Air Quality Engineering
Solving air pollution problems requires a multi-disciplinary approach. Effects of air pollutants on human health and the environment. Origins of atmosphere pollutants and methods to estimate emissions from anthropogenic sources. Atmospheric chemistry and pollutant removal processes. Meteorological phenomena and pollutant dispersion modeling. Laws and regulation to control air pollution. Technological and methods used to control air pollution. Regional and global issues such as acid rain, ozone depletion, and global climate change. Prerequisite CEE209, CEE370. 3 credits.
CEE 471 Pollution Control
Important environmental pollutants, their sources and impacts on surrounding ecosystem, infrastructures and planet; Concepts and engineering principles of preventing and controlling air, water and soil, noise and radioactive and other hazardous waste pollution; Control methods and technologies for air, water and land pollution and their use in dealing with short and long term pollution problems; Basics of relevant environmental laws and regulations. Pre-requisite: CEE470; 3 credits.
CEE 472 Climate Change and Disaster management
Earth’s climate and biosphere; Causes of climate change; Global warming and Green house effects; Carbon footprint; CO2 sequestration; Tomorrows World; IPCC Mitigation of climate change report; Economics of climate change; Environmental legislations; Hazards: Natural, Human-induced, and Industrial; Distinction between hazard and disaster; Vulnerability, Resilience, and Risk; Conceptual framework of disaster risk management; Disaster preparedness planning; Emergency rescue and relief needs; Long-term recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction; Community based disaster management; Community mobilization; Indigenous knowledge; Social and environmental impact assessment; Damage assessment. Pre-requisite: CEE 470; 3 credits.
CEE 474 Green Building and Infrastructure
Green building movement; Principles and Scope of sustainable design; Importance of Place: Site, Transportation and Land Use Issues; Sustainable site design, analysis, and assessment; Sustainable transportation patterns and site development strategies; Energy efficient design; “Green” Materials Selection; Determining materials appropriateness; Material considerations during green home design; Water and Site Design; Sustainable site development patterns; Outdoor water conservation strategies and practices; On-site management methods for storm water and wastewater; Indoor water conservation; Indoor environmental quality and health; Common indoor air pollutants; Achieving good indoor air: barrier, solutions, and implementation issues; Ventilation system design strategies; Benefits of daylight and view; Construction specifications; Construction waste management; Building Durability; and Climate Adaptation. Pre-requisite: CEE 335, CEE350, CEE470; 3 credits.
2.8.6 Group F: Special Topic
CEE 410 Construction Engineering
Introduction to the construction processes: contracting and bonding, Project definition; scheduling and control models; material, labor and equipment allocation; optimal schedules; project organization; documentation and reporting systems; management and control. Prerequisite CEE310, CEE430. 3 credits
CEE 465 GIS and Remote Sensing
Introduction to the Geographic Information Systems and GIS applications; data structures and basic functions; methods of data capture and sources of data, and the nature and characteristics of spatial data and objects. Introduction to the basics of remote sensing, characteristics of remote sensors, and remote sensing applications in academic disciplines and professional industries.

The lab component will cover design labs/experiments related to the topics covered in the theory part. Pre-requisite: CEE213 and CEE 350; 3 credits.

CEE 466 Urban Planning
The development of contemporary planning concepts and principles; the nature, purpose and scope of urban planning; the planning process and decision-making in a democratic society. Methodological aspects of designing a planning program; identification of objectives and constraints, conduct of basic surveys and analysis, plans and policies preparation, evaluation and implementation. The lab component will cover design labs/experiments related to the topics covered in the theory part. Pre-requisite: CEE335, CEE350, CEE415. 3 credits.
CEE 467 Advanced Procurement Systems
Different procurement methods used within the local and international construction industries: LS, DBB, DB, CM, BOT, Milestone-based; Public Procurement Rules; National public procurement methods: open, limited, two-stage, direct, request for quotation, etc.; International procurement methods; e-GP; Emerging concepts such as Sustainable Procurement and Strategic Procurement. The lab component will cover design labs/experiments related to the topics covered in the theory part. Pre-requisite: CEE 310, CEE430; 3 credits.
CEE 490 Special Topic
As decided by the faculty and the department based on student needs. 3 credits
CEE 492 Undergraduate Research
A research-based thesis course that offers students the opportunity to work on a comprehensive research work that demonstrates mastery of design and/or study of a civil engineering or closely related work. The topic has to be agreed upon in consultation with a CEE department-approved supervisor. The thesis work will be of suitable complexity for results to be published and/or presented for an expert audience. Length: Maximum 12 months (3 semesters in a trimester system). Prerequisite all BSCEE Core CEE courses. 3 credits.
2.9 Internship
CEE 498 Internship 0 credit
The undergraduate internship (CEE 498) is a non-credit mandatory course where students get an experiential learning opportunity with an external organization. It can be a government or non-government organization or industry. The duration of the internship is four to six weeks. The internship opportunity links classroom learning and student interest of acquiring practical knowledge in a realistic work environment. Students will produce a critical reflection on their internship experience indicating how they achieve the specific learning outcomes. Students and employers will be required to abide by a “Confidentiality and Professional Conduct" agreement and maintain a work log of activities. There will be a designated industry supervisor and an academic supervisor. The course involves regular meetings with the both the supervisors for guidance and to discuss overall progress. At the end of the internship, the student will submit a report and the course grade will be based on the evaluation by the industry supervisor and the academic supervisor. Prerequisite all BSCEE Core CEE courses. 0 credits.