Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

MBA/EMBA Programs

About Us

The MBA and EMBA programs of the School of Business and Economics (SBE) aims at developing managers and leaders of the 21st century. Both the programs are flexible and career-oriented  and designed to meet the needs of the professionals of the corporate world. The programs have been designed following the guidelines of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the highest accreditation body of Business Schools. The E/MBA programs are open to all university graduates. However, in order to get admission in the programs, the applicant must have at least three years of continuous work exprience (after the completion of undergraduate degree) in a managerial position. Faculty members of the programs are educated and trained in North American or equivalent universities. Faculty members teaching at NSU MBA are all PhD qualified. Classes of the MBA program are held seven days a week (Sun-Sat), with 3-hour study time for each class. Weekdays classes are held in two slots, one starting at 3pm and the other at 7pm. For EMBA, classes are scheduled on only on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so that the professionals can join the program. The MBA at NSU is a 60-credit program (20 courses of 3 credits each) with five components – foundation courses (27 credits), advanced courses (15 credits), integrative courses (3 credits), concentration courses (12 credits) and open electives (3 credits). EMBA on the other hand is a 50-credit program with components such as Foundation courses (15 credits), Functional Core Courses (23 credits) and major courses (12 credits). NSU MBA and EMBA offer major in Finance, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Management, Management Information Systems, and Supply Chain Management.


Director's Message

When asked why a student should choose NSU-MBA and EMBA, I always mention four reasons; our global recognition, highly qualified faculty members, wider network, and industry-oriented curriculum.

We are accredited by ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs).  This means our degree is highly acceptable both locally and internationally. This accreditation also signifies our high standards of teaching, state of the art facilities, and commitment to continuous enhancement of the quality of the programs.

We have the best faculty members. I feel proud to inform that our entire faculty members in the MBA Program are PhD qualified. In EMBA Program, we have faculty members with vast industry experience which makes the program more practical and industry-focused.

We facilitate networking. Currently we have 5958 alumni serving worldwide. We trust that our alumni can be the role models to our existing students and can help our students to start their careers in promising manners. Not only alumni, we have academic collaborations with number of top Business Schools in the world. We regularly invite corporate managers in academic seminars which not only establish a network between students and corporates but also help our students to realize the current practices of the industry.   

We contribute to the human development. Our students are working in the top positions and leading the sustainable businesses. Thanks to our distinguished faculty members who transformed them into human resources and leaders. We are continuously striving to enhance the quality of education in our programs through updating the course curriculum according to the global and industry benchmarks. Our faculty members use result-oriented teaching methods (such as, case studies and software applications) which help the students to develop those skills that are most demanding in the job market.

Dear future leaders – if you want to make your EMBA/MBA Degree an asset of your life, I welcome you to join our wider network of distinguished faculty members, top corporate managers, and remarkable alumni.                

Dr. Nazlee Siddiqui
Professor and Director
MBA and EMBA Programs


The MBA program aims at developing managers and leaders of the 21st century. Flexible and career-oriented,it is designed to meet the needs of professionals in the corporate world.  The MBA program has been designed following the guidelines of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the highest accreditation body of business schools in USA.

The program is open to all university graduates preparing for major career advancements. NSU faculty members are educated and trained in North American or universities or their equivalent. Classes are held seven days a week (Sun-Sat), with 3-hour study time for each class. Weekdays classes are held in two slots, one starting at 3pm and the other at 7pm to accommodate the schedules of full-time professionals.

The academic programs are offered throughout the year in three semester: Spring, Summer and Fall. Each term spans 13 weeks.  The Spring term begins in January, Summer in May, and Fall in September.

Students can choose to do major in Management, Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems (MIS) and Supply Chain Management (SCM).

NSU has agreements for academic cooperation and exchange programs with many foreign universities.


Foundation Courses                                                                               (27 Cr)

  • BUS 500 Communication Skills for Managers                      Non Cr
  • BUS 501 Business Math
  • BUS 505 Accounting Principles
  • BUS 511 Business Statistics
  • BUS 516 Computer Information Systems
  • BUS 518 Business Law and Ethics
  • BUS 520 Management and Organizational Behavior
  • BUS 525 Managerial Economics
  • BUS 530 Economic Conditions Analysis
  • BUS 535 Business Research Methods

Advanced Courses                                                                                  (15 Cr)

  • BUS 601 Human Resource Management
  • BUS 620 Marketing Management
  • BUS 635 Managerial Finance
  • BUS 650 Operations Management
  • BUS 685 International Business

Integrative Course                                                                                  (3 Cr)

  • BUS 690 Strategic Management

Major Courses                                                                                        (12 Cr)
(Any 4 from a major)


  • FIN 635             Financial Analysis and Control
  • FIN 637             Investment Theory
  • FIN 639             Corporate Finance
  • FIN 640             Real Estate Finance
  • FIN 642             Financial Markets and Institutions
  • FIN 643             Capital Investment Decision
  • FIN 644             Commercial Bank Management
  • FIN 645             International Financial Management
  • FIN 646             Theory of Finance
  • FIN 647             Financial Derivatives
  • FIN 649             Special Topics in Finance (Capital Budgeting)
  • FIN 650             Project Appraisal
  • FIN 680             Case Studies in Finance


  • MGT 601 Management Thought
  • MGT 602 Management Science
  • MGT 604 Organizational Development & Change
  • MGT 605 Industrial Relations (rename in 043)
  • MGT 607 Entrepreneurship
  • MGT 610 Management of Innovation and Technology
  • MGT 619 Services Management
  • MGT 656 Leadership Theory and Practice
  • MGT 660 Comparative Management
  • MGT 670 Strategic Planning
  • MGT 675 Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • MGT 680 Supply Chain Management 
  • MGT 682 Environmental Management
  • MGT 690 Seminar on Advanced Management    


  • MKT 621 Buyer Behavior
  • MKT 623 Promotional Management
  • MKT 624 Brand Management
  • MKT 625 Distribution Management
  • MKT 626 Retail Management and Merchandising
  • MKT 627 Services Marketing
  • MKT 628 Digital Marketing
  • MKT 629 Product Planning and Development
  • MKT 630 Business-to-Business Marketing
  • MKT 631 Marketing Research
  • MKT 633 Global Marketing
  • MKT 634 Marketing Strategy
  • MKT 635 Special topics in Marketing
  • MKT 636 Marketing Analytics


  • HRM 602 Human Resource Planning and Staffing
  • HRM 603 Training and Development
  • HRM 604 Performance Appraisal and Compensation Systems
  • HRM 605 Industrial Relations
  • HRM 610 Employment and Labor Laws in Bangladesh
  • HRM 631 Managerial Skills Development
  • HRM 645 Interpersonal Relations and Group Dynamics
  • HRM 650 Managing High Performance
  • HRM 660 Strategic Human Resource Management
  • HRM 675 Advanced Wage and Employment Theory
  • HRM 680 Comparative Perspectives on HRM
  • HRM 690 Special Topics in Human Resource Management



  • MIS 651 System Design and Development
  • MIS 652 Management Information Systems
  • MIS 653 E-Business Strategies
  • MIS 654 Database Management
  • MIS 655 E-Government and Information Ethics
  • MIS 657 Business Analytics and Data Science
  • MIS 661 Decision Support and Expert Systems
  • MIS 662 Advanced Database Management
  • MIS 663 IT Entrepreneurship
  • MIS 664 Seminar on Advanced MIS
  • MIS 665 Information Security and Policies
  • MIS 666 IT Project Management
  • MIS 667 Networking for Corporate Management
  • MIS 668 Knowledge Management in Business Organizations 


  • SCM 601/MGT 680 Supply Chain Management  (mandatory)
  • SCM 602 Managing Global Supply Chain              
  • SCM 603 Procurement and Sourcing                    
  • SCM 604 Supply Chain Management Strategies  
  • SCM 605 Supply Chain Analytics                          
  • SCM 606 Distribution Management                     
  • SCM 607 Demand Planning and Inventory Management
  • SCM 608 Green Supply Chain Management

Open Electives                                                                                       (3 Cr)

  • Any courses from the above MBA major areas.
Degree Requirements

A student must complete the required number of credits with a minimum CGPA of 2.75/4.00 to earn the MBA degree. To continue in the program a student must be in good standing (i.e. maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.5 at all levels of academic advancement). If in any semester the CGPA drops below 2.5 the student is put on academic probation.  A student will be dismissed after being on probation for two consecutive semesters.

Students who have completed similar courses at their undergraduate or graduate levels from recognized institutions are eligible for waiver of a maximum of 12 credit hours from the foundation level courses.  A waiver decision will be made upon a student’s admission to the program.  A student may apply for a maximum of 12 credit hours to be transferred to NSU if he/she has completed similar graduate level courses at other recognized institutions. Students may also be eligible for course waiver up to 6 credit hours if they have two years’ uninterrupted full-time work experience. At least 36 credit hours must be completed at NSU for the degree (residency requirement). The decision of the university is final on the issue of waiver or transfer of credit.

Financial Information

Total cost of the program ranges from Taka 2,35,000 to Taka 3,92,500, depending on the standing of the student at the time of admission.  All fees are subject to change.  Please check with the MBA Program Office for the most recent fee structure.

Cost/Fee Structure                                 Amount

Tuition Fee per credit                             Tk. 6,000

Student Activity Fee per semester         Tk. 3,000

Computer Lab Fee per semester            Tk. 2,500

Library Fee per semester                       Tk. 1,000

Please note that all students must pay a non-refundable, one time only admission fee of Tk. 20,000.

North South University recognizes the need for supporting meritorious and needy students.  The support is provided through SCHOLARSHIP/FINANCIAL AID.  Continuation of financial aid or assistantship is subject to satisfactory academic performance. Please check with the MBA Programs Office for details.



New students are admitted to the program THREE times a year (in Spring, Summer and Fall).  Applications must be submitted within the deadline announced for the semester of intake.  All admission queries should be directed to the MBA Program Office, School of Business and Economics.  To be eligible to apply for admission a candidate will require

  • A minimum of 15 years of schooling prior to MBA.
  • A bachelor’s degree in any discipline. (Please note that two-year BA/B.Sc./B.Com degrees do not fulfill the 15-year schooling requirement; a master’s degree will be required in such cases.)
  • At least second division/class with 45% or above marks in all public examinations, or a CGPA of 2.75/ 4.00 point scale in applicable cases.

The final decision on admission is taken on the basis of the following.

  • Past academic performance (at high school, college, and university levels).
  • Scores of the admission test administered by NSU.
    The NSU administered admission test may be waived if an applicant has scored 550 (213 in CBT) or above in both TOEFL and GMAT.
  • Waiver of written test for candidates with undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above from NSU.
  • Interview with the Admission Committee.
  • Work experience in managerial positions.

The MBA admission test at NSU is very similar to GMAT in structure. There are five sections in the test: Reading Comprehension, English Grammar, Quantitative Aptitude, Data Sufficiency and Essay writing.  The test takes about three hours to complete. 

Application packages can be found online at Students can apply online by filling out the required forms and paying Taka 1,500 through bKash, Rocket, VISA, Master card, DBBL Nexus, etc. Only completed applications will be processed. A complete application includes:

  • A Graduate application form, completed and signed
  • Candidate’s two passport-sized signed photographs and National ID.
  • Parent’s PP Photographs and photocopy of National ID.
  • One set of photocopies of all previous certificates and transcripts (mark sheets), notarized or attested. Incomplete or improper attestation will deem the application void.
  • One set of appointment letter(s) and experience certificate(s), if any (attested).
  • Statement of Purpose of 350 words.


North South University welcomes international students. Special consideration is given to the students from SAARC countries and South and Southeast Asia.  Prospective students are advised to contact the Director, MBA Programs, by email at

International students are advised to process their application at least six months prior to the commencement of the program.  Students should ask the Educational Testing Service send their GMAT score directly to the Director, MBA Program. The code number of North South University is 2505. Foreign nationals currently living in Bangladesh may take the NSU admission test in lieu of GMAT. All international students must provide a financial solvency certificate from a bank.  The document must mention that the applicant or the sponsor has the ability to bear the educational and related expenses of the student during the period of study at North South University.  The applicant must also hold valid visa to study at NSU. Responsibility of getting a visa from a Bangladesh Consulate lies with the student. NSU does not provide accommodation, housing or dormitory facility.



Core Faculty Members


Dr. Ziaul Haq Adnan

Ph.D. (The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA)

Dr. Sharif Nurul Ahkam

DBA (Kent State University, USA)

Dr. Jashim Uddin Ahmed

Ph.D. (Manchester University, UK)

Dr. Rafayal Ahmed

Ph.D., Northwestern University, USA

Dr. Alima Aktar

Ph.D (University of Utara Malaysia, UUM)

Dr. Md. Shahedul Alam

Ph.D.  (University of Waterloo, Canada)

Dr. Sakib Bin Amin

Ph.D. (Durham University, UK)

Dr. Nekmahmud Argon

Ph.D. (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Budapest)

Dr. M. Hafizur Rahman Arman

Ph.D. (Purdue University, USA)

Dr. Samim Al Azad

Ph.D. (Seoul National University)

Dr. Abdul Hannan Chowdhury

Vice Chancellor, NSU

Ph.D. (Northeastern University, USA)

Dr. Tamgid Ahmed Chowdhury
Ph.D. (Macquarie University, Australia)

Dr. Mainul Islam Chowdhury

Ph.D. Northern  Illinois University

Dr. Muhammad Faisol Chowdhury

Ph.D. (University of Glasgow, UK)

Dr. Syed Mortaza Asif Ehsan

Ph.D. (University of Virginia Tech)

Dr. Mohammad Islam Biswas

Ph.D. (Xiamen University, China)

Dr. Fahim Faisal

Ph.D, (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

Dr. Gour Gobinda Goswami
Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin, USA)

Dr. Ummaha Tul Hazra

Ph.D.  (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Dr. Samiul Haque

Ph.D. (Purdue University, USA)

Dr. M. Ismail Hossain
Ph.D. (University of Toronto, Canada)

Dr. Javed Hossain

Ph.D., Iowa State University , USA

Dr. S. S. M. Sadrul Huda

Ph.D. (Asia-E-University, Malaysia)

Dr. Md. Tamhid Ul Islam

Ph.D. (Aston University, UK)

Dr. Farhana Islam [FI]

Ph.D., University of Newcastle, Australia

Dr. Mehree Iqbal

Ph.D. (Curtin University, Australia)

Dr. Zulkarin Jahangir

Ph.D. (University of London)

Dr. Md. Nurul Kabir

Ph.D. (Griffith University, Australia)

Dr. AKM Waresul Karim

Dean, School of Business and Economics

Ph.D. (University of Leeds, UK)

Dr. Atikur Rahman Khan

Ph.D. (Monash University, Australia)

Dr. Md. Syeed Uz Zaman Khan

Ph.D., University of Manitoba, Canada

Dr. Abu Nahian Faisal Khan

Ph.D. (University of New Orleans,New  Orlens,LA)

Dr. Tanvir Nabi Khan

Ph.D. (The University of Nottingham, UK)

Dr. Saima Khan

Ph.D., National University of Singapore

Dr. Shamim Ahmed Khan

Ph.D., Monash University, Malaysia

Dr. Tareq Mahbub

Ph.D.(Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)

Dr. Khandaker Md.Nahin Mamun

Ph.D. (University of  Strathclyde, Glasgow)

Dr. M. Khasro Miah
Ph.D. (Nagoya University, Japan)

Dr. FJ Mohaimen

Ph.D. (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)

Dr. Farzana Nahid

Ph.D. (University  Of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Dr. Kanti Ananta Nuzhat

Ph.D. (Monash University, Australia)

Dr. Tapas Kumar Paul [TPA]

Ph.D., University of Missouri, Columbia, USA

Dr. Asad Karim Khan Priyo

Ph.D. (University of Toronto, Canada)

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Ph.D. (University of Western, Sydney)

Dr. Mehe Z. Rahman

Ph.D. (National University of Malaysia)

Dr. A.F.M. Ataur Rahman
Ph.D. (American University, Washington DC, USA)

Dr. A.K.M. Atiqur Rahman
Ph.D. (University of Houston, USA)

Dr. Mustafa Abdur Rahman
Ph.D. (University of Western Sydney, Australia)

Dr. Muhammad Sabbir Rahman

Ph.D. (International Islamic University, Malaysia)

Dr. Sungida Rashid

Ph.D. (Southern Illinois University, USA)

Dr. Mahmud A. Shareef
Ph.D. (Carleton University, Canada)

Dr. Nazlee Siddiqui

Director, MBA and EMBA Programs

Ph.D. (Western Sydney University, Australia)

Dr. Md. Shamim Talukder

Ph.D. (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

Dr. Ahmed Tazmeen

Ph.D. (University of Manitoba, Canada)

Dr. Zerin Tasnim

Ph.D. (University Putra Malaysia)

Dr. Ahmed Sadek Yousuf

Ph.D. (University of Arkansas, USA)

Dr. Muslima Zahan

Ph.D. (University of Turin, Italy)












Adjunct/Visiting Faculty Members


Dr. Kamal Uddin Ahmed

Ph.D. (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)

Major Gen. Monirul Islam Akhand NDC, psc (retd)

MBA (University of South Florida, USA)

Dr. Kh. Mezbahduddin Ahmed

Ph.D. (Athens University, Athens, Greece)

Dr. Ireen Akhter

Ph.D. (IBA, University of Dhaka)

Dr. Sarkar Ali Akkas

Ph.D. (University of Wollongong, Australia)

Dr. Nasrin Akter

Ph.D. (RMIT University, Australia)

Dr. Md. Razib Alam

Ph.D. (University of Waterloo, Canada)

Dr. Amin Masud Ali

Ph.D. (University of Manchester, UK)

Dr. Mahmudul Anam

Ph.D. (Carleton University, Ontario)

Dr. Abdullahil Azeem

Ph.D. (The University of Western Ontario, Canada)

Dr. Zaid Bakht

Ph.D.  (Cornell University, USA)

Dr. Prashanta Kumar Banerjee

Ph.D. (Panjab University, India)

Dr. Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian

Ph.D. (University of London, UK)

Dr. Mohammad Monzur Morshed Bhuiyan

Ph.D. (University of Southern Queensland, Australia)

Dr. Mahboob Uddin Chowdhury

Ph.D. (Nagoya University, Japan)

Dr. Kanchan Das

Ph.D. (University of Windsor, ON, Canada)

Dr. Chowdhury Saima Ferdous

Ph.D. (University of Birmingham, UK)

Dr. Osman Gani

Ph.D. (Meiji University, Japan)

Dr. Md. Hasanuzzaman

Ph.D. (National Institute of Informatics (NII),  Japan)

Dr. Mohammad Monirul Hasan

Ph.D. (University of Bonn, Germany)

Dr. M. Ahsan Akhtar Hasin

Ph.D. (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)

Dr. Ahsan Habib

Ph.D. (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

Dr. Md. Rakibul Haque

Ph.D. (Huazhon University of Science and Technology, China)

Dr. H. M. Mosarof Hossain

Ph.D. (University of Dhaka)

Dr. Md. Motaher Hossain

Ph.D. (University of Helsinki, Finland

Dr. Muhammad  Ismail Hossain

Ph.D. (Monash University, Australia)

Dr. Nazmul Hossain

Ph.D. (Kyushu University, Japan)

Dr. M. Mosharref Hossain

Ph.D. (University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia)

Dr. Sheikh Mohammed Rafiul Huque

Ph.D. (Yokohama National University, Japan)

Dr. Gazi Muhammad Hasan Jamil

Ph.D. (Concordia University, Canada)

Dr. Monwarul Islam

Ph.D. (Okayma University, Japan)

Dr. Md. Shariful Alam Khandakar

Ph.D. (UUM, Malaysia)

Dr. Ziaur Rahman

Ph.D. (International Islamic University, Malaysia)

Dr. Kais Zaman

Ph.D. (Vanderbilt University, USA)

Dr. Mohammad Thoufiqul Islam

Ph.D. ( Ritsumeikan University, Japan)

Dr. K.M. Zahidul Islam

Ph.D.  (University Helsinki, Finland)

Dr. Abul Khayer

Ph.D. (Huazhong University, China)

Dr. Mubina Khondkar

Ph.D. (University of Manchester, UK)

Dr. Nazmul Amin Majumdar

Ph.D. (Monash University, Australia)

Dr. A.K.M. Masud

Ph.D. (Mie University, Japan)

Dr. M. Rafiqul Matin

Ph.D. (University of Dhaka)

Dr. Mohammed Moslehuddin

Ph.D. (The Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)

Dr. Abdul Moyeen

Ph.D. (University of Stirling, UK)

Dr. Abu Reza M. Muzareba

Ph.D. (University of Sheffield, UK)

Dr. Anamul Haque Sajib

Ph.D. (University of Nothingham, UK)

Dr. M. Masud Rahman

Ph.D. (Aligarh Muslim University, India)

Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman

Ph.D. (University of Dhaka)

Dr. Md. Baktiar Rana

Ph.D. (Yokohama National University, Japan)

Dr. Nadia Newaz Rimi

Ph.D. (University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)

Dr. Mohammad Rabiul Basher Rubel

Ph.D. (University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)

Dr. Abdus Sattar

Ph.D. (Kiev Institute of National Economy, Kiev, USSR)

Dr. Ferdous Sarwar

Ph.D. (North Dakota State University, USA)

Dr. A. K. Fazlul H. Shah

Ph.D. (Northeastern University, USA)

Dr. Muhammad Saifuddin

Ph.D. (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)

Dr. Md. Samiullah

Ph.D. (Monash University, Australia)

Dr. Abdus Sattar

Ph.D. (Kiev Institute of National Economy, USSR)

Dr. Mohammad Tareq

Ph.D. (RMIT University, Melbourne)

Dr. Md. Azad  Uddin

Ph.D. (Hiroshima University, Japan)

Dr. Muhammad Shariat Ullah

Ph.D. ( Ritsumeikan University, Japan)

Dr. Shima Zaman

Ph.D. (Jacquarie University, Australia)

Dr. Moniruzzama, FCA,ACMA, AFHEA

Ph.D. (University of Essex, UK)

Dr. Nasir Uddin Ahmed

Ph.D. (University of Sydney, Australia)

Dr. Mansura Akter

Ph.D. (University of Dhaka)

Mr. K.M. Jamshed uz Zaman

M.A (Yale University, USA)




MBA Programs Office

Room 631, 6th Floor, North Academic Building

15 B Bashundhara, Dhaka 1229

Phone: +880 2 5566-8200 ext1760/1765/1764/1763




Dr. Nazlee Siddiqui, Director

Md. Mahbubul Alam, Senior Administrative Officer


Mr. Shahedul Haq Khan Majlish—Extension 1764

Mr. Jawhar Lal Dhar – Extension 1760

Ms. Nahida Arafat – Extension 6309

Mr. Ahmed Imran – Extension 6307

Overview of EMBA Program

North South University (NSU), the premier private university in Bangladesh was established by the NSU Foundation with the initiative of a group of philanthropists, industrialists, bureaucrats, and academics. The government of Bangladesh approved the establishment of North South University in 1992 under Private University Act (PUA) 1992. The university follows American system-semesters, credit hours, letter grades, one examiner system, etc. Its curriculum when first introduced, were reviewed by relevant departments of University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and University of California at Berkeley, USA and duly approved by UGC, Bangladesh. Academic curriculum of the programs are continually updated and adapted to meet the needs of the corporate arena. The EMBA curriculum recognizes and incorporates emerging trends, concepts, cases, and issues of globalization.

The NSU School of Business and Economics (SBE) created history by becoming the first Business School in Bangladesh to receive American accreditation.  The SBE received accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), USA.  Accreditation from ACBSP validates the quality of the education the SBE provides.

The EMBA program of the School of Business and Economics, North South University aims at developing managers and leaders of the 21st century. It is flexible, career oriented, and designed to meet the needs of the professionals in various fields, viz., Business, Engineering, Social science, Medicine, and so on. 

The program can be completed within three to four semesters (about 1 –1½ years). Students who have completed relevant coursework at their undergraduate or graduate levels may apply for waiver up to 15 credit hours (or five courses). If a student can take the full advantage of course waiver, he/she can complete the EMBA Program within three semesters.

Faculty members teaching in the EMBA Program either have PhD from North American or equivalent universities or top-level corporate executives with long industry experiences.

Classes in the EMBA Program are scheduled from 7:00 PM to 10:30 PM on Thursday; 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM and 7:00 PM to 10:30 PM on Friday; and 3:00 PM to 6:30 PM and 7:00 PM to 10:30 PM on Saturday. There is a break of 30 minutes in the middle of each class.  Refreshments are served to students during the break.  The lecture timings are convenient for working professionals.

The NSU EMBA is a 50-credit program (16 courses of 3 credits each and one course of 2 credit hours) with three major components - foundation courses (15 credits), functional core courses (23 credits), and concentration courses (12 credits). Foundation courses prepare students with a broad base in quantitative areas, Economics, Management, Marketing, and Research Methodology. These courses must be completed before taking the functional core courses. The functional core courses comprise of a course in International Business and four courses in the functional areas of Management. Concentration courses (or major areas) in Finance, Human Resource Management, Management, Marketing, Management Information Systems and Supply Chain  Management develop specialized skills in specific areas. Students are required to complete courses in a predetermined sequence offered throughout the year.



New students are admitted to the program THREE times a year (in Spring, Summer and Fall).  Applications must be submitted within the deadline announced in the admission advertisement.  All admission queries should be directed to the EMBA Program Office, School of Business and Economics, NSU.  To be eligible to apply for admission a candidate will require:

  1. A four-year Bachelor’s or a three-year Honor’s degree or a Master’s degree in any discipline.
  2. At least Second Class in all exams or a minimum CGPA of 2.75 on a 4-point scale.
  3. At least three years of continuous work experience as executive after graduation. Candidates with a two-year Bachelor’s degree will require five years of work experience to be eligible for admission.
  4. Candidates do not require to sit for a written test, however, must pass an oral test for admission.

The final decision on admission is taken on the basis of the following:

  • Past academic performance (at high school, college, and university levels).
  • Scores of interview administered by NSU.
  • Interview with the Admission Committee.
  • Work experience in managerial positions.

Application packages can be found online at Students can apply online by filling out the required forms and paying Taka 1,500 through bKash, Rocket, VISA, Master card, DBBL Nexus, etc.  Only complete applications will be processed.  A complete application should include:

  • A graduate application form duly filled online
  • Candidate’s passport sized scanned photograph and e-signature.

Candidates should submit the following documents on the date of interview:

  • Candidate’s two copies of passport size photographs and photocopy of National ID (NID).
  • Parents’ passport sized signed Photographs and Photocopies of NID.
  • One set of notarized or attested photocopies of all previous certificates and transcripts (mark sheets). Incomplete or improper attestation will deem the application void.
  • One set of appointment letter(s) and experience certificate(s) (attested).


    North South University welcomes international students for admission. Special consideration is given to the students from SAARC countries and Southeast Asia.  Prospective students are advised to contact the Director, EMBA Programs, through email at:

    International students are advised to process their application at least six months prior to the commencement of the program.  Students should advise the Educational Testing Service to send their GMAT score directly to the Director, EMBA Program. The code number of North South University is 2505. Foreign nationals currently living in Bangladesh may take the NSU admission interview in lieu of GMAT. All international students must provide a financial solvency certificate from a bank. The document must mention that the applicant or the sponsor has the ability to bear the educational and related expenses of the student during the period of study at North South University.  The applicant must also hold valid visa to study at NSU. Responsibility of getting a visa from a Bangladesh Consulate lies with the student. NSU does not provide accommodation or housing or dormitory facility.

Financial Information about EMBA Program

Total cost of the program ranges from Taka 2,47,000 to Taka 3,51,000, depending on the standing of the student at the time of admission.  All fees are subject to change.  Please check with the EMBA Program Office for the most recent fee structure.

Cost/Fee Structure  Amount

Tuition Fee per credit                             Tk. 6,500

Student Activity Fee per semester         Tk. 3,000

Computer Lab Fee per semester            Tk. 2,500

Library Fee per semester                       Tk. 1,000

Please note that all students must pay a non-refundable, one time only admission fee of Tk. 20,000.

North South University recognizes the need for supporting meritorious and needy students. The support is provided through SCHOLARSHIP/FINANCIAL AID.  Continuation of financial aid is subject to satisfactory academic performance. Please check with the EMBA Program Office for details.

Degree requirements

A student must complete the required number of courses (and credits) with a ‘B-’ average (i.e., with a minimum CGPA of 2.70/4.0) to earn the EMBA degree. To continue in the program a student must be in good academic standing by maintaining a minimum CGPA of 2.5. If in any semester the CGPA drops below 2.5 the student is put on academic probation.  A student will be dismissed after being on probation for two consecutive semesters.

Students who have completed similar courses at their undergraduate or graduate levels from recognized institutions are eligible for waiver of a maximum of 15 credit hours (or five courses) from the foundation level courses. A waiver decision will be made upon a student’s admission to the program.  As the residency requirement at least 35 credit hours must be completed at NSU for the degree. The decision of the university is final on the issue of waiver of credit.


Foundation Courses                                                                               (15 Cr)

  • EMB 500 Communication Skills for Managers
  • EMB 501 Quantitative Tools in Business
  • EMB 502 Business Economics
  • EMB 510 Principles of Accounting and Finance
  • EMB 520 Principles of Management and Marketing

Functional Core Courses                                                                        (23 Cr)

  • EMB 601 Organizational Behavior
  • EMB 602 Human Resource Management
  • EMB 620 Strategic Marketing
  • EMB 650 Operations Management
  • EMB 660 Corporate Finance
  • EMB 670 International Business
  • EMB 690 Strategic Management
  • BUS 700 Seminar

Major Courses                                                                                        (12 Cr)
(Any 4 from a major)


  • FIN 635       Financial Analysis and Control
  • FIN 637       Investment Theory
  • FIN 640       Real Estate Finance
  • FIN 642       Financial Markets and Institutions
  • FIN 643       Capital Investment Decision
  • FIN 644       Commercial Bank Management
  • FIN 645       International Financial Management
  • FIN 646       Theory of Finance
  • FIN 647       Financial Derivatives
  • FIN 649       Special Topics in Finance (Capital Budgeting)
  • FIN 650       Project Appraisal
  • FIN 680       Case Studies in Finance



  • MGT 601 Management Thought
  • MGT 602 Management Science
  • MGT 604 Organizational Development & Change
  • MGT 605 Industrial Relations 
  • MGT 607 Entrepreneurship
  • MGT 610 Management of Innovation and Technology
  • MGT 619 Services Management
  • MGT 656 Leadership Theory and Practice
  • MGT 660 Comparative Management
  • MGT 670 Strategic Planning
  • MGT 675 Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • MGT 680 Supply Chain Management 
  • MGT 682 Environmental Management
  • MGT 690 Seminar on Advanced Management


  • MKT 621 Buyer Behavior
  • MKT 623 Promotional Management
  • MKT 624 Brand Management
  • MKT 625 Distribution Management
  • MKT 626 Retail Management and Merchandising
  • MKT 627 Services Marketing
  • MKT 628 Digital Marketing
  • MKT 629 Product Planning and Development
  • MKT 630 Business-to-Business Marketing
  • MKT 631 Marketing Research
  • MKT 633 Global Marketing
  • MKT 635 Special topics in Marketing
  • MKT 636 Marketing Analytics



  • HRM 602 Human Resource Planning and Staffing
  • HRM 603 Training and Development
  • HRM 604 Performance Appraisal and Compensation Systems
  • HRM 605 Industrial Relations
  • HRM 610 Employment and Labor Laws in Bangladesh
  • HRM 631 Managerial Skills Development
  • HRM 645 Interpersonal Relations and Group Dynamics
  • HRM 650 Managing High Performance
  • HRM 660 Strategic Human Resource Management
  • HRM 675 Advanced Wage and Employment Theory
  • HRM 680 Comparative Perspectives on HRM
  • HRM 690 Special Topics in Human Resource Management



  • MIS 651 System Design and Development                  
  • MIS 652 Management Information Systems  (mandatory)
  • MIS 653 E-Business Strategies                                    
  • MIS 654 Database Management                                 
  • MIS 655 E-Government and Information Ethics         
  • MIS 657 Business Analytics and Data Science             
  • MIS 661 Decision Support and Expert Systems          
  • MIS 662 Advanced Database Management                
  • MIS 663  IT Entrepreneurship                                     
  • MIS 664 Seminar on Advanced MIS                            
  • MIS 665 Information Security and Policies                 
  • MIS 666 IT Project Management                                 
  • MIS 667 Networking for Corporate Management       
  • MIS 668 Knowledge Management in Business Organizations



  • SCM 601/MGT 680 Supply Chain Management  (mandatory)
  • SCM 602 Managing Global Supply Chain                      
  • SCM 603 Procurement and Sourcing                            
  • SCM 604 Supply Chain Management Strategies          
  • SCM 605 Supply Chain Analytics                                  
  • SCM 606 Distribution Management                             
  • SCM 607 Demand Planning and Inventory Management
  • SCM 608 Green Supply Chain Management
Core Faculty Members


Dr. Ziaul Haq Adnan

Ph.D. (The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA)

Dr. Sharif Nurul Ahkam

DBA (Kent State University, USA)

Dr. Jashim Uddin Ahmed

Ph.D. (Manchester University, UK)

Dr. Rafayal Ahmed

Ph.D., Northwestern University, USA

Dr. Alima Aktar

Ph.D (University of Utara Malaysia, UUM)

Dr. Md. Shahedul Alam

Ph.D.  (University of Waterloo, Canada)

Dr. Sakib Bin Amin

Ph.D. (Durham University, UK)

Dr. Nekmahmud Argon

Ph.D. (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Budapest)

Dr. M. Hafizur Rahman Arman

Ph.D. (Purdue University, USA)

Dr. Samim Al Azad

Ph.D. (Seoul National University)

Dr. Abdul Hannan Chowdhury

Vice Chancellor, NSU

Ph.D. (Northeastern University, USA)

Dr. Tamgid Ahmed Chowdhury
Ph.D. (Macquarie University, Australia)

Dr. Mainul Islam Chowdhury

Ph.D. Northern  Illinois University

Dr. Muhammad Faisol Chowdhury

Ph.D. (University of Glasgow, UK)

Dr. Syed Mortaza Asif Ehsan

Ph.D. (University of Virginia Tech)

Dr. Mohammad Islam Biswas

Ph.D. (Xiamen University, China)

Dr. Fahim Faisal

Ph.D, (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

Dr. Gour Gobinda Goswami
Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin, USA)

Dr. Ummaha Tul Hazra

Ph.D.  (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Dr. Samiul Haque

Ph.D. (Purdue University, USA)

Dr. M. Ismail Hossain
Ph.D. (University of Toronto, Canada)

Dr. Javed Hossain

Ph.D., Iowa State University , USA

Dr. S. S. M. Sadrul Huda

Ph.D. (Asia-E-University, Malaysia)

Dr. Md. Tamhid Ul Islam

Ph.D. (Aston University, UK)

Dr. Farhana Islam [FI]

Ph.D., University of Newcastle, Australia

Dr. Mehree Iqbal

Ph.D. (Curtin University, Australia)

Dr. Zulkarin Jahangir

Ph.D. (University of London)

Dr. Md. Nurul Kabir

Ph.D. (Griffith University, Australia)

Dr. AKM Waresul Karim

Dean, School of Business and Economics

Ph.D. (University of Leeds, UK)

Dr. Atikur Rahman Khan

Ph.D. (Monash University, Australia)

Dr. Md. Syeed Uz Zaman Khan

Ph.D., University of Manitoba, Canada

Dr. Abu Nahian Faisal Khan

Ph.D. (University of New Orleans,New  Orlens,LA)

Dr. Tanvir Nabi Khan

Ph.D. (The University of Nottingham, UK)

Dr. Saima Khan

Ph.D., National University of Singapore

Dr. Shamim Ahmed Khan

Ph.D., Monash University, Malaysia

Dr. Tareq Mahbub

Ph.D.(Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)

Dr. Khandaker Md.Nahin Mamun

Ph.D. (University of  Strathclyde, Glasgow)

Dr. M. Khasro Miah
Ph.D. (Nagoya University, Japan)

Dr. FJ Mohaimen

Ph.D. (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)

Dr. Farzana Nahid

Ph.D. (University  Of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Dr. Kanti Ananta Nuzhat

Ph.D. (Monash University, Australia)

Dr. Tapas Kumar Paul [TPA]

Ph.D., University of Missouri, Columbia, USA

Dr. Asad Karim Khan Priyo

Ph.D. (University of Toronto, Canada)

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Ph.D. (University of Western, Sydney)

Dr. Mehe Z. Rahman

Ph.D. (National University of Malaysia)

Dr. A.F.M. Ataur Rahman
Ph.D. (American University, Washington DC, USA)

Dr. A.K.M. Atiqur Rahman
Ph.D. (University of Houston, USA)

Dr. Mustafa Abdur Rahman
Ph.D. (University of Western Sydney, Australia)

Dr. Muhammad Sabbir Rahman

Ph.D. (International Islamic University, Malaysia)

Dr. Sungida Rashid

Ph.D. (Southern Illinois University, USA)

Dr. Mahmud A. Shareef
Ph.D. (Carleton University, Canada)

Dr. Nazlee Siddiqui

Director, MBA and EMBA Programs

Ph.D. (Western Sydney University, Australia)

Dr. Md. Shamim Talukder

Ph.D. (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

Dr. Ahmed Tazmeen

Ph.D. (University of Manitoba, Canada)

Dr. Zerin Tasnim

Ph.D. (University Putra Malaysia)

Dr. Ahmed Sadek Yousuf

Ph.D. (University of Arkansas, USA)

Dr. Muslima Zahan

Ph.D. (University of Turin, Italy)












EMBA Program Office

Room 631, 6th Floor, North Academic Building

15 B Bashundhara, Dhaka 1229

Phone: +880 2 5566-8200 ext. 1760/1765/1764/1763




Dr. Nazlee Siddiqui, Director

Md. Mahbubul Alam, Senior Administrative Officer



Mr. Shahedul Haq Khan Majlish—Extension 1764

Mr. Jawhar Lal Dhar – Extension 1760

Ms. Nahida Arafat – Extension 6309

Mr. Ahmed Imran – Extension 6307