Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Program : Bachelor of Law (LLB Hons) - 153 Curriculum


The new curriculum of LL.B. (honors)program contains 130 credits. Students will have to complete mandatory core law courses, general education courses and free electives. This undergraduate law curriculum has been designed by the academics and experts from Bangladesh, USA and UK. The new LL.B. (honors) curriculum is approved by the University Grants Commission and Bangladesh Bar Council.

Course Description


Core Courses:

LAW 101: Introductions to the Legal System & Legal Processes

This Course will introduce students to the laws of Bangladesh and basic legal skills. The Course will include an overview of the legal system, sources of law, how to read a statute, and the basics of reading case law. In addition, students will become sensitized to the needs of traditionally vulnerable groups. The course will also include an overview of how to enroll with the Bar Council. (3 Credits)

Law 201: The Constitutional Law of Bangladesh

This course will on the Constitution of Bangladesh, particularly separation of powers, various duties and obligations assigned to specific braches of the government, and fundamental rights of citizens. The course will emphasize analyzing existing case law and understanding the process of public interest litigation. (4 Credits)

LAW 211: Family and property law

This course will provide an overview of Muslim, Hindu, and Christian family and property laws in Bangladesh. Students who successfully complete the course will be able to apply the appropriate law in the correct situation, compare and contrast the existing family and property laws of Bangladesh, and develop ideas for reform. (4 Credits)

LAW 107: The Law of Contract and Restitution

This course will begin with the basics of forming a contract, particularly offer, acceptance and consideration. It will also discuss situations which make contracts void, Voidable, or unenforceable, as well as remedies for breach of contract- including specific relief and restitution. (4 Credits)

LAW 213: Law of Crimes

This course will begin with the origin and development of criminal law before moving into the essential elements of crime. The course will then introduce students to the major criminal statutes in Bangladesh, particularly the Penal Code, and will provide students the tools necessary to identify crimes in Bangladesh and represent both the accused and alleged victim. (4 Credits)


LAW 301: Law of Evidence and Medical Jurisprudence

This course will provide students an introduction to the law of evidence, including admission, exclusion, and presentation of the evidence. The course will include character evidence, impeachment of witnesses, privilege, hearsay and the basics of medical evidence. Students will be required to learn how to gather and evaluate evidence and will practice raising objections in court through moot trials. (4 Credits)


LAW 311: Law of criminal Procedure

This course will provide students to the basics of Criminal Procedure. Students enrolled in the course will learn all the steps of a criminal case, from filling to appeal, and the statutory requirements of each phase of the process. In addition, this course will cover ethical safeguards built into the criminal justice system, such as protection from double jeopardy and right to innocence until proven guilty. (4 Credits)


LAW 303: Corporate Law

This course will begin with a history company laws beginning from the Crown-period through to the Companies Act, 1994. Students enrolled in the course will then learn how to incorporate, manage, and windup a corporation. Students will also understand the difference between a corporation and other forms of business structure, and be able to advise clients on which form best fits their business needs and goals. (3 Credits)


LAW 314: Legal Ethics

This Course emphasizes the importance of ethics to the legal profession. Students will become familiar with the model rules of professional conduct and the Bangladesh Legal Practitioners and Bar Council Order and rules – and relevant amendments. Students will be presented with real life situations and be required to work through complex ethical situations which might arise in the course of their practice.

 (3 Credits)


LAW 305: Law of Civil Procedures

This course will introduce students to the basics of civil procedures. Students enrolled in the course will learn all the steps for a civil case, from filling to appeal, and the statuary requirements for each phase of the process. In addition, students will learn the importance of assisting clients with mediating civil cases. (4 Credits)


LAW 306: Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Methods

Alternative Dispute Resolution is frequently cited in the key to law reform in Bangladesh because it allows parties in a dispute to quickly develop a mutually agreeable resolution. In this course, students will become familiar with the lawyer’s role in aiding the ADR process as well as learning the basics of mediation and arbitration. (3 Credits)


LAW 417: Property Law and Transfers

This will focus on an in-depth analysis of Transfer of Property Act and The Registration Act- including all relevant amendments. By the end of the course, students will be familiar with the basics of transferring and registering property in Bangladesh, as well as the consequences of and remedies for failure to comply with the law. (4 Credits)


LAW 418: Legal Drafting (Civil and Criminal) and Conveyance

This Class will teach students the proper technique for drafting legal documents for submission to the courts of Bangladesh. During this course students will work under the supervision of a lawyer and draft at least six types of various legal documents for actual cases, both civil and criminal, during the course of the term. (4 Credits)


LAW 419: Fiscal and Taxation Law

This course will introduce students to the revenue, fiscal and taxation system of Bangladesh and the governing laws-including income Tax Ordinance and Bankruptcy Act. The course will also highlight debate and emerging issues in fiscal and taxation law, as well as provide students the tools necessary to contemplate reform. (3 Credits)


LAW 420: Clinical Legal Education and community Legal Service

Students will work 10hours per week with a legal aid NGO or a senior lawyer retained by the University to lead Pro-bono cases. Students will be required to meet with clients, conduct legal research, draft writs and other legal documents, prepare arguments, and observe court attend a weekly class session to learn about the experiences of their peers and seek guidance on difficult cases and ethical situations.(4 Credits)


LAW 405: Labour and Employment Law

This course will familiarize students with the rights and responsibilities set forth in labour and employment laws in Bangladesh, particularly the Labour Act. Students will also compare international labour standards to the current treatment of Bangladeshis working abroad. (3 Credits)


LAW 421: Public International Law

This course will introduce students to several branches of international law, including air/space law, environmental law, and law of the sea, with special emphasis on international human rights law. Students will learn how international law is made and enforce, and will learn proper channels for using as an advocacy tool. (3 Credits)


Elective Courses:

LAW 422: Environmental Law and Policy of Bangladesh

International climate change in expected to have a devastating impact on Bangladesh, yet the environmental continues to be destroyed with oversight or consequences. In this course, students will become familiar with the environmental laws that exist in Bangladesh and how to bring actions under them. (3 Credits)


LAW 423: Land Laws of Bangladesh

This Course will cover the major laws relating to land and agriculture law in Bangladesh, including the use and transfer of land in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The role and function of land administration in Bangladesh will also be discussed in-depth. (3 Credits)

LAW 424: Cyber, Media, and Telecommunications Law

This will cover the basics of the legal framework governing technology, namely the internet, media, and telecommunications. The course will examine the laws governing cyber, media and telecommunication in Bangladesh as well as around the world. Ethical considerations and emerging problems, such as cyber terrorism, will also be addresses. (3 Credits)


LAW 225: Constitutional laws of India, the UK and the USA

In this course students will compare and contrast the constitutional of India, the UK, and US with the constitutional of Bangladesh. Particular emphasis will be placed on major decision from the constitutional courts in India, the UK, and the US might also have an impact on Bangladesh. (3 Credits)


LAW 426: Law of Torts

This course will introduce students to the basics of tort law, such as intentional torts, negligence, nuisance, defamation, and special liability. Students will also begin to explore how increased tort litigation on Bangladesh might lead to improvements in the legal system and the general safety of the population. (3 Credits)


LAW 427: Administrative and Regulatory Law

This course will provide students with the basic principles of administrative and regulatory law in Bangladesh, including its role in supporting good governance and legal remedies for non-compliance. Students will also compare the administrative law in Bangladesh with that in the US and UK. (3 Credits)


LAW 413: Intellectual Property Law

This course will cover the basics of intellectual property law, particularly the law of patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secret. The course will also explore ethical considerations with intellectual property law, such as the right to health v. intellectual property law right for patented, life- saving medicines. (3 Credits)


LAW 414: Research Methodology & Legal Opinion Writing

In the research methodology component of this course, students will be taught how to develop, support, and persuasively present a legal argument. In the legal opinion writing component, students will learn to prepare a legal opinion, and will write their own on a contemporary legal issue of their choosing. (3 Credits)


LAW 415: Law of Public Demands & Loans Recovery

This course will provide an introducing to the process recovering public demands, including filing, service and effect of certificate; objections to the claims and the hearing of objection to certificate; and execution of certificate. It will also address recovery of money-loans advanced by financial institutions and banks. (3 Credits)


LAW 416: Jurisprudence & Legal Theory

Jurisprudence is the study of the natures, norms, and justification of legal systems. Through this course students will confront larger questions on the relationship between justice, legality, and human nature, such as whether morality should be legally binding and to what degree should social norms dictate the laws that govern society. (3 Credits)

Recomended Course Path
Other Info.